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NaGaCreMo / KingdomBattleGrounds [AGK] - NaGaCreMo 2015

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 20:42 Edited at: 25th Jan 2015 18:35

ok the big ... here it is!

a proto type of the game so you can see how it is soo far and to fullfill my nagacremo'2015 pledge!

-use joystick or

-a,s,w,d moves
-shift runs
-space jumps
-['] key blocks
-enterkey attacks

[not completely coded yet commands]
-space and downarrowkey =jump downstab
-space and uparrowkey = jump stabup

!!this is just a prototype!!

warning! if you talk to king, leave to battle outside and goback to talk to king then your men will double!

dont do this unless all your men are dead as the game engine will only show 20 entities at a time!


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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 22:02 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2015 22:03
Sweet! is he dynamically created too?

By basic I assume you mean AppGameKit?

I will be following this one for sure!

Please say it will be on PC as well! [EDIT On release I mean]

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 22:25
Looks interesting! Are the animations smooth? Or does it look like it's really made of pixels?

Reminds me of 3D Dot Game Heroes.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2015 23:35 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2015 23:40
humm... it uses blocks....but the blocks can rotate smooth. So the graphics is not restricted to mini blocks.

here is a quick video showing how smooth the animation is. I have the game locked in at 30fps so it runs on everything even my slow blackberry playbook.

i will be releasing this for:

(those are the only devices i own that i can test on)

when i say basic... i mean tier 1 for agk... i

sorry but the sound recorded loud on this video so take it down a notch before playing

it was not recorded hd....sorry. will hafta wait to see the game end of the month in hd. The blue guy is just cycling threw the entire animation set i coded for him fyi...
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 00:15

How do you create your levels?

Do you hand code them?

Looking amazing!

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 00:23 Edited at: 3rd Jan 2015 00:26

its 3d tile based.... so i can do either actually but will most likely build my test scene into an actual level editor.

I do like the idea of testing a map being drawn in real time.
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 00:48
In real time, you mean with lighting etc? like the second image on my post here? did not want to plug an image on your thread

Totally agree with you!

I just hope there is a way to easily read ini or xml files in AppGameKit, cannot remember but I think I saw xml in the commands lists...

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 01:43
Quote: "In real time, you mean with lighting etc?"

yup. Also id like to beable to test the level while drawing it making sure collision is working...etc
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 02:08
Quote: " Also id like to beable to test the level while drawing it making sure collision is working...etc"

Stop talking about my project >.<

Have you written any documentation for your project yet?

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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 04:52
haha... alike minds huh?

i have written a complete rpg story...a complete 10 chapters. Its on paper and now needs to be realized in code and graphic.
i just finished coding joystick control and touchscreen control...omg the touchscreen was hard!
im not using any virtual buttons or virtual joysticks but monitoring touch events to control your character completely.

now im ready to code ai....

any touchevent that happens on left side of the screen is a movement control
any touchevent that happens on right side of the screen is an action event

actionevents touching screen include:
slideupright=jump stab up
slideright=jump stab down
slidedown=sword attack
slideleft& slideup+down back and forth uses sword attack hi between blocking
slideleft& (control down from movement event) block to sword attack low

i cant believe this but it works perfectly....
and the joystick was easy!
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2015 06:11

Well Done!, and you make me feel guilty for getting almost nothing done other than a keyboard layout image...

Keep it up!

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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 01:10 Edited at: 4th Jan 2015 01:13
here is a progress update on the player ai code for the group to follow you into battle.

its still early but my next video should have some enemies in it that the group will go after
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Posted: 4th Jan 2015 01:21
I like how you have them wander instead of standing idle...

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 03:44 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 03:53
Quote: "here is a progress update on the player ai code for the group to follow you into battle."

That is looking very cool.
I love that whole look, and your technique.
That video really makes me want to try something like that.

Quote: "It takes probably years to do a full rpg wich i have planned for this so mockup level it is..."

Yeah, I have an RPG that has been on the back burner for years.
Time to get that thing up front and cooking now with AGK.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 03:46
Quote: "That video really makes me want to try something like that."

Makes two of us!

