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DarkBASIC Discussion / Dark Noob Games HQ

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Posted: 7th Jul 2008 22:23 Edited at: 7th Jul 2008 22:29
Yeah, but if you have the stuff saved in an array then you can do all kinds of cool effects like blurring, straitening and smoothing and stuff!!! And the problem with boxes, if I understand your suggestion correctly, is that they are square. This means you might accidentally erase some stuff next to what you really wanted to erase. But I might have misunderstood. ...or you could use the box as an erase tool, like in paint... Is THAT what you meant? Maybe you could save the points in an array AND have an erase tool! شؤن

No, contrary to popular belief my name is not actually 'Sinister Stuff' but 'sinisterstuf', a misspelling resulting from the latter having too many characters with no spaces in between

oh well
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Posted: 7th Jul 2008 22:38 Edited at: 8th Jul 2008 00:39
In my program I use a box as an eraser tool. SO THERE!................................................................................................................................

I am proud to present my newest program... A button creator! No More of that annoying hassle. It's all done for you. It's not completed yet, but here it is so far...


Please Tell me what you think. Thanks.

I have mad skills. I can make a dot follow your mouse in 2d. Don't try and tell me someone has done that before.
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Posted: 8th Jul 2008 00:43
i'm in

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Posted: 8th Jul 2008 18:42
Someone new, yay! Welcome welcome!

@anyone who wants to listen:
and if you saved them in an array then you could also mirror and flip your image and probably rotate it as well!

it's this simple:

if there is any part in the program where the user can input the size of their pic then this will happen there or you can make it your own size with:
DIM imagedata(xpixels,ypixels)
So then you have the colour chosen from the picker and then whenever you click on the drawing area:
then shortly before your SYNC command you would have your output FOR loop:

or whatever...
and there you have it, simple and easy! Now if you're sad like me you think of how you can add cool functions to your paint program like straitening lines (using LINE command and start and end mouse positions), smoothing lines (by averaging between the points) and flipping images (by changing the order of the for loop and resaving the array I guess).
And if you're even sadder than me then you will improve my code and make me look dumb by making a superduper photoshoplike application. But just think, other stuff to try: lightening/darkening, blurring/sharpening, drawing shapes, anyting really! Be creative.

oh, I'll shut up now, sorry

No, contrary to popular belief my name is not actually 'Sinister Stuff' but 'sinisterstuf', a misspelling resulting from the latter having too many characters with no spaces in between

oh well
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Posted: 8th Jul 2008 20:18
oooooooooooooo Interesting...
A little game- (that doesn't work too well):

I have mad skills. I can make a dot follow your mouse in 2d. Don't try and tell me someone has done that before.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2008 10:57 Edited at: 12th Jul 2008 11:01
you'r welcome

I couldn't check out your game, sorry.

@The Team
ok, some ideas for a pong game:
This might have been done before but I think we should maybe add effects like you can shoot the other guy or something. This means you can try and make him miss but it also means you have to dodge bullets while you try to hit the ball.
Another idea is that the paddles could act like they'r in space, so if you press up then it goes up... But then it keeps going up at the same speed until it either hits the side of the screen or you press down to make it slow down and go the other way or press up again to make it go faster.
And here's another idea which I just thought of. Instead of just moving up and down. You could maybe also move left and right (i.e. Forward towards the centre and backward towards the edge of the screen) which means you can change the pace of the game if you'r fast enough.
I suppose for all this there should be different levels, with different levels of AI, some of which are too stupid to do all this stuff.
If I understand correctly then where the ball lands on your paddle affects the angle but not the speed, right? Or am i wrong?

I've never actually made a pong game before so I'm actually pretty eager to help. What does everyone else think?


Well... No, my name IS actually 'sinisterstuf' not 'Sinister Stuff', a misspelling resulting from the former having too many characters with no spaces in between

thanks CattleRustler!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2008 04:44
I think Pong can be done. I'm not sure as to everyone's levels, but I think I could take it on. I like the idea that you can shoot other people's paddles. You could be risky with that. Or perhaps, you can switch to your miniship, which is behind you, and can shoot at your opponent. While your using that miniship, you can't move your main ship. You have to damage your enemy a certain amount of time based on the difficulty level, while keeping the ball in play. If you miss the ball, then you take damage too.

What do you guy's think?
Also: This would be my first time at a Pong-type game, and I think I'm nearing that level. We could create boxes, then use the Get image command, then use Sprite command. If Sprite Collision... I'm liking this We could really shake things up. But making an AI Could be a fun challenge. For example, if ball_y<cpu_y then dec cpu_y,1.

