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NaGaCreMo / NaGaCreMo '14 Sign-Up Thread!

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2013 23:15 Edited at: 1st Jan 2014 16:31
Hey everyone, it's that wonderful time of year again!

Yes, I am referring to two things - the wonderful Holiday Season and the upcoming month of NaGaCreMo, where you have from the beginning of the New Year until the 31st of January to make any kind of game you can dream of!

To sign up, all you need to do is make your pledge in the following format (or anything similar!):

Quote: "I, [name], pledge to make a complete working game/game demo/app/general program by Januray 31st, 2014"

Anything goes! You can make it with Unity3D, Panda3D, Ogre, AppGameKit, DBP, FPSC, literally ANY engine! The only stipulation is that if you are making your game/app in an engine that's not made by TGC, you can't post a WIP thread, BUT you can post updates on your project in this here thread!

You may also choose to continue work on a game you're already making - perhaps by completing a demo! The choice is yours - either make something entirely new, or continue work on a current project!

If anybody would like to make a banner for people to put in their signatures, simply post it here! Anybody can take whichever one they like best, or if people vote on a "best" one, we can deem it to be the "official" image. No banner can be bigger than 600x120px!

Now, you're probably wondering what the point of all this. It's simple, really! By making a pledge to complete a project in a one-month time frame, you're motivating yourself to get something done! If you complete your goal, imagine the gratification you'll feel!

So what're you waiting for? Sign up now, and get on this list!


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Blobby 101
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2013 23:49
WayHayâ„¢ Sign me up!

I, Blobby 101, pledge to make a complete working game/game demo by January 31st, 2014

As for WIP threads, I think in past years we've allowed WIPs for non-TGC products, so long as they're in Geek Culture instead of the WIP board.

Good luck, though! I think I'll be trying to get a short game I'm working on with Deathead at the moment done. (It's a spinoff from my 2012 NaGaCreMo project, which is somehow still in development, only now in Unity3D xD).

I can have a crack at doing a banner if you like?

AGK Backer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 00:23
Made these real quickly...

one for PNG lovers...

and one for gif lovers...

I left a space below Participant! for you to enter either your username or project title...

Quote: "I, MrValentine, pledge to make a working 3D tutorial demo with commented code for DBPro given the title '3D_TUT' by January 31st, 2014"

Let the planning begin!, I have a packed 2 months ahead!

Hello once again all!

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 00:29
I, Moondog, pledge to release a full working demo of Paradox by Januray 31st, 2014.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 00:33
I am hoping this one remains as NaGaCreMo this year...

And it appears as though this year will see a busy thread! yay!

Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 01:02 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 01:26
Quote: "I can have a crack at doing a banner if you like?"

blobby, please do

meanwhile, i've been feeling minimalistic:

link code:


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AGK Backer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 02:11
Virtual Nomad - Nice!

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 04:51
Woot, glad to see this many responses already!

Quote: "As for WIP threads, I think in past years we've allowed WIPs for non-TGC products, so long as they're in Geek Culture instead of the WIP board."

Yeah, I think you're right... I just wasn't sure.

NICE! I really like the colors and the angles!

@Virtual Nomad:

NICE job! I really like the minimalism.

If anyone else would like to make more banners, feel free! The more the merrier!

I'll update the pledge list!

AGK Backer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 04:55
Thanks Yodaman Jer but it is _ not - ^^

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 05:00
Silly shift key didn't work the first time. Fixed!

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 05:05 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 05:06
Quote: "Silly shift key didn't work the first time."

I know this is not the Posting Competition, but I call shenanigans

Yeah I suffer from Shift Key paralysis too A LOT! I wish they would put it where the caps lock key is much easier to press and often pressed by accident


Looking forward to seeing the action in here! I am unsure if I can contribute any prizes this year as my business is focussed now for the foreseeable future... but I will see if there is anything I can contribute

easter bunny
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 07:01
I, Easter Bunny, pledge to make a complete working game/game demo/app/general program by Januray 31st, 2014

Assuming I can just use my current AppGameKit WIP?

