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DarkBASIC Discussion / sqrt() function error: DBC is trying to treat it as an array

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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 06:52
Hello fellow programmers, i have been having a strange problem recently, as the title suggests. I'm messing around with some pseudo-gravity (havent gotten around to adding in any sort of compensation for distance yet), and every time I try to use the sqrt() function (as is rather nessisary), DBC decides that im trying to use an array that I havent dementionalized yet. I've gone twice over my code, but havent had any breakthroughs yet. Any insights?

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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 08:50
That's because you are trying to assign a variable to the function sqrt(). Change this:

to this:


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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 19:28
Oh my! Thankyou Comet! That part is working now, however im haing another odd problem when i try to use abs() instead of

When ever I try using
, I get an error telling me that abs() "expects real". Does this mean a real number, because in the help files it sais abs() can take an integer or a real number.

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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 18th Jan 2011 04:33
I'm no DBC expert, but maybe ABS() is confused by your use of real and integer numbers in the command. Try changing the integers to real numbers by adding a decimal point and a zero to the end, like this:

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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 08:46
I also suggest keeping the above code, or at least sticking it into an abs function of your own. The reason I say this is because it is REALLY slow. What the function actually does is the following:


And we all know how slow square roots are...

This should be much faster:


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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 16:48
Where did you hear DB's ABS function uses sqrt like that? It makes no sense and I can't see any reason it would been programmed that way.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 17:02
To be honest, I am making a guess It's the only thing that explains why the function is so slow, and I know for certain that that's how it was programmed on calculators. The reason it's not just sqrt(input^2) is because it wouldn't work with imaginary numbers : sqrt(i^2)=i

So they just "doubled" it : sqrt(sqrt(i^4))=1

But I suppose DBC has the first version, because it doesn't support imaginary numbers : sqrt(value^2).


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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 20:47 Edited at: 19th Jan 2011 20:49
I think TheComet is right depending on the circumstance in the programming. I don't know how deep DB goes into parsing it's built in commands but I think in C or C++, abs for integers is handled like TheComets suggested function:

or by using 2's compliment. If it's assembly then integers would be handled using registers and 2's compliment.

For floats and imaginary numbers, in C and C++ it would be similar to what TheComet posted, I think. For DB, it all depends on how it's commands are translated. DB may not differentiate between integers or floats or imaginary and just use a "one case fits all" approach which would be the most computationally taxing.

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