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Posted: 13th Jul 2008 12:46
Exactly... Except switching ships would complicate things for both the programmers and the players... But you can do it. So, if I understand Obese correctly then we each pick a part to work on and write functions that do the job. You know like shoot() function or a switch_ships() function and then we send them in and Obese compiles all our functions together into a game. Oh and assuming we are allowed to use media, I could make music for the game

Well... No, my name IS actually 'sinisterstuf' not 'Sinister Stuff', a misspelling resulting from the former having too many characters with no spaces in between

thanks CattleRustler!
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Posted: 13th Jul 2008 22:39
True. Starting simple, with the paddles:

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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 01:02 Edited at: 14th Jul 2008 01:04
Quote: "function Create_Main_Paddles"

Ok, before you go any farther, you will want to fix that.

It should read
. Arguments you could take are color values, image numbers to use, etc, it depends on how you are going to do it.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 01:17
I don't see how that is necessary. In the future, if the player was given the option to pick a color, then that makes since. However, I don't see why it is important to fix now. It would take only five minutes to change at max, but will make the coding part much more difficult.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 02:15
well, the point is, that you still need () even if there are no arguments. But the color and image number and stuff is so that the program doesn't overwrite images and such.

Ever notice how in Microsoft word, the word "microsoft" is auto corrected to be "Microsoft" but "macintosh" just gets the dumb red underline?
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Posted: 14th Jul 2008 04:09
I guess ill make it do that.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2008 00:15
Are we going to be using media? Or must I make the music generated by the code too?

Well... No, my name IS actually 'sinisterstuf' not 'Sinister Stuff', a misspelling resulting from the former having too many characters with no spaces in between

thanks CattleRustler!
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Posted: 16th Jul 2008 03:20
Jeez... you think you can generate music in the code? Go for it!
LOL, I think there will be media.

Sinister! You finally got your name changed!

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Posted: 17th Jul 2008 01:25 Edited at: 17th Jul 2008 03:01
I do... hate... MEDIA!!!!!!!!! I never can seem to get it to work in the program so I vote... Media after we make the code!!!!!!!!


Sinani! Kirby is gonnnnnneee....


Here's my main paddle function:


This function creates a ball for you:

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Posted: 17th Jul 2008 03:27
Quote: "I do... hate... MEDIA!!!!!!!!! I never can seem to get it to work in the program so I vote... Media after we make the code!!!!!!!! "

Umm... yeah. Good luck! Try making music with memblocks; it's harder than you think! (Even if you think it's hard)
Quote: "Sinani! Kirby is gonnnnnneee.... "

Goomba kills Kirby. I might change it Toadsworth, though.

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Posted: 17th Jul 2008 04:47 Edited at: 17th Jul 2008 04:47
Quote: "Goomba kills Kirby. I might change it Toadsworth, though."

Are you aware that Toad is the greatest, even if he isn't on many mario games. Toad rules the world. Those who are too week to know that are... *dry moment coming up* too week...

Quote: "Umm... yeah. Good luck! Try making music with memblocks; it's harder than you think! (Even if you think it's hard)"

I already did. I created a program to convert media to memblocks:

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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 00:38
Hi team,
Sorry I have been ill and also lost my home internet connection.

Pong sounds like a good idea. I would like to keep the media hard-coded but I'll make an exception for sound and music.

Here are the functions we'll need:

Display the bats and the ball.
Display scores and any other text.

Calculate movements of the bats (input and AI) and ball.
Calculate angle and speed changes on collision.
Tabulate scores.

That's all I can think of, might have missed something important .

Some of you seem to be unsure when to use a function or subroutine.
A subroutine is like a recipe: it is a string of processes that can be repeated many times but is always the same.
A function is like an oven: you define the parameters (what you're cooking, duration) and it processes the parameters and returns an output.

For example say you were making a sims like game where the player can cook a variety of meals in the oven. Here's how it might look.

Not a great example (just realised how complicated it would be to make a decent cooking game! lol)

It is far better to complete a 10 line program than to start a 10,000 line program.
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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 05:15 Edited at: 18th Jul 2008 05:18
I get what your saying Obese. It's nice to hear from you again. I'd also like your opinion on three programs I've made:


Button Builder:

And I'm not sure if you saw this one, it was for the DBC physics challenge:

The little jumping man:

I hope your feeling better now.

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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 13:32
Hi, I was away for a while but I'm back now!

Quote: "Umm... Yeah. Good luck! Try making music with memblocks; it's harder than you think! (Even if you think it's hard)"

of course it is, but I saw BillR do it just recently for the DBpro coding challenges where you had to make something dance with extra points for non-external music.

