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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] US Citizens-Who are you going to vote for? Busch or Kerry

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 05:46

"Taking me litteraly when I said that when it was blatantly obviously not so..."

I wasn't taking you literally. I knew it was a metaphor and I was using it as a metaphor myself.

"I finally found the darn site:"

Errr...that article really didn't paint Bush as "the devil" (and yes I'm still using this as a metaphor).

About the harshest that was said about Bush himself in that article was the following:

Quote: "
Bush says he wants the truth, but it is clear he is no more interested in it today than he was two years ago.

And I only quoted informationclearinghouse because the site where the original article was posted(Salon) required either registration or people needed to go through a free "day pass" ad watch crap. I can very easily link to another less "extreme" site if you want. I actually hadn't even looked at the front page of ich untill now. I just posted a link there because it was the first site that printed the whole article for free.

Anyway, going over the front page of this site for the first time I found the following:

Quote: "
EXPOSED: The president's real goal in Iraq: The official story on Iraq has never made sense.

Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President: 'This is a blueprint for US world domination

The Project for the New American Century.

Dick Cheney’s Song of America


How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle: A PNAC Primer


Bomb attacks in India kill 46

About the most extremist item here is "Lets Not Forget: Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President: 'This is a blueprint for US world domination". It also happens to be correct. The neo-cons have had plans to invade Iraq since 1998. I believe I documented exactly how many of the Bush adminstration's high level personal including the vice president are neo-cons. And there goals are world domination. If you don't believe read the project for the new american century site. Pay carefull attention to where they start talking about the U.S. being the world's only super power and how it should stay that way.

Also, this site isn't exactly what you would call "liberal". If you think they are liberal then you should take a big long look at some of the links on the side of the page most paticularly:

LewRockwell<----This one especially
Anti War<-----These guys are right-wing libertarians. If you don't believe read their articles where they start talking about the free market.

Now granted there are plenty of left-wing links there, but anybody that links to LewRockwell is not by any strech of the imagination a devoted liberal extremist.

The site is basically created by one individual for the following reason:
Quote: "
This web site grew out of my personal frustration and anger at the failure of traditional commercial media to inform the American public, especially as it relates to US foreign policy.

Since we are dealing with a conservative adminstration I'm not surprised that most of his links are against the adminstration. If Clinton was still in power you'd probably be calling this the work of a right-wing "extremist".

I personally don't think you could classify this guy as a liberal extremist. Take a look at the following article he linked to of a guy who was interviewed by a right-wing radio-host:

Here he calls him "thoroughly decent":
Quote: "
Recently, I was the guest on a radio talk-show hosted by a thoroughly decent far-right Republican.

Here he calls him "well-educated, intelligent":
Quote: "
Even a well-educated, intelligent radio commentator was unaware of some of this information;

Now I will admit that this guy in the article is liberal. But he isn't a liberal extremist. Extremists don't compliment people who disagree with them. They berate them.

Ich links to both liberals and conservatives. It may appear "extremist" to you, but they have a soild grasp on the facts when it comes to Iraq and the Bush adminstration. If you'd like to debate that I'm more than willing.

But if you want a link to the article that is hosted on a site that is less "extreme" here ya go:


" Come out of your freaking hole and see what's really going on outside of cyberspace."

That's excellent advice. Perhaps you should take it yourself:

Quote: "
A highly classified National Intelligence Estimate assembled by some of the government's most senior analysts this summer provided a pessimistic assessment about the future security and stability of Iraq.

The National Intelligence Council looked at the political, economic and security situation in the war-torn country and determined -- at best -- the situation would be tenuous in terms of stability, a U.S. official said late Wednesday, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

At worst, the official said, were "trend lines that would point to a civil war." The official said it "would be fair" to call the document "pessimistic."

Quote: "
Senate Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday denounced the Bush administration's slow progress in rebuilding Iraq, saying the risks of failure are great if it doesn't act with greater urgency.

