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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] I'm back - for better or worse

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Posted: 20th May 2014 14:36 Edited at: 20th May 2014 16:17
Hi all!

It's a pleasure to be back!
* How is everyone?
* What have I missed?
* Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?
* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?
* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?
* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?

I see there is finally a PM system. That's pretty cool! I checked out the "beta forum", and my first impression was not so good. Mainly the style put me off - functionality was fine. It looked like so many other "Web 2.0" forums out there... I will definitely miss the theme currently in use right now, but I read that you could customize the theme as you wish, so maybe that won't be a big deal.

For those interested in what I've been up to lately, please continue.

New Experiences

I spent most of my time over on GDNet, learning the art (and pains!) of C++ with a focus on Ogre3D. I'd say my understanding of the language has reached a reasonable level, but there's still so much more to learn, especially with C++11 gaining traction.

I've also started using python. It's a fantastic replacement for C#, and has a rich and powerful collection of libraries for virtually anything. There's even a wrapper for Ogre3D. Since python also works seamlessly with C++, the two complement each other neatly.

I'm now a full-time linux user. I'm currently running Kubuntu 14.04, and if you're using linux, I highly recommend giving KDE4 a shot (sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for ubuntu users). They've vastly improved everything and it's become this shiny, easy-yet-powerful window manager.


There's not really that much to show project-wise, since most of my projects have just been text based dabbling with the language, or silly 3D experiments with Ogre, or things I'm embarrassed to show.

I did however have a go at Conway's Game of Life, a cellular simulation program using C++ and SFML. It was a challenge to write an algorithm capable of updating tens of thousands of cells in just a few milliseconds. I noticed it didn't make sense to update dead cells surrounded by dead cells (they stay dead no matter what), so I used a dictionary data structure to store all active cells (allowing you to lookup a cell in O(log2(n)) and neighbour lookup-tables (allowing you to lookup a neighbour cell in O(1)). It proved itself to be pretty efficient.

If you download the game, make sure to try simulating the structures described on the wikipedia page!




I signed up to host an event at BronyCon this year called "Pony Jeopardy". For those not familiar with Jeopardy, it's a reverse quiz show where you receive the answers, and need to find a suitable question. The entire thing is of course tuned to MLP.

The event was accepted and I'm freaking out, because I don't know how to talk gibberish for 2 hours in front of thousands of people. Thankfully I won't be standing up there alone - A friend and I are working on it together, he's writing the software and I'm working on the hardware. I developed these cool quiz buzzer buttons that are basically piezo-sensors encased in a see-through mould. A bright LED blinks when you hit it with your hand. Some circuitry manages detection and can communicate via USB for my friend to use.

This is a picture of the moulds hardening.

FAQ, as to not derail existing threads

Quote: "Any new work on that C++ version of your game?"

PonyCraft is on ice, but it's a game I'm still willing to pick up again at a later point! When, I cannot say. With my bachelor study approaching this coming summer, I'll probably not have any time at all for a few years.

@djd64 || dbd79
Quote: "And Comet!! Fancy to see you again. Has it like, really been a year? I'm awfully baffled."

It's been closer to 9 months. The two books "stalker 101" and "how2blackmail" by "Basement Bill" helped a great deal.

No actually I exchanged some e-mails with BatVink, and it seems the moderators gracefully decided to lift my ban early. I'm thankful!

Quote: "TheComet? Where were you?"


Well that about sums me up. Thanks for reading!


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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 20th May 2014 15:14
Welcome back.

I haven't forgotten about your shader stuff - just been busy lately. Let me know by email if you need me to get on with it.

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Posted: 20th May 2014 16:07
Quote: "I haven't forgotten about your shader stuff - just been busy lately. Let me know by email if you need me to get on with it. "

Heh, don't worry about it. I've not had much time to work on it anyway, so it's still where we left it. I guess I could start posting it to TGC as a first draft, and improve on it from there through community feedback?

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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 20th May 2014 16:31
Good idea.

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Chris Tate
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Posted: 20th May 2014 16:32
Welcome back

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 20th May 2014 18:00 Edited at: 20th May 2014 18:04
Welcome back my good sir! Good to see that you have returned...nobody ever leaves, they only go on hiatus, even if they're banned.

