Why can't we all just complain about the Phantom?
Seriously though, this is getting stupid. People here refuse to have their minds changed, so there's no point in arguing this.
I will say that however, I live in a very upper middle class neighborhood, and every weekend go to a campground with a bunch of people from lower to normal middle class families. While there are a good number of hdtvs in my home town, there are not nearly as many as there should be, considering how rich the general populous is. In fact, most people seem to still have the same tvs they had 5-10 years ago. And really, in my home town of the gamers there are, none are interested in the ps3. Honest to god, not a single one was interested in a ps3. I find that the only people who buy psps use them for music and video more than games, and I've seen less and less of them since launch. In fact, I've seen barely any since launch at all. But I find the gamers under my grade almost always have a ds handy to pull out and start playing, if they're playing anything at all. There are of course tons with ps2s, but the ps2s they have were definitely bought when the prices went down (almost all of them). Really, anyone with a powerful computer though seems to use that for gaming.
Guess who uses consoles all the time? The middle class families that aren't so rich. My friends from my camp all have game systems, and awful computers. They have consoles because their parents can't afford gaming computers. Now, I know no one willing to spend $600 for a ps3, and no one willing to sacrifice all the goodies for the lower version. People I know who support sony, actually don't play video games at all almost. You know those gangsta looking people who support sony systems? I know a bunch of them, and none actually play games.
Here's another interesting thing. Everyone I know supports the 360. I have diehard apple fan friends who bought a 360 the day it came out. Microsoft has played the neutral ground, which seems to be working great. Their place in the market is pretty secure, or so it seems to me.
Very interesting though, is that I got A few people who mock Nintendo and all the kiddie related game companies to watch the Nintendo E3 conference as soon as I downloaded it, and they were converted. They actually wanted to buy a Wii after watching the video. Why? Not because the graphics blew them away, but because it looked like so much fun to play. Heck, they’re not even gamers, and they want a Wii.
I, of course can't say my experience represents the general public, it may represent the general New England area, but I can't say that for sure either. I don't like sony, and I really don't like what some of their consoles have done. The ps2 has plenty of amazing titles like Jak, Katamari, FF, Rachet and Clank, etc, but the ones I see everywhere are the god awful gta city gangsta clones, and I can't believe that sony actually wants that to be their image to the public. I hope the ps3 loosens sonys grip on the market, so that they actually step back and re-examine their strategy. Nothing about the ps3 apeals to me. I mean, I was never impressed by the current gen, but the ps3 is just against too much I like about games.
About graphics, look at the Wii, and see how while the graphics aren't amazingly powerful, the games still look kickass even to the trained eye of a gamer.
Maybe it has something to do with being an artist, but Nintendo games have always given me more of a graphical treat than anyone else. Only fable has come close to that same level, and while I have the pc version and it doesn't compare with many of my other pc games graphically, it still is more fun to look at than them.
I'm not sure if I got my point across, or if I even have a point. I just wanted to type, and this is what came out. Please don’t try to dispute facts in this, as it’s all just my personal opinion. I'm not arguing with anyone, I'm just pointing out what I think. If it's a boing read, just skip it, again, I'm not trying to argue. If I wrote something that doesn’t seem to make sense, that’s because it’s 2:20 in the morning.