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Program Announcements / Multisync v1.0 - Multiplayer plugin

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Posted: 16th May 2007 11:46
Thank you Benjamin about the explanation but about the sample multiplayer zombie , when I download the file , the file cut in 55%
please can you upload it again
with best regards
Master Xilo
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Posted: 18th May 2007 21:24
super plug-in congratulations!

but I can't use v1.2 (it just quits the program with the "x.exe ... problem and needs to be quit" error message)

v1.1 works fine!
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Posted: 18th May 2007 22:56
Quote: "Thank you Benjamin about the explanation but about the sample multiplayer zombie , when I download the file , the file cut in 55%"

What do you mean? The file is fine, I've just tried it. You'll need to put the media folder in the same place as the EXEs though.

Quote: "but I can't use v1.2 (it just quits the program with the "x.exe ... problem and needs to be quit" error message)"

What were you trying to run? The examples work fine for me.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 18th May 2007 23:17
for you perhaps, but if I compile my multiplayer game with v1.1 it works and with 1.2 i doesn't...

but who cares about windows firewall. because if the firewall blocks the program, there appers anyway that window where you can forward this program. it's eaven betten than just doing it automatically from within the game because the user should have the ability to choose. so i'm luky enough with v1.1

you don't need to fix this. i don't know why it doesn't work.

anyway great plugin!!!
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Posted: 19th May 2007 00:55
Quote: "for you perhaps, but if I compile my multiplayer game with v1.1 it works and with 1.2 i doesn't... "

Yes but do the examples work?

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 19th May 2007 01:57 Edited at: 19th May 2007 01:57

EDIT: no they don't
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Posted: 26th May 2007 19:49
Thank you Benjamin , everything is done now
Mike Inel
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 12:36
Hi... I know this sounds really, really newb, but does this plugin connect to internet too? If so, how? If there are links about this stuffs, gimme!
I'm really newb about internet and networking stuffs... Just got our router and isp working this week...

This plugin is really great, btw!!!

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 02:31
I'm not sure I understand your question. It allows you to connect to others over the internet, yes. Or did you mean something else?

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Mike Inel
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 06:07 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2007 06:08
Ah, yes, that's my question...
Um.... How does "" see servers automatically? And can it see through internet too?
(Man, i sound like a real noob...)

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 14:36
Quote: "Um.... How does "" see servers automatically?"

It doesn't. The loopback address ( is for when you want to test a server and client on the same machine. When using the loopback address, the network card isn't involved in data transmission. This of course means that if the server listens on that address, it won't accept connections from other machines (on the same private network or on the internet).

If you want the client to automatically be able to find available servers on the internet, you have to set up a system where you can connect to a master server and download the list of these servers. I do plan to add this functionality to Multisync soon enough.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 15:34

I finaly found my issue.

My PC does not let MultiSync get my i cannot use a server at all,as it does not know where to host it on
Mike Inel
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 15:35
Oh... Now I understand... Thanks!

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 15:42
Quote: "My PC does not let MultiSync get my i cannot use a server at all,as it does not know where to host it on"

Multisync doesn't try to obtain an IP address, it listens on all available interfaces, so I don't think that's the problem.

Quote: "Thanks!"

You're welcome.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 16:53
Hmm,but it did work on the versions where you had to enter an IP adress.
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 17:00 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2007 17:01
Ah ok - I was doing some researching earlier, and I think I may know what the problem is now. One solution I can think of is to allow the IP address to be passed as a parameter in net host, when localhost needs to be used. It seems that with the method I'm using, on certain computers Multisync might not accept connection requests over localhost.

If the problem is what I think it is, then technically it should still work if you try it with the client connecting from another machine (over a local area network or the internet). Give it a try if you can and tell me if it works.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 17:28
That wont work either,it is not my is our network.I tried it on my little brothers PC earlier already.Same results as here.

Can't you make it that it requires IP input again for me?That would save alot of hassle with getting my stuff to someone elses house and PC to just test if it even works as i want to.
Mike Inel
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Posted: 4th Jun 2007 03:56
........ I always get timed out whenever I use my public IP to any of the examples provided...

Um, may I ask for a list of things needed/configured for connecting applications using multisync via internet?

