Quote: "Probably easier searching the Nasa or BBC sites"
"Google is not my friend today" is my version of "I can't be bothered looking *anything* up, anywhere, at any time" (I'm feeling under the weather and have no energy). If I can't find it on the net, then it doesn't exist. Or noones typed it up yet. I still refuse the existance (or non-existance) of several things based on this viewpoint.
For instance, unless I find a claim to the negative on the web (or from a vet), then I'm still going to assume that what my mum told me as a kid, about putting your budgie under the grill for a few monents to get it to live again (after being found on the floor of the cage) actually works. I am not listening to my friends and colleagues who tell me thats a load of s***e, and my mum just swapped the bird with a live one to spare me the heartache (bit like that one in the US about taking the dog to the farm). Oh no. Not on web, so can't disprove it.
Either that or we had 7 bloody annoying budgie things when I was a kid (funnily I wouldn't have minded them dying as I hated them).
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing