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NaGaCreMo / NaGaCreMo 2015!

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Dec 2014 17:15 Edited at: 10th Jan 2015 00:49
[EDIT]People have seen this thread and have started signing up! NaGaCreMo is BACK ON!!!

Please make a pledge and I'll update the pledge list!

Now that is officially December (already?!), it is time to create the NaGaCreMo Pledge List for Two-Thousand Fifteen!

NaGaCreMo isn't a competition, rather it is a pledge you're making to yourself to get something done within the first month of the year. It can be a full-fledged game, a demo of a game, a program, or even a website!

You can use whatever game engine floats your boat, you can use copyright free media or create your own, and you can post a WIP thread in this board, no matter what engine you use, thanks to The Next.

To pledge, just post the following!

I will do my best to update this first post with a link to everyone's projects!

If anybody would like to create a banner/signature image, that would be great! Please keep in mind that it must be no larger than 600x120 (maximum signature image size).
EDIT: I made one! Here it is:

If you would like to post this as your signature, please use the following text!

Just copy>paste into your signature box in your profile!

Due to the following coming up every year, I'm stating the following:

- NaGaCreMo is NOT a competition, and it will never be. There is no judging as there are no winners or losers!

- Yes, your game can contain mature material as long as it's within the AUP and you make sure to put it in the title of your WIP thread

- Teams are allowed, but remember the point of this whole thing is to motivate yourself.

- You can in fact work on a game you've been working on already, no need to start an entirely new project just for this!

So what're you waiting for? Go on and pledge! I'm doing it right now!

I, Yodaman Jer, pledge to create a working game demo within the first 31 days of 2015.

It will be a game made in GameMaker but I won't say much more about it until later. It's a secret!

The Pledges:

9 and counting! Make your pledge today!

Links to WIPs:
MrValentine - Volcanic Adventures: Birth
TheComet - Lightship in C!
SoftMotion3D - KingdomBattleGrounds
baxslash - Oh Man!
Conjured Entertainment - CE Pocket Poker

It's back, baby!
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2014 11:48
Going to read this shortly, tagging in so I do not forget...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2014 18:26 Edited at: 2nd Dec 2014 18:28
Here is an image I made in GIMP, I realized I had never actually participated in making a signature, even after all these years!

I kind of made with a retro-font. I could definitely do better but I'm sure more people have other ideas!

Hopefully it will drive more traffic to this thread!

EDIT: That was weird, it linked to the totally wrong image

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Posted: 2nd Dec 2014 18:56
It looks great! Lets keep it!

What did it link to?

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2014 19:14
Thanks, MrValentine!

An image for my blog, I think I must have double-clicked which caused Photobucket to go to the next image and copied that link after I copied the link for this image.

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2014 23:28
Gonna give it another go this year. Going to come up with a project for ASP.NET MVC and see where that gets me, possible same project as last year or something similar.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2014 05:44
Ah, your Pirates of a Wayward Star project? That looked really cool last year!

How did you want to be added to the list, Sepp?

Sign up, why don'tcha?
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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 10:07 Edited at: 6th Dec 2014 10:08
Thing is... I intend to complete my projects this month lol...

I have about 6 projects grabbing a rough figure...

Four websites for the Charity/Community Centre/School

At least three Windows 8.1 Projects...

Need to look at my project board...

Hmm... Also those four websites need to be done this month... Well two of them...

Hmm... And I got a PC 💻 Repair job on today...

Just completed three+ weeks of IT overhauling at the above mentioned place... Was fun! Upgraded them to Office 2013 from 2007! They had 1 XP machine still going lol, everything was upgraded to Windows 7 Pro as they have 50 licences for that and 100 for Vista Business...

Next step is new machines and Windows 8.1/10...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 19:06
Wow, you're a busy guy MrValentine! Not sure I would have the patience for all of that.

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 22:29
I am thinking of making a card game in ASP.NET. Maybe see how I do with something inspired by Blackjack and maybe move onto something like Triple Triad in the FF games. My roleplaying group is Pirate themed, so might be a useful thing to add to the website for the gambling edge.

So er...

I, Sir Lord Almighty His Majesty Seppukutitis Arteus, doth take upon himself to complete a card game in ASP.NET MVC before the end of January 2015.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 22:36
Maybe I can put book 1 of my novels series for Jan?

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 22:42

added you to the list! Congratulations on being the first entry besides myself!


Do you mean program something off of a book? I'm just not sure what you mean.

I give up my project for GameMaker already. I forgot the reason I stopped using it last year was because the overall design of it is just dumb.

For example, I was trying to make jump-through platforms. Got those working, and started making basic enemies. When I got those working, the jump-throughs wouldn't work anymore, even though the code is completely unrelated. So I re-programmed the jump-throughs and the enemies stopped working. no matter what I did, even starting over from scratch at one point, it just wouldn't work!

SO I did some googling and found Stencyl. I already found a tutorial on jump-through platforms and it's so easy, it's ridiculous! So I might use Stencyl for my game project if I can learn enough about it in a month.

You can do visual scripting with it as well as code in Java, so it really seems a lot better than GameMaker already. The editor is simply gorgeous. I recommend you guys check it out if you want!

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Posted: 6th Dec 2014 22:53
I am working on some Sci-Fi books 📚

If my Windows 8.1 projects don't make it for December... Then I will do those as they are DBPro related...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 18:45
You're writing sci-fi? Cool, not many people do that anymore!

What projects in DBPro are you working on?

I fear this may be all that we get for NaGaCreMo this year, absolutely nobody else is interested. I've tried talking about in the Posting Competition but everyone either ignores it or says they'd like to but can't for whatever reason.

What do you guys think about potentially postponing NaGaCreMo until the summer? It's been talked about in years past that January is just too difficult/busy for some, since they're starting school back up and don't have much free time. July/August seems like a much better time to hold it, as many people have the summer entirely free (besides work) and have a bit more time to devote to such an activity!

Let me know your thoughts!

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 22:59 Edited at: 7th Dec 2014 23:00
Hmm, starting this out is reminding me why I love ASP.NET, the Razor syntax and MVC. You can almost seamlessly jump between HTML code and C# code. It's unbelievably useful.

An 'if then' statement, that will only show the page content if the use is logged in, otherwise it will just render a log in screen.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2014 23:53
Quote: "What projects in DBPro are you working on?"

New tutorials and my Codictionary...

Moving it to summer means I will likely never be able to participate, my creativity takes a cliff dive and house work comes into play, which means all that handy work makes my hands so sore and unable to type... something about stroking comes to mind

I think you need to make a post in the AppGameKit boards and also on the new Steam community... get the AGK'ers involved...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 8th Dec 2014 02:30
That's a good idea, MrValentine! I think I will do just that.

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 17:16

I guess no one is interested at all this year (besides us three in this thread). I posted a thread in the AppGameKit boards, it got fifty views and then dipped down to the bottom. I'd bump it, but if fifty people already saw it (that's a lot for one day!) and still didn't sign up, then I guess this event is truly dying out and it's not worth the bump.

I have lost motivation for this thread. I never thought I would see the day, but I guess it's true that all good things must come to an end.

I'd blame the lack of interest on Ludum Dare, but that always happens in December, and the event is over anyway.

I really think this whole thing ought to be "cancelled" and we should try to figure out a better time to hold it. MrValentine, what time of year would work best for you, besides Winter?

I guess I'll update my signature image to something a little more cheery and holiday themed. That will cheer me up I think.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 17:29
I think the removal from Geek Culture did the tomb stone...

Spring is probably good...

Last year I threw in some prizes, and TGC previously gave a lovely prize too...

Shame those days are soon over...

Hey Email TGC about doing a prize if more of the AGK'ers got involved!

I have some old copies of some games which I could throw into the mix like some M&M games I think 6 and 8 not sure...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 17:36
Quote: "I think the removal from Geek Culture did the tomb stone..."

Everybody who participated last year knew where the board was located. It's not hard to miss right underneath Geek Culture.

Quote: "Spring is probably good..."

That's what I was thinking, perhaps we can try again then!

Quote: "Last year I threw in some prizes, and TGC previously gave a lovely prize too..."