Quote: "Sinister! You finally got your name changed!"

yeah, I'm so happy about that. Cattle Rustler changed it for me, I don't know how though.

well, I'll either research a bit about making midis from memblcoks or I'll try and think of some functions to add to the game. Good luck team!

Well... No, my name IS actually 'sinisterstuf' not 'Sinister Stuff', a misspelling resulting from the former having too many characters with no spaces in between

thanks CattleRustler!
Dark Dragon
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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 17:07 Edited at: 18th Jul 2008 17:49

This thread brings back memories of.............The community Project we had going called DarkKnights. We never started it did we?

@ Everyone

I know its a bit of a dream, but i'm coding a small phisics engine that i must say looks quite good considering how bad my skills are.
I belive latch was helping me, but I don't know what happened to that....
I will have it posted later.

oh. and heres the display paddle function
it takes input from the move paddle function i'll write.

Hope we are using sprites

Move Paddles:


we will need to move the ball too...I'll work on that.


Okay,um...i belive this should do it.
it handles collision too.

I couldn't test it `cause i'm at the libray....

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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 19:24
A little bit fancy (I hope)... Score Display for Pong:

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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 20:25

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Posted: 18th Jul 2008 23:23

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 00:06 Edited at: 19th Jul 2008 01:54
The Beginning of it...
Obviously some physics need to be added. [EDIT] Glitch one fixed. I'm going to move on now. [/EDIT]




I had the physics and everything ready and then it quit on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I had a perfect spin going too... I'll be working on it again but be patient...

[EDIT 2]

...and it's finished. It has a lot of work needed, but here's the basic skeleton. I'm still not happy by the way the balls spins...

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 03:24
Quote: "This thread brings back memories of.............The community Project we had going called DarkKnights. We never started it did we? "

I remember that! But you're right, we never really did start it. At least we're actually making progress in this!

Anyways, Irojo, the demo is pretty good, although the game should be more fast-paced, and better physics, since the ball moves in the same direction every time. We should implement the "more risk, more reward" method where the bounces at a different angle depending on where on the ball touches the paddle. For instance, if the ball touches a close edge of the paddle, it would bounce more, making it difficult for the opponent to hit it. This is an example of the "more risk, more reward" method.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 03:37 Edited at: 19th Jul 2008 03:41
Yea. The physics were alot better before it crashed... and now I can't remember how I did it! Every line of code i press f3 now

I could reallly need help with the physics crew


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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 04:30
Quote: "I remember that! But you're right, we never really did start it. At least we're actually making progress in this!"

heh. yeah.

Lookin' Good Irojo!

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 04:56 Edited at: 19th Jul 2008 18:39
Thanks Dark Dragon... I could use some help guys with it bouncing off the bottom. And top. I COULD USE SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! But don't worry. If you don't help I'll just murder y-


Forget the team... Would somebody make it possible for the ball to bounce off the bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????????

Go ahead and rem out the music/sounds it'll only take a second.

NEW GLITCH DISCOVERED: you can get tons of points if you hit it with the top of your paddle.


Due to the lack of help... I'm going to ask for help on the forums too.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 21:01
dont worry. i'm on it.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2008 22:33 Edited at: 20th Jul 2008 02:40

V3! Now with a menu, theme music, sound fx... the whole shabang. Annnnnnd An option to turn off sound! It'll get pretty intense once the physics are all cleaned up.

Can't Do sound? Can't do music? (though you should be able too) Follow the simple options within V4. !!!Physics still needed!!!
I'm going to start on credits... If you get my drift...

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Posted: 20th Jul 2008 01:34
you should put you codes in code boxes

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Posted: 20th Jul 2008 02:39 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2008 01:09
Bizarre... I'll fix that... Idk what happened...
Fixed, and....

V5! The only thing that changed is Options, and Instructions...
Check em out!

V6 is out now, containing EVEN MORE music, an upgraded loading menu, an a timer that keeps people from glitching and raises FPS by... 100!!!!! It's almost time for credits... check out the project goals. If you do one or two, you'll be in it. Of course these people will be in it:
-Obese (What more should I say?)
-Latch (Don't we always owe him?)
-TDK (Without his tutorials, and one of his posts on sprite collision, this wouldn't be working )
-BN2 Productions (Helped me out with timers when I was noob#-5)

And... V6:

[EDIT! ]
FINALLY! After hours of work and a long night, I figured out the physics! It was hard, but here's the basis:

I'm going to be out of town for most of today, but I might have this finished before the end of today.


6.5, coming next, the other directional bounce. !

