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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] P S I S H O C K

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Posted: 1st Jan 2012 22:01
Well...first you have to watch a lot of blue movies...

Alright, joking aside. Its all in the lightmapping, texturing and postprocessing. Add a little sence of danger like deformed creatures trying to maul you on an abandoned mining station on venus and your levels have a certain flair to them.

As for me in special... use sharpening and contrast filters like they are addictive as meth-amphetamine. And no, I couldn't think of a more retarded substance people actually take.


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 03:23
im new to the forums and i love your work! can't wait to try this out!
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2012 22:04
Oh I love you style Wolf, every time you make something better. This will be your last game in FPSC ? I hope not but I will try your games in UDK, perhaps you are better in UDK
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2012 00:42
Congratulations wolf! Well deserved! Cheers!


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Posted: 4th Jan 2012 11:41

Is this even FPSC Game? It looks like from a professional game development team! My suggestion is- hell, why dont you actually start one and earn loads of money? Your projects look awesome!

Cant wait for the demo
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Posted: 5th Jan 2012 04:14
@Callmehluke: Thanks! And welcome to the forums

@Beno09: I'm currently as good in UDK as I am in FPSC, but I'm slooowly getting better Glad you like it!

@Kulet: thanks

@Rytuklis: Well thanks! A lot of people actually *think* that this is a professional release (at least thats what I gather from some responses over the internet). Apparently, the game is already rather popular. Just google it to see what I mean. I took a statement to some responses here.... because I wanted to and haven't had anything better to do.

Quote: "My suggestion is- hell, why dont you actually start one and earn loads of money? Your projects look awesome!"

No thanks! I think this will stay a small hobby But I'm glad you concider me to be that good.


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2012 06:55
Quote: "Is it possible to rip off System Shock and Doom at the same time?
This game just proved it."

Heh, heh. Nice response to that.

Nice work Wolf. Everything looks pretty cool. The holograms look really neat to me.

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Posted: 7th Feb 2012 05:52 Edited at: 7th Feb 2012 16:53
wolf... you're amazing man, this game is going to be a masterpiece !
the way you leveldesigned those rooms, brotha, we can see the techniques you used, we can fell them, it's just crazy !!
Darn it !! i'm so impressed i can't even express my opinion correctly !!
ahh...ahhh... okay... i gotta calm down...

@RelMayer:i don't know if wolf just forgot to mention it, but it's also a good idea to add shaders to all objects, walls, characters, and especially weapons, when it fits, don't hesitate to add a nice shader.

mods for creating a inteligent game,at least
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2012 02:02
Quote: "wolf... you're amazing man, this game is going to be a masterpiece !
the way you leveldesigned those rooms, brotha, we can see the techniques you used, we can fell them, it's just crazy !! "

Thank you! I look to do it as a freelancer once I'm done with my last FPSC Project. For UDK that is.

I'll keep this post for my general FPSC projects and will update it soon.

Just bumping so it doesnt autolock itself.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2012 01:41
Why is this so awesome? Ohh thats was made by wolf.

Excelent work as usual!

Director, Actor, Writer and all round awesome guy
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Posted: 25th Mar 2012 05:17

Hello there, internet people!

I know that I probably have lost a bit of my reputation on here with the hickups with this game and the discontinuation of "Shavra: Dead Frequency". I am well aware of that and the fact that I'll even make another project thread soon will most likely not help it.

I'm currently loosing a lot of time with my job so I simply cannot take a large project like this at the moment. This is in no way dead as I seriously intent to pull something off. If its going to be another braindead shooter like euthanasia... so be it!

The more interesting thought will be that I cooked something up on how to deal a bit more with the memory cap. I intend to map larger map parts (wall and ceiling decor to be specific) as a single model in milkshape and make it use a single texture only. Same for architecture and basic furniture. I think that I can at least get some levels in decent size done for this... this however is all just a possibilitie. I am not sure if I can pull myself together to do all the work.

I just wanted to throw out a statement. I will inform you guys about my little sideproject (it has the ambition of my oneleveler "Thanatophobia") which will be announced shortly.

Thank you!


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
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Posted: 25th Mar 2012 16:12
Quote: "I intend to map larger map parts (wall and ceiling decor to be specific) as a single model in milkshape and make it use a single texture only. Same for architecture and basic furniture. "

Good idea, I use already something similar in the pre-prod of my next game that will go full dev when "Into the Dark" is finnished. As long as you still have the references for portal creations inside, it`s a great way to save on mem.

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michael x
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Posted: 26th Mar 2012 18:53
hey wolf have you test these levels out on the game builder. if not I suggest you do. fpsc may take you on another bug run.

more than what meets the eye

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Posted: 26th Mar 2012 22:43
Quote: "I use already something similar in the pre-prod of my next game that will go full dev when "Into the Dark" is finnished."

That medieval game?

Quote: "hey wolf have you test these levels out on the game builder. if not I suggest you do. fpsc may take you on another bug run."

It always does

I don't think I understand what you mean by gamebuilder though.


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep.
michael x
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Posted: 27th Mar 2012 02:21
all I meant was the tool in fpsc that we use to make a exe on the final build. but never mind I found the problem. best of luck with this game.

more than what meets the eye

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