While that's a great idea, NaGaCreMo isn't a competition. Because of that, there's no judging, and so how would we determine who gets a prize? Or would it be as simple as those who finished their project gets a little token of appreciation? That could work I suppose, but it would cause more confusion about NaGaCreMo.

Although maybe the whole root of this problem is that NaGaCreMo isn't a competition, and that's what people want.

Perhaps we should look into exploring that route?

Also, I have mentioned in the Posting Competition that a certain user and I are working on a secret project. It's a resource site, its' sole purpose being to host a vast amount of tutorials for AppGameKit, Unity, Unreal, and pretty much any other game engine. Perhaps the idea could be expanded to hold a dedicated section to NaGaCreMo? I tried something similar last year but not too many people liked that idea. It would be much easier to reach a bigger audience with a webpage, though.

Just a thought I thought I'd throw out there.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 17:46
If you need help with a static community website [IE No CMS] I can help there easily enough, just wait until you see the sites I am working on this week... which actually will be placeholders for temporary purposes...

Maybe NGCM needs to evolve?

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Posted: 9th Dec 2014 22:44 Edited at: 10th Dec 2014 01:39
Getting in the groundwork, not actually yet designed the rules for the game, but it is going to be a little bit like Blackjack.

This will be integrated into the account of my website. Each character will carry a certain amount of gil, so the idea is a person can log into their character, play a game of "Lilja's Backhand" against the computer, they may win some gil, or incidentally lose some. As you can tell this has my roleplaying group on FFXIV in mind. There was a little interest when I mentioned the idea of having a card game integrated into the site.

This system is basically based on how you play Corsair in Final Fantasy XI, which has a dice rolling system based loosely on blackjack, where you and your friends can receive a buff (like increased Attack or increased Speed, things like that) and how effective that buff depends on what you gamble, a certain number is "lucky" (offers a decent buff) and another is "unlucky" (which is a pretty weak buff) and if you manage to get XI, your buff is really strong but if you break that at get a XII then the effect of the buff is reverse and you get a debuff (so, increase speed because decreased speed). I think it's quite a cool concept in playing an MMO, but in trying to have a Final Fantasy lore friendly card game, I figured it'd be a good place to start, because I imagine triple triad would take a lot more work, though I may use this to step up to it.

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Posted: 12th Dec 2014 08:10
Holy moly Sep! Did you steal a mod badge!?

Anyway on topic..
I, Jlmoondog, pledge to get Kuhaku Kyuushuu beta on Steam Greenlite by January 31. Developed with AGK2.

I'm still shooting for January regardless if you guys decide to move it lol. Give Bat an email to get it in January's newsletter once you decide.

<a href="" title="View Kayak Escape! on Slide DB" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Kayak Escape!" /></a>
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 12th Dec 2014 17:37
I was considering emailing BatVink about an announcement for the movement of NaGaCreMo to a different time of the year, but I might as well just a post a thread in Geek Culture and see what the general consensus is.

One solution I thought might work is if I could get The Next (or another mod ) to post the sign-up thread in the global threads board, which everybody could then see, and it would have a link to the actual sign-up thread in the NaGaCreMo board.

But, since I posted everywhere I could about NaGaCreMo this year without it being considered spamming, and people still didn't sign up, it really seems like it's needs to be moved and revamped. Perhaps we should ditch the NaGaCreMo name and instead come up with an annual competition of sorts.



What if we held a summer-long competition every year in place of NaGaCreMo? TGC needn't supply prizes (unless we could somehow convince them) as a few members have said they could offer prizes, and the increased time would allow more people more chances to work on it. Perhaps there could even be badges? I'm not sure

I think I might contact TGC directly about this and see what they think. They might have ideas for their own competitions in that time so I'll have to check! But I think if allowed, that idea would work and encourage people to use TGC products a bit more!

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Posted: 17th Dec 2014 17:50
I, CJB, pledge to complete a working and published game within the first 31 days of 2015. (NaGaCreMo 2015 Lives!!!)

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2014 15:05 Edited at: 23rd Dec 2014 15:18
Those websites I mentioned earlier

both done in a space of 8 days...