Quote: "* How is everyone?"

I don't know everybody, but I'm just perky! But then it's my day off.

Quote: "* What have I missed?"

I'm sad to say, not a lot, at least, not that I can think of, but then my visits here have been minor.

Quote: "* Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?"

There's FPSC Reloaded and AppGameKit 2, so maybe that's where the folks are. Oh yeah, there's a beta forum now, so I guess there's a few things you've missed.

Oh and my village finally got fibre optics, so I guess you missed that. Getting 20+mbps is nice.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

Only Ubuntu as a secondary OS, but I rarely touch it, I still do Windows programming.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"

Obviously you know about me, C# and Unity3D, but I've put game dev stuff aside to do something more serious. I'm working with C# and ASP.NET for Web Applications, I find myself preferring using MVC 4 and the Entity Framework. This is all in an attempt to get qualifications and a job doing it. So er, you can see why I'm reluctant to make the full jump to Linux, but once I've got my training out of the way and a couple of projects under my belt, I will be looking to expand my web dev knowledge, ASP.NET is the most common requirement locally, but there's also a few PHP and even Ruby on Rails jobs. For these I may make more use of Linux, particularly so I know how to set up a Linux server, should I ever need to be required to.

Once I've satisfied myself there, I will get back into Game Dev, I am subscribed to Pluralsight and as they've just taken over Digital Tutors, I will have a whole plethora of useful material for helping me get back into it.

Quote: "* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?"

I run a Role Playing guild on Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (go figure, the FF whore is playing the FF MMO?) - I am working on our website and building RP specific features. I did originally start in January, stuff came up, but only just started working on it again. More Info.

Quote: "I'm now a full-time linux user. I'm currently running Kubuntu 14.04, and if you're using linux, I highly recommend giving KDE4 a shot (sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for ubuntu users). They've vastly improved everything and it's become this shiny, easy-yet-powerful window manager."

I will take your recommendation.

FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 20th May 2014 18:06 Edited at: 20th May 2014 18:09
Quote: "* How is everyone?"

Collectively, fine. Individually, also fine.

Quote: "* What have I missed?"

apart from the beta forums, not much. But it's also hard to recall all that's happened in a time frame.

Quote: "* Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?"

FPSC Reloaded and AppGameKit currently.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

I'm running Mac now, but have yet to reinstall linux on my desktop (though I do use the debian distro on my raspberry pi).

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"

I'm using c++ (with and without AGK)

Quote: "* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?"

I'm currently working on a game, in AppGameKit (Tier 2). I put up an Indie DB page yesterday, and will put up a proper WIP page here, later today. The IndieDB page is in my sig, if you want to check it out before I put up the WIP.

EDIT: I see that Sepp posted a lot of the same info that I did. I'll keep my post the same though.

"Giraffe is soft, Gorilla is hard." - Phaelax
Yodaman Jer
User Banned
Posted: 20th May 2014 22:03 Edited at: 20th May 2014 22:04
Hey, Comet!

Quote: "* How is everyone?"

Everyone (meaning me) has been ok - I've sort of moved on from game development onto filmmaking/visual effects work.

Quote: "* What have I missed?"

Not a whole lot has happened. There have been threads with arguments, the new beta forums, and as you can see The Posting Competition is still alive and kickin'.

Quote: "* Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?"

Focus of the community seems to be on AppGameKit mostly - they really need to develop a Mac version of it because I would probably use it.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

I am running Mac OS X "Mavericks" 10.9.3. Very nice, but I do miss some stuff from Windows/Linux occasionally, however I don't want to dual-boot or anything because Macs do everything I want them to do just fine - I just miss the customization that one can do with Windows/Linux.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"

Well, for a while I was developing stuff with Unity/C#. But as I said above, I've sort of moved on to filmmaking and have majorly lost interest in game development.

Quote: "* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?"

Currently, I'm developing a screenplay for a film based on the old film-noir genre with some elements of Monty Python/Mel Brooks' comedy mixed in. It'll be the first official film for my new company I've started called "digiTALE films" - which I literally just started last week. But hey, now that I've got the name, the domain, a website for it and a twitter page, I have more motivation than ever to do something film related!
I just need to finish writing the story down, then I can flesh out the characters and add dialog. Script writing is very different from other forms of writing, so it's hard to really convey everything that's necessary - I guess that's why films have directors!

