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FPS Creator X10 / Blowing off limbs

Marine10 beta corp
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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 18:00
I was hoping that FPSC x10 would have a new particle system in which if the player where to shoot an enemie in the arm, his arm would blow-off.
This would be a great idea, in my opinion, for horror games.

I think you should make bullet-shells eject faster. Just test a game in FPSC and watch how slow the shells fall. LOL, I can do a 360 before the shells hit the ground. it would also be cool if the bullets could hit the ground... and then stay there...hard to explain, but like in Halo 3, when you shoot, you can trun-around and look at your bullets lying on the ground.

My last suggestion for FPSC X10 is for a latch-on system... sorta like if some zombie came up to you and bit you in the kneck, you would have to press the Left Mouse Button to shake him off.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 19:44
i don't think blowing off limbs has anything to do with particals
it would still be a difficult process look at modern games they don't include this(maybe due age ratings,unrealistic,ruin Frame rate)
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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 20:19
You know, there is a big idea suggestion thread a bit further down the topic list.

But let's get to your suggestions:

1) Like shadow651 already told, a dismemberment would have nothing to do with particles. This would also require hitboxes for area-specific damage, which FPSC doesn't and will not support yet. This feature would also require some completelly new techiniques, like a way to remove a certain area of a 3d model and then spawn another model that would represent the shot off limb.

Needless to say, not everyone would be wanting this level of gore in their games.

2) I do not know much about X10 yet, but I know it will be a completelly new program with new and improved features. Still, I think ejected shells are one of the least important details in FPSC. But if they were to be improved as well, using the advanced physics and instancing feature of DX10, you could technically have dozens of lowpoly shells rolling all around the landscape.

Still, it could be wise to automaticly remove them after a while, just to maintain a good perfomance. Remember: you're not going to make a Halo4 with FPSC.

3) Again this would require some extra work, and not that many people would be needing such feature in their games. If this feature would be used in a separated, scripted special events, then it would be easier to do, and some problems would be circled.

But as always, many features can be done by yourself as well. It's also recommended to "fake" some ideas if they cannot be created as they are.
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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 21:01 Edited at: 10th Oct 2007 21:02
Blowing off limbs would be a ace idea!

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 21:34
Not a bad animation.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 21:41
Did you make that there and then?

And how do you make transparent gif's? I've had to work with png's the whole time!

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 21:53 Edited at: 10th Oct 2007 21:53
LOL! Really I love the bullet casings that stay on the ground in Q4. All you need to do is spawn a entity at the proper place by the gun, give it physics and a script to disappear in, oh lets say a minute. Also is Doom 3 you can blow off limbs and it is really sweet. If you didn't like that kinda thing, then just disable it. Good ideas but I'd be happy with head shots and bullet holes staying on dynamic entities.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 22:10
Quote: "it would still be a difficult process look at modern games they don't include this"

Gears of war...
Halo 3 and 2...
Lots of them include Blowing off limbs.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 22:33 Edited at: 10th Oct 2007 22:35
Quote: "Did you make that there and then?"


Quote: "how do you make transparent gif's"

cut around and delete

but on topic i would love to see this done!

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 23:07
yeah but it ain't happening

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Cyborg ART
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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 23:07
Just make a deathscript that spawn some limbs but only if its exploded, the bodypart flow all over the place.
I dont think it needs to blow a certain limb, but cut up the whole character.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2007 23:12
I think only headshots would be necessary. If the head is shot, it can disappear and splatter a lot of blood everywhere and kill the character in one shot.
Fruitless CRUNK
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Posted: 11th Oct 2007 03:44
I allways LOVED that in games, allthough is isent that reall its stell fun to blow of a bad guys arms and see him run around. Then once there dead the arm can be kicked around.

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 17:42
Thanks for the comments... i always like to hear what people think of my own comments

Ohh well, I might just have to make another script! LOL

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 17:50
lol I'm willing to bet my 8600 you won't be able to

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Marine10 beta corp
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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 18:02
That wasn't nice! JK
I was just joking anyways...
I don't think i could make a script that

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 21:48
just make a "simple" destroyscript that spawns limbsmodels and deletes the character from the game when health reaches zero.
Dont know much about scripting but it cant be that hard? Or?

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Posted: 12th Oct 2007 22:05
it's possible except for two things, you have to fully gib your character and they have to be immobile. when you destroy them just make there corpse disappear, run a blood decal a few times, and trigger some gib entities placed around the character to spawn.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2007 01:51
What if there were some new mp variants such as CTF, assault, territories, hostage and others! And one of my ideaa... hitman mode. In hitman mode you have two or three teams: the first one has the vip who must be assassinated. The vip is is in the same team as his bodyguards, so it's a team of five along with some other additional npcs who patrol the area. Then theres two assassins who are not on the same team. these two assassins must find a way to either sabotage the vip or confront him directly without dying all while trying to beat the other assassin from getting the kill. And like the game hitman you could win in many different ways which will keep guards on their toes!

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Posted: 13th Oct 2007 16:12
I think we need to call Butters in on this one. I'd pay $100 to be able to blow limbs off in x10.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2007 18:12
lol... I would too...that and multiplayer

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Posted: 16th Oct 2007 03:04
Okay....let me restate that....
For Driveable vehicles (with good physics, etc), for hitpoints on EVERY entity (like in Crysis where u can blow vegitation apart), and limbs that can be blown up, I would pay $200 USD....SO HURRY UP AND DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(lol)

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Posted: 16th Oct 2007 10:44
Quote: "Okay....let me restate that....
For Driveable vehicles (with good physics, etc), for hitpoints on EVERY entity (like in Crysis where u can blow vegitation apart), and limbs that can be blown up, I would pay $200 USD....SO HURRY UP AND DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(lol)

Are you serious?