"It's beyond pitiful, it's beyond embarrassing, it's now in the zone of dangerous," said Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Nebraska, referring to figures showing only about 6 percent of the reconstruction money approved by Congress last year has been spent.

And if you thought the war in Iraq was good for the war on terror:
Quote: "
Despite losses around the world, al Qaeda has more than 18,000 potential terrorists, and its ranks are growing because of the conflict in Iraq, a leading think tank warned Tuesday.

Al Qaeda still has a functioning leadership despite the death or capture of key figures, and estimates suggest al Qaeda operates in more than 60 nations around the world, the International Institute for Strategic Studies said in its Strategic Survey 2003-4.

Here's a link to the IISS. Apparently, it's even endorsed by Henry Kissinger. Of course, he's just a liberal crazy too right.

" Oh, that's real cute coming from you, Mouse."

Why are you being such an a$$?

Mouse is right when he says that i've been posting links to government websites and conservatives.

Unless of course you consider the CIA liberal.

Oh, and how is this goverment website for ya. It lists Iraq as NOT having any Al Qaeda operations in it on November 2001:

I guess the government must be liberal now too, huh.

When are you going to get over the fact that I'm right about this and you are wrong Jimmy? If you are so confident Bushes polices are correct post some evidence and reasoning in their favor. Stamping your little feeties and pouting everytime Bush is revealed to be in the wrong doesn't make you look too good.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 05:53 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2004 05:54
Quote: "It's a word. Adjective of hypocrite. Try "

Firstly, I was kidding, secondly, STOP putting smiley faces where they don't mean anything. Its just a fake attitude.

Oh yeah, anyone like my new look?

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 05:58 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2004 06:00
Neo, seriously, you need a LIFE.

Every post from you is a freaking research project, goes on and on about the same things over and over. Things that don't apply and mostly just pointless, but it's ok, I mean, you have links to back it all up.

With Mouse I was commenting on his statement "Please try to avoid personal attacks like that..."

I couldn't give a flying rat in a bird cage if you are right, I honestly have read very little of what you have said, because you are BORING. Talking about issues that I don't care about. Sure, republicans and democrats are having problems with the rebuilding of Iraq, because for some stupid reason everyone thought it would all be done overnight, including the President. Even I could have predicted on-going violence, but what peeves me the most is when people like you, the idiots writing up these articles and the politicians sitting in their cushy chairs, start complaining about how things are going, while soldiers, like my brother, are being shot at and have insurgents trying to sabotage their rebuilding efforts. You don't have a freaking clue of the progress being made over there and how little they really care about what you, other internet blowtards and grumpy politicians have to say.

RAT: I love your new look, it's very... euro-retro-metro-diatro

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
Ian T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 06:00
Quote: "Its just a fake attitude."

Welcome to life

"Humans are useless they can only give you questions."
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 06:01 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2004 06:02
Quote: "I couldn't a flying rat in a bird cage if you are right"

Were you refering to me?

Quote: "Every post from you is a freaking research project"

lol true(no offense neo)

Quote: "Welcome to life"

You mean welcome to a forum with american people on it .

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 06:02

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 06:28

" Neo, seriously, you need a LIFE."

Jimmy, seriously, you need to get a CLUE.

"Every post from you is a freaking research project,"

Damn straight.

" Things that don't apply and mostly just pointless,"

Iraq crumbling into civil war doesn't apply and is mostly pointless? What fantasy world do you live in? Oh, wait, let me guess. Bush's right?

" I honestly have read very little of what you have said,"

I'm not surprised. If you've read very little of what I've said then how would you know that what I've posted is pointless? Or was that last comment of yours just you projecting your little fantasy world on to my comments?

"because you are BORING. Talking about issues that I don't care about."

You don't care about Iraq? You don't care about Terrorism?

What exactly do you care about Jimmy?

"Sure, republicans and democrats are having problems with the rebuilding of Iraq, because for some stupid reason everyone thought it would all be done overnight, including the President."

