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FPS Creator X10 / New NVIDIA 8800GT spotted!

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Posted: 4th Oct 2007 17:45
Here they come, mainstream priced 8800s:

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Posted: 4th Oct 2007 18:01
OMG! *pulls out lasso* I'm going to rustle me up one!

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Posted: 4th Oct 2007 18:03 Edited at: 4th Oct 2007 18:06
And it only uses a single slot too - nice. I love my gts but I really hate double slot video cards.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2007 19:27
i like my take up all the room in my pc gtx card more
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Posted: 6th Oct 2007 01:39
Quote: "And it only uses a single slot too - nice. I love my gts but I really hate double slot video cards."

tekll me about it, i have two of them and i cant fit in my network card! arrg i have to use the crappy usb ones! anyway this should help out those people who wanted new cards

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Posted: 6th Oct 2007 11:13 Edited at: 6th Oct 2007 11:26

Double slots are the reason my upgrade to the 8800 was a problem.
Now, I can get the 8800 in here with no problem, well except one.
I doubt if the price will come down very much since the single slot is a selling point.
Regardless, we have a single slot solution for the 8800 move, so I am estatic.

I did not see a price using the link. Am I overlooking it?
Looks like its release will be close the the FPSC X10 release. Maybe?
I just wish this news was from the source (NVIDIA), instead of through the grapevine.        


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Posted: 7th Oct 2007 11:00
You have to realise that the existing 8800's are dual slot for a reason. In these high powered cards, ample cooling is needed, especially mine since it's overclocked, so you would get more performance out of them, high heat level = reduced performance.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 01:10 Edited at: 10th Oct 2007 01:26
It has a really nice fan...see?
Thanks Rick for the heads-up on this.

Looks like its SLI ready too, so there's another plus for those who already have a two slot version, or were thinking about getting one.
They could swap it out for two of these puppies in the same space, although a single two slotted Ultra would probably be a better option.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2007 05:08
Thanks, Rick.
Boy, that is nice looking. Now for the cash...

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Posted: 19th Oct 2007 08:49
Is this a good graphic card to make fpsc x10 games on without textures messed upo and some good loading time.?
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 08:21 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2007 08:23
Yes, it is a good card. That's why he made the post.
I found this blurb that states a release date of October 29th.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2007 00:57
Would X10 work with the Ati Radeon X1900XTX 512mb. it's dx10.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2007 01:27
no its not dx10 only the HD 2000's are and the upcomming R700's
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Posted: 27th Oct 2007 05:53
I wouldn't bet on it... stick with an 8800 if you want to be safe.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2007 21:51
would a NVIDIA GeForce FX6600 work? cuz thats the one i have in my comp right now.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2007 23:12
No,are you blind,or can't you read!I'm sorry for my swearing but there are gettting more and more posts like this...
(only nvidia 8xxx series and ati 2xxx series)
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Posted: 28th Oct 2007 02:57
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU PEOPLE READ? Sorry, but look at the post above you, does that tell you anything? There have been hundreds of posts like this when the answer is right above them, try and read them and not post silly questions,

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Posted: 28th Oct 2007 15:56
will this be cheaper than the ordinary 8800 as i plan to get this for christmas also does anyone know a a good site that sells Vista for a cheap price(Home Premium not basic which sucks)
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Posted: 28th Oct 2007 20:35
To be honest i'll just get a cheap DX10 card like Radeon 2600 (2400 sucks!) or a nvida 8400/8500

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Posted: 28th Oct 2007 23:00
@Cool Kid:The radein 2600 would be the best choice...

@shadow651:i would like to help you but then i would be banned...
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Posted: 29th Oct 2007 18:22
thats okay, i forgot about the rules on advertising here
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Posted: 29th Oct 2007 21:14 Edited at: 29th Oct 2007 21:14
I didn't meant the rules about advertising...
I meant about getting software for free when it isn't free...

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Posted: 29th Oct 2007 22:06
OK, today is launch day for the 8800GT

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 00:05
Hopefully, this one will be a lot cheaper then the 8800GTX.

