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FPSC Classic Models and Media / [STICKY] Publish your models in the new TGC Store!

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Posted: 28th Feb 2008 23:17 Edited at: 25th Jun 2012 11:54
Behind the scenes we have been working on a new "Game Creator Store".

The store is totally integrated into FPS Creator and allows users to buy single entities and segments. You simply purchase TGC points and spend them in the store. The object is downloaded from our server and onto you hard disk ready to be used by FPSC.

If you have high quality objects and would like to sign up to be a publishing artist then please contact me by email ( and supply some screen shots of your work.

Updated (2nd March 2008)

Q. If I publish models in the store can I sell my models elsewhere?
A. For sure! You are simply selling your models via our service. You keep all rights to the models and are just selling via the store on a non-exclusive basis.

Q. What is the relationship of actual cash to points?
A. One US Dollar cent = 1 point. So $20 gets you 2,000 points. If you are in the EU then you will also be charged VAT @ 20% on any points purchase - this is standard for any such purchase.

Q. How are the prices set?
A. If you're a publisher you get access to an uploader tool. This tool will give you a range of prices for the various types of models. For example an item object will be cheaper than a more complex character model. The artist can then choose to set his/her price within the market ranges.

Q. Can we exchange models for points?
A. No, not in this first version. It's a good idea and we'll look at that when Store is all working.

Q. It seems you are just uploading old models. Where's the new content?
A. Our first job is to bring existing content into the store. When this is done the established artists will be making new content and releasing it on a constant basis. Don't worry, there will be lots of new content!

Q. Can models that have appeared in packs be marked so that we can easily avoid paying for them again?
A. We have already started a policy where we add the text "(Model pack x)" to all text descriptions of objects that have appeared in model packs. I also like the idea of adding some kind of flag to objects so that you can filter all objects from packs. I will discuss this with Paul this week.

Q. Will the engine still be open source?
A. Yes the game engine will be. The store is all part of the FPSC editor, so it's very separate.

Q. What's the profit split?
A. It will be a 50/50 split on all revenue.

Q. Why 50/50?
A: By publishing with TGC you are gaining a direct link to the users of FPS Creator at the heart of the product. All hosting, database and customer management is organised by TGC. Any payment charges from the banks will be covered by TGC's 50%. We are also working on ways to expand the user base significantly to increase the potential market for this. We also plan to make Game Creator Store work for FPSCX10, DBPro, GDK and other game creation tools.

Q: Can I track sales?
A: Yes, all publishers will have a log in area showing live stats on all sales.

Q. Can I upload other people's models?
A. You can only upload models that you own 100%. The 3D model, textures, scripts and all other files for the model must be your own work. Customers who buy models from the store need to be sure they can use the media in their creations without legal challenges in the future.

Q. If I'm a customer of the store can I sell the games I make with any media I download from the store?
A. Yes. Every model uploaded will be licensed to any customer who purchases it with points. A license document will be downloaded to all customers so they have the right legal paperwork. The license will be between the original artist of the model and the customer.

Q. Are there any rules, should they be animated, be 512x512 texture sizes?
A. TGC are looking to partner with artist who can generate high quality 3D models for the store. So an ability to create low poly objects with great textures is what we're looking for. A 512x512 texture is not necessary but if it's lower you will need to be very good at texture design.

If you are great at making static entities then this is what you should focus on. If you are good at characters and understand how to use them in FPSC then that could be a great area to work in.

Q. When will the store go live?
A. We have a very workable BETA right now that some artist are already starting to upload to. We are hoping to have the store stocked up with content and fully tested and released by early April.

Q. How do I buy points?
A. It's just like buying any product from us. First you sign up with us to use the store and then you choose how many points you want and your account will be credited with points. (currently you cannot do this until we release the store).[i]

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Posted: 28th Feb 2008 23:32
i know someone who may be able to do this!

in the immortal words of cheeshead you are a forum ruiner guy!
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Posted: 28th Feb 2008 23:44
Let me ask; can you also get models from official model packs, as well as usermade models?

Orrion Carn
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Posted: 28th Feb 2008 23:57
So, that means you can get single models from like MP 9 and MP 10(Example)???

YEAH!!!! *Curses in happyness*


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General powell11
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:05
so is this ouot or not, and if it is out where od i get it at, this is great! thanks!

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:09
where is the program?

well how many polys do you have there?
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:09 Edited at: 29th Feb 2008 00:10
o poop i accidently double posted

Jfac rules
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:10
Dude this is awsome when is it opening and when do we get to take a peek inside

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:29
Is it just for models? How about audio; music / sound fx?

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:38
Guys, I think you'll find that when Lee finishes the updates that are planned, the new editor with itunes style entity store will be included.