No, just the President and his neo-con advisors. But I'm glad to see that you will admit the President had a stupid thought. I was beginning to worry that you were his cheerleader or something.

"Even I could have predicted on-going violence, but what peeves me the most is when people like you, the idiots writing up these articles and the politicians sitting in their cushy chairs, start complaining about how things are going, while soldiers, like my brother, are being shot at and have insurgents trying to sabotage their rebuilding efforts."

Why are you angry at the people who are pointing out that there is a problem? You do realize that if it wasn't for Bush your brother wouldn't be getting shot at right now, right? Bush, along with Rumsfield thought they could do this war on the cheap and they believed the crook Chalabi(whose currently under investigation for spying for Iran on US) that the Iraqis would love us and that there would be little resistance at all.

There was even a pre-war assessment that said we would face stiff resistence from internal Iraqi forces and Bush knew about it, and yet he ignored it. The neo-cons believed that all they had to do was waltz in, install Chalabi as president and waltz out with minimal causalities. The rest of the intelligence community saw this as way out of touch with reality, but Rumsfield, along with Cheney and Wolfowitz bullied them into supporting their view.

Early estimates of how many troops were needed were close to 300,000 but Rummy said that was "too much" and put the figuare at a minimalistic 100,000. He later admitted he was wrong and that the figuare we need is closer to 200,000. We still only have a little over 100,000 in Iraq.

Doesn't any of this make you angry? I've just posted reports from commanders in Iraq who said that they don't have enough troops to protect the Green Zone and that insurgents were slipping by into the so-called "safe" area.

It is because of this Administration that your brother is getting shot at by insurgents.

Why are you not angry at them? Why are you still loyal to them?

"You don't have a freaking clue of the progress being made over there and how little they really care about what you, other internet blowtards and grumpy politicians have to say."

Yes, actually I do have a clue. I've been reading government reports about this very issue and posting links to them. How many reports have you read on the subject? Maybe if you had actually payed attention to what I've written you would realize that.
Peter H
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 06:55
Quote: "Go read up on Abe Lincoln one of the greatest presidents in our history"

you just admitted Abe Lincoln was a great president??

guess what?

he was a devout christain
and he would be for bush even if it just because of abortion and gay marraige(regardless of iraq)

and sorry about my last post...i was kinda mad so i started drifting away from facts....

but i think jimmy has a good point...all of your links are just other people opinions...except for a few good ones...which without the other ones being fact...lose their point...

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:16

"he was a devout christain"

Guess again.

Quote: "
He was not professedly a Christian -- that is, he subscribed to no creed -- joined no organization of Christian disciples.

Quote: "
At length he turned to Mr. Bateman with a face full of sadness, and said: 'Here are 23 ministers, of different denominations, and all of them are against me but three; and here are a great many prominent members of the Churches, a very large majority of whom are against me. Mr. Bateman, I am not a Christian -- God knows I would be one but I have carefully read the Bible, and I do not understand this book'; and he drew from his bosom a pocket New Testament.

"and sorry about my last post...i was kinda mad so i started drifting away from facts...."

That's understandable. It happens to the best of us.

"but i think jimmy has a good point...all of your links are just other people opinions..."

I've only posted two opinion peices here that were against Bush. I've posted many more that were links to government websites or dealt with government reports. If you think I posted more opinion pieces than I posted facts, by all means prove me wrong. The evidence is in this very thread. You don't have to go far to find the answer.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:19
"Jimmy, seriously, you need to get a CLUE."

you know what i hate?

when people like neophyte, the masked coder, and heartbone go on and on and ON AND ON AND F****ING ON about how everyone else is wrong and they're the only ones who are "right" and that they're the only ones who see the "truth."

NOTHING you say will sway anyone else, especially if you constantly have this "holier-than-thou" attitude toward your opponents.

lastly, i'd just like to say that people like neophyte, the masked coder, and heartbone must be very sad, depressed people to think that the world is as horrible a place as they say it is. yes, there is bad sh*t going on, yes, there are murders and wars and terrorism and conspiracies - but sometimes you just need to STEP BACK and focus on SOMETHING ELSE, unless you want to be consumed by your eternal fear that the world is on the verge of collapse, thanks to some barely-influential person sitting in an oval office hundreds, if not thousands of miles away.

i agree with jimmy. neophyte, get a life.

i still love you, judas
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:21
Quote: "Yes, actually I do have a clue. I've been reading government reports about this very issue and posting links to them. How many reports have you read on the subject? Maybe if you had actually payed attention to what I've written you would realize that."

They give government reports to monkeys?

Look, I take the word of my brother over yours. I think you're full of crap, you've got an ego problem and you have lost touch with reality, so there is absolutely NO reason for me to pay attention to what you have said.

I'll never be angry with the decision to send troops to Iraq. I'm disappointed with his administration, yes, but they still saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and are continuing to do so. The reason for invading may be in question by stuck up politicians and left wingnuts, but the result is the same and, despite our losses, a wonderful thing for that country.

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:29
Quote: "but they still saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and are continuing to do so."

Actually, thats kinda wrong. Since the americans have gone in there, the terrorist bombings of Iraq have killed more in 6 months then what saddam would have killed in a year.

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Peter H
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:49 Edited at: 3rd Oct 2004 07:57
@neo- i wasn't saying that you posted opinion sites about bush...i was saying you posted opinion sites...

and @Abe Lincoln i haven't finished reading the site..when i'm done i'll come back and give you a response...

[edit] ok i read the site and here's my take...

IF the article is valid (it's very possible that you linked me to a load of BS...lots of sites on the internet claiming they are valid(no phony facts) and contridicting others who also say they are valid)

maybe abe was a christain without knowing it?
i don't really have time right now to go into deep theological disscusion...but it may be possible for him to be a christain without understanding the bible...

well then you are just feeding me BS and i'll just luagh at you..


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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 07:53
Eric, I don't believe that for a second. I also don't believe there were no bombings before they invaded.

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:01
I'm sorry, but event he other day, i was watching and interview witht eh head of the Iraqi ministry of health saying that they had about 15- 20 bodys going into the bagdhad morge every week while saddam was in power. That number has tripled because of the amount of bombings and random shootings now taking place because of inhabitance of Terrorists and Muslim Extremists.

Quote: "I also don't believe there were no bombings before they invaded."

I never said there we're no bombings. But i am going to mention that there we're not bombings every day. sometimes 3 bombings a day after the americans occupaited Iraqi soil. They don't want us there. We were not welcomed into iraq as cheney said with "Cheers and Applause". No we were welcomed with gun fire and explosions of hate. We just being there are killing more iraqi's, causeing more beheadings. We need to get out fast if we want these damn people to live in some peace.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:06
Right, I grew tired of reading the same arguments over and over again in the middle of this thread, so forgive me if I repeat someone else, but I have a valid reason (I didn't read all of it )

My 2 cents:

I agree with the war on Iraq as such, Saddam was a mad, sadistical <CENSORED> who killed lots of innocent people, purposefully. I dont agree with the way the war on Iraq was explained, WoMD. Yes, everyone who said there were weapons there have been sacked, but would I be wrong if I said that we all know who enstated them in the first place?

My view on Bush: One of the worst people that could be president. He's stupid, doesnt realise it himself. However, I dont think he's evil, I think he sees the USA like its shown in 90% of movies, i.e. the great ruler of the planet, who everyone loves and who's job it is to police the world. Which makes him dangerous.

My view on Kerry: A person who lets other people make his mind up (i.e. the voters), likes his money issues, and loves showing off his military status.

I dont like either, however, Bush has had his chance, and has f*cked up. Someone mentioned that Kerry would pull back his troops and that the USA would then be labelled as cowards, my opinion on this is, what do you preferred, a "coward" label, or a "killers" label, whether justified or not?