I did turned off all firewalls, assigned my router to forward 3998-3999 ports, didn't used "net set port" in the dbpro code, had my local ip address static, and assured that my public ip address is working... (i pinged it)


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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 00:56

Thanx for this great plugin
Working on a Multiplayer Version of my 50 liner game 'ships'.
This safes me lots of work on an own winsock plugin.

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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 14:13
Quote: "Can't you make it that it requires IP input again for me?"

Yes, I'll get it done soon.

Quote: "........ I always get timed out whenever I use my public IP to any of the examples provided..."

You mean when connecting to yourself? Because computers on a LAN don't have a public IP address, and routers will not perform port forwarding from packets/connections that come from the same LAN. To connect to yourself, either use your loopback address or LAN address. To connect from another machine on the network use your LAN address.

If you want a computer outside the network (on the internet) to connect to you, then you have to set up port forwarding like you have done (make sure the port forwarding rules are enabled and set up for TCP ports 3998-3999).

Timeouts usually occur when a firewall blocks a connection, so make sure the firewall on both computers allows the program to access the internet.

Quote: "Thanx for this great plugin"

No problem.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
Multisync V1 (DBP/DBCe)
Mike Inel
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 15:29
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 16:59 Edited at: 5th Jun 2007 17:28
Hey Benjamin,

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere but I keep getting an error saying "Message full, cannot write". What does that mean and how do I fix it?
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 17:10
It means you are trying to write too much data to a single message (or perhaps you are forgetting to send the message, and the data is building up). The maximum amount of data that you can put in a message is 2046 bytes.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 17:30
Hmm well that fixed it,

Forgive my ignorance but how am I suppose to send clusters of data if im limited to 2046 bytes?

btw is there an email address I could reach you at? I have a few questions to ask about tempest.
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 17:32
Quote: "Forgive my ignorance but how am I suppose to send clusters of data if im limited to 2046 bytes?"

Putting it in separate messages is the only way I'm afraid.

Quote: "btw is there an email address I could reach you at?"

Yes: mr_petrat[b][/b]

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 18:30
Quote: "Quote: "Can't you make it that it requires IP input again for me?"
Yes, I'll get it done soon."

Thanks for that one
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Posted: 5th Jun 2007 21:57 Edited at: 5th Jun 2007 21:58
Ok here it is, give it a try on localhost. I'll update the keywords and help file later.

The syntax is this:

net host playerAmount, ipAddress$

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
Multisync V1 (DBP/DBCe)


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Posted: 6th Jun 2007 17:29
Thank you benjamin,This one works
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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 03:04
Benjamin can Multisync be used from DarkGDK?

I was toying with the idea of converting my project to get more speed but i can't be doing with going back to that crappy product they call Direct Play

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Posted: 9th Jun 2007 15:10
It should work with it, I think.

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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 02:25
what the unknown 10035 error means?
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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 15:59
Benjamin, as it's restricted to packets of 2048 does your DLL handle a hacker sending a larger packet to the server or will it crash?


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Posted: 14th Jun 2007 16:12 Edited at: 14th Jun 2007 16:12
Quote: "what the unknown 10035 error means?"

Which command did this error occur in?

Quote: "Benjamin, as it's restricted to packets of 2048 does your DLL handle a hacker sending a larger packet to the server or will it crash?"

Nope, it can handle larger packets fine, although each one will be split into packets of 2048 bytes in size at the receiving end.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 15th Jun 2007 16:02
Hi Benjamin ;
I want to ask you 2 question :
first , I want to know if possible can dark basic let the client to connect to the server using a search method to search all the port to find it without asking for write the ip address ,
for example in the zombie game , you must to put your name and the ip address to connect to the server , it possible to connect to the server computer using a search for the port without asking ?
second , in your plugin can I send video and sound from the server to the client or from client to server ?
and thank in advance
with best regards
Jean Philippe
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Posted: 10th Jul 2007 23:04

Question for Prince Of Darkness

I tried your chat which works fine if i delete "GetMyIp()". Is it a command included in Multisync? in a dll of yours?