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Posted: 16th Oct 2007 14:53
Quote: "Are you serious?"

we shouldn't have to pay that much....but yeah, I'd do it

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Posted: 16th Oct 2007 17:44
I would pay more than biggest concern is multiplayer

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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 00:26 Edited at: 17th Oct 2007 00:27
For all of that stuff, I would pay $2000.00

I would pay $5,000 for a mp system that didn't suck donkey gonads
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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 14:36
Quote: "For all of that stuff, I would pay $2000.00

I would pay $5,000 for a mp system that didn't suck donkey gonads "

No you wouldn't. If you had that much money you would actually take some time to learn programming and get cryengine 2 or something (then u would share it with me, lol)

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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 16:47
Blowing limbs to bits is actually not too much of a concearn, not in DBPro anyway to get something acceptable, like this is how I would do it...

* Figure out what limb got hit based on limb position - in DBPro the bone joints are tracked as actual object limbs, they would give the exact 3D location of any joint in the model.

* Squash that limb so it disapears, maybe glue some meat object where that limb was to provide some gore, like make it look more like flesh.

Then I'd have a separate character model containing all the gibs for a particular character, basically the character model cut up into gibs and with the texture modified to show blood and stuff. When you detect a hit you squash that limb and spit out a gib.

I did this with an old FPS project, and really there is nothing more satisfying than taking your enemy to bits, or shooting them in the shoulder and watching their arm come off and dropping their weapon.

It's gory as hell, but a lot of fun, and certainly possible.

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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 17:07
And if that was possible with the old version of DB, it should work with the X10 as well, and look even more delicious, amIrait?
I seriously hope FPSCX10 is more DBx10 compatible so that we can add this kind of features with ease!

I hope they're releasing the source of X10 soon after the release of the program. By allowing users to create new content for the prog means less stress on the TGC and more time to work on the new projects, or further improve the current products.
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Posted: 17th Oct 2007 23:46
Quote: "I did this with an old FPS project, and really there is nothing more satisfying than taking your enemy to bits, or shooting them in the shoulder and watching their arm come off and dropping their weapon.

It's gory as hell, but a lot of fun, and certainly possible."

Cool, do you have a video of a test game using this blowing off limbs stuff?

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Posted: 18th Oct 2007 10:34 Edited at: 18th Oct 2007 10:37
I did, but I'm not sure where they are, there are some old screenies in the WIP thread from years ago, but the videos have been deleted. Do a search for 'Lonewolf' if your interested, it's not too pretty by todays standards but in it's day it was pretty special. Never finished the game due to an ambitious path finding system eating my level data, keep hoping for the time to get it done properly.

What I'm thinking is that I might be able to make a small demo, like take one of the characters from v1 and make gibs and a shooting thing. One other point that has been raised is flinching - I actually had that as well, just by adding some rotation interference to the shot limb. Maybe TGC could take a look at this and consider adding gibs and flinching to FPSC. Will try to make this at the weekend, even if TGC are not interested at least it'll be a demo to show people how it can be done in their own games or even modified FPSC engines.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 10:21
Good Idead VanB...
I was thinking you could make a scrit such as this

But it would require a hitbox systeam (btw, i not good at scripting, this is just an idea)

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 10:40
Cool, but is it Official?

Even if it isn;t... well...its beast

I Cant w8 for x10

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 11:18
no not really an 'officially' integrated feature, it just works by giving a separate physique to different parts that you want to detach.

It wont make specific parts detach and only one by one etc. but it means you can make things fall off the character when they die (best example is detachable armour)

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 20:50
It would be fun to have the Zombies loose their head when they die.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 21:09
very cool. and can you position particles werever you want, you could make 'blood' spu all over the place.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2007 21:10
Jon, you should make a version of the characters that fall apart like that.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 00:51
wow! great vid. Jon!

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 05:07
Yeah what happened to the zombie animation that they were talking bout on the june video news? they talked about zombie biting and i dont see that happening now...i was interested in that happening...
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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 23:43
"Its just a flesh wound, I can still fight" (montey python and the holy grail)

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 00:40
I don't think blowing off limbs will be integrated. Not JUST because Lee has a heck of a lot of work to do, but because it would severely limit the target audience. FPSC is rated 12+. Let's face it, FPSC is trying to appeal to the younger audience, and adding gore will only raise the certificate.


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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 00:49
But they are still making the gore add on which better have a lot of blood.

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 14:25
Quote: "But they are still making the gore add on which better have a lot of blood."

No they said they are simply putting back in what was takin out to get the 12+ rating nothing special

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 02:29
which includes?...

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Posted: 13th Dec 2007 12:36
Quote: "which includes?...

Ragdoll physics of the characters and bloodsplatters.

This has been discussed several times before.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2007 19:54
yeah i know, i was just trying to see if there was anything more. that would be cool if they had like a script pack that had gore in there ( like when the enemy dies the main models disssapears and is replaced with gibs like form mp1 and there is a REALLY big cloud of blood to cover up the proces ) ( and dont ask me to do it myself because i can assure you i am not the one you want to make things for you ) have like 5 different gory things they could result in to add randomness so it seems more realistic ( actually that kinda gore isnt very realistic but would sure be fun now woldnt it

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