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:23

"when people like neophyte, the masked coder, and heartbone go on and on and ON AND ON AND F****ING ON about how everyone else is wrong and they're the only ones who are "right" and that they're the only ones who see the "truth.""

So does this mean you hate Jimmy?

But you know what I hate? People who continuely bury their heads in the sand and make believe that anyone who disagree's with them is diluted.

"lastly, i'd just like to say that people like neophyte, the masked coder, and heartbone must be very sad, depressed people to think that the world is as horrible a place as they say it is."


That's hysterical!

*wipes tear from eye*

You just made my day. Seriously.

"yes, there is bad sh*t going on, yes, there are murders and wars and terrorism and conspiracies - but sometimes you just need to STEP BACK and focus on SOMETHING ELSE, unless you want to be consumed by your eternal fear that the world is on the verge of collapse,

Oh, yes. It's my "eternal fear" that the world is coming to an end that makes Bush misguided.

"thanks to some barely-influential person sitting in an oval office hundreds, if not thousands of miles away."

Barely-influential? The commander in chief of one of the most powerful nations in the world is barely influential? Dude, you need to get back in touch with reality. Are you seriously telling me President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld are barely-influential?

Even you have to know that what you uttered is just absolute bunk.


"Look, I take the word of my brother over yours."

You don't have to take my word for it. Just take the Senate Intelligence Committe's word.

"I think you're full of crap, you've got an ego problem and you have lost touch with reality, so there is absolutely NO reason for me to pay attention to what you have said."

Right. This coming from a guy who continuly insults people who disagree with him.

Try as you might Jimmy, you can't escape the fact that I'm quoting government sources. You can whine all you like that I'm out-of-touch with reality, but their are many people in the intelligence community that agree with me. Iraq is a mess and it's getting worse. If you think otherwise it's you who has lost touch with reality.

As to my alleged "ego problem" it has been and always will be my stance that if you think you are right, Prove It. Whining and Moaning and crying like a little girl doesn't make you right. Facts and Reason do.

I've openly challenged anyone here who thinks that Bush's policies are right to back that claim up with facts. All I've gotten so far was hot air apart from zircher's brief foray into the matter.

I don't see anything egotistical in trying to debate issues with facts and reason. I do see plenty of things egotistical in people who just ignore what people say and call them names if they don't agree with them. So Jimmy are you man enough to debate me? Or are you just going to hurl insults like a twelve year old?

There is a saying where I come from. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you don't have anything more to offer this debate you might as well leave.

"I'll never be angry with the decision to send troops to Iraq."

Even if it makes us less safe? There are roughly 18,000 new recruits for Al Qaeda because of our actions in Iraq.

"I'm disappointed with his administration, yes, but they still saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and are continuing to do so."

Hundreds of thousands from who? Saddam?

Under Saddam, in Badgdad last July 2002 there were 10 deaths from violent or suspicous means.
In July 2003, there were about 470.

In one month during the occupation they got about a year and a halfs worth of victims from gunfire. One month!

The current death toll for Iraqi civilians is estimated to be between 13,000 and 22,000.

As Eric T has noted, we've probably taken out more in 6 months then Saddam did in a year.

But at least you admit that there are some flaws in this adminstration I'll give you that.

"The reason for invading may be in question by stuck up politicians and left wingnuts, "

And let's not forget those on the right as well.

" but the result is the same and, despite our losses, a wonderful thing for that country."

At minimum, 70 percent of the people of Iraq view us as occupiers not liberators. Over half want us to leave immediately.

I don't think the Iraqis agree with you. But I guess the Iraqis must be out of touch with reality and have ego issues, huh?


"Yes, everyone who said there were weapons there have been sacked,"


I assume you didn't read my rebuttal to that then? The only person who has left because of the WMD fiasco is former CIA director George Tenet. He wasn't sacked though he left voluntarily. The rest of the people responsible for the WMD, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz et al are still around.

If there is someone in paticular you had in mind that you think was fired, please, post his name and I'll look into that. I could be wrong on the issue after all.

