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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Physix: FPS + Puzzle = Awesome!

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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 22:51 Edited at: 24th Aug 2009 15:19

It's been quite a while since I've made an update to this thread, let alone a forum post, but we've been getting lots done and I figure that you guys deserve an update!

For those of you who aren't familiar with our game: Physix is a first-person (duh) puzzle game in which you must escape a laboratory while solving complex puzzles that utilize sci-fi-esque physics manipulation to complete objectives, avoid obstacles and solve various challenges. One of several unique features is the ability to manipulate gravity (thanks to Plystire) and the lack of enemies throughout the game.

Yes, I know, "big whoop". "Why should I care about another FPSC puzzle game?" Well, "why" is up to you, but apparently it's caused a bit of a stir on the indie scene...

We are not only one of the few commercial FPSC games, but also one of the (to my count) three PUBLISHED FPSC games! Yep, here in the WIP boards, you hear the word "published" thrown around like it's yesterday's bad sandwich, but you've got more than just our word on that one, tee hee. Here's a link to our page on our publisher's (GamePro Labs) site... Enjoy!

We were chosen, along with seven other indie designers for their inaugural run. Only a handful (as you can see) are chosen each year out of thousands of talented developer's submissions. With nearly all positive reception of the game, including at our booth at A&G Ohio (Ohio's largest gaming convention) in 2008, a special board on Section Eight Gaming Community's site (the currently down and feedback coming in from our own site ( it's been a pretty nice run!

We've made a few plot changes since my last post and unfortunately we have to keep them under wraps for the most part, but we have a few features to share to peak attention:

Gravity modification (of both player AND objects)

Interesting "consequences-for-failure" (such as wall-mounted lasers and water)

Varying "ways to get around" (including tractor beams)

... and a whole new visual concept that literally "turns the player's world UPSIDE-DOWN!"

Combine this with new stunning audio and graphics techniques, and you'll hardly recognize it as an FPSC game!

We have some OLD demos and video, if anyone wants to see them, but it's pretty hard to look at how awful it was, even for us ... Well, here's where you can see the video anyway:

We'll hopefully have a new one up soon!

and some screenshots (I still like them, but several more tweaks are in the works):

We don't have much of a release date or price info as of yet, but we'll keep you informed. We're really not that far off from completion, so things are looking good. Feel free to make comments... hopefully nice ones (I like those). Peace for now!

- Jay (Wraith)

(Oh yeah, again... if any mods are watching, can I get a new title for this post? Something shiny and neat? Maybe showing off the name better, the cool features and/or the fact that it's now published? That'd be wicked!)

My cubes keep getting caught in the vents!!!
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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 22:58
Looks good! The only crit I can think of is that the levels seemed a devoid of entities and used a bit too much stock but that just me. keep it up!

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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 23:16 Edited at: 16th Apr 2009 23:24
Thanks! On the entities end, the way we have some future puzzles set up, the only way to stop the entities is to shut them down with a switch, which seemes a little hard for the beginning levels we have here. On the stock end, I feel that if you can make the stock look good, there is no reason for wasting time on modeling. For instance, since I added shadow to the pipes, they look awesome, right? Anyone NOT using the engine won't really notice the difference, so as long as they look good, it saves me time...
though I know many of you would disagree with me
The cool thing about our game is that we use many custom scripts, so the stock entities (grav-lifts, switches and things like that) don't really behave "stock"; that's where our game really shines; unfortunately, the video doesn't really show off much of that except for the "floor switches".

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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 23:46
very nice
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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 23:47
Quote: "The cool thing about our game is that we use many custom scripts, so the stock entities (grav-lifts, switches and things like that) don't really behave "stock"; that's where our game really shines; unfortunately, the video doesn't really show off much of that except for the "floor switches"."

I noticed very cool how you used the stock for something so custom.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2009 23:51
Thanks! I really appreciate a good review

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Posted: 17th Apr 2009 03:01 Edited at: 17th Apr 2009 03:32
Wow... I feel behind the times! I just found CoZ's shaders... the ones for dynamic entities and EAI guns will help a lot! I just used them, along with lowering the ambiance, The game looks AWESOME! I'll have some new screenies soon...


You know, the more I start playing around with the shaders, the more I figure that the things being effected look out of place with the things that arn't... Maybe for a different game, but not Physix.

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Posted: 24th Apr 2009 01:10
it looks very nice mate ,keep up the good work

ps: how didt you get thowes beautiful schadows in fps?

i tink that am tinking
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Posted: 24th Apr 2009 12:06
oww nice shadows in fps,how the hell didt you get that?
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Posted: 24th Apr 2009 21:40
As you said it sounds a bit like portal, but i like the way it looks and it sounds cool too

I look forward to seeing more

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Posted: 25th Apr 2009 08:27
Thanks guys, I love positive feedback. There is a slot for both shadows and resolution in the setup.ini file of both the app (shadow) and buildgame (resolution).... You'll need to search for more specifics...

