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Program Announcements / Newton Game Dynamics WRAPPER v1.32

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Posted: 15th Mar 2005 03:10 Edited at: 13th Apr 2005 10:06
New version of the Newton DBPro Wrapper is released, Carefully constructed to work smoothly together with the Latest version of the Newton Game Dynamics SDK v1.32

Go get it at:

Archive Includes:

Wrapper dll TPC for Dark Basic Professional
Full source for 14 demo programs
Ragdoll tutorial and Advanced ragdoll source
Example to show compatibility with DBPro Advanced Terrain plugin
Documentation for all commands
Keywords file for command highliting in DBPro IDE
Changelog describing changes in this version
Rigid Body Designer tool for making accurate physics bodies.
Updated to Newton version 1.32

More Specified changes:


Changed content of Vehicle Demo 06 to show the New NDB_NewtonUpdateTires command which eliminates tire lag.
New Demo 11 Advanced ragdoll code with Media
New Demo 12 Simple Vehicle tutorial no media needed
New Demo 13 Simple Ballgame by Paul Houlton no media needed
New Demo 14 Simple JetPac (cube) third person view tutorial no media needed

Update 1.1 to the Rigid Body Designer

Major Changes:
Important ! This command needs to be added after calling the NDB_NewtonUpdate to update the position of the wheels for the Vehiclejoint.

General fixes:

* General code optimization
* General bug extermination
* Fixed FVF adressing error in NDB_NewtonCreateConvexHullWithScale
* Updated keywords_ndb.ini
* Updated the documentation


Major changes in SDK v 1.32 done by the staff at

Newton Game Dynamic 1.32

- made SDK compatible with Win32 and Mac OS X
- fixed bug when calculating isotropic friction correction.
- fixed estrange bug that made joints and contacts acting too soft.
- fixed crash bug on collision tree with degenerated triangles (slivers).
- significant improvement of collision tree builder optimizer, now much faster.
- refactoring all tutorials samples code (added the tool box some utility functions)
- remove the P4 optimization option from the comipler, library should now work on celerons.
- fixed crash bug when calculating over 128 contacts between a convex primitive and a tree mesh .

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Lost in Thought
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Posted: 15th Mar 2005 03:59
Cool. Advanced terrain example still crashes on my P4 though at least it does get to a point and shut down (with no error) this time. It was just locking up.

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Posted: 15th Mar 2005 04:24
Quote: "Fixed FVF adressing error in NDB_NewtonCreateConvexHullWithScale"

...and Collision meshes. Star man!

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Posted: 15th Mar 2005 23:19
Quote: "New Demo 11 Advanced ragdoll code with Media
New Demo 12 Simple Vehicle tutorial no media needed
New Demo 14 Simple JetPac (cube) third person view tutorial no media needed

YES YES YES Exactilly what I need!!! Kjelle you are awesome

Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 03:09
Looks nice . Good job continuing on Walaber's excellent work .

On another note, anyone know what the 4th vector component does when applying a force to an object, eg.

I'm trying to make my object "jump", and the height of the jump depends on the frame rate (lower frame rate, higher jump). Any ideas anyone?

Isn't it? Wasn't it? Marvellous!
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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 03:53 Edited at: 16th Mar 2005 03:58
Thanks for the support !
Some functions does not use all of the components in each vector.
The fourth vector component should make no difference as the function only looks at the tree first ones in temp vector 1 for global position and temp vector 2 for global force direction.

I have tried to make a small write-up on my view of the framerate related effects:
Read it here:
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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 09:36
I've found that one of the major slow-downs in heavy useage of "cube walls" in the demos. Removing them, or at least breaking them down into smaller chunks makes them more manageable.

Newton maintains an active list of objects to apply newton physics to. By using "NDB_NewtonBodySetAutoFreeze fps,0" you can ensure that your collision data always stays on this list, but that is only useful for fps camera colliders and teh like - with everuthing else (like crates to blast around ) once an impluse is applied to the object (either applied manually or if it was hit by another object) that object is added the active list *inhales deeply* Once the object comes to a state of rest it is automaticly frozen and placed in the 'inactive' list until it is hit again.

There, I just wasted 6 minutes of typing. Here's hoping it helps someone looking to use the 3rd person demo

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 12:17
Does the terrain demo just shut down for anyone else?