"One of the worst people that could be president. He's stupid, doesnt realise it himself. However, I dont think he's evil, I think he sees the USA like its shown in 90% of movies, i.e. the great ruler of the planet, who everyone loves and who's job it is to police the world. Which makes him dangerous."

I agree. I don't think he is evil either. Simply misguided.

"My view on Kerry: A person who lets other people make his mind up (i.e. the voters), likes his money issues, and loves showing off his military status."

Yes, that does seem to be Kerry in a nutshell.

"I dont like either, however, Bush has had his chance, and has f*cked up. Someone mentioned that Kerry would pull back his troops and that the USA would then be labelled as cowards, my opinion on this is, what do you preferred, a "coward" label, or a "killers" label, whether justified or not?"

Wow. Someone who almost completely agrees with me. Spooky.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:28
Lol, let me make that more complete, I was quoting the sacked people from other posts, I do seem to remember people leaving over that, though it could well be one person like you said.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:42

Tenet is the only one that I'm aware of that left over it and he wasn't that influential when it came to pushing the case for war.

There have been others in the adminstration that have resigned. Most notably Richard Clarke who published a book entitled "Against All Enemies" which was rather damning when it came to the adminstrations efforts on the war on terror. I heard Clarke was a neo-con, but he defected when it became clear that Cheney, et al. weren't giving terrorism the proper place on the priority list.

The only other high profile resignation that I'm familar of was Paul O'Neil. He also authored a book called the "Price of Loyalty". That one was also pretty damning when it came Bush and Cheney.

Others have left the admin, but none were very high profile and none seemed to be connected to the Iraq War to my knowledge. Tenet was the only one who left over the Iraq War WMD issue.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:48
Oh god, I just finished reading all 10 pages. My neck hurts

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:54
Quote: "We need to get out fast if we want these damn people to live in some peace."

Oh and I'm sooo sure they're going to live in great peace the minute we leave... *rolls eyes*

Quote: "Bush has had his chance, and has f*cked up."

Not every prez has to deal with an event like 9/11. I'd hate to see what Gore would have done in that situation. Oh wait, I know what he'd have done. He would have put his tail between his legs and done nothing. The general public would hate him because of what he *didn't* do.

Quote: "People who continuely bury their heads in the sand and make believe that anyone who disagree's with them is diluted."

This sounds just like you, Neo

Quote: "Under Saddam, in Badgdad last July 2002 there were 10 deaths from violent or suspicous means.
In July 2003, there were about 470."

Oh puleeeeze. They have discovered *hundres of thousands* of shallow graves in Iraq. You can't tell me that Sodamn Insane is an angel.

I guess, being over here in a safe country, it's easy to turn a blind eye to a dictator who murders and mails body parts to the victim's families because they don't agree with him.

Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:55
Quote: " Paul Wolfowitz"

One person i would love to see drug out unto a street and beaten.

Only reason this bastard is on the administration is cause he is cheneys personal bitch.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:55

" Oh god, I just finished reading all 10 pages. My neck hurts"

Mine too.


" i wasn't saying that you posted opinion sites about bush...i was saying you posted opinion sites..."

The only opinion sites I linked to were about Bush. The Iconoclast and John Eisenhower's editorial. Oh, there was an opinion thing I posted on the debate as well from a Pro-Bush conservative. That's about it for opinion sites.

I don't remember posting any links to opinion sites about the Iraq War or War on Terror though I've posted so much I could be wrong.

@the abe article

Yes, it's good to treat what's on the internet with scepticism. I don't blame you or anything. I can try to find some more info later on from a more respectable site if you like.

"maybe abe was a christain without knowing it?
i don't really have time right now to go into deep theological disscusion...but it may be possible for him to be a christain without understanding the bible..."

He said he wasn't christian. I've never heard of someone being christian without knowing it. But I would be interested to hear your take on the subject.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 08:59
Quote: "Not every prez has to deal with an event like 9/11."