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 00:54
I don't know how you plan on formating the store, but will each object have a few screenshots to view before purchase? A basic shot from 4 different directions or something for each object would probably be great. As long as it's more than a 64x64 icon

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 01:37
cheese cake should put some of his stuff up for sale who agrees
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 04:04
If I send you some stuff, will I make money off of it?

Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 04:22 Edited at: 29th Feb 2008 04:35
Quote: "Behind the scenes we have been working on a new TGC Store...You simply purchase TGC points and spend them in the store. "

Cool! Good idea Rick.
I want some TGC points!

Quote: "The store is totally integrated into FPS Creator and allows users to buy single entities and segments."


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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 13:05
You must own all (c) in any models published through the TGC Store.
It is very much like iTunes, you shop around adding items into your cart and then spend your points. As each item downloads the points deduct. It's just a simple transaction to add more points to your basket.
To start with it will be 3D models. We have plans to expand it to other game media when we know it's all working fine.
The aim is to release it at the end of March.


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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 13:30

dadadadadaaaaa! BATMAN!
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 15:09
Quote: "The aim is to release it at the end of March."

Does that mean an update to FPSC will also be coming out? One that integrates the store?

Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 16:25
Do somedbody think my models have a good quality to sell with the The Game Creators?

I mean my Everything and Anything pack...

And how many % wants The Game Creator , so my Everything and Anything pack will be cost more as TGC wants money to sell them..

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 16:45
Here's an image of the store.

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 16:47
And another.

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Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 16:51 Edited at: 29th Feb 2008 16:53
Looks Nice Rick

I have send you a email, can you answer that please?


Wait, cant we sell packs ??
Only one model per buy?

Maybe you can make a option to sell packs...

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 17:44
i think you should get rewarded points for doing stuff (like buying a model pack gives you say... 100 points)

Formerly Bum Fat Cheese
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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 17:57 Edited at: 29th Feb 2008 18:04
50/50 !

Thats to much..
Thab gonna sell my own stuff,
25 % of the pack is more than enough

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Posted: 29th Feb 2008 23:00
Great idea for an amazing product!
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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 01:47
Looks awesome! Even better than I had thought it would be (in appearance, anyways)...

One suggestion - I think objects should be marked if they are part of any model packs (unless they are already), wouldn't want to accidently buy a new model that's already in model pack 16 or something

Orrion Carn
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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 01:58
I like it, one question Rick, can we still mod the engine or is it not an open source anymore?

PLEASE AWNSER!!! (caps off)

Other than that, looks really nice.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 02:20
This sounds cool.....

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 05:40
I like the idea/concept, but i think if you guys dont publish this fine addition with NEW material in it, then its a waste. whats the cash exchange to points? IE how much do i spend in money to get how many points? And if i buy all the models from 1 pack thru the store would it amount up equally if i were to buy just the full pack online? What about segments/prefabs, will those be integrated into the store after some time?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 05:48
If you look at the screenshots I see a few new things already.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 06:51 Edited at: 1st Mar 2008 16:32
Quote: "The aim is to release it at the end of March."

Well, I guess that is a whole lot better than April 1st.

Quote: "Here's an image of the store."

That looks fantastic!

I noticed some of the items inform you when you already have them. (purchased)
Is that based soley on the purchases made in the store, or can it detect the ones we already from our model packs?
If not, then maybe you could add a checkbox for the packs that we could tick for the ones we already have.
Then it could mark all the items in the ticked packs as purchased when we install it.
I mean its not like there will ever be a pack #19 now with this thing, so the tick form being static (just old packs) would be ok.
Just a thought.
I look forward to this very much, and I'm sure a lot of our questions will be answered as soon as we get our hands on it.

I see now that you used the email as an identifier, so maybe you already have it tied into our order history.

Quote: "TGC are looking to partner with artist who can generate high quality 3D models for the store. So an ability to create low poly objects with great textures is what we're looking for."

Cool, looks like I got CS2 just in time. (I've been needing it forever)

I know you said it's a 50/50 split, but who sets the price?

Quote: "What about segments/prefabs, will those be integrated into the store after some time?"

"To start with it will be 3D models. We have plans to expand it to other game media when we know it's all working fine."...RickV's 2nd post. (see above)

Quote: "I like the idea/concept, but i think if you guys dont publish this fine addition with NEW material in it, then its a waste."

That is the point of the whole system.
To attract more developers and bring more new media to the community.
This system not only brings us the models faster by not having to wait for a pack to be completed, but also allows us to 'build our own' pack by choosing what we get for the amount we want to pay.
This modular approach is better for the consumer and the developers.
It's genius, and will fill the last thing lacking in this community, which is an abundance of high quality media.
Don't get me wrong, the stock stuff is great (love your work Simon) as well as the packs offered in the past (love your stuff too Bond).
I'm just saying that so far we have depended on just a handful of content developers for our FPSC media, and now this will bring in more great talent.
I can see from the pic who the beta testers are. (I don't think I have any of Strelok's work yet, do I? I'll have to get some when this thing is released )

Quote: "We are also working on ways to expand the user base significantly to increase the potential market for this. We also plan to make Game Creator Store work for FPSCX10, DBPro, GDK and other game creation tools."

