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Work in Progress / [STICKY] Enhanced Audio Plugin v1.55

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Posted: 31st Jul 2007 19:13 Edited at: 19th Jan 2015 00:32
This project has been on hold for some time for personal reasons including a lost job, starvation, and starting up a full-time application developer job. Well the time has come to bring this project of updating this plugin back to life! I have several new ideas that will bring this plugin up-to-date, and expand on the previous version.

Current Media Formats Supported
- Ogg Vorbis
- MP3
- WAV (uncompressed)
- S3M
- XM
- IT
- CD Audio

What Is And Will Be Included In This Version
- Metatag reading support.
- PCM buffer output for custom graphical effects.
- The MP3 decoder has been changed so there is more support for different types of MP3s, and also MP3s will be seekable.
- Speex support added.
- CD audio support added.
- MIDI support added.

Current list of commands for v1.55

LOAD AUDIO audio index number, filename
DELETE AUDIO audio index number
PLAY AUDIO audio index number
STOP AUDIO audio index number
PAUSE AUDIO audio index number
RESUME AUDIO audio index number
LOOP AUDIO audio index number
AUDIO VOLUME audio index number, volume (integer ranging from 0 to 100)
*NOTE: volume 0 = silence, 100 = maximum volume (default)
AUDIO PAN audio index number, pan (float)
*NOTE: pan -1.0 = left, 0.0 = center (default), 1.0 = right
AUDIO PITCH SHIFT audio index number, pitch shift (float)
*NOTE: pitch shift range 0.5 to 2.0
GET AUDIO VOLUME audio index number (returns float)
GET AUDIO PAN audio index number (returns float)
GET AUDIO PITCH SHIFT audio index number (returns float)
AUDIO PLAYING audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO SEEKABLE audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO LENGTH audio index number (returns number of frames in the streaming sound or returns 0 for not seekable)
AUDIO POSITION audio index number (returns current position in frames)
AUDIO SET POSITION audio index number, position
AUDIO USE DEVICE device (1 = winmm, 2 = DirectSound)
AUDIO EXIST audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO WHITE NOISE audio index number
AUDIO PINK NOISE audio index number
AUDIO GET RATE audio index number (returns the integer rate)
AUDIO GET CHANNEL COUNT audio index number (returns audio channel count)
AUDIO GET OUTPUT BUFFER audio index number, memblock memory pointer, buffer size (returns integer of the number of frames read into the buffer)

Metatag Commands

AUDIO GET TAG COUNT audio index number (returns integer value of total metatags contained in the audio file)
AUDIO GET TAG KEY audio index number (returns string value of the metatag key)
AUDIO GET TAG VALUE audio index number (returns string value of the descriptive metatag value)

MIDI Commands

LOAD MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number, filename
PLAY MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
STOP MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
PAUSE MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
RESUME MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
LOOP MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
AUDIO MIDI POSITION midi audio index number (returns current position in seconds)
AUDIO MIDI LENGTH midi audio index number (returns total seconds in the streaming midi)
AUDIO SET MIDI POSITION midi audio index number, integer position in seconds
AUDIO MIDI PLAYING midi audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO MIDI EXIST midi audio index number (returns true or false)
DELETE MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number

CD-Audio Commands
AUDIO CD TRACK COUNT (returns total number of tracks on cd)
AUDIO CD PRESENT (returns true or false)
AUDIO CD PLAY cd track number (return -1 if error)

Notes: Trigger zones were removed, and maybe replaced with something more updated in v2.0 or later. I do keep looking at the old thread as a reference, so you don't have to repeat any of the same requests. I'm considering all of the input I received. Attached you'll find the latest compiled plugin. Shove it into your plugins-user directory. Also, make sure to uninstall any old versions before testing this one, otherwise you'll have command conflicts.

Stay tuned, and keep an eye out for updates to the plugin and its commands. I have some new ones planned.

This plugin was last updated on July 16th, 2008.


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Posted: 31st Jul 2007 19:16
Torrey, your old audio plugin was very useful. This one looks even better! This may be totally obvious, but what is 'audio pink' ?

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Posted: 31st Jul 2007 22:27 Edited at: 31st Jul 2007 22:29
Pink noise is like white noise, but only softer sounding and easier on the ears. I find it semi soothing at times. If you were looking up a more technical answer Google "pink noise" or check out the over complex answer on Wikipedia.

For the last hour I've been playing with reading the pcm buffer for an audio file into dbpro. Works good, but still glitchy, so I'm working out the bugs and will post an update when I get it done.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2007 06:45
Torrey you must know a lot about audio. I have a question/request:

For MP3's there is a padding of silence on each end which I find annoying as I cannot get perfect music loops and use MP3. Do you know if OGG does this padding as well? And do you know if you can somehow circumvent this padding of silence in your plugin? I've heard MP3 players do this... I think JukeBox doesn't have a padding. Thanks for any input.

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Posted: 1st Aug 2007 17:59
Padding usually comes from the timing of the ripping, or even the song itself. If you're dealing with music loops you should get software like Sony has so you can cut those silent areas out.

Everyone else, check out the attachment. You'll love it! It's a nice video showing the reading of the PCM buffer visually. Sorry for no audio on it, the recorder I used didn't grab what was being played through the speakers.


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Posted: 1st Aug 2007 23:24
Used both the Left and Right audio channels this time. Check out the video in the attachment.

The screen recorder didn't pick up the audio, so I overlayed it during production. It doesn't exactly line up because of the video speed, but you'll get a good idea of how it works.


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2007 07:57
What is the PCM buffer?
Nice work by the way.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2007 14:55
Let's say you load up an mp3 file and start playing the audio. The decoded mp3 data gets sent to the PCM buffer for output to the speakers. Reading that buffer will allow users like yourself to interpret the data into a graphical representation to go along with the audio. Kind of like how media player has those different visual effects you can see when listening to music.

Dbpro was built for creating graphical effects quick and easy. Mix that with this one feature that my plugin has and you'll see the many neat ideas people have for visual effects.

I'll be doing some more experimenting before I release the next beta update with this buffer reading feature.

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Posted: 3rd Aug 2007 17:57 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2007 18:03
Updates made so far today on August 3rd

I added these new MIDI commands:

AUDIO MIDI POSITION midi audio index number (returns current position in seconds)
AUDIO MIDI LENGTH midi audio index number (returns total seconds in the streaming midi)
AUDIO SET MIDI POSITION midi audio index number, integer position in seconds
AUDIO MIDI PLAYING midi audio index number (returns true or false)

And if you're in the mood for experimentation when it comes to playing with the output buffer for graphical effects you can use this command:

AUDIO GET OUTPUT BUFFER audio index number, memblock memory pointer, buffer size (returns integer of the number of frames read into the buffer)

To experiment you'll need to know these few things:

1) The size of a frame is typically 4 bytes for stereo audio. I will add a command in the future to get the size of the frame for the audio.

2) The easiest thing to use for your buffer is a memblock. I'll paste some simple example source below.

3) The size of your memblock buffer should be 4096. In all my tests thus far this seems to be the safest size to use.

4) Keep your buffer reading of the bytes at a low amount. It seems if you read too many bytes you get ahead of the audio, and it'll freeze up the program. After calling the command to copy the output buffer, place a very small wait command afterwards.

Remember you can interpret those copied bytes any way you wish. It'll be awesome to see if any of you create something cool from it.

Also, be sure to read through that list of commands in the first post, some of the original ones might have new information or return value data types.

flashing snall
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2007 19:42
sweet, this is exactly what i was looking for!

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Posted: 6th Aug 2007 22:02
Thanks, if you notice any bugs post something up on this thread. There's been a lack of user input for this release, and I know just because it works on my machines, doesn't mean it'll work on everyone elses.

I have to finish working on the CD Audio commands and then this plugin will be ready for the final release candidate. Hopefully, there will be more testers that give feedback before then.

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Posted: 6th Aug 2007 23:38
I'm going to sticky this for just a few days. This does indeed deserve some feedback based on the supported audio formats alone, let alone all the other cool things.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2007 03:25
You're the man MikeS! Thanks for the support. What's left to do on the CD Audio is the ability to use any disc drive to play the audio. Right now it's static for the D drive. Once this version is complete, I'll redo the keyword file since there was so many additions and changes from the last version. A tutorial might also be in order for the reading of the output buffer for graphical effects too. The last time there was a post about this version of the plugin, quite a few people were interested in having that ability.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2007 15:17
This plugin is really good, some of these commands will help me a lot .
I'm now waiting for some 3d audio commands .
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Posted: 7th Aug 2007 15:56
Quote: "This plugin is really good, some of these commands will help me a lot.
I'm now waiting for some 3d audio commands."

The 3D audio commands will come in v2.0. Where I work now will make it easier for me to become a registered developer through Creative for their SDK.

You could create a psuedo 3D audio effect if you play with the AUDIO VOLUME and AUDIO PAN commands. For example you could take the sound of a airplane engine, use variables or a structure to give it a location in 3D space, and then adjust the volume and pan for when it moves.

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Posted: 7th Aug 2007 17:29
Yeah I know, but all this maths are sometimes a bit slow with dbp (when you have more than a few sounds). Is a Clone Audio command planned ?

And there is how to draw the data of the output buffer :
Lukas W
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Posted: 7th Aug 2007 21:25
wow the PCM stuff looks awesome.

It would be cool if you had like a neat colored background that changed colors depending on the pitch and a cube that was scaled depending on the beat/rhythm. Just an idea.

Wasn't there someone who made a Dancing dude in DBC that danced to the beat of music?

Great job Torrey, I totally forgot about this plugin until just now, I remember I was going to use it in zombie hunter 3

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Posted: 8th Aug 2007 16:29
Quote: "Yeah I know, but all this maths are sometimes a bit slow with dbp (when you have more than a few sounds). Is a Clone Audio command planned ?"

It wasn't planned until you just mentioned it. Since it's a simple addition, I might shove it in this version, instead of waiting till 2.0.

Quote: "And there is how to draw the data of the output buffer :"

That's hot piece of code there. I searched a lot of places for something accesses that buffer to learn information about it with no luck at all.

Quote: "wow the PCM stuff looks awesome.

It would be cool if you had like a neat colored background that changed colors depending on the pitch and a cube that was scaled depending on the beat/rhythm. Just an idea.

Wasn't there someone who made a Dancing dude in DBC that danced to the beat of music?

Great job Torrey, I totally forgot about this plugin until just now, I remember I was going to use it in zombie hunter 3"

Thanks a lot! It does seem to be a little testy when it comes to the timing of reading that buffer, but yeah it's really simple to create something you said with color changing background and scaled cube to match the beat. Using my code and the updated fix from Math89 you could whip that up easy.

Use this plugin for whatever you like. I'm probably going to create a class in C# to create a media player out of it.

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Posted: 8th Aug 2007 18:14 Edited at: 8th Aug 2007 18:15
I'm going to plug this into my current large project and switch to OGG format. I'm assuming the plugin can read the OGG metadata which will create seamless loops for me.

You now have a tester for this as I will be working on the music portion pretty heavily, because it is one of the last "unknowns" of my project (whether I can get it to work the way I want or not), the other is the use of ZIP files. After that I'm golden.

Do I need to install a previous version to get the help files and syntax highlighting, then install the latest DLL attached in this thread?

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Posted: 8th Aug 2007 20:05
Quote: "I'm going to plug this into my current large project and switch to OGG format. I'm assuming the plugin can read the OGG metadata which will create seamless loops for me.

You now have a tester for this as I will be working on the music portion pretty heavily, because it is one of the last "unknowns" of my project (whether I can get it to work the way I want or not), the other is the use of ZIP files. After that I'm golden.

Do I need to install a previous version to get the help files and syntax highlighting, then install the latest DLL attached in this thread?"

Thanks for hopping on board! I wouldn't install that previous version, because it's using a different filename than this version. The two plugins will conflict with each other during the compiling process. I'm thinking after the next update or two I'll finish off the new keywords file. If possible use the first post in this thread as a reference. Honestly, that's what I've been doing the whole time I'm creating test examples for myself (yes that's right, sometimes I don't remember my own commands ).

I haven't tried creating any loops with this, but if it works that'd be awesome! So, good luck with your testing.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 01:22 Edited at: 9th Aug 2007 01:32
the code you supplied torrey, didnt work. i get one of those microsoft errors.... see image. any idea why? i know the plugin is installed right...
i dont understand.
some commands work, but some dont. for instance, load audio does not work, but the one that opens the cd trya does..

by the way, zebra head is a great band....