Come check out my new website!
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Posted: 20th May 2014 23:15

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Posted: 20th May 2014 23:28
Yo, shot you an email congratulating you last night. I also have something freaky to show you (didn't wanna kill the mood of your reinstatement so I'll mail it to you another time. I would post it here but it's really NSFW -- I mean worse than anything you or Ben have posted )

Quote: "*How is everyone? "

Through perception, mostly. They "is"(are) and "is not"(are not) simultaneously. Luckily we percieve ourselves and therefore we "is"(are).
Quote: "*What have I missed? "

Town Gossip:
-- DJD proposed to me and is the 9th member of my harem (must actually find out whether he wants to be a husband, wife or undefined). He's also been made Vice-Kapitan of nASA (see sig)
* Beta forums developement
* Randomness is still not working on Exotreve.
* I joined the "one of those threads"-club but I did it in style.
* I started nASA (see sig). You may apply to join. Send me your power, character-level, etc.
Quote: "*Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?"

It's the same as when you left: AGK-this, AGK-that... FPSC:R and not much else aside from old DBP vets like me moaning coz we can't keep up with change.
Quote: "*Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

Well you know I run a Linux machine. I'm still quite into Debian and Antix (which is a Debian deriv). My Antix box uses 45 MB of RAM in idle without any conkys or panels running and about 70 with my regular setup. Cold boots in 20-something seconds and apps open instantly on this: Cellery M 1.7GHz single core, 1 GB DDR2 RAM, 80GB HDD. As for Ubuntu, I'm also probably never going to run Ubuntu again. I think 10 was last Ubuntu I really used. It's just not what it used to be. It's slow and unstable (well I found it like that). I don't know what happened between Debian Linux and Ubuntu but somewhere between, during the deriv process, something went wrong. Perhaps I should give 14 a try before my final judgement but I don't expect much.
Quote: "*Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"

Still using C mainly. I try to avoid ++ where I can help it as there are just too many ways to hang yourself (reminds me of the post you on the Tainted Skies blog, that was classic).
Quote: "*Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)? "

* I'm afraid my number 1 code project is classified.
Others projects:
* A 2D collision library. The library is a dll for Windows (mainly for DBP) to make collision fast and accurate. May be ported to *nix-friendly src but it seems pointless with so many choices already.
* A visual novel (it's like an interactive CYOA book with images, optional cut-scenes, optional voice-acting and BGM). Actually, it's an Adult Visual Novel, to be precise -- yes, that's a hentai game. I'm gonna use Ren'Py (multi-platform, Python-based visual novel engine) to develop it while my friend draws character art. Have a possible background artist who wants to work on a project with me, but I haven't even finished the storyline yet so, when I'm done everything else, I'll see.

My book is still my priority, though, so the other projects are on hold. I've a little more polishing to do and then I send the draft to my editor. Fingers crossed!

"Oh nonZero, let me tell you, I love you." -- Dark Java Dude 64, Vice-Kapitan of nASA(nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association)
The Zoq2
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Posted: 21st May 2014 12:36
Quote: "* How is everyone?"

Pretty good, I have nothing to complain about

Quote: "* What have I missed?"

Seems like the others have awnsered that pretty well

Quote: "* Where's the focus of the community currently? Is it still on DBP, or something new?"

Same as the last one

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people running Linux or Mac?"

I tried out steam OS around christmas and really enjoyed it apart from a few bugs. Now I have been running ubuntu gnome on my desktop for about 2 months without needing windows to do anything other than play Arma 3. I uninstalled windows completley on my main computer to use that SSD for running Linux mint on my laptop a week back. So my 2 main computers are now running Linux and I am enjoying it a lot. Also, wine is really cool, I have only found one or 2 games that I can't get running on wine so far.

Quote: "* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"

I have been using C++ for about two years and im currently moving away from AppGameKit for the time being. AppGameKit is just far to buggy and is missing some features that I would really like to have. Also, there is no linux version. Im also using PHP in school which is pretty nice and I have been doing a lot of HTML 5 / javascript projects recently

Quote: "* Can I get some info on what you're all currently developing (be it TGC related or not)?"