True. Bush did though. And like I already stated, he f*cked up.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 09:03
Wow. Looks like we all posted at about the same time.


"This sounds just like you, Neo "

How? I've been very open with my beliefs and the facts I think support them. If you think I'm wrong than post your facts and reasoning to the contrary. I've been actively searching for reasoned defenses of Bushes positions. I don't call seeking out rational opposition to one's position "burying your head in the sand".

"Oh puleeeeze. They have discovered *hundres of thousands* of shallow graves in Iraq. You can't tell me that Sodamn Insane is an angel."

I'm not. In fact, I've stated before that I thought he was an evil SOB and that you'd brook no argument from there if you stated such. I'm just saying that he is not the most evil SOB that could come out of their. There are people who are worse than Saddam and I fear that they could seize power in Iraq.

"I guess, being over here in a safe country, it's easy to turn a blind eye to a dictator who murders and mails body parts to the victim's families because they don't agree with him."

I've never turned a blind eye to him. Ever.

I just don't think we can play God with the fates of nations and expect to come up with good results. There are 18000 new Al Qaeda recruits because of our actions in Iraq and that is a conservative estimate. I'm not making that number up. This is from the Internatinal Institute for Strategic Studies own report.

Saddam is an evil SOB, but the cost of removing him may prove too high.
Eric T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 09:11
Quote: "Oh puleeeeze. They have discovered *hundres of thousands* of shallow graves in Iraq. You can't tell me that Sodamn Insane is an angel."

Problem is, in the last few months, the amount of "Innocent Iraqi victims" (there are really no innocent victims, Carlin reference), that we could fill up quite a bit of those graves.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 11:46
>> is a little more biased and their top
>> story picks apart errors made by both sides during the debate.
> What makes you think that is biased out of
> curiousity?

My very bad proofing skills have come back to haunt me. I mispoke and meant to say that FactCheck is seemingly unbiased.

About Senate Intelligence Committee attendence, they do take attendence. And, the GOP even gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with 76% instead of 78%.

Sure we don't have attendence numbers for the classified meetings, but if this data is something that would defend Kerry's record, why has he not requested it? The only answer I can come up with is that the numbers do not serve Kerry, so he'd rather burry them.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 12:45

"My very bad proofing skills have come back to haunt me. I mispoke and meant to say that FactCheck is seemingly unbiased."

Thanks for the clarification. That's not the first time someone in this thread meant to say one thing, but wound up saying the opposite. So don't feel too bad.

"About Senate Intelligence Committee attendence, they do take attendence. And, the GOP even gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with 76% instead of 78%."

Thanks for the info. It appears that I was wrong. Although it is errorenous to say that he missed 76% of all Senate Intelligence Committee meetings based on only the public and not private sessions, I'll agree that it doesn't look good that Kerry isn't asking for the private sessions attendence records to be released. So in short I'll have to concede this point to you. Well done.

So are there any other objections to Kerry you have? I remember you stating something about his senate record and his service, but it's been a long time since your last post. I'm not sure if you made any specific objections or not.
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 13:50
Neo, I disagree with plenty of people here, but I insult you, because of how arrogant and annoying you are. I respect what Mouse, Pet Rat and most of the others are saying, because they do it politely.

Quote: "At minimum, 70 percent of the people of Iraq view us as occupiers not liberators. Over half want us to leave immediately.

I don't think the Iraqis agree with you. But I guess the Iraqis must be out of touch with reality and have ego issues, huh?"

Actually, when my brother was on leave he commented on how the Iraqis are growing a little tired of us being there, because Saddam is gone and feel they can now do the rest on their own.

But again, like a typical liberal pig, you won't think logically. Spouting off stats you get from your cottage cheese butt.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 14:15

" Neo, I disagree with plenty of people here, but I insult you, because of how arrogant and annoying you are. I respect what Mouse, Pet Rat and most of the others are saying, because they do it politely. "

And you state your idea's politely? I think you need to take a big look in the mirror, Jimmy, because every criticism you've leveled at me can easily describe you.