See, more exposure for the devlopers makes this hard for them to turn away from rather than participate.
Just when I think TGC has hit a high point with X10 and all the updates to v1, then they amaze me once again with this "Game Creator Store".
My only question now is; how do you plan on outdoing yourself next Rick?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 09:16
loving the trees and the sandbags... they're on my future list!

Formerly Bum Fat Cheese
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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 16:53
Well, what about the open source? Will that still be avalible for modders?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 17:00
I'm going to upload all my stuff to the store, make myself more sales

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 18:13
I think you should be able to buy prepaid cards etc. and you should start off with say 150 points etc.

in the immortal words of cheeshead you are a forum ruiner guy!
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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 19:34
good idea bobert.. i guess this is a bit like the wii shop channel, only better. How much will points be? if it's like 10 quid for 1000 points,it'll be cheaper to buy the model packs themselves

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 19:37
The shop looks great!
I will see if I can make some models.

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 20:31
All OK, but I think there should be also some freebies, not only commercial ones...

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Posted: 1st Mar 2008 22:50 Edited at: 1st Mar 2008 22:55
if i was too create a few models, instead of money would there be a chance of getting points instead,????

Also what about full retextures, would there be any chance for them in this store ???

i think this is a great idea too

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 00:59
Yeh, as I don't have a valid credit card/Paypal...(my age).....

If I were to create a good weapons pack for commercial release, could my profits be automatically converted into points and sent to me? If so, I'd happily start rustling up some material for you....

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 01:57
I have a question: could we buy a whole MP (say MP9 & 10, for example) for 20+ TGC points rather than 20 real dollars? And how much will each 10 points cost?

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 06:10 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2008 06:33
Quote: "I'm going to upload all my stuff to the store, make myself more sales "


Quote: "If I were to create a good weapons pack for commercial release, could my profits be automatically converted into points and sent to me?"

Good question.
I would think that would be an easier and less expensive (one less merchant fee) way to do it.

Developers would then have a cash out option for their points as well as the ability to spend them.
If the cash out had a fixed minimum then the base merchant fee for the withdrawal would be at a minimal percentage.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 10:47
What will be the licensing and copyright agreements?

For example if I have digital assets for sale on the TGC website can I also sell them directly from my website.

Also will I still hold the copyright on my original creations? For example can I choose to remove my works from your website and my creations won't be on sold without my permission??

thanks DOUG
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 11:29
i guess this means you dont need a website to sell your stuff anymore...

Formerly Bum Fat Cheese
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 12:06
I would also like to know if the agreement allows you to resell your work elsewhere (such as a personal site); if not, then 50/50 is too big a cut.


Dark Jaguar Flame
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 12:09
Quote: "I would also like to know if the agreement allows you to resell your work elsewhere (such as a personal site); if not, then 50/50 is too big a cut."

I agree..
I will sell my work on a website,
and with TGC..
But with TGC it will be 50 % up...

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 14:30
Quote: "I would also like to know if the agreement allows you to resell your work elsewhere (such as a personal site); if not, then 50/50 is too big a cut."

If your not allowed to sell your work elsewhere, after you add it to the shop, then it should be 70/30 as 50/50 would be robbery.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 14:48 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2008 14:51
I don't think 50/50 is robbery, your getting your model slammed in the face of anybody who visits the model place, and your sales could quite possibly be well over twice what you would've got if you sold it on your own.

Anyways... Rick, I suggest you have a feature that allows you to see if an object is X10 compatible, and if it has X10 specific features, like a higher res texture, low, med, and high poly versions, and X10 specific scripts and effects.

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 18:41
robbery? TGC are letting you sell your models for free here. So what. You dont get all the pay. but it is cheaper than organising a real website, not one of those 128.mb ones..

Formerly Bum Fat Cheese
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 19:51
I think he meant it would be a robbery if we couldn't sell it elsewhere...

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Posted: 2nd Mar 2008 19:54
You could inflate the prices so 50% of sumthing that item is what it should have costed.... lol

Also iv got a question im willing too only get 25%

if i can get help with or sumone makes my models fpsc ready and such..i will include all the textures and uv mapps but its becouse i have no idea about how things become ready in fpsc ready i have tryed entity maker but the textures just position very wrongly

i hope this could be possible it will also make me be able too fill up the store with old models i have waiting but not yet fpsc ready


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