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 00:15
wheres the price?
heard rumours its £110 but i don't see it
if it is i guess i will be getting X10 after all
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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 00:21
I can't believe I thought X10 was lame once, I must have been crazy or anti vista (I still am)

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 03:16 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 03:17
will a NVIDIA GeForce FX7600 work?...hahaha im just kidn guys. thats my bad for not readin. Sorry well i was just reading the back of a NVIDIA GeForce FX8000 and it said it will run x10. is that true or a bunch of BS??

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 04:00
Does it come in a laptop connecter? where I can hook it out up to a laptop?

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 08:53 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 09:13
Thanks for the link Rick
Nvidia must have dropped the ball, because the GT is not there when you click the BUY NOW button.
Even when you click the WHERE TO BUY button, the GT is nowhere to be found.

I like the fact that they claimed to have released the card, but have they really released it or just announced it?
How is it launched if you can't purchase it?

Quote: "The wait is over. Awesome power. Awesome price.
The GeForce 8800 GT offers the perfect combination of power, performance, and price that gamers have been waiting for. "

The wait for the announcement maybe, but we are still waiting for the card.
And what price? There is no price listed or even a link to a retailer with a price.
NVIDIA better stick to the tech part and let someone else do the marketing, because false advertising sucks.

If anyone can find a retailer that actually sells these, then please post a link here for the community.
I will continue to search myself. (in vain it seems)

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 09:10 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 10:07
this thing double posted on one of my edits.... sorry


This price is nearly the same as the 320mb 8800 GTS, but the GT has 512mb of memory and it is smaller in size.
Now, we have an inexpensive 8800 that will work in a single slot.

Here are two more from NewEGG that are different manufactures, but they cost a little more at $289 & $299.
Still, they are both under $300, which isn't bad for compared to the higher cost double slotted 8800's.

I'm glad I waited for this card.
Thanks again Rick, for bringing this card to our attention before its release.


XFX makes three different versions of the 8800 GT. (overclocked)
I tried to post the link to the specific page but this forum thingy doesn't recognize it as a valid path for some reason.
Anyway, goto the menu at the top of XFX's main page and select...
PRODUCTS > Video Cards > GeForce8 Series > GeForce 8800GT Alpha Dog Edition

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 11:43
I just got these emailed to me:

The GeForce 8800 GT launch was a huge success. Here are some of the press quotes:

"Right now though, the GeForce 8800 GT offers you the best value on the planet when it comes to 3D gaming cards. You won’t be disappointed in its performance, and you won’t be disappointed in the cost." -- HardOCP

"The performance advantage and price utterly destroyed our perception of the GPU landscape." -- AnandTech

"In the end, Nvidia has taken its time, but offers an exceptional card with the GeForce 8800GT." -- Toms Hardware

"NVIDIA's second foray into 65nm GPU technology is a resounding success in our humble opinion. And how could anyone argue a Graphics product that consumes less power, costs less and performs better than the previous generation?" -- Hot Hardware

"A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" -- FiringSquad

"The bottom line is whether you’ve got $250 to spend on a new graphics card or $350, the GeForce 8800 GT is the best GPU on the market right now. The price/performance ratio simply can’t be beat." -- FiringSquad

"That's a stunning total package, sort of what it would be like if Jessica Biel had a brain." Tech Report

"With pricing between $199 and $249, I find it hard to recommend anything else—especially since we found generally playable settings at 2560x1600 resolution in some of the most intensive new games (except for Crysis, which is in a class by itself.)" Tech Report

"Performance has suddenly become affordable; and the next-gen, finally, will start to become the now-gen, for many, many more gamers out there." Neoseeker

"NVIDIA wants to seriously put a hurting in ATI, and this is a good weapon to help further knock ATI off the sales charts. NVIDIA now dominates the VGA playing field."

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 12:06 Edited at: 30th Oct 2007 12:20
Quote: "The GeForce 8800 GT launch was a huge success."

Yeah, I just ordered mine a few minutes ago at (my first link above)

I would have bought it sooner if NVIDIA would have made it easier to find.
I searched their website the morning of the 29th and couldn't find anything.
I thought that the news about the 29-10 release was wrong until I saw your other post with the link.

TigerDirect kinda sucks though ...
Quote: "Order Acceptance Policy
Your receipt of an electronic or other form of order confirmation does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of our offer to sell. reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order, without prior notice to you, to supply less than the quantity you ordered of any item. "

Whatever happened to truth in advertising?
How can they advertise a product for sale, list the price, take the order, then say that they might not deliver.
What's the point in that?
How hard could it be for them to keep an inventory and list it as out of stock when they sell out?

