@cram: Thanks for brightening things up for the darker gammas out there
@all who said "pleaaaase" and encouraged me to up the pack: I'm-
a)still tweaking the textures of the pillars(they have small white lines)
b)think about where to store the download (either my own webspace or a public storage)
c)want to know if i should include the uv templates for others to retexture the segments (answers to c into this thread!!!)
@ 0 Geoff 0: did you copy/paste the meshbank&texturebank&segments folder structure from the segment editor file section to the fpsc file section as described in the video tutorial that comes with the editor? for me that works like a charm... watch all that tutorial movies as the explain a lot about editing, and make your texture tga have _D2 as the last part of the name (i posted this hint before) so it appears in the editors browser.
ps. i know what my nick means-that's why i picked it *g*
cheers to all and stay tuned for a download link following soon...
I am Jacks complete lack of surprise.