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DarkBASIC Discussion / Dark Noob Games HQ

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 8th Aug 2008 01:29
Yeah, lets move all project related stuff to the new thread

But anyway, thats cool sinister, thanks for the help!

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Posted: 12th Aug 2008 23:06
If you get the time, would you put the link for the new project on your first post?

It's posted above, but it's:

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Posted: 13th Aug 2008 03:14

you should make a proboards forum our something so you guys can arrange things by catagories and it is more organized.

Come see the WIP!

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Posted: 13th Aug 2008 23:16 Edited at: 13th Aug 2008 23:18
good suggestion but I want to keep this a DB community team, setting up our own forum would be isolating Noob Games from the DB forums.
I think the forums are more than adequate for our needs right now.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 00:12
i would join but..... i dont consider myself a newbie..

Ive been programming in darkbasic for 7 years now i believe..

Im good with 3d modeling (3dstudiomax)
i can write music (midi/mp3/wav/ogg) formats
I can write a good game engine/level editor/ai

Any of that id be willing to help on....but again i dont consider myself a newbie.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 00:37
That's kind of unfortunate because the team itself isn't very big lol.

no, that was a joke, but it's true. That's awesome, we'd love your help. Just talk to Qui-Gonn BN2 Productions and he'll tell you something, hopefully, a bit more useful than what I just did.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 06:31
Quote: "Qui-Gonn BN2 Productions"

Thats a new one lol.

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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 17:18
How about O-BN2-Kenobi ? That's perfect!

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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 19:12
ok well what can i work on for ya?

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 14th Aug 2008 22:04
Sure! You can help out with all of those actually. Right now, though, we are already in a project, with most of the jobs delegated out. So if you want to help out managing, giving advice and all that. Also, check with sinister to see if he needs help with the media. On our next project, there will probably be a need for some ai, which I believe right now is out of the scope of our members. So that will come into use. Other than that, we will have to wait and see. We don't exactly plan that much in advance.

You can check out the project thread, the link is above. I may give you sinani's job if he doesn't show up soon, but I don't want to cut him out.

So yeah, sorry for the "Here is a little stuff and we'll see about the rest" response, just the ball is already rolling on this project, so roles are coming up scarce.

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Posted: 15th Aug 2008 00:11
email me when ya need some help with anything
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:29
This team is 90% "executives" and 10% coders lol
well at least the few noobs we have will learn quickly.

@BN2 and the team
good to see progress is being made on the project the only thing holding you back is the small size of the current team.

How can we get publicity for the team to recruit more members?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:39
Maybe if we murdered someone we would get people's attention?

I still don't see why we are all so anti-dbpro around here... surely there are loads of n00bs there, just dying to join a team?

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:40
Quote: "How can we get publicity for the team to recruit more members?"

Simple. Finish this project. Crank out something fairly awesome, and then say we made it, and if you want to join etc. If it's good enough, then people will be interested. Etc. We have to have work to get workers. It's like you have to have money, to get money.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:42 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 00:43
Quote: "I still don't see why we are all so anti-dbpro around here"

That's probably my fault, I don't know DBP so I just excluded them.
I suppose we could get some people from there, I'll make a post and see what happens. Do you (or any other experienced coder) know DBP?

very well said
now get back to work!!

It is far better to complete a 10 line program than to start a 10,000 line program.
BN2 Productions
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:50
Sure lets try to draw in some dbp people, but we will need a bit of a plan for as they get more advanced, since it will be difficult to manage a project of dbc/dbp code if some of the extra commands get used.

I would definitely agree with irojo. We won't be taken seriously unless we finish our first project, then people will see that we aren't just a bunch of people who are all talk.

Right now though, the project is well under way and I would suggest against recruiting anyone for this project. Recruiting into the team for the next project is good though, perhaps having do some benchmark programs (like the clock) so that we can figure out where they are.

Perhaps we should keep some sort of a database of the members and what they are good at as they progress, so that we can really take advantage of what we have in projects. Just an idea.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 00:50 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 01:20
@Obese Yes sir, thank you sir.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:11
Quote: "experienced coder"

wow, I feel honored. Yes I use DBpro.

BN2 is right. Maybe also a collection of the most useful functions created so that they may be reused is a possibility too?

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:17
Thats a good idea! Errr, that reminds me I have kinda forgotten about the functions library gotta get back on that soon.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:23
Haha BN2. I forgot about the library too.

I like the person database idea. Sinister is good at music!

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:25
As we get larger, I think it would be cool if our members who have gotten advanced get to produce their own games through the team, kinda of as a rite of passage so to speak. So eventually, if they keep with it, everyone will be part of the creation of many games AND produce at least 1 game.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:30 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 01:33
lol, thanks Irojo.
(how do you make that smiley?)

well, I'm going to try to get a whole bunch of people where I am interested in programming... Ofcourse I'll have to teach them first but then maybe they'll either join darkNOOBS or work on their own, I don't know.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:36
Me too. I work at a game store, I could see if they will let me distribute our game free by cd, kinda a one per customer type thing, to spread the word. Also on the cd would be maybe some tutorials and 2 html files, one for and the other for the noobs wanted post.