I just hope it gets here in time, and that I have enough money left over to buy FPSC X10!

Quote: ""The bottom line is whether you’ve got $250 to spend on a new graphics card or $350, the GeForce 8800 GT is the best GPU on the market right now. The price/performance ratio simply can’t be beat." -- FiringSquad"

Yeah $350 is about right after you take in account the Power Supply upgrade required for most systems. (my 400 watt can't cut the mustard)
$269 + $69 (ps) + Shipping + Tax

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Posted: 30th Oct 2007 15:11
I bought a gig of RAM from Tiger Direct a while back,got the cheapest shipping option (10 day delivery or something like that).It came in the mail 2 days later and it worked great.
Plus,I believe there are numbers posted on the site for customer service.They even recommend that you call before you place your final order to try to make sure everything works and is compatible.
My memory got to me 8 days early and works great.

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Posted: 1st Nov 2007 10:28
Quote: " reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order, without prior notice to you, to supply less than the quantity you ordered of any item."

Thennnnnnnn, I better be gettin some money back.

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 07:41 Edited at: 2nd Nov 2007 07:43
I guess is just doing a CYA move.
It seems my order was processed the same day, and I should get it tomorrow.
I ordered on 30-10 and it is supposed to be here on 2-11, so that is fast really.
So, I guess is a good place to order from.
I'll know for sure tomorrow. (I hope that power supply fits in my case)

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Posted: 2nd Nov 2007 13:32
i can't find this cheap in the UK
i read somewhere its £130 which my parents are willing to buy but all i can find is £160-200+ my parents are still willing to buy but i feel guilty now as its so expensive
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 08:44 Edited at: 3rd Nov 2007 08:44
Quote: "my parents are still willing to buy but i feel guilty now as its so expensive"

Dude, why feel guilty about someone's kindness?
Your parents want to see you happy, which is a good thing.
So, don't feel bad about it.
Instead, you could return the favor by doing something for them that will make them happy.

I did get my package today, so is okay after all.
I have not installed it yet though, but it all looks okay.
You were right Fred, I had nothing to worry about.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 11:28
You're welcome.I am very happy with the service I got from them and,in the near future,I will probably be buying more stuff from them.

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2007 19:14
I can't say i agree with the last quote from,
ATI is dominating nvidia in midrange video cards. The ATI 2900 didn't sell well to begin with, it's not like this will change much for them.

The card in development by ATI, the 3850, is supposed to match or surpass the power of the 8800 GT while being priced competetively. It's release date is far off, and i'm hoping it's decent since i have a crossfire compilant motherboard, but it shows a recurring market strategy by ATI which has proved sucessful in the past.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2007 19:40
Is there any company/salesthing selling them in £GBP ??
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Posted: 7th Nov 2007 21:51 Edited at: 7th Nov 2007 22:09
@Squelchy Tom: Clicky


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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 01:08
What's the closest thing to an 8800 GT in a laptop?

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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 01:28
8700 M GTS, 320mb i think.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2007 22:19
Wait, so is this new video card essential for X10? I was thinking of getting it, as I am hopefully getting a new laptop for Christmas, but the card with it would be the "included in price video card".

Haven't had time to read the rest of the post as I'm busy at the moment, sorry if this has already been answered.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2007 23:11
laptop graphics are rubbish by nature and you would need a a laptop with a mobile geforce 8000 series chip for a laptop to run it.

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Posted: 19th Nov 2007 20:45
The laptop would be an XPS though.

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Posted: 20th Nov 2007 10:38
as in dell xps? anyway as long as its definatly direct x compatible you are fine but the better the graphics chip the better.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2007 19:26
Yeah Dell XPS. But the problem is I can only manage to afford the default graphics card that comes with it (Intel Graphics Media accelerator 3100 or something), I assume that would not run the program (or the games at least) that well. Although I do know it's direct X compatible.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2007 09:37
nope no chance it has to be direct x 10 compatible,
Quote: " I can only manage to afford the default graphics card "
I honestly reccomend you wait abit long and get one with the right graphics chip otherwise its not worth considering runing x10.

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