Update: Ok, I think I have a nice level setup. So far I've completed 3 or 4 levels and have 4 WIP, but the thing is these are still only test levels and only some will go into the final product.
Level 1 is a short farmhouse intro. Levels 2 and 3 are in a nearby town, and feature redneck enemies and biker gang-like enemies. Level 4 will likely feature a townish scenario, but using military forces... actually, heres a table for so...
1: Farmhouse, short level
2: town, easy
3: town, biker gang
4 town, military forces invading
5: military outpost
6: deep military base (recover other alien)then escape outpost
7: some form of an exit (I was thinking a radio station, to like Broadcast a message, or the location of the other alien's ufo is somewhere else and you go there to send out the message)
8. Possible bonus mission, not likely because of large file for entire game
More screens coming soon! (I hope!)
one level = game's done!