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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / FallOut3 Tests in FPSC - Now with downloadable level!

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Posted: 30th Sep 2009 16:52 Edited at: 30th Sep 2009 16:54
I've been having a try to make a FallOut3 type cave and the first test hasn't turned out too bad, nowhere near FO3 quality but it's a start! A few screens...

And a video of the cave: (It's best to watch it in HD and Full Screen). The old problem is rearing it's ugly head again... lag. The cave system isn't that big and it's already starting to slow down, and that's without enemies.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 30th Sep 2009 17:13
Bad quality, maby when compared to FallOut 3, but looks very nice for an FPSC game! Is there away, you could share those cave models with us? This looks nice!

BTW: A little word play: FallOut 3(three) = Fall Out Tree! LoL! My bad humor strikes again!

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Posted: 30th Sep 2009 17:23
lol metal -- you done did it again- loks good caveman--- ill be sure to keep my eyes peeled for this-- (hopes to make thhe ultimate mancave in fpsc XD)

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Posted: 30th Sep 2009 19:16
Looks great but you should use mods if it lags.

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Red Eye
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Posted: 30th Sep 2009 19:36
Not bad nickydude but you do need lightmapping and shadows and play with the ambience. Set lightmapquality to something like 35-40 for nice cave shadows, set ambience to 0 and your ambience red/green/blue, to somehting like r:10 g: 140 b: 10 it will give some nice ambience, though you should play with it. About a light source i would go for burning wood and then with a nice dynamic light and a static light in one place. So above the fire you would have a orangish redish light source (static) that would cause shadows with a range of 100 maybe? And then a dynamic flickering one at the same place.
The textures are not bad. But look out for stretches.
Maybe some rocks above the ground and some wood sticking out or something?

Keep it up,

Red Eye

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 00:03
Wow this looks pretty nice, although the lighting could use some work.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 01:55 Edited at: 1st Oct 2009 01:56
Oh wow, that's really cool man! For FPSC that is extremely innovative; are those by any chance the cave segments that Cosmic Prophet has been cooking up? Or did you create those on your own? If so, speaking in FPS Creator terms of produced work that's an incredible job

Looking to see more soon, for sure!


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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 02:38
Metal Devil123: Bad quality? It's appalling quality! But I can neither make models or textures so I'm having to make do with what's already out there.

Armageddon Games: Thanks.

djmaster: I've tried to keep away from mods to see where FPSC ends up, if it doesn't do what I want then I might look at mods.

Red Eye: I lightened everything up as YouTube has a habit of darkening videos once they've been uploaded, but I'll definitely work on the lighting and more entities.

As for sharing the caves, sorry but no, these caves were bought (Higgin's Cave Pack: and I've just retextured them.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 03:12 Edited at: 15th Nov 2009 15:52
Looks great, but try applying a normalmap to the textures to make them look more bumpy to get a true cave effect. (link to tutorial here

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 04:36
Looks like it's from Oblivion, not FO3. Fallout has much taller cave rooms.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 04:45
dimre01: I'll try that thanks.

Tasty Flesh: That's on my todo list. You wouldn't believe the trouble I had getting the stairs right! There will be bigger caves and more debris.

starmind 001
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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 04:48
Try putting your cave models in blender or something that has a render bake. You will see the difference. Rolfy had brought it up, I tried it and my levels for my alien game look fantasic. Or you could do a light overlay with bump in gimp(which what I use) or photoshop.
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 08:40
Quote: "Bad quality?"

I didn't say it's bad quality. Better than I cóuld ever make! Looks great! And I don't know what appaling means, sorry.

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 08:42
i love it, if the performance goes down, why dont use a mod? blue mod is really good for this

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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 21:00
Quote: "Tasty Flesh:"

Haha! Awesome Typo

Red Eye
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Posted: 1st Oct 2009 22:31
Quote: "Red Eye: I lightened everything up as YouTube has a habit of darkening videos once they've been uploaded, but I'll definitely work on the lighting and more entities. "

Not only yourtube also pictures.

Quote: "Haha! Awesome Typo


General Jackson
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 05:45
Nickydude: Tasty Flesh? My sister and I are laughing hard.
That was a good one.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 06:54
Quote: "Tasty Flesh: "

Erm... thanks
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 08:39
Quote: "Quote: "Tasty Flesh: "

Erm... thanks "

lol xD

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 15:42
Sorry Toasty, I noticed Plystire had put 'Tasty Fresh' in one of his posts so I just had to go one better.

General Jackson
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2009 18:02

Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 08:36
Quote: "Sorry Toasty, I noticed Plystire had put 'Tasty Fresh' in one of his posts so I just had to go one better. "

I think it was S4 lol... but anyway.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 08:52 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2009 09:07
Quote: "Sorry Toasty, I noticed Plystire had put 'Tasty Fresh' in one of his posts so I just had to go one better."

Did I really make that bad of a typo with someone's name??
If I did, I apologize. I normally cross-check spelling in my posts before actually posting. And then I re-read my posts to see if I had missed anything.

Is it just me or am I the suspect with a lot of name calling? (I believe Thraxas mistook me for starting the "Vanilla" in "Vanilla FPSC" )

Err, back on-topic...

Nickydude, the caves look spectacular, for FPSC. If I didn't already know the reason why you haven't already done this (or the reason why NO BODY does this), I would suggest using normal maps to "flesh out" the walls a bit more, no pun intended.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 08:56
It's a conspiracy between the mods to blame you for everything Ply

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 09:05 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2009 09:06
It must be! There's no other explanation for it!

