Quote: "Looks great, but it does not go well with the FPSC media, much like your other Models, they look way to shiney compared to the rest of the media that FPSC has"
Aww, really? I thought I had struck a nice balance, I never was a fan of the flat shaded look. I realize on some of my egyptian characters I bumped up the colors and specularity, to get a vibrant, larger than life look. But here's a pic of Colonel-X and the Bladed Seeker, I think the lighting on my character is much more subdued. But this is subjective and to each his own.
Nickydude: nice sound effect. It's fun isn't it? But my wife starts getting tired of hearing "INTRUDER, ALERT, ALERT, ALERT, INTRUDER, DIE, ALER, DIE". After 10 minutes of this the door to my office gets slammed shut.
"Your mom goes to college."