BTW... I decided TO go with the COZ shaders, turnns out I was using them wrong to begin with

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Posted: 25th Apr 2009 12:36
Awesome a demo of this would be great

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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 09:15
We have one (as stated above), but it's not quite up to our "new" stuff... My PC's in the shop, so I'll have a demo when it gets back... hopefully.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2009 23:28
Looking great so far! And being a fan of portal myself, Im rather eager to play this.

Good luck with the rest of your project, Ill be keeping my eye on this!


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Posted: 29th Apr 2009 20:51
Thanks CoZ, that means a lot (sure... I'm sooo not a fanboy...)

BTW: For those of you who want to know how I got the HD resolution and baked-in shadows in my game I posted on the optimization thread:

Hope that helped

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Posted: 29th Apr 2009 21:07
Just in case anyone's interested, here's a list of some of the super-special-awesome media my game uses...

G22 (Model Pack 9) - Errant AI (decided to take out the bots)

Cameras - Bond1

Upgraded Stock Media - wizard of id

Air Lift - xplosys

Shaders - Creator of Zombies

Soundtrack - NGXmusical

...And lots of scripting on my part...

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Posted: 29th Apr 2009 23:40
I wanted to play the demo on your site but the filefront download is dead for me wont work. Anyway of getting it else where.

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Posted: 30th Apr 2009 02:30
Honestly, I'd wait for the new demo if I were you... It'll be out in about a week... It has a bunch of new features, such as new levels (the laggy last one is replaced), darker levels and shadows, new shaders and better difficulty...

But if you really want the demo, here's a better FileFront link:;13575960;/fileinfo.html

I'm really not proud of that demo, it's pretty easy and very early in development... But I hope you find it fun, but once again PLEASE DON'T JUDGE THE FINAL PRODUCT BASED ON THIS DEMO!

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Posted: 30th Apr 2009 16:00
Will do just wanted to have a mess around

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Posted: 30th Apr 2009 21:16
That's cool... I'm just a little curious... Even though I'll have a better looking/harder demo out soon, what do you think of our old demo?

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Posted: 1st May 2009 17:25
I found it quite enjoyable actually it was great fun got stuck on level 5 for a while got there in the end though.

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Posted: 1st May 2009 20:58
Cool! Glad you enjoyed it. the next one will be more of an (awesome) upgrade + 2 new levels (and the exclusion of the laggy last one).

Here's a list of improvements for the next one:

Reworked first level
Last level exclusion
Coz Shaders
Wizmod integration (timer based)
Better shadows/lighting
Weighted Cubes
New audio
and a few minor tweaks here and there

It'll be out in a few days, I just gotta Alpha it with my team... Hope you guys will enjoy it

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Posted: 2nd May 2009 00:19
Looks awesome! Once the internet is free I'll download the demo right away! Great work, man!

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Posted: 2nd May 2009 03:32
This looks interesting. I'm downloading now.
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Posted: 2nd May 2009 06:54
Well, tell me what you guys think... I should have the new demo up in a few hours. Until then, here's a quick look at the cover/logo...

This probably WILL be the logo. As for the cover, that's up to the publishers (If I do land one of the deals) .

I was looking for something simplistic yet eye grabbing, so I went with pure white. The consept with that is with all the over colored super boxes out there, this will stick out on shelves. It's sort of a statement, if you will.

Play Harder!


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Posted: 2nd May 2009 09:28
Here is the new demo... I'll post it up top too.;13693717;/fileinfo.html

The resolution in setup.ini is set for my PC (a common setting from what I here) but if you can't run the demo, , open it up in Notepad and change it to your PC's BEST resolution (it looks best in your best).

Please tell me what you think, but keep in mind, these are the TUTORIAL levels, so they are really EASY! If you are looking for a challenge you won't find it here.

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Posted: 2nd May 2009 23:54
At first I didn't quite like the logo, looked way too bland. Then I thought if you were to get this on would be a damn cool box! I see what you were going for

Downloading demo now...

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 00:36 Edited at: 3rd May 2009 00:37
I found a bug with the last room. I flew up the airvent, and hit the switch. I jumped down, and grabbed the box. I was just playing with tossing it around and threw it on the airvent. I couldnt get it, so I SHOT the airvent, and it blew up, and didnt work anymore.

I was still able to leave and finish the game, but you should figure out a way to stop the lift from being able to be destroyed, and maybe even BETTER, have the airlift be a switch itself, so if the player does what I did, a NEW box is spawned.

Nice game BTW
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 00:49
Glad you like it, that's what 2 years of graphic design school will do for you.

@Apple Slicer
Thanks for reporting that. I forgot to set the vent's strength to zero. That's actually a good idea about the vent, but I have one better: I'll make the box distructable, and when it is destroyed, a new one respawns. Thanks again.

