One hundred and seventy seven forum messages.
/* This code was copied from TGC. This code is distributed under the "as is" condition,
which means that TGC is NOT responsible for any damage caused to your life. Any change
to this code must be shared with the community. */
#include "UserCreator.lf"
var postAverage:Array = new Array();
postAverage["IAmNewHere"] = 1;
postAverage["GoodByeAll"] = 1;
postAverage["LootAtThis"] = 3;
postAverage["PostPictureOf"] = 3; // Yourself, your desktop, your pets et cetera
postAverage["MyBrandNew"] = 3; // Hardware, Blog, shoes, hobby
postAverage["YourFavourite"] = 2; // Band, music, game
postAverage["YerFavourite"] = 72; // OS, game console
postAverage["Games"] = 57; // Words association, guessing games et cetera
me.onJoinThread = function(theme:String){
this.postCount += postAverage[theme];
this.lifeCount -= postAverage[theme]*20;
Actually, "KKK" sounds like laugh in our language. We do not support Ku Klux Klan. I would kill KKK if it was a man. Cheers.