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 03:55 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 04:19
I think that style would be a great match for OUYA games.

I thought I was making fairly good progress on my game until I saw this.
Looks like I better get back to work, because I have a long way to go.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 05:26
haha....well thanks guys..

i have some basic team fighting done now but just adding in more moves for the ai.

so far they block attack, stab hi,stab low.

i still need to make them jump stab down...etc
oh...i also made a skeleton fighter today. i will make a video shortly
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 05:41
Good Progress!

I am mostly impressed with how you got your own animation setup...

AI is something I am yet to delve into! but you got it going using your own methods?

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 07:37
well what i do for ai is fairly basic and yes 100% my method.

I can get really specific if you like...

this is the first time i have actually tried team ai and it seems to be working ok as demonstrated in this video below.

so a main player is controlled like this:

-get user input
-apply input to character
-check collisions...etc

now the only thing that the ai does... is fills in the input values
then its exactly the same

-ai input
-apply input to character
-check collisions...etc

now the ai is fairly basic:

-if its doing nothing.... what should it do
it picks a random task and length of time to perform it

now this is where it gets tricky

-i have override values... incase the player its attacking is dead
-an enemy has been spotted
-they are on team 1 and im too far away from them
-if their being attacked...attack back


then it saves the input values for the computer to read as if they came from the keyboard of the human player playing.
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 07:50 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 07:51
That kind of programming is still to quote a decent song 'Over my head' Titan A.E.

I struggle at the moment to comprehend the connections between detection, movement, meh the whole thing... I can understand how Dark AI operates but... I guess I just need to delve into it further...

If you did not mind detailing it after NGCM is over, would love to hear you out!

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 13:38
This is looking great!

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 22:41 Edited at: 5th Jan 2015 23:12
Quote: "so far they block attack, stab hi,stab low."

I was considering the old school attack/ defense moves too, then thought maybe all attacks might work (some say the best defense is a good offense). Then the thought went to rock-paper-scissors, and I was imagining a series of attacks that looped. So, just like rock-paper-scissors, there would always be a move that could counter any move, making for much better battles. It is really the only way to keep people from using the best move only strategy, which in some old games was unbeatable. My brother would get very mad if I kept using the same move that he couldn't find a counter for... "all you know is that one move, so you are not that good even if you do win!"... lol .. Of course, my timing was better, so my strategy did not work when he tried to use it. Ah, the good old days.

Quote: "then it saves the input values for the computer to read as if they came from the keyboard of the human player playing."

Saving all moves on a time based scheme might allow for game playback, like on MAME. Instead of recording a huge video file, you instead save the data for the moves and use the game to play it back. I was impressed with that method of game playback when I discovered it on MAME. I am hoping to emulate that for high scores on the leaderboard for my game. Then, anyone could click on the high score and watch the game play that obtained it. Big ideas are hard to get going though unless you are willing to invest a lot of time into them. Maybe one day I will make the time work on something like that.

Quote: "this is the first time i have actually tried team ai and it seems to be working ok as demonstrated in this video below."

That is what I had in mind for my RPG for Ludas vs Ludas battles.
You are making great progress, and you have me hooked on this thread now.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 23:08
Just saw the video now, was on mobile before...

WOW! I am still stuck on making overhead health bars but I assume Types/Arrays are involved?

The capturing of input data, what about the directional data? as up down left right would be pressed, I need to look at that...

I think you just made the best game for Android and iOS, be sure to release it to Windows Phone too when support in AppGameKit 2 is released so I can buy this

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Posted: 5th Jan 2015 23:58
lol....well thanks

what i ment for controlling one of my characters is this:

these variables are zeroed every sync and for every character...

now for my character if im controlling him with a keyboard it looks something like this:

i have it checking keyboard for input incase player had a joystick plugged in but was not using it.

now the ai.... pulls it in like this:

in my function grab_ai(id) is where it decides what the player should be doing verses what hes doing then saves the input values for the loop to read how to control that character.

i have a another enemy drawn but they look like santas elfs which is funny. I did some testing and this is very cool. its not limited to 2 teams... their can be plenty of teams and they will all battle eachother.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 01:36
Quote: "these variables are zeroed every sync and for every character..."

