yeah it is pretty much all CSG except for the textures that are done in the editor. The engine has a really simple but effective way of making the normal maps and the amount of light recived.
The textures are imported into it in TGA format and you can select various options on how the texture will be used in the final material. So if I were to import say a tiled texture of some bricks I would import that as a diffuse texture, then I could import a greyscale version of the same texture and use it to calculate a variety of different maps, such as normal map, horison map or parallax map. once imported these can be put together to make the final material for the walls. As well as this there is a very nice material manager, in which you can animate the textures, set how much light they will recive ect ect. The lighting can be edited in a light editor. Each light used has a different editor so you can change them individually.
That is how most of the things you see on the pic are done (I'm sure I could have explained it better tho).
@Bozzy I hope this has explained it ok
@Everyone else, thankyou for you kind words.
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I have found a GIMP plug in thhat generates normal maps from standard images. If you want I'll happily find the link and post it up.
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