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FPS Creator X10 / New X10 Screen shot !

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 00:31 Edited at: 14th Dec 2007 16:18
Hey ,

I actually haven't posted any screenshoots of x10 yet although I'm a beta tester.

Here are few shots of a landscape that was made in c4d and imported in x10 engine.
It's look pretty cool with all great effects that x10 haves.

On the last pic you can see some buildings , i want to thank Cheese Cake to let me use them !

Will post more screenshots later !
some new x10 screenshoots of landscape level.

Rise and shine Fpsc x10...rise and shine.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 00:51
Well done Oleg these screens look excellent.

Nicholas Primiano
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 00:57
The oics look awsome where can I get that terrian.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 01:21
Oh wow! That is EXACTLY how I picture one of the levels in the game I have planned for x10, my lvel would just have more 'in-tact' buildings. xD
I'm DEFFINATELY gonna have to learn how to make terrain like that!


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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 02:09
you beat me to it OLEG, i was just creating some terrain to show with some nice bloom and reflective water to spice it up, some reason i couldn't get my terrain to show up, ah well. i did get in some foliage which someone else made (cant remember who) and it looks absolutely amazing with the bloom 'softening' the grass and leaves of trees.

anyways, top notch screenshots, some neat texture painting for the high rocky bits as well, cool work

if its not something you want to keep to yourself do you think you could send it to me to play around with and place some foliage in?

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 02:24
wow! that is amazing!

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 05:42
AWESOME! Thanks for posting!


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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 06:33 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2007 06:37
They all look great Oleg.
Well, except fot the first one, which is just good instead of great.
It lost a few points for that big fat seam running in the ground textures.
Other than that, it looks great.

Quote: "although I'm a beta tester"

What? Huh? Who? What? How?
How did you get so lucky Oleg?

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 17:38
yeah I'm jealous

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2007 21:13
Oh..My....GOD!! This is just too awesome! Post more screens, i want more!!

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 01:10
Well done Oleg, you impressed me with your X10 abilities!

Let the readers hear what you have to say about X10 and your experiences with it.


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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 20:03
Thanks a lot guys , normally the level looks a lot better but i have removed some obj for some small problems.

Jon i have send you a mail.

The reason that i have the beta is that I'm working on a New x10 model pack for TGC.

I will post more screenshots later.
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 21:03
Looks really great Oleg. Now you just need some animated seagulls that fly around - and it would look very Half Life 2.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 21:37
OOHH! yeah what is X10 truly like?

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 21:46
Anyone know why many of the screen shots I see of X10 seem to have some kind of over exposure of lighting or high contrast burned out sky and unrealistic light spots on world objects?

Most of the screen shots I have seen to date do not have natural looking lighting but agressively over accentuated lighting.

I would like to see some shots that were more normal and mundane or toned down refelective of much of the natural world. For some reason in many shots the bright light washes ot the scene particularly skies and would blind me if I had to shoot someone in real life. Is one always looking into a fixed Sun in the X10 world?


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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 21:47 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2007 21:52
bond1 , thanks for a nice comment and that seagull idea is really great

Slayer222 , It's just like a sweet dream


uman , It's just when you using X 10 new shaders you try to create somethings beautiful of it.
They effect just looks nice but i don't think that you will have Bloom or Normal map effect in the real world. It just look nice in game
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 22:58
Top notch stuff OLEG, a normal map would look sweet on that terrain!

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 23:17
Wow sweet

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2007 23:41 Edited at: 23rd Oct 2007 23:49
Quote: "Anyone know why many of the screen shots I see of X10 seem to have some kind of over exposure of lighting or high contrast burned out sky and unrealistic light spots on world objects?"

Yeah I'm with you there....I don't know why everyone seems to like that so much - although I love how it looks in Oleg's pics. But rest assured you aren't stuck with that look on everything, you can tone the bloom effect way down.

Take a look at the pics in my Egyptian threat for some more subtle, more realistic lighting in X10, at least to my eyes. Especially in the first couple "pharaoh's bodyguard" pics.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 01:02
Egyptian threat, nice video game name The Egyptian threat has been growing for two years men, we need to pop it now! Sorry couldn't resist I would love an overview of X10, some of the features explored in more detail and some really good levels in use etc.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 01:40
whats c4d? also could you import maps made on T.e.d. into fpsc?


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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 09:37 Edited at: 24th Oct 2007 09:40
Quote: "The reason that i have the beta is that I'm working on a New x10 model pack for TGC."

Right on.
Characters no doubt? (melee animations I hope)
Fill me in...

Quote: "....I don't know why everyone seems to like that so much -"

I'm not big on bloom either, but I appreciate the fact that it is included for those who are.
It's almost as if you can see shadows from the clouds in spots of his screenshots.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 17:40
Yeah bloom sucks IMO but I can just turn it off. It might be good for a scripted radiation/explosion effect but not much more. Oleg: can you give us any info on the model pack? will any of its media come with X10?

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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 20:44
HDR is better than Bloom imo.

Footsteps W.I.P
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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 21:49
FPSC had good enough graphics, its the features I'm after.

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Cheese Cake
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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 22:09 has great effects...but as for features....
still great!

Great screenies Oleg!
It looks like a wasteland....or a war torned place.
Maybe some trees, bushes....and more broken street lights, rubble...etc etc.

And it would look perfect!

