Q: How do you get a sound zone to play music from when the player steps into the zone?
A: Well, you could either make a soundloopinzone and make the sound zone really huge, or you can put a trigger zone instead of a sound zone. Make the trigger zone activate an entity outside of the level. Make sure that the entity has a 'no' under spawn at start then put its main script has repeatsound, then go to its sound0, and put that as the sound you want to play. Here’s how to use a trigger zone:
1. Go to the entitybank in FPSC and pull out the blue generator thing (this could be any entity).
2. Place the generator outside of the 2 rooms.
3. Under the generator settings, set the 'spawn at start' to no, and at the very bottom, 'sound0' to whatever you want your music to be.
4. In the trigger zone's settings, change the 'ifused' field to the name of the generator.
5. Under the trigger zones main script, select plrinzoneactivateused.fpi
6. Test the game and see what happens.
Ring a bell?
Got this off the hints and tips PDF. Though the problem is IT DUZNT WORK!
I have a .wav file and did EXACTLY as said but the file duznt play!! has anyone tested if this works? Does anyone have a better solution (plz dont say put a sound zone everywhere as I want the player to walk to the trigger zone and start playing a .wav file ONCE no matter wherever the player goes or dies...)
I found this article doing a search for 'add music' and found this: http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&t=95129&b=24
It's quite useless though.
Any help appreciated. I'm sure this has been posted before but I haven't found it!
Thanks in advance!