I finished my game project that I was working on in school about a month ago and I finished my project for the TGC competition two weeks ago. Im trying to learn Open sceene graph right now but I might look into Ogre aswell if I can just figgure out why it doesn't compile propperly. Oh and im doing a project in PHP that my moms company will use to handle scores from the simulators that they are developing.

Say ONE stupid thing and it ends up as a forum signature forever. - Neuro Fuzzy
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Posted: 21st May 2014 14:36 Edited at: 21st May 2014 15:29
I might look into writing some DBP plugins, does anyone have a link to IanM's tutorial on that? I remember downloading a PDF file he wrote way back, but I wasn't able to find it anymore.

@Seppuku Arts
Great to see you still weren't able to escape TGC. Or maybe that's a bad thing.

Yes, I remember your switch to Unity/C#. Did you finish Abeyance?

The whole bias towards Microsoft products is still a requirement in the industry. I wouldn't exactly say that's a bad thing, because Microsoft make some fantastic software development tools. I love MSVC's debugger, for instance.

Where I work, I've noticed a shift towards open source. Everyone in R&D has always used Matlab, but since Raspberry Pi became popular, people have discovered Python. More and more I hear people talk about using Python instead of C# for GUI apps, or using Spyder - a Matlab alternative built on Python. I even had the chance to host a Python workshop for a group of people, which left a very positive impression. It's a pretty cool time to be working at this company.

My point being, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about the open source alternatives. Not only does it reflect extremely well on your resume, if you have knowledge over something upcoming, opportunities present themselves like there's no tomorrow.

Good luck with your web development career! I have a friend who's big on Ruby on Rails (and he bashes PHP wherever possible, too). He prefers to only work on cutting edge projects either as a freelancer or in startups. Says Ruby on Rails is the future of the web's backbone.

I have way too little knowledge over the web, so my opinion is neutral, but he seems to know what he's talking about.

@Yodaman Jer
Filmmaking! An ambitious goal, good luck!

There was another TGC user a few years ago who went by the name "The Crazy". He too went into filmmaking, and if I remember correctly, he worked on some props for the film "Piranha 3D".

Quote: "I'll mail it to you another time."

Please do! I don't think I can be TMI'd anymore. Tumblr has ruined me.

Quote: "You may apply to join. Send me your power, character-level, etc."

Via PM?

Quote: "Randomness is still not working on Exotreve"

But what resolution will it be?

Quote: "As for Ubuntu, I'm also probably never going to run Ubuntu again. I think 10 was last Ubuntu I really used. It's just not what it used to be. It's slow and unstable (well I found it like that). I don't know what happened between Debian Linux and Ubuntu but somewhere between, during the deriv process, something went wrong. Perhaps I should give 14 a try before my final judgement but I don't expect much."

You will be disappointed by 14.04 as well. I gave it a go, and their unity window manager is still extremely sluggish and homosexual.

Quote: "I might look into Ogre aswell if I can just figgure out why it doesn't compile propperly."

Pop me an e-mail or add me on skype, I can help you out there.

Ogre is actually based on a scene graph, so you'd be learning the best of both worlds.


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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 21st May 2014 18:05 Edited at: 21st May 2014 20:41
Quote: "@Seppuku Arts
Great to see you still weren't able to escape TGC. Or maybe that's a bad thing.

Yes, I remember your switch to Unity/C#. Did you finish Abeyance?


Not finished Abeyance, I intend to, but I'd rather focus on getting a job doing what I like first, hence all this web dev nonsense, there's a lot of jobs in my area doing it and I enjoy it. My current job, however, I hate it.

Quote: "The whole bias towards Microsoft products is still a requirement in the industry. I wouldn't exactly say that's a bad thing, because Microsoft make some fantastic software development tools. I love MSVC's debugger, for instance.

I love working with Visual Studio and ASP.NET MVC has a lot going for it. It's also very secure and not too much of a headache to set up. There's also plenty of resources and information out there and a decent amount of documentation and support from MS themselves, which I suppose makes it attractive to businesses.