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 09:16
I Seppusworth the 7th pledge to make a complete working web application by January 31st, 2014

As I'm doing an ASP.NET course, I feel I should have something to show for it at the end of January to prepare for the exam.

Blobby 101
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 11:13 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 22:04
My banner

They're the same image, just with the hue changed, you can change it yourself to whatever you like if anyone wants to use it

Gingerkid Jack
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 11:41
I, GingerKidJack, pledge to release a 2D platformer by January 31st, 2014.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 13:39
Blobby 101, very nice...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 21:30 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 21:35
Blobby 101, those are great images, but they can't be any taller than 120px. Sorry, I'll update the first post to reflect that!

And yes Easter Bunny, any current project is fine!

Blobby 101
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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 22:05 Edited at: 4th Dec 2013 22:07
Oops, I forgot about that rule! Thanks, I've updated them to be the correct height now

(Edited for sig)

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Posted: 4th Dec 2013 23:02
Few more...

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Dec 2013 14:31
I'm still getting to grips with ASP.NET, only covered half of the basics, so got a lot of ground to cover still. But I've just started working into CSS Stylesheets, still a newbie with them.

But what I'm doing for this NaGaCreMo is creating a website for my Roleplaying group on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. We currently use an enjin site found here. Now, I don't expect to compete with enjin, but instead to create something more RP focused.

This is my first attempt at making something from a CSS stylesheet:

Yodaman Jer
User Banned
Posted: 6th Dec 2013 16:19
Looks pretty good!

My game idea is pretty basic. It's going to be a 3D platformer (like I've been wanting to do for years!), but the main story will revolve around shapes as characters (aptly named "The Shapelies"), and the character you control will be a square.

The story is that there is a war between the Triads (Triangles) and Cubelettes (Squares). The Triads sneak into the main character's town and kidnaps the leader of the Cubelettes (name undetermined), so it becomes the main character's mission to reduce the leader and end the war.

There is a lot more detail than that, that's just the gist of it!

I'm going to get a head start on it and begin developing the media tonight... it's so cool that Unity can import .blend files, I can design the majority of the static level parts in there and then just load it in!

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 04:05 Edited at: 8th Dec 2013 04:46
So, sorry for the bump, but is anybody else interested?

Plenty of time to make the pledge and give yourself that motivation! Yeehaw!

EDIT: Also, has anyone ever thought of making a website (like maybe through Weebly) that everyone can post their WIP threads on, specifically for NaGaCreMo? If not, I probably will find a free host that supports forums, that way people can have a place completely dedicated to it.

EDIT 2: OK, I just went ahead and set one up with Here it is so far!

Make your pledge today!
The Zoq2
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 10:48
I think I might join this with my current WIP and try to get some kind of demo out by the end of it.

I, The Zoq2, pledge to make a complete working game demo of my current WIP by Januray 31st, 2014

Say ONE stupid thing and it ends up as a forum signature forever. - Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 12:51
Yodaman Jer - We have the competition thread on here ^^ perhaps utilise that ^^

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 13:17
Maybe after this year's I'll code a site and maybe even host it. However, for this NaGaCreMo, I'll stick to my current website idea.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 18:42
Quote: "We have the competition thread on here ^^ perhaps utilise that ^^"

Since when did NaGaCreMo become a competition?

Also, the whole point of the site I'm setting up is just so that people can post their WIP threads there without having to worry about TGC forum rules. It's also going to have a dedicated Photo Gallery, which pledgers can use to upload their screenshots. Think of it like a NaGaCreMo archive!

But if no one's going to use it, tell me now before I waste anymore time on it...

Make your pledge today!
AGK Backer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 18:48
Not going to use it...

Not on there at least...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 18:53
Well there goes an hour of my life.

Make your pledge today!
The Next
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 21:34
As per request from mods you now have a dedicated board, you can post anything related to NaGaCreMo in there. If you require anything stickied please let a mod or myself know.

