It's been a hell of a long time since i've posted here, but i've been busy re-designing both VeronUpload and VeronVideo, and both seem to work fairly well now, so i'll give a bit of info here.
VeronUpload has been totally changed, design and features wise, you can create a free account to track all the files you've uploaded, and you can still upload without an account as well.
A multiple file uploader, so you can finally upload more than one file at once.
The actual website design is a lot cleaner, and a lot simpler, and I did that because for something like a file upload site, you just want the site to look decent, and load fast, you don't want/need really flashy designs or graphics.
There's also a backend which i've created, to allow for easy insertion of paid upgrades, once I come up with some ideas for decent package upgrades.
You can leave a description for files, and you can also password-protect files.
A progess bar when uploading files, so you can finally see the progress on uploading your files, instead of being left in the dark, watching a little bar flash past.
Written with security in mind this time... i'm not letting myself get hacked again.
Sadly, I couldn't transfer files from the old system to the new one, so all the old files will need to be uploaded again... i'm glad there weren't too many.
I'll post more about VeronVideo in another thread, when it's fully beta-tested, but for the moment, check out the new VeronUpload, at
And i'm open to any suggestions about what you would pay a dollar or two a month for, in the way of extra features.