Quote: "Where I work, I've noticed a shift towards open source. Everyone in R&D has always used Matlab, but since Raspberry Pi became popular, people have discovered Python. More and more I hear people talk about using Python instead of C# for GUI apps, or using Spyder - a Matlab alternative built on Python. I even had the chance to host a Python workshop for a group of people, which left a very positive impression. It's a pretty cool time to be working at this company."

I think people are less worried about open source, open source vs closed source each have their plus and minus points. But where I work, we're running systems in JSP, PHP and Ruby on Rails. But, when I look for developer jobs, it's ASP.NET that props up the most, but there's still PHP and Ruby ones and loads of businesses out there use OpenSSL, hence the issue with Heartbleed was so wide spread.

But, I run Linux so I can learn how to use any open source stuff I may be expected to in the future. I tried to steal our IT guy's job, but he turned down his promotion. I felt the only area I lacked knowledge in that was listed was on "Linux-based servers", but he was willing to teach it. Just annoyed he turned down his promotion, I had a good chance of getting it.

Quote: "My point being, it's a good idea to learn a little bit about the open source alternatives. Not only does it reflect extremely well on your resume, if you have knowledge over something upcoming, opportunities present themselves like there's no tomorrow"

Definitely, which is why I hope to tackle them once I've mastered ASP.NET, I have dabbled a little bit with Ruby On Rails, because we had a problem with it at work and our IT guy sent out a panicked email saying, "does anybody have Ruby on Rails experience?" I offered, but lacked experience and it was safer for them to pay a third party to fix the problem they had.

I can see why your friend swears by it, whilst it is strange and maybe a little be confusing at first, but it is a really streamlined approach, because it makes a lot of assumptions for you in regards to web conventions and cuts out some of the work for you.

ASP.NET MVC is similar in a respect, but then Rails uses the MVC (Model, View, Controller) approach to development, but it is so much more convenient compared to the alternatives. Essentially it creates a scaffolding for you, which you have the option to do in ASP.NET MVC as well. Plus the typical feedback people seem to give on using Rails is that "it's so much fun", my experience is limited, but I suspect they're correct. I don't know if it's the 'future' but it certainly has a place with PHP and ASP.NET, I sometimes see jobs advertised asking for it. Also, our repair center uses it at work for handling customer data and Twitter uses it as well, so I don't see why it can't compete.

But there's a lot of cool things about the MVC approach, unlike with HTML, you don't navigate your site with a URL, instead you have what are called action links that tie parts of your site together. These actionlinks are all done using C# code (or VB), not only can the be done in your Controller files (your C# source files)but thanks to the Razor syntax you can put these directly into View codes as well (where your HTML tags will be).

For example, this is a snippet:

So HTML.Action link allows me to like to a "Create" page inside of the section called "Stories" with a label saying "Create a New Story" and creating a new variable 'characterID' to send to the query string part of the URL that can be retrieved by the 'Create' page to make sure that when it create a story that it makes it a child for the right character, so in effect I can list stories for each character on their profile. This approach is also strongly typed, which is useful when you're used to desktop programming and not web programming. So for a web page capable of displaying a table of content from an SQL database you're not actually doing a lot, but then you're using a 'foreach' loop to access this data and as you're using types taken from your model, you don't actually need to write any SQL queries either because your Models and Controllers will take care of that for you.

In fact, I don't have to do any SQL code this way, my model works exactly like it would if I'm creating variables in C# anyway, I would just need to create a type called a 'context' in order for C# to generate the SQL database and if one is pre-existing, I can reference these types to columns in the SQL database:

Ruby on Rails works in a similar fashion, but I don't have any code.

Yodaman Jer
User Banned
Posted: 21st May 2014 21:03
TheComet wrote: "Filmmaking! An ambitious goal, good luck!"

Thanks! It is indeed quite ambitious - but I know I can pull it off. Might take a while, but hey, getting there is half the fun!

I actually just bought part of the audio equipment I need yesterday, so hopefully it gets here soon... I am eagerly awaiting its arrival.

Come check out my new website!
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Posted: 21st May 2014 21:19
Quote: "Randomness is still not working on Exotreve"

I've worked on it a little bit, at least.

Quote: "But what resolution will it be?"

I think we all know the answer to that.

