Shock appearance? Are you kidding? I knew it as soon as the cyberman said it wasn't their pod. As soon as the words where out I cringed saying "please I hope not!".
Apart from anything else, the Doctor made a heroic scarifice, he eliminated his whole race just to kill the Daleks, I mean fine, they return once, fair enough, it was a great way for the last doctor to tie up loose ends. But now they are back, yet again, and I beleive it's almost certain that the genesis pod with somehow survive (even if it appears not too) and respawn a new dalek race.
Personally I would have used the cracks in time and space along with "the universe is out of balance" story. The timelords now they are gone aren't patching up damage to space - time, so a new timelord race is born. They see the doctor as a threat from the past, and I'd let that run well into the next season before discovering that that Devil creature that was supposedly sucked into a black whole was in fact saved by the new timelord race, and has been courrupting it ever since, add in a paradox were the Devil creature actually founded the new time lord race to save itselfs, and has been after the doctor ever since. It was also that devil creature that predicted Roses demise, so as a fairwell to the character she would be the ultimate sacrifice the Doctor has to make to beat the Devil creature, and restore order to the new time lord race which the Doctor starts helping to shape by taking one of them as a new companion. It will also be hinted at, that the devil creature was in fact spawned outside of the universe, by the universe itself, just to restore a new timelord race to help maintain it.
This basically puts the Doctor into a turn around, he has always been disapproved of by his own race, he was even confined to earth at one point because of his antics. Now the once alienated doctor, is helping to rebuild a race to replace his own. A nice twist on circamstance I feel, given the characters history.