At least they blame for for subtle, non-ban-worthy things.

I suppose I can look on the bright side.. At least I didn't call him "Toasty Flesh", because then I might get in trouble for 1st degree murder!! ..... Or first degree burns at least. Lol

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 11:42
Quote: "At least I didn't call him "Toasty Flesh", because then I might get in trouble for 1st degree murder!! ..... Or first degree burns at least. Lol

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 13:27

The caves look sweet...for FPSC. It's a pity we don't have a more streamlined rendering/collision physics system like Gamebryo, (the Fallout engine)...

I've tried normal maps on these kinda segments, they don't work well, but it's worth a shot, if you're doing it in X10, then I reckon it could look sweet...

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Marc Steene
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 14:22
Quote: "It's a pity we don't have a more streamlined rendering/collision physics system like Gamebryo"

Well, considering a copy of Gamebryo sells at around $75,000, I'm pretty glad FPSC doesn't have an equivalent physics system. If it did, FPSC wouldn't be as cheap as it was now.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 16:15
Quote: ""flesh out" the walls a bit more"

*reads comment*
*looks at 2nd screenshot*
*ponders an "innerspace" game briefly*
*shakes head*
*goes on about his business*
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2009 23:16
Quote: "Well, considering a copy of Gamebryo sells at around $75,000, I'm pretty glad FPSC doesn't have an equivalent physics system. If it did, FPSC wouldn't be as cheap as it was now."

I know, but if it was that good, and cheap...

Nahh, let's not bother going down that road...

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Toasty Fresh
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Posted: 4th Oct 2009 02:43
Gamebryo doesn't do the physics though, does it? It uses Havok.

And anyway, the physics in FO3 and Oblivion is garbage compared to some others. I mean, when modding, say you have a rack of guns, all resting on a rack, when you're ingame and you try to pick up one of the guns all of them sort of get knocked off.
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Posted: 4th Oct 2009 22:23
FALLOUT 3 Test #2

I've now tested a small outdoor level, this is mainly for speed and terrain movement:

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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 01:47 Edited at: 5th Oct 2009 01:48
And here are a few shots of the next version of Test #2 (Test #2.1). New video coming shortly.

starmind 001
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 03:03
Now I like the gravel better than the sand look in your video. Keep up the good work!
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 17:48
I dont recognize Fallout 3 in the later pictures, but they sure look good. Will be interesting to see what you end up with.

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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 20:32
Quote: "I don't recognize Fallout 3 in the later pictures"

I'm trying to get something similar, even with my meagre skills (I can't model or texture) it's not turning out too bad. lol! Here are a few more shots of the extended outside.

Red Eye
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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 21:04
I sure like the first one of your last post!

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Posted: 5th Oct 2009 21:26
Quote: "I'm trying to get something similar, even with my meagre skills (I can't model or texture) it's not turning out too bad. lol! Here are a few more shots of the extended outside."

looks ace, if you need any help i can model and texture (for free ofcourse )

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 01:04 Edited at: 6th Oct 2009 01:05
Thanks guys.

mgarand, I am looking for something as it happens; glow-in-the-dark mushrooms/fungus, something like what appears in the last picture of the first post here: If you could create something similar that would be great!

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 08:20
i will always try

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 10:00
You could try adding a more "dusty" lightning to your outdoorscene, that would give it a more post-apocalypse feeling.

A r e n a s
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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 12:58
The only critisizm i have is of the caves. You can see the repeated texture in squares. I couldnt do anything half as good as this anyway, so i stll think that it is great

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 14:19
FALLOUT 3 Test #2 Extended
Ok, I've changed the floor texture, added lots more stuff and an enemy.

Cyborg ART
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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 14:24
Looks great! Now you should add a store or something where you can buy weapons etc.

P.S. Use Streloks/Olegs free STALKER characters as enemies (or friends), they would fit quite well.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2009 23:44
Here's a download of the level you can test out for speed. Criticism always welcome. - 90mb

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Posted: 9th Oct 2009 14:39 Edited at: 9th Oct 2009 14:39
Ok, here's a video of the level as it stands now, I've added a road and more stuff, tell me what you think. A few more tweaks and I'll upload the new version for testing.

Again watch in HD and Full Screen.

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Posted: 10th Oct 2009 12:13
That looks awesome! Did you do those wrecked buildings yourself?

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Posted: 10th Oct 2009 12:26
Looks cool but maybe you should try with a sunlight instead of a lot of smaller lights?

If you haven't tried it before there is a guide somewhere on the forum but it is quite easy to do. Create a light high above your level and set the range to something like 4000. It looks cool if you tone the light a bit yellow or maybe red. Then you can delete all other outdoor lights.

I'm using this trick in my game:

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Posted: 10th Oct 2009 13:57
How much of the map did the level take up Nicky?

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Posted: 10th Oct 2009 18:50
@Metal Devil123: No, they were given away free on the forum but can't remember who gave them away, whoever it was I thank them very much as they fit the level perfectly! Well done whoever you are!

@Scurvy Lobster: I'm trying out different things all the time and I'll surely give that a go.

@Kerrby: Almost an entire level, give or take a few rows around the sides. Nice thing is that as well as map size, I have 2 enemies (at the moment ) and I'm still getting 33-35 fps!

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