Green Gandalf
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 01:36
Quote: "Oh and my village finally got fibre optics, so I guess you missed that. Getting 20+mbps is nice. "

We've been recently informed that our village won't get it in the foreseeable future,

I'm hoping BT can't foresee very far ahead...

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Posted: 22nd May 2014 11:41
Quote: "Via PM?"

Eeeeyup... Or any other communication system such as a note attached to an albatross, dog, mouse, rat, pidgeon or non-reptilian creature.

*Note nASA is not politically biased against reptiles, they are simply incapable of accurate delivery. All animals are equall but some are more equall than others.

"Oh nonZero, let me tell you, I love you." -- Dark Java Dude 64, Vice-Kapitan of nASA(nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association)
Green Gandalf
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 13:15
Quote: "All animals are equall but some are more equall than others."

Especially cats.

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Posted: 22nd May 2014 21:23 Edited at: 22nd May 2014 21:24
Yes, cats are the most equal.

Quote: "Please do! I don't think I can be TMI'd anymore. Tumblr has ruined me"

Well I've sent it, only time will tell. May the force be with you.

"Oh nonZero, let me tell you, I love you." -- Dark Java Dude 64, Vice-Kapitan of nASA(nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association)
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 22nd May 2014 23:18
Quote: "Quote: "Oh and my village finally got fibre optics, so I guess you missed that. Getting 20+mbps is nice. "

We've been recently informed that our village won't get it in the foreseeable future,

I'm hoping BT can't foresee very far ahead...

I know they want to cover a huge portion of the UK, but I suppose they have a limit on what they think is worth it, although our village is quite small, the next one over isn't and we're quite close to the exchange for that village, which worked out for us.

But I suppose it could be worse, my uncle is still on dial up, I kid you not. But his street is just 3 houses and quite a distance from his village. He uses mobile internet instead, but even then it's a miracle to get signal as well, prolly not helped by the fact he lives in a valley. On the bright side, where he lives is quite nice.

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Posted: 23rd May 2014 01:48
Quote: "On the bright side, where he lives is quite nice."

I'd exchange 'quite nice' for fibre optic broadband any day of the week. :-P

They see me coding, they hating.
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Posted: 27th May 2014 02:38
While I quit making games altogether I still find myself on a monday night at 01:37 to comment on this and tell you "welcome back".

I should really get some sleep and ...get my freaking head examined


"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
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Posted: 27th May 2014 03:50
I'm a bit late, but it's good to see you back.

I should check your tumblr.

A voice actor looking for work. Am willing to be hired to put something in a reel and experience.
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Posted: 27th May 2014 08:40
welcome back!
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Posted: 27th May 2014 10:59
Osoi mina.

"Oh nonZero, let me tell you, I love you." -- Dark Java Dude 64, Vice-Kapitan of nASA(nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association)
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Posted: 27th May 2014 22:58
The man from Switzerland, he lives!
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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 15:01
Welcome back TheComet. Glad your ban got lifted early

Only just spotted this or I would have said hi earlier. Very happy you decided to stick around.
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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 18:16
Hey baxslash, hey all! Good to see you're all still here.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2014 20:45
TheComet returned due to nASA (nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association).

We're set for Global Domination Democracy!

Only losers vote for other parties. Don't be a loser; vote nASA and save yourself the humiliation of being labeled a loser.
mr Handy
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 16:56
I just... I was... eh... umm... BAAAAAAAAACK?!

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 17:05 Edited at: 13th Jun 2014 17:05
Mr... mr HANDY?!!?????


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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 18:03
Haha somehow I feel that mr Handy's avatar is a fitting representation of TheComet's return Assuming that's a zombie returning to stand around and burn time not a student raising their hand in class.

mr Handy
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 18:09 Edited at: 13th Jun 2014 19:05
Here, you can have a free Lyra.

Have you dropped your strategy engine develoment?

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 18:22 Edited at: 13th Jun 2014 18:23
Quote: "Have you dropped your strategy engine develoment?"

It's on pause, I'm doing other stuff right now with Ogre. I'll fire that project back up again when I have the time. (I'm starting college in a few months and don't think I'd be able to do anything on it)

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 18:37
Quote: "starting college"

Starting college for the first time? All those project and you were only in high school?