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 05:27
Thought I posted this already but here it goes again...

I used foobar2000 with the OggEnc.exe converter file, then just did a loop audio from your plugin and whallah! Perfect looping music.

I'll let you know if I see anything funky hopefully pause/resume and all works just as well. Thanks for the plugin!

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 16:01 Edited at: 9th Aug 2007 16:02
Quote: "the code you supplied torrey, didnt work. i get one of those microsoft errors.... see image. any idea why? i know the plugin is installed right...
i dont understand.
some commands work, but some dont. for instance, load audio does not work, but the one that opens the cd trya does..

by the way, zebra head is a great band...."

My only guess in your case is that you're trying to play WMA files through the plugin. That media format is currently not supported. Those Microsoft error dialogs are the most useless things when it comes to the user experience.

Quote: "Thought I posted this already but here it goes again...

I used foobar2000 with the OggEnc.exe converter file, then just did a loop audio from your plugin and whallah! Perfect looping music.

I'll let you know if I see anything funky hopefully pause/resume and all works just as well. Thanks for the plugin!"

Great! One of these days I should check out the LAME MP3 encoder. That would be neat if my plugin and that library were able to be integrated to allow the creation of MP3 files.

It should be rare to come across anything funky since the last version was so stable. There's only two ways that I know of that can cause trouble: 1) The AUDIO GET OUTPUT BUFFER command when used incorrectly, and 2) Non-english characters in the metatag information.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 18:13
no i was defintly using an mp3 file. i also tried multiple mp3 files, just to make sure one wasnt mest up or somthing.

Quote: "Those Microsoft error dialogs are the most useless things when it comes to the user experience.

I know, right, lol.

This is wierd, cause it worked awhile ago, and then i deleted it, downloaded the old version, deleted those, and downloaded this one again...

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 23:25
flashing snall,

If possible can you whip up an EXE with a legal MP3 that I could test out to see what's going on? Just attach it to your next reply. This is the first time I came across anyone having that much trouble with any of the versions of this plugin.

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Posted: 9th Aug 2007 23:57 Edited at: 10th Aug 2007 00:06
alright, here is a zip file containing the exe and the song. here is the code

woa, there was somthing up withthe download, iim gonna post the exe and the music seperastly.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 00:08
grrrr, im sorry for the double post, heres the music. as u may have noticed, the other download isnt working. if u can, just use the code i gave you. sorry.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 00:32
I took the liberty of making a keyword file for you Torrey...

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 05:49
you should add brown noise in. Thats even softer than pink noise If you think pink is soothing then brown is extremely soothing.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 14:49 Edited at: 10th Aug 2007 22:59
Another plugin I should add to my Simple Game Toolkit! Looking very good so far

BTW, you may wish to look over your commands a bit, they don't all use the same naming strukture, making them hard to remember. Easiest thing would be to always put SET/GET in front of AUDIO:



And you leave things like LOAD AUDIO, DELETE AUDIO and AUDIO EXIST() as they are.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 15:31

But I do agree, a standard naming standard would be useful,

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 15:40
Flashing snall, the thing works fine over here. I love that disco beat too. Where can I get more of those?

Powersoft, thanks for taking the time to do that! That'll ease the burden of having people check this thread for the reference, so thanks a lot. If I manage to take over the world someday, I'll make sure you're a high ranking official.

Benny53, I'll Google that up later today and check my source to see if I can come up with that.

Digital Awakening, I agree with you on some of these commands. I'm planning on tackling some of this more difficult stuff before I take care of that switch in the string table.

I have a couple meetings at work this morning, but the afternoon should be wide open for me to sneak in a few minutes to work on some more updates.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 16:00
Torrey, no worries, was the least I could do, I'll catch you on MSN someday to talk about something that might help.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 17:13
Here's a little present. Not alot of detail on the pages but it's a basic template.

All you need to do is place the folder into the help directory and the INI file into Editor/Keywords

This should make it work in the IDE's and in theory have context sensitive help....