Cheese Cake.

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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 23:30
X10 is pretty much looking like the unreal engine's style of graphics now, mainly because of the normal mapping on segments and the new parallax shaders in my opinion, but high dynamic range lighting would make it complete along with bloom.
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Posted: 24th Oct 2007 23:58
If you think about it, the scenery in the pics look very unnatural, same with the graphics in games today, instead of looking realistic, everything looks surreal with because of the shiny effect bump-mapping gives things. I hope X10 doesnt turn into FPSC 2, full of bugs and broken features, it would be nice to have a real review of X10 soon, by a beta tester.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 00:31 Edited at: 25th Oct 2007 00:33
Agreed. I would like to hear an actual review from a beta tester as well. I also think to make the enviornments in x10 better, we should have higher texture resolutions, and the ability to put a little bit more higher-poly models in. I'm getting sick of looking at those pics and seeing how pixelated the textures of the grass look, and how low poly some parts of the terrain look as well.
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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 00:59
reminds me of water hazard on hl2

James Bomb

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 00:59
Higher resolution textures is already available in the current version...

As long as it is like:

I had 3 example barrels if i can find them then i would upload it on the forums...

And as for higher poly...i thought this was already available into x10....

Cheese Cake.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 02:05
Cheese Cake, are you sure about the higher resolution textures, because when you go to the preferences, high is 512x512. And about higher poly models, I knew you can have higher poly characters, but I haven't seen any higher poly entities. So I was assuming it was still like before. Correct me again if I'm wrong.
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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 02:15
Textures is possible....
As for entities...yep...why not?

But dont expect when you make static entities 3000 in poly count...
And place 15 to 20 in your game.
Along with 20 to 25 characters...(since x10 is better with characters)
That you'll have a good framerate.

When i make entities, i mostly try to get them under 300...
And with a 300 you can make nice results in detail.
When i get above the 300 that means that i made a somewhat
bigger entity.
Or a entity that needed to pop out of the others.
So its not allways about high-poly its mostly about how you use them, and how good the texture is.

Also x10 will have better normal maps......therefore better results.
That way you can make a static entity look 100 poly-count more
while in fact its still that same low-poly version.
And also you can have stunning effects on characters...
like in Jon's thread.

Cheese Cake.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 06:08
I love the bloom, its awesome.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 18:20
Quote: "whats c4d?"

Cinema 4D is another modeling/animation/texturing program.


Cyborg ART
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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 18:35
Oleg! You should relese these terrains in a pack when X10 is released. The look wonderfull.

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Posted: 25th Oct 2007 21:49
Yeah I would love to use them. *Thinks up a halo 3 style MP game*

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 17:54
some new x10 screenshoots of landscape level.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 17:58
Well that's very prettyful.

So prettyful in fact that I can just imagine my hand on the mouse right now. The last one is the best, but the lighting looks dodgy in the 5th.

Why am I getting visions of Crysis with those shadows? If they moved... it would be perfect.

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 18:25
Look very very nice !!! remind me crysis XD !

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 21:33
Sweetness. Are those actual casted shadows from the trees or did you bake that into the texture!?

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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 21:43
Very impressing. You have shown me that maybe I did purchase the right product (FPSCx10) after all! Simple, but very effective & pretty!

Just few things I'd like to hear: what kind of framerates do you get in that (kind of) enviroment?
And have you tried filling a whole level with similiar outdoor-elements ? I'm really curious what kind of impact a full 40x40 scale "forest" would have to performance, in other words how much the instancing actually helps.

Oh, and what about the collisions? Do stuff fall right thru' every now or then, or could that kind of pieces actually be used to create fully playable maps?
dfujis the rocker
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Posted: 29th Nov 2007 23:58
pretty... *falls into trance*

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 12:27
For some reason it looks like a halflife 2 picture.Anyway great job love the the pics.

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 12:37 Edited at: 30th Nov 2007 12:37
Looks, very Oblivion like. Though the Overpowered bloom shader makes some pictures look terrible. Where did the sky go? And since when do ancient boulders of rock shine?

Storm 6000
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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 14:33 Edited at: 30th Nov 2007 14:34
they shine that looks like light piercing the edge to me as stated the lighting is over exaggerated but they show that the graphics are up to scratch and aslong as some of the features have been overhauled FPSC X10 proves to be amazing

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Posted: 30th Nov 2007 16:18
Wonderful Oleg! I am sure we will see some great games made in X10!

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 21:23 Edited at: 1st Dec 2007 21:24
TGPEG , Thanks man. The shadows are baked intro the texture for better effect.

Snipesoul , Yea , the shadows are baked intro the texture.

Doggy , I"m getting the best fps , With fpscx10 you can create very large landscape levels with enemies . Right now the level is over 20k ploys with trees and rocks.. And it work great for me !

Prince Of Darkness, I almost didnt used bloom effect this time only like 6%. And the fog hide the sky.
Anyway thanks that you like it.

Thanks all ! It's actually very easy to create that kind of level with cinema4d. You do need some inspiration and some seamless textures . But the rest is pice of cake.

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 21:27
Very nice, one question tho, can the enimies walk on the terrain, i know in V1 teh collision was very bad, how is it this time around?

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Posted: 1st Dec 2007 21:50
I actually didn't tried yet , but the collision work perfect even in x 9 if you follow Rolfy's tutorial.

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