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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 12:38
Cool beans keep up the good work updating! The keywords file doesn't mess up BlueIDE any longer.

I'm not a real programmer but I play one with DBPro!
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Posted: 16th Mar 2005 22:49
You'd think with all teh moders crawling these forums that SOMEONE would realize that a new version is out and replace the old sticky with this!

...and sorry Lost in Thought, but works fine over here...

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Posted: 17th Mar 2005 05:07
*Yeah ! A Freash Sticky would make my day, spending several 100's of hours tring to get a grip of the C++ coding involved to get the wrapper up and running !

However, I would not do it if I didnt enjoyed it in some kind of unexplainable sick way, getting more and more asocial with friends and family, drifting deeper and deeper into the sea of unleashed power of knowledge ! Surrealistic, like Fear and loathing feeling about it.

Well anyway, public demands made me update the wrapper even more this night.

Added those exciting yet very needable commands along with updated version of docs and keyword.ini files.


(Still running within v1.32)

Will be uploaded for your pleasure hopefully withing the next few days.

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Posted: 17th Mar 2005 07:48
Argh. Thx. for keeping this going Kjelle. But I guess my last hopes of terrain and Physics are with APEX and ODE now.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 00:44 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2005 00:14
Whaat !!???

Leaving the Newton Scene ?

No way, dont leave a winning concept !

Change a few rows in the Advanced terrain demo. I will update the demo later and make sure that all demos are working in the download.

I cant explain WHY the application hangs, but it has to do with the SCALING of the advanced terrain. Try some different numbers there , and if you find a pattern please tell us ! The numbres I attached work on my four computers anyway !
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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 02:46 Edited at: 18th Mar 2005 12:38
I'll give it a shot when i get home.

[edit] That code crashed as well

[edit2] NM when you edited your post it removed all the \ chars in your code.

Correct code is

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Posted: 18th Mar 2005 17:29
Ok didnt see that the lashes went bywest !
So , Did it work for you aswell after correcting the syntax ??
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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 02:30
Yes it worked. I still doesn't work with my terrain though. I'll keep playing with this when i get time and see if I can find a pattern.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2005 03:41
Updated Advanced Terrain demo and added functionality again
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Posted: 21st Mar 2005 06:55
Here are precompiled Demos for those who does'nt have the Newton Wrapper installed, but still are curious about the possibilities:
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Posted: 21st Mar 2005 15:18
Stickying this and unstickying the other...

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 08:32 Edited at: 23rd Mar 2005 08:34
Ah, thank you Jeku...

I seem to be having problems with my character bouncing off walls in erratic ways--I'm working with a modded version of the JetPac tutorial thingee. Is there some secret with creating the newton collision mesh that I'm missing out on? Using a box results in what you see in the download vid, using a sphere thing results in even more extreme results. Any idea?

EDIT: crud, it won't let me attach it... I get a "The document contains no data" error Do you need to see it or do you have a solution right now? If you do, I can do a temp upload to

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 08:35 do you get this version working?

A.K.A Death Stalker
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2005 11:28
Hawkeye 99% chance you're not setting the Inertia values properly.

have a look at the docs, they explain it, but basically you should use one of the NDB_CalculateInertia... functions...

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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 12:17
I thought walaber was making the newton wrapper?

"eureka" - Archimedes
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 14:04
I have this downloaded along with Newton Physics, but I don't find any files, other than the .rar from this and the setup for newton physics. What am I doing wrong?

A.K.A Death Stalker
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Posted: 24th Mar 2005 14:49
there is no need to download the SDK from the newton website, you don't need it for the wrapper.

all you need is to decompress the .rar file you can get from my website. you will need "WinRar" or another program that can decompress .rar files... they are much smaller than .zip files.

Quote: " I thought walaber was making the newton wrapper?"

I have stopped working on the wrapper for a while now. user Kjelle has taken over, and is now responsible for all updates / changes to the wrapper, and has been for about 2 updates now.

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Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 04:13 Edited at: 26th Mar 2005 04:46
The joint code crashes on me. NDB.dll is in compiler/plugins-user, keywords_ndb.ini is in editor/keywords, and Newton.dll is in the same folder as the joint demo code.

The crash_on .txt has the following data:


Maybe there's some remnant of an old Newton still hanging around?