And if I'm so arrogant than why'd I admit I was wrong to zircher? My stance has always been if you think I'm wrong, prove it. Well, zircher proved it and I stepped up like a man and admitted I was wrong.

I think you are confusing arrogance with self-confidence. I am very confident in my evidence and reasoning regarding Iraq. I may come across as aggressive as a result of it, but I'm not arrogant. If I was arrogant I wouldn't have admitted I was wrong.

I'll repeat my challange one more time:

If you think I'm wrong about the Iraq war then back up your position with facts and reasoning. If you win, I'll publically admit I was wrong like I did with zircher. How's that sound?

"But again, like a typical liberal pig, you won't think logically. Spouting off stats you get from your cottage cheese butt."

The Iraqis want us to leave not just because they think they can govern themselves. It's because there is a lot of deep anti-American sentiment there.

Quote: "US soldiers are seen as 'uncaring, dangerous and lacking in respect.'"

Quote: " Forty-two percent of Iraqis say their country is better off, while 46 percent say the US has "done more harm than good" in the past year."

Quote: "USA Today reports that a solid majority, almost 60 percent, want the US and its allies to leave immediately, even if it means the security situation will deteriorate."
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 14:41
You are everything I'm glad I'm not.

And I leave this idiot thread with that.

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
David T
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 23:31
Quote: "Oh puleeeeze. They have discovered *hundres of thousands* of shallow graves in Iraq. You can't tell me that Sodamn Insane is an angel. "

lol, but those weren't just from 1 year.

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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 23:35
Flamey flamey flamey, oi oi oi!
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2004 23:44
Quote: "We need to get out fast if we want these damn people to live in some peace."

That is now impossible because of the war.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2004 10:36
I've been quite for quite some time, but Jimmy that is enough now!

Quote: "Neo, I disagree with plenty of people here, but I insult you, because of how arrogant and annoying you are."

You're the arrogant one, not Neo!
You're constantly offending ppl if you don't have any arguments anymore. You don't respect other opinions. You ignore every argument which prooves you wrong.
(i don't have to continue, do i?)

Quote: "I respect what Mouse, Pet Rat and most of the others are saying, because they do it politely.

Really, Neophyte is a 100000000000 times more polite than you and he's certainly not less polite than Mouse or Pet Rat either.

Quote: "You are everything I'm glad I'm not."

This kind of comment should not be tolerated in any public forum!
But it's just a proof for what i've just said:
Neophyte just brought some very good points against you and all you can do is posting a senseless, personal attack.

Quote: "And I leave this idiot thread with that."

I'm glad to hear that.

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Posted: 4th Oct 2004 12:51 Edited at: 4th Oct 2004 12:53
Ok, ok, I can't resist because of the idiocy of your post.

First thing, you need to learn english before posting here.

Second, he did not bring points against ME, he brought points against BUSH. I didn't care to argue his points against Bush, because I've heard them all before. So, because I decide not to pick apart his post and counter every "good point" it means "i'm not paying attention to what he's saying" and that "the facts are against me"

You don't see me telling everyone to listen to what I say or DIE, or that everything I say is fact.

Third, what's up with thinking I'm not trying to be "hypocritical" in what I say?? I know I'm often arrogant and proud of it. So let's just say it takes one to know one, K?? Beef monkey??

And lastly, What's the deal with you two (Tomy and Neo) picking apart posts line by line and acting like you're better than everyone else? I know you share some commonalities because of your homosexual relationship, but I didn't think it was this bad.

Oh, that is fact by the way, because I can back it up with this statement AND internet link, that means it's true:

Quote: "In a census poll in 2001 it was found that 46% of all Swedes are homosexuals. That percentage is expected to rise to 89% by 2011."

Remember, Jimmy still loves you.
Ian T
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Posted: 4th Oct 2004 12:59
This is going sharply downhill, so...

"Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?"

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