And yes funny enough they are exactly the same length

I still have two more sites to complete for them...

These are only placeholder sites as one of them was seriously inadequate and the other was set to expire Yesterday and that hosting was not worth paying for...


EGX Rezzed have a competition in January which I plan to submit to...

I have been to two eurogamer events so far, so may as well continue going now hahahaha it costs nothing to get there anyway...

I plan to revive an old project for this... so perhaps that will be my entry?

Quote: "I, MrValentine [Vaseem Valentine], pledge to create a working game demo Before the first 10 days of 2015 named Volcanic Adventures: Birth"

Which means I have but a week to complete their third website as I have a lot of work ahead of me...

I also have to learn to use either Blender or MilkShape3D RATHER QUICKLY! however the good news is I plan to use Shaders this time and also I have something new and special in my arsenal this time!

I think NGCM2015 is ON for sure!

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Posted: 26th Dec 2014 15:45 Edited at: 26th Dec 2014 17:24
Sod it.

You can change my project.

I, Lord Seppukington Esq. The Third will complete a prototype or demo of a game by the end of January.

I have a few game design ideas running in my head, I would love to give them a shot. It has been so long since I've done anything game wise, so I will be rusty, but meh.

Not even sure if I'll be using Unity 3D, just something related to C#. We'll see.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 26th Dec 2014 19:06
It truly is nice to see some of the more devout forum goers still going with NGCM right now.

I am glad at least the three of you still have the spirit! I am still trying to think of ways to get people more excited about NGCM in the coming months, as well as figuring out when it should be held since January is so busy for a lot of people.

I'm just going to use the month of Januray to get as familiar with AppGameKit as possible so that I can hopefully create some kind of tile-based platformer with it by the end of the year, won't make any promises on that though.

I might just make and release a bunch of tiny games!

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Posted: 29th Dec 2014 22:13 Edited at: 29th Dec 2014 22:15
just came across this thread; it was tucked away and relatively out of sight, in my opinion, which may have contributed to the lack of participation.

otherwise, i've have had computer woes for the past 2-3 weeks but i'm back with a new (win 8.1) system, and finally got dbpro to run (still a few more DLL's to install) and a thousand** project folders imported from the old system (and another thousand** carried over from the system before that)

meanwhile, should NaGaCreMo 2015 rekindle, i'd look at (finally) completing one of those many projects for it

** exaggerated a bit (just barely!)
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Posted: 29th Dec 2014 22:51 Edited at: 29th Dec 2014 22:52
Welcome aboard Virtual Nomad, you can expect it to be on for January as far as I am concerned!

I might even contribute something for everyone who succeeds... depending on my finances, I might even ship out some old games like M&M VII and VIII... anyway I have some old PC games lying around which I would rather give to someone who wants to play it than sell it for nothing at a second hand shop... not worth my time to hit the online markets with them... but if I am good for cash I will pay for the shipping [Cheapest possible lol] and give the winners the choice of picking what they want... I even have a copy of ONI!!!


Darn typos, have a dell laptop in front of me on my desk which is in for repair... so was not looking carefully...

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Posted: 31st Dec 2014 05:46 Edited at: 1st Jan 2015 06:03
Quote: ""cancel" NaGaCreMo "


this is actually the first time i have spotted this thread

im in! if its not canceled... maybe it just needs to be advertised a tad better.... like i said , i missed last year by the looks of it and i just spotted this board now having no clew what it was about.

Quote: "I posted a thread in the AppGameKit boards, it got fifty views and then dipped down to the bottom. I'd bump it, but if fifty people already saw it (that's a lot for one day!) and still didn't sign up, then I guess this event is truly dying out and it's not worth the bump"

i never seen this post...infact i just did a search and couldnt find it. Im a regular in the agk forums and i just didnt see this.....why not bump the thread... maybe even a newsletter mention

but hey im in even if this is delayed to summer....just gives me more time
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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 09:53
I have updated my NGCM thread post, some images on show

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 19:00
Ooooh, yay more people!

Shall I revoke the "cancellation" then? I shall indeed!

And thus, I will make an updated pledge!

I, YodamanJer, pledge to create a working game within the first 31 days of 2015.