I thought of that and dismissed the idea too suddenly

You should rename this project Royal Rumble!

Loving this work!

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 02:44
well the truth is i dont have a name for the project yet....what im using now is just for now till i can think of a more suitable name.

i forgot to mention..... you will be able to draw your own character you want to be in the game

how cool is that! its voxely based blocks so it would be easy to create custom characters for the game including weapons and armor.

here is yet another video showing my new elfs runnen around on the skeletons team.
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 03:15
Mad Brawl
Team Brawl

I think adding in an element of strategy would be epic... how about projectile weapons?

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 16:26
That looks great SM3D!

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 17:16 Edited at: 6th Jan 2015 17:33
Quote: "That kind of programming is still to quote a decent song 'Over my head'"

You are not alone.
I have never done anything with Voxels, so it is all new to me too.
The idea seems too complex for the processor much less my brain, but I see others have mastered it quickly.

Quote: "when i say basic... i mean tier 1 for agk..."

What is most interesting to me is that this is done with tier1 BASIC!
This is where I got intrigued, because I am using tier 1 as well.

Quote: "i forgot to mention..... you will be able to draw your own character you want to be in the game

how cool is that! its voxely based blocks so it would be easy to create custom characters for the game including weapons and armor.

Very cool!
I am being sold on this more and more for my RPG, and I am getting more and more determined to give it a try.
What is the worst that can happen?

if ce_voxel$ = "failed" then goto 2d

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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 20:21 Edited at: 6th Jan 2015 20:33
i would say that i havent mastered voxels completely but the best way to go about it is by

-where ever you can combine voxels to save on it.
the trick is to remove all the faces that will never be seen and try to combine voxels and create a new texture map for it to make it look exactly the same.

-also for animation....cheat!
my characters are built with tiny cubes.... but they can rotate on parent limbs and the faces of the cubes that cannot be seen are completely removed. (My animations are not bound by cubes...)

-master the .obj format. Being able to create an obj file on the fly is an awesome thing indeed! It does take time to edit an obj with code but only because its text based.
have you ever wondered why minecraft has 1 texture image for all the graphic tiles for that game? All he has to do is modify uv data on simple shapes and it can be optimized as a single object that looks like multiple objects. This is a great trick that works for voxels too. What i did was created a texture file of a bunch of colored cubes. All my game engine is doing is modifying uv data and removing faces that are not visible.

all my characters are using the exact same texture file!

thanks for the feedback!

projectile class will be coded next!
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Posted: 6th Jan 2015 20:45 Edited at: 6th Jan 2015 21:20
Never played minecraft, so never wondered about it, but I wish I had checked it out sooner.
The blocky look turned me off at first, but I have come to appreciate it now after seeing your videos.

Quote: "I just finished some intensive coding for getting my main character all up to snuff."

It seems like a voxel editor for creating characters is going to be very handy.
Quote: "it would be easy to create custom characters for the game including weapons and armor."

very handy, indeed

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Posted: 7th Jan 2015 01:16
do a quick search on google for voxel characters.

i seen halo done with voxels....lots of retro characters ... i love the look of it
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Posted: 7th Jan 2015 04:43
Looking forward to seeing the projectiles

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Posted: 10th Jan 2015 06:10 Edited at: 10th Jan 2015 17:22

well im going to hafta put character creation and ai classes on hold if im going to be releasing anything by the end of this month.

Im going to spend the next 2 weeks on level design and if i have time i will try to add more enemy class types into the game.

The first level consists of you being in command of the kings army and going into the elfs village and kidnapping the! its an rpg! the story evolves as you!

i will post some progress video sunday night on the level editting progress.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2015 06:20

Loving the art style! Keep it going!

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Posted: 12th Jan 2015 20:16 Edited at: 12th Jan 2015 20:18
i suspect from looking at how much time i have left... im not going to have a demo level released by end of month.
i will continue to push on as much as i can to try anyways.
regardless i feel this will have been a very productive month.

ive gone from having no characters or code to

-level editor
-new characters & animated
-simple ai coded
-tile blocks for the levels

i will post a video of the level editor in action soon.

