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The 20 Line Challenge / [DBP] Random Spaceship Generator

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Posted: 14th Nov 2010 04:12 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 05:17
a few months ago i was checking out this website
and decided to try to adapt his ideas into my own dbp code.

it worked!
this program generates an endless (~4 million) array of pixel spaceships,
which could be used as sprites for retro games or whatever.

i made it so you could change the color and size of a particular spaceship,
and even fully commented and spaced, that's 300 lines.

here's the uncompressed code:

attached is a compiled version. no media required.

some improvements you could make:

-it wouldn't be hard to add a "save image" function, to get these sprites.

-using the mouse to turn a square off or on manually (and even to assign it to one of the 7 'color classes')

-maybe someone could actually include something like this in a game where players can design their own ships for each game.


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Posted: 15th Nov 2010 20:32
Nice one, it really looks good, but you seem to have left out the compressed code..

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Posted: 15th Nov 2010 23:24 Edited at: 15th Nov 2010 23:25
That generates some really cool looking spaceships! Maybe it depends on the version of DBP but I had to change line 220 to:

To make the mouse picked colours visible, because the box function has alpha.
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Posted: 24th Nov 2010 16:45
This would be amazing in your Space Conflict game, if you expanded it. You could move around a vast galaxy colonizing planets and encountering totally unique alien races and spaceships everywhere you go!

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Posted: 24th Nov 2010 18:27 Edited at: 25th Nov 2010 07:28
now THAT is a good idea... and i didn't ever think of it.
... i might have to think about redesigning from the beginning,
adding technology, making the game possibly endless...

now if i only had a decent *planet generator* ... for endless planet images...

i might even be able to expand this concept, make individual technological devices like this...

you make me think, man!

would you care to discuss game design on the subject?


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Posted: 25th Nov 2010 20:33 Edited at: 25th Nov 2010 20:43
OK, so here is a simple endless planet creator,
that could be used in such a game.
of course they are not super-awesome 3D revolving planets with weather that you can land on and explore, but they are procedurally generated and about endlessly variable.

OB87, you want to help in a redesign? i have some thoughts.

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Posted: 26th Nov 2010 03:45
I made a thread in game design to talk about the new game.
I think Space Conquest is a fitting name seeing as the game is expanding.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 02:37 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 02:43
we are talking up a storm over there.

meanwhile, here is a pic of some random procedural alien races.


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 02:42 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 02:44
and here is some quick and dirty procedural planets too, both small and close-up


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 05:16
and here's the bit that started it all.


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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 17:09
They look great IBOL, could I suggest for the planets reducing the colour and having a brightness parameter, that way we should lose the extremely red/green/blue planets and if we set a minimum brightness we'll lose the really dark planets. Or do you like them being that colourful?

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Posted: 29th Nov 2010 15:39
honestly, i like the variety, the dark, the light, etc.
i like them because you don't normally see such variety in a space game.
when we get further along in the design process, we'll decide on such things.

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2010 15:07
I like the ships . And also the way you made them customizable. Well, still it could be playable to give more fun .


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Posted: 10th Dec 2010 00:23
good job. This is cool

yrotate when you can spin?
God Bless!

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