It looks beautiful if I do say so myself. And yes, the cpu is too slow.

Please Note: When I was working on 6.5 I stripped it of media. So some animations look weird. The media was making it complicated so I rid myself of it.

After you hit it low, and the "super bounce" happens, you can't make the ball go lower. I'll fix that as soon as I can.
Mega_curve won't reset itself i.g. you can't use it more then once. (I don't like that)

If someone can fix the mega_curve from not working again, that'd be really appreciated.

[Another Edit]

Nobody has been posting, or coding for that matter. Is Pong too hard for everyone? Or too easy? Or you don't have time? Or your not interested? It'd be nice to hear from you guys,


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Posted: 23rd Jul 2008 18:53
Is this thread dead?

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 02:58
I sure hope not.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 04:24 Edited at: 24th Jul 2008 04:32
I think that it kind of died. What it needs is more group organization and delegation. So, there needs to be a roster of who is involved and what they will do for each project. My guess is that Obese has gotten busy lately and hasn't had time to run it, so don't think he has abandoned you. I will do this though, who is still interested in being a part of this? You guys have 48 hours to post, then we will see whats going on here.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 04:29
Well I sure am.

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Dark Dragon
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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 04:47
this thread seemed dead. without obese.....
i'm in!

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 05:50
Good ol' Dark Dragon.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 05:55
Must say, glad to have you back Dragon and glad you stayed on. You guys, start thinking of what program you want to work on first. Irojo, I know that you already did a lot for pong, so we may do that, but personally I think that that is a step to take once we figure out where everyone is ability wise (average of the group, not necessarily individually).

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 05:58
Well I felt it's time I started with 3D so that's my extremely nooby spot... this is a sad rip-off of my old program that is no longer with us *mourns*
I am definetly not done with it yet.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 17:54 Edited at: 24th Jul 2008 18:05
Quote: "Good ol' Dark Dragon. "


I'm actually pretty darn good at 3d, even though my prefrance is for 2d games.


Where are you going with your 3d program? I cant test it- I'm at the libray and forgot to bring my drive. from the looks of it, i'd say its a 3d platformer where you are in control of a i right? well,this is something I really will shine at, so let me know if you run into any problems.

You really lay your programs out well, irojo. gotta teach me how to do that. my pro grams work, but they are......kinda messy

Edit]: If you are trying to make it a 3d side-scrolling type game,i'll uplaod an example later. I had to much troble figuring it out, you probly dont wanna go through that.... The anwser is acually simple...

Edit2]: What the heck. Some one'll correct me if i'm wrong. basiclly, you need a fixed position for the x and y# values. The only thing that changes is the z# pos of the Camera.
Next the camera needs to be pointed at the 3d object - the player.

i think the code looks somthing like....

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:24
Actually it's not a platformer, though I really like the idea of that...

It's a dodge the blocks sort of game, that I was thinking of making into an RPG Thing.

Here's V2, which is refusing to work properly for me, and I have no clue as to why.

It has no media in this version.

Quote: "You really lay your programs out well, irojo. gotta teach me how to do that. "

Well it takes habit, but this is how I do it:

Loops ( while...endwhile etc.) look like this:
the '-' are spaces

---do something
--object etc.

and if I want to label the code, this is how I do it.

-code here

So I know where the label ends, and something new is. Thanks for responding mate.

I think I get what your saying of the 3D Platformer. I think....

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:28 Edited at: 24th Jul 2008 18:32
Very Cool menu...
I like it a lot.

An RPG? I LOVE RPGs! oh....Thats right i never finished one....

I'll use that format for laying out my code.
Usually, every thing is just stuck in any random place...

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:30

I love rpgs too. But they have alot of the boring... technical time taking.... stuff.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:33
Yeah. I Just like leveling up my character and making them invinsible!

But the storys are good,too.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:34 Edited at: 24th Jul 2008 18:35
lol. Any idea what's wrong with my blasted* program, or are you still at the library?

*old person term ftw!

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Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:37
yup. only got about 5 mins on the comp though. my mom broght my drive so i was able to test it. I don't understand whats wrong. I'll take a look at it when i'm on a faster comp.

Give me ......6 min to get home on my bike.

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Dark Dragon
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Joined: 22nd Jun 2007
Location: In the ring, Kickin\' *donkeybutt*.
Posted: 24th Jul 2008 18:47 Edited at: 24th Jul 2008 18:50
Ouch! I hit a car on my way home.

Wasn't paying attention....

anyway just let me test it and i'll get back to ya.


Tested. Theres nothing wrong just....the cone turns a little slow.

oh and join my PivoT Forum at....

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