The pre-compiled joint demo works perfectly.

Also, when I compile, say, the 'collision primitives' demo, the info display flickers, I get 30 fps and it takes about a half-second to create a new primitive. When I run the pre-compiled 'collision primitives', I get 60 fps and creating a new primitive goes much faster.

This problem also occurs if I compile the code from the pre-compiled 'collision primitives' demo.

I'm also getting a problem compiling the FPS demo that's not there with the pre-compiled one; that is, I get pulled to a spot on the other side of the door, slightly in front and to the left.

The vehicle demo also crashes; it looks like after loading the first wheel or somewhere during loading the wheels. Also, both the demo code and the pre-compiled demo want a higher screen resolution than my monitor can support; 1280x1024x16. This means I can't tell wether the error will happen with the pre-compiled version since to get that far, I changed the resolution in the demo code.

In the floating code demo, floating cones tend to flicker from side-to-side. In the pre-compiled, the're just bouncy.

Not really an error, but in the ragdoll demo, if you keep on swinging the ragdoll back and forth, the parts start to seperate. It still hangs together; just at a distance, if that makes sense. But I get the feeling that what I did is sort of an 'unintended use'.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 04:53
Crazy Errors !!!

I think that you may have some old dll causing a conflict, because the pre-compiled demos work. Search your computer for newton.dll and ndb.dll and remove all unwanted such !
Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 04:59 Edited at: 26th Mar 2005 07:42
I think the demo code has always flickered on me.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 07:12 Edited at: 26th Mar 2005 07:18
Ah, thanks.

Wait, we copy Newton dll into all of the projects that use it?

A.K.A Death Stalker
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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 07:43 Edited at: 26th Mar 2005 07:50
Also, it appears the timing needs to be multiplied by 1000.0. Or not. First it works right with that, then it doesn't...

Just making sure this doesn't get missed:
What's a dbpdata folder? I've got 125 of them in my local settingstemp folder.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2005 16:05 Edited at: 26th Mar 2005 16:05
Newton.dll should be copied into the base folder of each project.

Dbpdata must be some internal temp storage that the dbpro compiler creates, seem to be debug information there.

I dont understand how you mean with your timing issues really ?
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Posted: 27th Mar 2005 17:28
Narf- what operating system do you have?

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Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 30th Mar 2005 07:43 Edited at: 30th Mar 2005 07:57
A repaired version of XP professional, using an XP home cd, dual-booted with 98 on another drive.

That might be the problem, but I havn't had any problems that seem to come from that.

I could also try re-installing DBPro.

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Posted: 5th Apr 2005 10:06
Hmmmm been a bit since anyone's posted.. I'm pretty sure when Narf says 'timing issues' he means the value of time# in this:
Quote: "NDB_NewtonUpdate time#"

I haven't had any problems with it really, so the only thing I can think of is you're using a different sync rate than 60

Anyways, while I've been absent from my newton project lately (been working on my music) I had a chance to fiddle with it tonight--for those of you wondering at the JetPac demo, I have a modded version here. Main changes are useage of the omega value for rotation instead of applying a vector, which is kinda a juryrigged (and slow!) approach. and uhm.. I think that's it The differences are obious--120 boxes in motion with (fairly) minimal slowdown. Besides, in a situation when you have a wall flying into 120 pieces as you ram through it you'd want a little bullettime so you can gloat

Code is in this snippet and also in the code box (it's the same for both)

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Posted: 6th Apr 2005 04:37 Edited at: 6th Apr 2005 04:43
Yea, your perfectly right there are ways of getting really good framerates with Newton if you code the right way
The mod you´ve done to the 'Jetpac' or whatever surely shows that !!!

About the time passed to the newtonupdate I have written this explanation, cutted out from Walabers forum:

---------------Cut here with a lawnmover---------------

I have tried to understand this myself, and this is one explanation which I have tried to make as simple as possible:

If you set a higher framerate then Newton will make a more exact solve for the next position of the objects in the scene.

What we do when we tell NDB_NewtonUpdate Time# is asking the newton engine what would happen in the newtonworld if Time# secs went by.

If we set a minimum framerate to 100 then newton will calculate where the new position of the objects would be if 1/100'th of a second has passed, unregarding if the time# passed is smaller than 1/100'th of a second.

