Okay, what im HOPING for but im not making any promises, is that one month after we get the engines together, and if the people from CS4 will ever respond and help me get it working again, we will have a playable demo. Features:
-1 playable character (most likely no choices, although eventually i hope to have about 125 different combination possibilites, 5 head, 5 torso, and 5 legs).
-2 playable, though not complete, professions.
-About 80% of Port Royale finished.
-1, possibly complete, ship available to sail into the middle of nowhere considering right now Port Royale is the only island, lol.
-5 to 10 different NPC models.
-About 20 to 30 NPC's.
-Have about 50% of the buildings in Port Royale accessable (eventually all will be).
-A talk system where you will be able to interact with NPC's.
-Hopefully about 5 non-profession related quests.
-A fairly simple combat system.
-Night and day.
-Shops which you can buy things from.
Some major things that wont be in this demo but will eventually be in (keep in mind this demo will be about 10% of what i hope the full game will be):
-Over 20 professions.
-Nearly all NPC's have a unique model.
-Tons of islands, uninhabbited, and inhabbited.
-A buyable housing system.
-A system of claiming land and starting countries.
-House building (custom).
-Able to move and decorate home.
-Gathering resources (a few resources may be able to be gathered)
-A working economy.
-A running history (governer dies, someone takes over, french get mad at british and start fighting again, peace treaty takes place, just history stuff like that, that will not be historically accurate)
-Lots of ships.
-Ridable and tamable animals.
Thats about all i can think of for now. Anyways, everyone is wanting a demo, and I'm THINKING we SHOULD be able to get most of the features ive put for the demo done within a month of getting the engines working together.
Video games…they take you places unreachable, unfeasible. Putting you in the book...putting you in the movie...putting you in a world, that before could only be imagined. expage.com/piratesmainpage.