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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Meat [Screenshots] {56 Kb Warning}

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Posted: 18th Jun 2009 19:47
Quote: "Do you still use the FPSCreator?"

Not as a game developing tool, but I still load it up once in a while to test content and weapons.

john schwarcz
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2009 18:34
cough cough - your selling this at best buy under pc games- xcough cough lol

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 16:18

Well, Gets has changed the story so it fits to Pripyat upon request.

I`d consider it looking epic. Who`s with me?

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 17:38
Holy crap that looks nothing like FPSC. Well done to Getsfile!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 17:40
Aha! No wonder it looks so much like Source!

The wall textures are indeed HL2 plaster textures!

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 17:50

That would be a major disappointment

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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 18:26
Meh, it's probably just a placeholder. I hope.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 27th Jun 2009 20:20
SELL IT WITH FULL PRICE! WHO'S WITH ME! This looks way cooler than anything else! I can imagine of buying this somewhere with Half-Life 3 next to it!

Dark Goblin
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 00:16
Give a prove that it is a HL2 Textur.
Because there are a lot textures from CGTextures inside Source ^^

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 01:46
Quote: "@Aaagreen:
Give a prove that it is a HL2 Textur.
Because there are a lot textures from CGTextures inside Source ^^"

That's just being retarded, HE GAVE PROVE, that screenshot of his shows the texture, also I can confirm that's a Half-Life 2 Texture, as I mod the game, I know 75% of the textures that are there...

Dark Goblin
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 04:06 Edited at: 28th Jun 2009 04:11
its no prove shwoing the original screen of getsfile.

and i also know the HL2 textures because i am mapping in source and as i said they have a lot textures from cgtextures in it which you will find easily!

yep its a HL2 Texture, its "plasterwall022c"

... efxMod Developer!
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 04:11
Lol , The first post , those cows got owned

Lets get one thing straight , You and me both make FPS games by cheating
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 12:18
These look way cool! And wolf, haven't seen you in teh sickening thread for a while!

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Posted: 28th Jun 2009 21:33
Yeah, I`m not really getting forward with it.

BTW: I found out that the texture is properity of B-COOL Interactive, licensed under ATARI. Getsfile has asked permission by ATARI Germany to use the texture for noncommercial use and they granted it.

It is Possible that this texture is also used in HL².


Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 29th Jun 2009 12:51
Quote: "for noncommercial use and they granted it."

Awesome, that means we don't have to pay money

"You are not smart! You are very un-smart!"
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Posted: 29th Jun 2009 17:23
This is honestly the best looking FPSC game I've ever seen. Let's hope that the gameplay is as good as the graphics

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 29th Jun 2009 19:46
Yes. If i were you, would sell this... Firs I wouldn't use those textures thart cannot be used in there, but then I would!

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Posted: 29th Jun 2009 19:49
amazing game like i always say

Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 30th Jun 2009 01:05
Yay! It's free! Even though, this is definitely commercial quality.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2009 00:28
I showed some of these screens to my friend, and he was asking when will this come out. I told him it's gonna br free, and when I told him that it's made with FPS Creator, he was amazed!

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Posted: 5th Jul 2009 04:53
what is 56 k warning?

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Posted: 5th Jul 2009 04:59 Edited at: 5th Jul 2009 05:01
Quote: "what is 56 k warning?"

It means there are a lot of images in this thread, which may cause havoc on a dial up connection


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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 21:42
What happened to all the images?


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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 22:07
I presume the archive site they uploaded all the images to is down.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 23:50
Getsfile´s website is currently offline. Seems like he deleted his whole server but he will made a new website with News about Meat soon.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 17th Jul 2009 13:31
Hmm... I hope it will come soon...

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