This makes everything in the scene slow down a bit, as disregarding the time for the program to make one loop we will only step forth the objects 1/100'th of a second, or less !

So what basically happens when you set the minimumframerate higher is that the precision in the scene gets higher. If it is too low than objects occationally tend to jump between two positions of equilibrium.

If the program loop is too slow for newton system (Slower that 1/60'th of a second = 0.017 Sec) than the newton system will only move all objects 0.017 sec's ahead in time.

Each program loop takes 0.02 sec's.
Then you call NDB_NewtonUpdate,
All objects in scene will only update their position as if 0.017 sec's have passed.

That is with default value of minimumframerate of 60 fps

If you RISE the minimumframerate to 100 then All objects in scene will only update their position as if 0.001 sec's have passed each program loop. and things will go like in slow motion.

Julio suggests one easy solution for this and that is to split the newtonupdate calls in several separate calls where each time# lies within the allowed specs of the NDB_Newtonupdate 1/60 < Time# > 1/1000

Example from the CarLab application:

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Cian Rice
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Posted: 6th Apr 2005 04:43
Just wondering about that First Person Shooter Demo with Ragdolls in it thats in the code base and if anyone knew any possible reason for why if I tryed to change the gun model it doesn't show? I tried to replace the gun with teh Dark Matter 1 Mp-5 High Poly because I couldn't stand the awful color of the hand and it was giving me a headache...

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Posted: 6th Apr 2005 04:57
Ehm, Which demo are you talking about ?

-==The tame birds yearn, the wild ones dare to fly.==-
Cian Rice
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Posted: 6th Apr 2005 05:19
It's one in the codebase called: "cool fps"

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Posted: 6th Apr 2005 06:21 Edited at: 6th Apr 2005 06:24
For lazy people like me that's

I haven't taken a look at it but I'm guessing you have a scaling problem here--the object is either too small to see or it's so big DBP automaticly cuts it out. Try loading the two models together in a proggy like gameSpace or something and scaling/rotating your model so it matches the other

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 7th Apr 2005 10:42
ARGH! I did a clean re-install of DBPro, updated to 5.8 and added the wrapper and I still get flicker!

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Posted: 8th Apr 2005 09:56
Well it could be the 5.8 update that's fouling things up. Van-B's project, after "upgrading" to 5.8, took him a while of reformatting the source code before it would compile and THEN it only ran at 1fps :o So try just using 5.7 for now, and if that still doesn't work how about recording a FRAPS video so we can really see what you're talking about? [href][/href]

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 9th Apr 2005 08:38
I guess I wasn't clear in my post. I updated to 5.8 in the hopes of clearing up the error.

Thanks, I'll try that movie software.


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Peter H
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Posted: 11th Apr 2005 07:12 Edited at: 11th Apr 2005 07:32
Thanks! i was getting really confused with the media involved in that vehicle demo, now i can finally figure it out and implement it in my game!

[edit]...uummm...the vehicle in the simple demo acted like a off-road vehicle with blubber attached to it's bounced around like CRAZY!

are there some different settings that would make it act more like a normal car???


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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 19:47 Edited at: 12th Apr 2005 19:48
Download Carlab from

There you can tune in the parameters of any arbitrary Newton vehicle object

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Posted: 12th Apr 2005 23:11

downloading and trying out now...

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Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2005 07:56 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2005 07:58
Sorry it took me so long to get back. I honestly didn't think it had been that long. Attached the file wrong; try the url in this message. tell me if it doesn't work.


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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 09:25
I see the flicker ! Crazy ! On that screen there is text output at sync rate, could it have something to do with that ?

-==The tame birds yearn, the wild ones dare to fly.==-
Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 17:07
The pre-compiled demo's have the same text output and do not flicker, which implies that the problem has to do with my system.

I could upload demo02 compiled on my system to see if it flickers on others systems....


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Posted: 25th Apr 2005 21:49 Edited at: 25th Apr 2005 21:57
Looks to me as though you are using 2 syncs per loop.

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 26th Apr 2005 03:50 Edited at: 26th Apr 2005 03:57
Uh...Who are you talking to? (Cause the Demo02 project has only one sync command and no cls commands)

Once again, I attached something wrong. Try this: - collision primitives.rar

Just copy the .exe into your demo02 folder.


Expert Bug-Finder, Horrible at Identifying Them.


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