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flashing snall
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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 19:59 Edited at: 10th Aug 2007 20:20
hmm. I have no idea what is causing it on my end. is it possible that some how the old version is still there, cusing confusion?

that music came from a free music site
heres is the url

do you think theres any hope for getting it work on my computer. i still dont know what is even causing this.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 23:04
Excuse me for beeing swedish Updated my post.

Might be a good idea to change the commands now before people have to go through their code I'm not coding music at the moment so I don't mind waiting.

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Posted: 10th Aug 2007 23:13
DA, simply not good enough....

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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 17:50
PowerSoft, thanks for the templates. That'll help me save a bunch of time.

flashing snall, I think there is still an old copy lurking in your plugins-user directory. You might want to go through it and see if you can find one hiding there. Then resave the dll in the first post to your plugins-user directory.

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Posted: 13th Aug 2007 19:37
No worries again, I've got that code if you want it and did you see it also generated the new INI file?

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Posted: 16th Aug 2007 18:53
I know what happends to your audio files...
Dont use .mp3. Use .ogg audio files. And you will get a perfect loop!
Event with older version of this plugin.

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Posted: 20th Aug 2007 06:11
Hi Tato-

Thanks I already posted my success with the audio loops and OGG format. Everything else I've been doing (pause/resume/fading) has been working really well.

Me likey!

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Posted: 21st Aug 2007 23:03
I haven't gone missing if you're wondering what the latest news is with the development. Currently, I've been working on retrieving the metatags. My plan for right now is to have 3 commands dealing with metatags. The first one is the metatag count, second is the key name, and third is the value. Once I complete those, I'll release a update with those commands.

If you're not familiar with the term "metatags" those are the information stored with the audio file that contain the artist name, album name, etc.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2007 00:11
torrey, believe me, i have tried that many times, but ill try again.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2007 16:32
Thanks WindowsKiller! That feature wasn't in the plan for this release so I'll use it for a possible update with v2.0. Do you have anyway to create a project that can demonstrate MOD files slowing the program down? This plugin streams the music right from the drive and the fps is barely touched at all, but for MODs maybe it's different?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2007 19:24
Just to let you know I wrote a player for the old version of the DLL, took a few hours one afternoon.
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Posted: 30th Aug 2007 17:44
vibe runner,

The code looks pretty nice. You took most of the features of the plugin and turned it into a cool media player. The only disappointing thing was that you didn't zip up and attach any of the compiled binaries for us lazy people.

When I make the C# class for the plugin I'll make sure to upload it here. Do you code in C# too vibe? It'd be neat to see what you could come up with if you did.

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Posted: 30th Aug 2007 18:49 Edited at: 30th Aug 2007 18:50

Thanks for the compliment.

Having decided to make a OGG player I decided to try to put all the features of the plugin into it. Here's my dirty little secret: I was supposed to be working on last-year's project. I was *WELL* behind, and instead of coding it I spent an panicked afternoon coding something else instead. I did enjoy it though, and I think it came out okay. I was pleased with small things; like the progress bar, scaling the searches to the size of the track, ghosting out buttons you can't click, putting a slight red "click" to the buttons, the drop-and-drag automated play (which means if Audio Bully is set as your OGG player it'll load and play if you dbl-click an OGG file - these small things amuse me).

I really wasted that afternoon. Re-reading the comments was funny, I remember how drunk I was!! Was quite a bad/stressy day because I thought I was going to fail the project (I passed though, grade A, only top-grade in the class!).

I'm due to start C++ programming at the start of next term, but currently I'm more of a high-level coder. Over the next year we'll see if I can come up with anything in C#, because I want to look into C#.

This computer doesn't have access to DBP, in a couple of weeks I'll tweak up the code (add the new features of EAP) and release it in a compliled format.
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Posted: 1st Sep 2007 04:05
hmm, i still cant get this to work. and i most certainly deleted the other version...

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 13:48 Edited at: 21st Sep 2007 13:50
Looking good again. The best feature in my opinion is being able to load any format of music using the same command. Currently I have to determine whether I'm loading OGG or MP3, and code every bit of logic for both.

Just one issue - how do you control the CD volume? In my experimenting with CD and OGG music using standard commands and the enhancement pack, I have found that setting the MUSIC VOLUME() also sets the OGG VORBIS volume, even though it has it's own commands.

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Posted: 21st Sep 2007 14:03
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