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 21:36
Wow, that's brilliant.

And since I just realised that I never actually pledged yet, I'll pledge once the thread gets created or moved to that board.

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The Next
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 21:49
Thread is moved now

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 22:16
I, budokaiman, pledge to make a complete working game/game demo/app/general program by Januray 31st, 2014

I'd like to get my AppGameKit placement editor done and then probably release it.

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 22:22
never really checked into NaGaCreMo, but now that I do, It's GREAT that it's gotten its own board - that on its own caught my interest
and it's an amazing thing in itself - I'll keep an eye on this part of the forum~

Whose eyes are those eyes?
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 22:41
Yay, thanks The Next!

This completely eliminates the need for a dedicated site!

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Posted: 8th Dec 2013 23:56
I, Jeremy(KingofMk), pledge to make a complete working game/game demo/app/general program by Januray 31st, 2014
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 00:22
I take it that we can post WIP threads regardless of tool in this section? Figure I should ask before I create one.

The Next
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 00:31
Yes post away any WIPs from any tools. This section is totally off topic from TGC.

This applies to the new board only WIP threads in other locations will be locked.

I will make a sticky about it.

Windows 7 Pro, Intel i7 3.8 GHz, 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA GTX 780 4GB Superclocked

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 00:49
First post updated with the new pledges!

Kepp 'em coming, everyone! If you want a link to your thread after you've started your WIP, I'll put it in the first post, too!

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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 19:18
Well I was supposed to be doing my national service and got a postponement. Now I'm going to be bored for the winter, so without further ado:

I, Zotoaster, pledge to make a complete working game/game demo/app/general program by Januray 31st, 2014

I'm not entirely sure what I'll make, but I made a programming language that compiles to HTML5 and it's getting pretty functional, so I'd like to test it on something of a decent size.

"everyone forgets a semi-colon sometimes." - Phaelax
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2013 20:45
First post updated with your pledge!

I've decided that since I'm going to be using Unity and still need to learn quite a lot about it, I'm going to make the "Balls of Steel" game that uses to show you how to make basic games in Unity, although I'm going to change quite a bit about it and probably change the name...

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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 01:15
I pledge to finally finish my zelda clone!

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 16:54

I think I remember you talking about that in the past, Phaelax! You were even making an editor for it, weren't you, in Java? If I'm wrong feel free to slap me through the fibers of the web!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 18:23
Not too late to enter is it? It has been a while.

Mental arithmetic? Me? (That's for computers) I can't subtract a fart from a plate of beans!
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Blobby 101
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Posted: 10th Dec 2013 19:05
Nope, it's not too late to sign up until January 1st! You could even pledge after that if you wanted to, though you'd be hurting your chances of finishing a bit

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Posted: 11th Dec 2013 19:57
I WLGfx, pledge to create from scratch a type of demo in DBP. So I'll call it DBPscene.

Been a while since I last used DBP.

Mental arithmetic? Me? (That's for computers) I can't subtract a fart from a plate of beans!
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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 12th Dec 2013 04:10

It's been a while since I've used DBP as well, but that's because I have a Mac now.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2013 01:52 Edited at: 13th Dec 2013 01:52
Whoops, DBPscene demo no. 1 90% done (just tidying up). I'll have stacks of them by the end of January.

Mental arithmetic? Me? (That's for computers) I can't subtract a fart from a plate of beans!
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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 04:48

Anybody else going to make pledges? The month is quickly running away from us!

Make your pledge today!
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Posted: 14th Dec 2013 07:38
Quote: "I think I remember you talking about that in the past, Phaelax! You were even making an editor for it, weren't you, in Java?"

I did start an editor about 2 months ago, not in java but agk.

Yodaman Jer
User Banned
Posted: 14th Dec 2013 16:21
Ah, Ok. Must be thinking of another project then.

Can't wait to see yours come to fruition! I love a good Zelda game.

Make your pledge today!

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