Thank you all for your help
Conor B
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Posted: 26th Jul 2007 17:15
Is there any examples of a full client server chat program cause I am trying to make one, but when I can only send 1 message and then the client stops recieving them. And by the way, this program is literatly a blessing, thank you for it.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2007 10:40
Quote: "first , I want to know if possible can dark basic let the client to connect to the server using a search method to search all the port to find it without asking for write the ip address"

Not directly; you must have a master server which stores a list of game servers similar to what steam, gamespy etc do. Also I believe you can connect to a URL, so if you pointed a subdomain of your website to your server i.e. then you could connect that way without an IP, but multisync cannot search through every IP for running games for obvious reasons.

Quote: "second , in your plugin can I send video and sound from the server to the client or from client to server ?"

Again not directly, you could convert your media into a memblock first and transmit the data, or send the original file contents however there are no native ways to send data(yet).

Quote: "Is there any examples of a full client server chat program cause I am trying to make one, but when I can only send 1 message and then the client stops recieving them. And by the way, this program is literatly a blessing, thank you for it."

If you check my Zombie game(2nd post) this features a fully working (I hope) chat system and an awesome game to go with it

Conor B
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Posted: 27th Jul 2007 14:36
Is anyone able to explain what I am doing wrong here, I'm trying to send the player position as messages but the client is positioning the object about 6 seconds late, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2007 14:45
The problem is probably caused by the client not being able to read the messages fast enough. Use a loop to make sure all messages are read before proceeding.

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Posted: 27th Jul 2007 14:48
Well it happened to me again, I have a problem for hours and then once I post about it I find out what the problem is. I just put the position object command in the while get message block, which I changed from if get message, anyway thanks benjamin.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2007 00:22 Edited at: 4th Aug 2007 00:24

I can't get NET GET PLAYER IP playerNum to work. The compiler complains it don't understand it's type / don't seem to recognise it as a command / don't highlight it in blue?

Please, how can I get it to work?

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer
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Posted: 4th Aug 2007 00:39
It works here, show me how you're trying to use it.

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Posted: 4th Aug 2007 00:45 Edited at: 4th Aug 2007 01:03
Oh it works, i wasn't using brackets, wrote it the way it was in the manual, been a long time since reading it, forgot about that


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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 02:32 Edited at: 11th Aug 2007 02:45
I was doing a stress test, it got to 57 players and then I got

Multisync V1 Error
Message Full, cannot write

It don't report what line it was on when this happened either so hard to track down :/

Is there anyway around this? Iassume it;s the 2048 byte packet limit?

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 03:07
It is the limit, yes. I could change the limit I suppose, if it's really necessary.

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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 16:19 Edited at: 11th Aug 2007 17:20
Any chance it could be unlimited or user defined through a function?

I'm not sure if it was my fault though, i was running 57 players from one exe so i guess thats how the packet size grew because it was going to a single port?

I tried running 1 bot per exe but ran out of video memory at 25

I'm gona have to get more computers I think

You should be proud of your DLL, i think it's fantastic!

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 17:18 Edited at: 11th Aug 2007 17:24
Ok I tried 57 individual exes, on 3 computers, then it bombed out on the server again at 57 players.

Multisync V1 Error
Message Full, cannot write

so it's not too many packets going to the same port.

Could it be NETSEND ALL?

if i did

for x = 1 to playersOnline
next x

Do you think that will solve it, coz i'm not building a packet 2048 bytes in size anywhere?

Code Dragons funny picture of 57 network bots in action, the only safe place is the sea

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 22:07
Ok it was my fault I had a net send in the wrong place

I got to 98 players in a single zone before my server ran out of steam and stopped accepting logins. most players on a DBP game?

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer
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Posted: 11th Aug 2007 23:50
Quote: "I got to 98 players in a single zone before my server ran out of steam and stopped accepting logins. most players on a DBP game?"

Congratulations, even if they were only bots.

Tempest (DBP/DBCe)
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Posted: 12th Aug 2007 00:59
Well they wiggled, cursed and killed each other as close to real player as I can get

DinoHunter (still no nVidia compo voucher!), CPU/GPU Benchmark, DarkFish Encryption DLL, War MMOG (WIP), 3D Model Viewer

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