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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Still People Interested, any suggestions?

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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 23:34

Its me again Well, my family and I, we occupie our selves a lot with art n stuff, and my father recently brought a couple of Dali Postcards. I found that his desert landscapes would be a really cool Apocalyptiv Scifi Scenario, with this sunset athmosphere overall on it and loads of abstract rock formations. So I played around with FPSC and there was a story getting shape inside my head. So, I started to map and I played around with wiz of id`s scifi upgrade pack, and now, I almost have a whole game done

Well, I did not get any landscapes done, therefore I have a scifi prison.

Its all the usual Scifi stuff and I just wonder if there is still some interest in straight ahead scifi? If so, are there any things I should ad to a scifi minigame, things you would like to see?

I attached a screenshot:

God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 23:37
That looks sweet Wolf
Sci-Fi is always cool if done right

Send some more screens, this looks interesting
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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 23:49
Alright, I attached another one:

God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Posted: 8th Jul 2009 23:59
And another... damn bored today

God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 00:04 Edited at: 9th Jul 2009 00:04
Nice, that 2nd shot reminds of Penumbra...for whatever reason i don't know lol. 3rd shot has me wondering why you jailed that poor light post

lol, looking good as usual wolf
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 01:42
Unhelpful Titles

Please do not simply write "Noob Question", "I am a newb", "One Noobie Question", "A question", "Please help", "This isn't working" or anything similar as the title of your post. We have a search facility, and meaningless titles do not help others find answers to their questions. It will also help you to get quicker responses if people have an idea of your thread content.

Red Eye
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 02:07
It is a pitty you didnt do anything with salvador Dali. As i am a GREAT fan of his work it is just awesome and guess what?believe it or not i am Making scenes of it (besides my other projects). I have alot of reference books, postcards pictures. Videos.

Good looking screens thou.

Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 03:18
Looks great Wolf. I like how you used the stock bio-tube as a light fixture.

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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 03:20
Was always hoping to see how you'd do a scifi level wolf, I really like the 3rd screen

my taste in music isn't weird, its just so amazing your ears haven't quite adapted to it yet.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 9th Jul 2009 10:56 Edited at: 10th Jul 2009 12:17
Wow, wow, wow! Wait a minute! Am I looking First person version of Dead Space, or is this really FPS Creator?

EDIT* Becouse your not checking Sickening anymore, I ask here. Where di you got that shader for MP4 Guy?

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Posted: 12th Jul 2009 17:22 Edited at: 12th Jul 2009 17:23
Wowzah?! Why is this in Work in Progress?!

Anyway, cool to hear you guys like it. I`m already done with the game, I still have to do the interface and some testing. I`ll release it this week then. I`m pretty busy with an Aquarell Painting ATM though.

@Nickydude: Sorry man!

@Red Eye: If I continue with this concept far enough, there will be some outdoor sequences. You make scenes with Dali pictures as a reference? Awesome! Any stuff to check out somewhere?

@Krowsnest: Well it was more playing around than mapping. If I would put some real work in a scifi level I would do it way more roundish or triangular... some interesting architecture you know. Anyway great you like it

@Metal Devil: Ha! Great to hear you like it Well, I did not answer to the sickening threat because I did not want to bump without anything really new to show. So, I used Bond1`s darkshader template on him.

Anyway, I attached another screen


God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Red Eye
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Posted: 13th Jul 2009 12:24 Edited at: 25th May 2013 18:40
I didnt post any screens about it on the forum. Maybe you know the scene in the desert when all those elephants are walking. I was working on that. But there are all sort of things that very fun to do. I was thinking making it to turn it to a game. So i am working on that slowly(beside: Red Eye Island, 1507[entry], the black bird). Maybe we can talk on msn about it further:

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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 00:12
@Red Eye: Sorry, I have no MSN. I`ll send you a line tomorrow though. I`m kinda interested in this

Release Date: This Friday.

Attached another shot

God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 00:56
Sweet. This thing keeps looking better and better. I'm still waiting for "Sickening" though.

NAACP gotme
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Posted: 15th Jul 2009 21:39
Jesus Chrysler those shots look good, reminnds me of fallout for some reason

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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 01:37
@Coach Shogun: Ha! Thanks. The Sickening is still in development, don`t worry

@NAACP Got Me: THX Already the third one who compares my game with an Ace Fullprice game. Makes me proud

Last shot `till release attached

God Helps the Beast in Me!


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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 01:45
I'm jealous of how atmospheric your levels are wolf

my taste in music isn't weird, its just so amazing your ears haven't quite adapted to it yet.
Coach Shogun 20
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Posted: 16th Jul 2009 01:52
Sweet gun. Glad to see you got the fragmotion thing taken care of.

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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 00:46
It`ll take me some time to transalte and to upload.


God Helps the Beast in Me!
Black Profductions
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Posted: 18th Jul 2009 19:50
wow wolf, great job!
And, lol, you are using the weapons i sent you ,glad you like them

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Posted: 19th Jul 2009 15:38

They`re awesome. Too bad, you can`t release em on the board

Anyway, thanks for help


(Almost done with translation)

God Helps the Beast in Me!
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Posted: 21st Jul 2009 18:08
The wall texture in the first shot is definitely ripped from Penumbra though.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2009 19:38
The wall texture in the first shot has more subdivisions in the tile and the grunge is different than in Penumbra.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2009 22:35
He has altered the texture alright. Because such similarity can't be coincidence. Check attached screen.


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Posted: 21st Jul 2009 23:04
Nackidno, you can get these textures from cgtextures (not this exact textures, but the references (the tiles, the grunge plaster wall), even Call of Duty 4 uses this Tiles texture.


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Posted: 21st Jul 2009 23:51
Is that so? My bad then, sorry Wolf!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 00:21
@Nackidno: Yeah, it is inspired by the one out of Penumbra. Even though its a hundred percent selfmade using graphics fro CGTextures.

Check this thread for further images containing the texture:

And go here to download the game:


God Helps the Beast in Me!
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 13:23
So now when this is done (at least it looks like shavra) will you continue with sickening?

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2009 15:24
These Are GREAT ! WOW

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