You guys are so predictable
I threw that time thing in there knowing it would spark a heated debate.
Allow me to add more fuel:
Let's go with the near-the-speed-of-light story. Everybody's heard the theory that as you approach the "speed" of light, "time" from your perspective speeds up, yet anyone observing you (not travelling at fantastic speeds) it appears as though you have "slowed down".
How can you say something that changes depending on the observer is "real?"
If I spent my life travelling on a planet with other humans and everyone agrees what the rate of "time" is, and we happen to overtake another habitated planet of humans that travels at a lower velocity, then we would start some kind of interplanetary war arguing about the speed of light, the speed of that, time this and time that.
Just suppose for a moment that time doesn't exist and is merely a fabrication of the human mind to explain our progress through the continuam, then you realise that other theories that we swear by might also be invalid, and soon you may even realize that hardly any of the knowledge of science presented to you through your life is valid.
Before you shrug me off and start flaming, consider that for thousands or even millions of years humans absolutely positively believed the world was flat. They would laugh and riducule those who opposed the "universal beliefs".
I can't prove time does not exist... but can any of you prove that it does??? I'm not talking about "well i remember that about 10 minutes ago I ate a doughnut, and that happend in the past so therefore time must exist"... no, the fact that something has happened is appearant, but can you really definately and without a doubt conclude the exact time that passed since that happened? what if we were travelling at different speeds? Then your observations would be totally invalid according to the observations I made at a different relative speed.
If time is relative to the observer, then it is not factual, and if it's not factual, it's not real.
Have fun