Well, maybe. Its been an idea I was thinking about.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 01:40
I have ideas like that sometimes.

They never happen. I don't know if it's because it's just too much or if it's because I'm just too lazy

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 02:00 Edited at: 18th Aug 2008 02:05
Meh. Would it be high-quality enough?

The smiley is simple.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 02:14
Quote: "Would it be high-quality enough"

High-quality enough for what? Its free! The idea is it just shows them that all of us normal people who want to make games have started and they can join it (it would probably have a 1% success rate, but I easily do almost 150 transactions, if not more, and also people can tell their friends). IDK, it is just an idea, like sinister, I probably won't because I will be too lazy.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 02:37
I like the idea. I bet Lee wouldn't mind.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 13:09
Thanks for the smiley maybe I should get a list of codes for smileys
give me teh codez!!!

BN2 if you can do it it would be great!

Dark Dragon
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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 18:39
Quote: "@Irojo and DD
Sorry if I sounded very negative, I actually really liked your programs it's just they were quite messy. I tend to criticise before I give praise so don't take it to heart.
You both have good imagination which can't be learnt, so all you're lacking is a bit of practice.
About the clock challenge: I don't understand trigonometry, I don't even know what TAN can be used for, but I use SIN and COS a lot in my programs lol.

I'm going to drop the pong project because I'm getting very little time at a pc at the moment and as BN2 said we don't have enough members to field two teams.
BN2 is producer for the next project, I'll try and come online and give help where I can and help with the final edit of the game.

Good Luck Noobs,


Its okay by me obese, i just have been on my own for a while(no internet,no life,pivots,etc.)
lol, wow this has actully kicked off! cool. well i better get started reading the above posts.

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 18:58
Welcome back dark dragon!

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Posted: 18th Aug 2008 19:05
lol, Thanks Sinister!.....*Reads another message above*
so is the first project gonna be like digdug?(its a old game....)

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 00:30
Ya, slightly like dig dug.


BN2 Productions
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 05:32
I second that one, I knew we were missing someone! Cool, another coder for the next project! Now the ratio is 89% "executives" and 11% "coders"

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BN2 Productions
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 05:34 Edited at: 19th Aug 2008 06:46
double post sorry!

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:00
You might want to go to sleep right about now BN2.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:15
Time difference, its only 815 here.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:20
I really think you could use some sleep.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:46
Can't sleep! Working on my challenge entry. Using my own version of our team project, just going to add it to handle the different levels.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 06:59 Edited at: 19th Aug 2008 06:59
Meh. Don't blame me if your brain is fried tomorow.

Gl with your entry.

BN2 Productions
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 07:29
Quote: "Meh. Don't blame me if your brain is fried tomorow. "

Why? I have only been up for 13.5 hours and I don't have to get up early tomorrow.

And thanks! Still not sure how I will do it, just trying to make the game work on a 32x32 grid, instead of 14x14. Insane game if you set all the tiles randomly. Totally impossible to win, but awesome none the less.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 08:46 Edited at: 19th Aug 2008 08:48
Some of the stuff from DBpro challenge is insane though! Well I think it's insane, I can't check it out. How I wish I could select text in the browser. Would anybody be so kind as to save a text documents of teh codez for sownload? Please?

I think this one guy who entered is doing it in 3D and he's already done the generation thing, now just adding enemies and stuff... :S

How do you make that smiley with the wavy mouth? The worried one...

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 17:29

dis one?

And ya, DBpro makes some of the stuff easier to do.

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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 19:37 Edited at: 19th Aug 2008 19:38
DBpro is good for you

NanoGamez guy
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 20:00
Try this link:

On the other hand, you have different fingers.
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Posted: 19th Aug 2008 23:21
Thankyou so much!!! Now I will be master of smileys!!!

How did you know that was there? You're my best friend for this you know?! Now, do you know if there's a way I can save people's code snippets if I can't select text in my browser?

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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 00:03 Edited at: 20th Aug 2008 00:05
Quote: "How did you know that was there?"

And as for the copying code snippets, what browser are you using? You could try using Ctrl-A (select all) and copy, which will copy the entire page.
One other way of doing it would be to print-screen the page and then find a downloadable program on the web that'll convert an image of text into editable text.

On the other hand, you have different fingers.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 00:59 Edited at: 20th Aug 2008 01:01
Oooh! Right! I never looked there

well, my browser is OperaMini... It's for the mobile, but my phone's built in browser (which is pretty cool, it's got java and everything) doesn't let you copy and paste either... I think... Maybe there IS no hope!

I mean, I can copy and paste other stuff like text from messages, word documents... just not from the browser...


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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 01:10

NanoGamez guy
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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 01:15
Can you copy entire pages?

On the other hand, you have different fingers.
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Posted: 20th Aug 2008 07:58
Good idea


OperaMini saves the pages as *.obml files ...I can't open these on my phone, do you know anything about them? If you put them on the pc... can you just change the extension to .html or do you need a converter os something?

...I'll investigate


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