Quite honestly, there aren't that many reasons for X10 users to get excited over getting an inferior product, asides from the fact that we'll be getting the features we should have had all along. It's great for the X9 users of course, they get a whole load of new features. X10 users get a bunch of new old features. Basically if X9 has it, so should X10. The same is not true the other way around because that is why X10 costs more.
Nobody has said here that there shouldn't be a migration (though I'm sure we all have our personal opinions on the matter). But really, what does X9 offer that X10 users should be jumping out of our seats about?
The main reason I bought X9 was because it is possible to use mods. Had a bit more expandability. Because it is open source. If you're an X10 user, this is one of the few reasons you'd want X9 (stability and polish aside). When the migration comes, if I'm not mistaken, the source for X10 will also be released. If that's the case, I don't need X9 anymore. So what is there to get excited about?
My personal opinion is that only the X10 users should get the migration free, the X9 users should get it at a discount. Otherwise, X9 users get X10 for free (and it's worth $70) while X10 users get X9 for free (which already is free).
Of course, the X9 users will object to this idea since they have the most to gain from the migration...
A picture says a thousand words.