I'm going to tweak the levels a bit and add a few harder ones as well... Hopefully I'll have that up soon

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 03:31

I think I've fixed MOST of the bugs in the demo. Here's what I did for the "getting stuck":

If you find yourself in an impossible/impassable situation, just click "K" to reload the level from the beginning. For logistics reasons there is now no "Save" feature in the game, each chamber now autosaves upon entering... Which unfortunately, for now at least, lags for the first few seconds of each chamber. You can find the NEW demo here:;13698012;/fileinfo.html

Hope you enjoy

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 03:34
Sounds good, but you should leave K out of it. If the user accidently hits it...

You should have it part of the menu when they hit the escape key.
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 03:34
That's a pretty good idea

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 03:52
Hey, I like this game, it has potential. Want to see it get even better.
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 07:46
I had a brilliant idea... I'll use Knxrb's MultiGame for my project (

That way you can select the level you want to play from a menu, instead of a linear path. It seems much more fitting for a game like mine than a save load feature.

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 08:18
Make levels longer. For each "3 levels" you have now, should be at least one level. The levels you have are simply too short. And there is a consistently large amount of irritating loading pages.

Then, use that program by Knxrb.
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 09:38 Edited at: 3rd May 2009 09:39
That's another good idea... Thanks!

My idea was to make the levels timed as well, so if you don't finish in a certain time limit... You have to reset the level... What do you guys think

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 09:41
Hmm, heres another idea. Have a system, that the player could choose the difficulty (scripting of coarse).

If hard, there are timers, less health, ect

If easy, little, or no timers, with extended time.

Just throwing that out there.
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 09:57

This reminds me of the game I made for the puzzle contest.... except mine had a much higher learning curve than this.

I enjoyed it. Though taking the box up through the air stream was..... a tad frustrating. lol

I hope to see some of the tougher levels pan out. I enjoy puzzle games, but only if they pose a logical challenge.

Keep up the great work!

The one and only,

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 20:55
Well, the only reason I'd have to stray from a traditional saving system was because of the air lifts. I've decide to make the airlift need to be activated to use (press enter). Though I'd still like to use the quicksave/load feature, it's just too buggy. So like I said, I'll fix the lifts and return to the old saving method...


Wow, thanks! It's pretty cool when one of the most influential members of the forum says he likes your game (Again... I don't seem like a fanboy or anything )

@Apple Slicer
I've been thinking about what you said about level length and for some reason It skipped my mind to tell everyone... The full game's level's vary in size and complexity. It's just the little tutorial levels that are small (I thought you were just talking about combining them into a 2 level "super-tutorial" of sorts, which is an awesome idea) Also, I love your difficulty idea. I think I'll build three versions of the game, and THEN upload them to MultiGame. Sort of a nice menu if you will.

In actuality, though, I'd REALLY like to get GameStarter to work
properly, so I can use the trial game, resolution, patch and multiple EXE settings... But it doesn't seem to work on either of my computers (one's Vista, the other's XP). Any tips?

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Posted: 3rd May 2009 21:02 Edited at: 3rd May 2009 21:03

Another idea. Maybe you should add more "portal" items to the game, such as robot turrets of sorts, that you have to carry a box to deflect the shots or somethin'.

Also, add some more jumping\swimming to it as well. And another idea for this, would be for the player to BUILD a bridge out of the planks that they find. For an example here of a FULL level, try this:

You have a central HUB. Now, this HUB, is essentially a giant well lit up room, that is split, and has lava in the center down below. There are two halls that the player can go through. Each of them, is different, and has a special puzzle to solve. When its completed successfully, the player is given a plank, and can build some ramshackle bridge with it, when all the needed planks are collected.
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Posted: 3rd May 2009 21:56
Well, I don't went it to be a clone of Portal, just sort of an homage of sorts...

I LOVE the bridge puzzle... I'll try it out later today

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Posted: 7th May 2009 22:30
My PC has to go into the shop for a couple of weeks, there won't be any updates until it gets back. When it does, I'll have a new demo out though.

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 16th May 2009 06:15
HaHa! I am back!!! And with some updates to boot!!! Look at the first post within the hour to see

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 16th May 2009 12:49

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Posted: 16th May 2009 17:02
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I really hope you get the deal. Good luck!
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Posted: 16th May 2009 21:29
Finally uploaded the NEW demo... please tell me what you think

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
Apple Slicer
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Posted: 16th May 2009 21:39
Hmm, I tried to run the demo, (new one), but when I hit start game, it says memory violation...

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Posted: 16th May 2009 21:50
Anyone else have this problem? Did you change your settings to your PC's specs (it's recommended that you do in the readme)? Could you send me a screenie of the error?

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"
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Posted: 16th May 2009 22:01
Yes, here. Attached a screenie


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Wraith Staff
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Posted: 16th May 2009 22:40
Try changing around the configuration settings in the menu... It may actually be a problem with your graphical settings... If that doesn't work, tell me and I'll upload a non-standalone app (just as I figured out how )

"My cubes keep getting caught in the lift"

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