It will be a mix of Pong and breakout, two fairly simple games to whet my appetite with AppGameKit 2!

7+ years and counting!
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 19:03
For those wanting to make a pledge, let me know and I'll update the first post!

Quote: " just did a search and couldnt find it. Im a regular in the agk forums and i just didnt see this.....why not bump the thread... maybe even a newsletter mention"

Usually it's never mentioned in the newsletter, it's kind of difficult to get stuff in there sometimes. Still, I should have tried, but by the time I would have sent an email the newsletter for December was already finalized.

The thread was there for an entire day, but I should have bumped it, despite it having almost 100 views with no posts.

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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 20:44
Quote: "I, Lord Seppukington Esq. The Third ... "

lol, and I thought Conjured Entertainment was a mouth full.

I, Conjured Entertainment, pledge to create a working demo of a game within the first 31 days of 2015.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 21:25
Yodaman, you need to update the pledge list!

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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 21:56 Edited at: 1st Jan 2015 22:07
I, Sheldon, pledge to create a working tech demo of a game within the first 31 days of 2015.

KingdomBattleGrounds using AGK

its an rpg so there is no actual way i could possibly have it done in 31! But i should be able to slap a mockup level to mess around in and post it.
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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 23:09 Edited at: 1st Jan 2015 23:21
I, TheComet, pledge to reach alpha phase of my project LightShip within the first 31 days of 2015.

(scroll down for pictures of the prototype)

[EDIT] Created the milestone for what I want to achieve until then here.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 23:15
Oh man I love that project, and your Shader work is amazing and inspiring TheComet, if you lived closer I would hire you in future for sure!

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Posted: 1st Jan 2015 23:45
Quote: "Oh man I love that project, and your Shader work is amazing and inspiring TheComet, if you lived closer I would hire you in future for sure!"


I like offending people. People who get offended should be offended. -- Linus Torvalds
Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 02:59
Wow a lot more traction has hit this thread! I love it!

We now have 8 official pledges, this will be fantastic. I love everybody's ideas too! Can't wait to see how they all come into being!

I shall begin coding my game tonight, thought of some interesting elements. I can't decide what to call it though, it's a mashup of Pong and Breakout, I suppose I could go for "Pongout" or... "Bong"

It's back, baby!
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 03:13
How about "Smash-Out" "Smash-Duel"?

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 11:06 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2015 11:11
I baxslash, pledge to create a working demo within the first 31 days of 2015

I've been working on a fun 2D revamp of one of my first ever games. Doing all the artwork, shaders and code myself so it's been slow getting started but I think I might be able to finish a few demo levels by the end of the month...


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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 18:09
Welcome aboard, baxslash! I have added you to the pledge list.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 18:19 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2015 18:23
Are we creating WIP threads for these? I went ahead and created one, but the thread feels lonely amongst the vast sea of non-NaGaCreMo WIP threads.

May the best programmer win achieve his goals in this competition non-competing once-a-year occasion.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 18:29
TheComet, look at my thread list in my profile, or click the NaGaCreMo Bread Crumb link at the top of the thread........

Create it there

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 18:32
Yup, you sure can post a WIP thread if you want!

That's actually why The Next went ahead and created this dedicated NaGaCreMo board, so that people can post WIP threads in one spot for NaGaCreMo (and so it wouldn't violate TGC's rules about projects being made using non-TGC tools).

I myself will posting a WIP thread pretty soon, once I get everything up and running like I need to!

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 19:02
Oh, derp. I didn't know there was a dedicated WIP board for these.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 00:16 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2015 00:17
Quote: "I shall begin coding my game tonight"

Not sure what I am doing yet, but I am starting a new project tonight too.
Technically, I started it yesterday right after posting when I wrote a short function in DB Classic for testing.
I will be using AppGameKit for the game though, so I am really starting the project with that tonight.
Not sure though whether to make this game from scratch, or make a demo of one of my older games that I have been upgrading lately.
I really need to get my game demo done, but not sure if I want to rush it, so doing a casual game from scratch may be better for this 31 day challenge.

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 00:25 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2015 00:25
just testing the signature...

edit: yup it works

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