(i retook those images may need to hit refresh on this page to see them.)
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Posted: 12th Jan 2015 20:28 Edited at: 12th Jan 2015 20:30
Quote: "(i retook those images may need to hit refresh on this page to see them.)"

Very Nice!

Quote: "
-level editor
-new characters & animated
-simple ai coded
-tile blocks for the levels

I would call that a success... My Demo is by far nowhere near Beta, but my Editor I would consider a success...


You can always start a new WIP thread in the AppGameKit WIP boards after January 31st, and link the first post here to that thread and that new thread back to here!

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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 02:40 Edited at: 13th Jan 2015 02:43
Quote: "i suspect from looking at how much time i have left... im not going to have a demo level released by end of month.
i will continue to push on as much as i can to try anyways.
regardless i feel this will have been a very productive month."

Really? The crowd control for the team thing looks like crazy fun.
I think what you have with the team play is really close to being a demo for me.
A few waves of increasing enemies, and I would be having some real fun with that.

Remember, your demo is as detailed or brief as you want it to be.
It doesn't have to be a fully working level as much as an example of the style of game play, graphics, and controls, etc.
I think you are making amazing progress, and I really hope to get a chance to play with this.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 06:31 better motivated now ... :p

your absolutely right that a demo can be as big er small as i decide to make it. Its just going to jump you strieght into the game though as i dont have time to put a menu together...hopefully that will be ok.

it will be missing dialog aswell...
i think i can do it... got to look at this positive.

Once tgc supplies another 3d loading format... (binary) then that will increase the starting load time. I can see why its slow building objects from text files... (obj format)

i will post a video of the level editor in a second...
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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 06:49
No worries about a menu, mine has none at present either... Just make a note along with the demo of what to expect... Including the loading time...

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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 06:51
ok here is the video:

you may need to turn up the volume as my voice recorded low... also is a delay at startup of my level editor. (obj files load kinda slow)
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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 07:08
That was really good! a lot of work done already! and thanks for posting a link as well as a video! YT should make links an inclusionary factor these days... no idea why they are not showing up on my mobile recently...

My guess is you created the console using Sprites? I like it! and the OK boxes too right?

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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 07:14
yeah the text input is all custom with messages... and yup with sprites.

that keyboard that popsup is universal. i can use a joystick on it... a real keyboard, a mouse, or as a touch pad.

Quote: "That was really good! a lot of work done already!"


its amazing to say this project was just started this month. i did however write an rpg story beforehand on paper.... now its just putting the pieces together.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 07:27
Sweet! [How are you doing the controller navigation? Arrays or dynamic sprite with button press and sprite hit detection?]

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Posted: 13th Jan 2015 20:06
remember the good old days setting your name in a game like zelda for nes.

the navigation is very much the same. the key flashes thats selected and when a button is pressed it will enter that key into the box.

so it uses a combination of 1 sprite(keyboard image) and a bunch of text commands

i found the need for this when i realized the input commands from agk really sucked. I included joystick support when i was working with ouya and works great!
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Posted: 14th Jan 2015 03:53
I see...

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 14th Jan 2015 18:47
Oh man, I can't even get my Breakout clone working and look at how far you've gotten! Great job!

It's back, baby!
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Posted: 15th Jan 2015 04:18 Edited at: 15th Jan 2015 04:21

its really cool cause i coded the king now and the others bow before!

its hard to see it from the editors screen shot but here it is.

I also have 40% of the tutorial finished at the start of the game.
After you speak with the king he gives you the men to capture the elf princess. This is allot of fun to code!

heres the king (ready to fight too!)
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Posted: 15th Jan 2015 13:35

That are you scripting it all? how?

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Posted: 15th Jan 2015 14:20
its like a custom script type of deal.

on the editor i can assign a control number to the entity and the game engine sees this and finds the stuff i wanted that character to do or say. So at the start of the game the prison guard gives you some simple training. This involves telling you to open up some cell's to practice killing on the!

i now have a pop up interface for them chatting but does not hault game play.

looks like this....

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