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 18:52
Quote: "Starting college for the first time? All those project and you were only in high school? "


Will be studying electronic engineering with the aim of getting a master's degree.

mr Handy
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 19:07
Quote: "Assuming that's a zombie returning to stand around and burn time not a student raising their hand in class.

What hand? There are only legs.

Quote: "I'll fire that project back up again when I have the time."

It means that it's dead but grave is not too deep in case.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 19:11
Quote: "What hand? There are only legs."

You just seriously screwed with my mind.

Quote: "It means that it's dead but grave is not too deep in case. "

No grave is too deep for a zombie project

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 19:26
Quote: "No grave is too deep for a zombie project"

He wants your coooooooooooooodessssss... He wants your meeeeeediaaaaaaas...

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 22:28
And thus they returned to the TGC forums and there they lived happily ever-after until next season...

Be cool, vote nASA (nonZero's Awesomeness-Spreading Association), have more fun here. Be an uncool loser, vote someone else, have a boring forum.
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 22:31
Quote: "It's on pause, I'm doing other stuff right now with Ogre."

It's all Ogre now?

I've been doing some electronic engineering, too. Well...I made an amplifier, and it has noise issues out the backside...

Electronics is hard without an education. Best of luck with your's!
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 23:07
Electronics is hard with an education.

Great to see you too Coffee! And yes, it's all Ogre now.

mr Handy
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 23:08 Edited at: 13th Jun 2014 23:09
Ogre - pfft. Better go LeadwrecksUnity.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 23:30
<sarcasm>Pffft, Game Maker is the best </sarcasm>

Click my sig and copy-paste this: I vote for nonZero
into that thread if I've been of service to you or you think I'm cute/awesome/etc.
mr Handy
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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 23:49
Yeah, sure.

Unity: Shadowrun Returns, Wasteland 2, Might & Magic X: Legacy, Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey, Blitzkrieg 3, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (Blizzard!), Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded and others less famous...
Ogre: Ankh, Ceville, Jack Keane and Venetica - all are from one studio (Desk 13) and all have so-so graphics, and only one famous Torchlight 1-2.

Point goes to Unity.

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Posted: 13th Jun 2014 23:59
I guess you make a valid point. I chose Ogre for personal reasons: I want to learn C++ and all of the intricate details of making a game with it.

@those interested in my educational background

Switzerland puts you through an obligatory 5 years of primary school and 4 years of secondary school. Then you have the choice to either do an apprenticeship for 4 years, or continue with gymnasium ("high school"?) for 3 years.

I chose to do an apprenticeship as an electronic engineering technician for 4 years, and then continued practicing electronics for 1 year at the same company, which is where I stand right now. I'm now 20 years old.

There are a lot of options open, I've chosen to get a bachelor's degree in electronic engineering at a "fachhochschule" (college), and then proceed to get a master's degree in electronic engineering at university.

Those who decided to go to gymnasium instead of doing an apprenticeship have a free ticket to get into university, whereas people who did an apprenticeship would have to either go through a "passarelle" for 2 years in order to qualify, OR go to a "fachhochschule" (college) and get a bachelor's degree. That requires a "berufsmaturitätszeugnis" (no clue what that is) which you can get while doing an apprenticeship.

Confusing, ey?

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Posted: 14th Jun 2014 00:57 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2014 22:15
What I'm doing is trying to get an Associates of Science in Theater and a Bachelors of Science in Film. I got some schools picked out that are near by.

It's pretty cool to see that you are doing well in education and I hope you do TheComet.

Willing to be hired as a voice actor for work and to put on a resume.
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 04:05
welcome back!!

"* Can I get a list of people programming in a non-TGC language?"
I work full time as (C#) developer. In free time I'm learning android java/c++ development. I will start working on my first mobile game soon.

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2014 10:26
I have studied C++ for about a year (course in school) and i've done some javascript. That's about it ^^

Whose eyes are those eyes?
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Posted: 25th Jun 2014 13:12
I am a full time C# windows forms developer using Tekla Structures Open API (CAD software). I also use some other languages including VB.Net, Lisp and have some Objective C work to do soon. I have also used Python and a little C++ to a lesser extent.

Most of my work is writing C# plugins for Tekla.

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