This tutorial will show you how you can ad normal maps like in x10..
1. Download crazybump from his website :
2. Open crazybump, you wil see now this : .
3. click on the folder with 3 textures.
4. Open a photogrfic picture : .
( For this time i use the cola machine from mp 2 )
5. Now you see a screen where you can choose your shape..
Choose the shape you want..
6. You will see a 3D preview of the texture..
7. Look around and play with the normal map etc..
You will see that your 3d preview will change..
8. When you are happy with your texture click on normals and than click on the save butten, You
must choose save normals file to:......
9. Save it to the folder with the model that you want give a normal map texture.. It must look like this with the texture name, and than an _N , save it as an DDS.. When the program ask you something, hold de default settings..
10. The D2 and D textures are the diffuse.. save it as the same way as the _N texture but than for the d2: _D2 and Make sure you have a _D the same texture..
11. Maybe you need an _S texture , save the Specularity the same way as above but than with _S..
12.Now whe go to the entity folder of the entity you want give it the normal map.
13. Open the .FPE file with Notepad of the entity you want give a normal map..
Now you must change some things,
By Texture : ...
Make sure your Texture have a _D2, _D and a _N..
Than ad the texture name there.. like this:
textured = cola_machine_d2.tga
Now change the effect, for the most effective shader use the bumpcubereflectalpha..
Ad to the effect line :
Now it must look like this :
textured = cola_machine_d2.tga
effect = effectbank*bumpcubereflectalpha*bumpcubereflectalpha.fx
Save it and open FPS Creator..
Make sure you have many dynamic lights and by performance full shader effects on.. And that your model is dynamic..
Than you are ready..
It must looks like the model that i ad with the screeny below..
Have a great day
( can a mod ad this to the tutorial list? ) P.S. The * symbol is for the
You can use other shaders too..
Than write in the shader file :
That shaders will give nice results too!