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FPS Creator X10 / Switching Graphics card in Laptop?

AJinx Team
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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 00:13
I have a Windows Vista Ultimate installed laptop with a 1GB RAM and 1.50GHz processor. My graphics card though is Direct X9 (Radeon Xpress 200m Series).

Is there a way I can replace the card with say a Nvidia 8800GT?
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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 00:28
I'm affraid not, laptops are impossibly hard to upgrade beacause often all the internal parts are built as one unit, not interchangable pieces of hardware. An 8800GT would never fit, they are about one and a half inches thick.
I'm far from an expert on laptops, but from what I have picked up over the years I would assume this to be the case. There is a small chance you might be able to get it done professionally, but I wouldnt count on it.

Anyone feel free to correct me. =]


AJinx Team
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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 00:30 Edited at: 15th Nov 2007 00:49
hmmm dang - not even an external card or enclosure pluged in via USB?

lol that would be the day. But thanks anyways for your answer.

Actually that day is sooner then I thought. ASUS XG is coming soon boosting outstanding performance AND ATI is releasing another external graphics card called LASSO!
User Banned
Posted: 15th Nov 2007 03:13
Quote: "Actually that day is sooner then I thought. ASUS XG is coming soon boosting outstanding performance AND ATI is releasing another external graphics card called LASSO!"

But is is compatible with a Laptop?

AJinx Team
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Posted: 15th Nov 2007 20:46
It was meant for a Laptop so - yeah lol.
Storm 6000
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Posted: 16th Nov 2007 11:17
seriously doubt its going to be powerful enough its probably designed for proper cheapo laptops but you never know

Orrion Carn
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Posted: 19th Nov 2007 20:02
I know where your coming from dude... I have a laptop that I tried to find a way to replace it... But, came up empty. So, I went to [DELL] support site and they even said that it was impossible... Bad luck dude... Get a desktop... Then, when they come up with FPSCX11 and you have to have twice the ammount of stuff you had on your computer for X10... You can easily switch if need be.

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Posted: 19th Nov 2007 20:38
Yeah - portability comes at a price
Black Terror
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Posted: 19th Nov 2007 21:20
They are starting to make laptops more changeable like desktops, but it will still be years before you can easily replace parts.

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