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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Pioneering [Fight for Independence Entry]

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 21:41
Quote: "Yea sure, I'd do that, me and my friend always find bugs in even big company games, so be ready "

Well, i'll keep my fingers crossed!
Quote: "7$, not a bad price at all, doin sort of the style of Half-Life 2 releasing the game in smaller less expensive parts? "

Yeah, that's exactly the idea

Quote: "Looks awesome,too bad I dont have paypal to buy but good luck anyways.This is one of the rare games that goes commercial."

Thanks but it might not sell any copies so that might not mean much, hehe.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:26
And here is the newly revised introductory level:

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:30
Very nice! I can almost feel like I'm back in colonial times
Although, if this is going to go commercial, you may want to consider some re-textures at least of the citizens, else your player is going to be confused when 20 clones walk down the street

Other than that, swell job! Can't wait to see more

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:32
Oh, I like those new screens! I love how the city is actually alive! Great work!

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:33
Quote: "Very nice! I can almost feel like I'm back in colonial times
Although, if this is going to go commercial, you may want to consider some re-textures at least of the citizens, else your player is going to be confused when 20 clones walk down the street

Other than that, swell job! Can't wait to see more "

Ah, thank you that's very good of you to say. I would be happy to retexture if only I had some artistic ability - alas, I do not I've tried to time the pedestrians so you don't see doubles at any one time so hopefully that will help.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:34
Quote: "Oh, I like those new screens! I love how the city is actually alive! Great work!"

Cheers Metal Devil - the speed increase that comes with horror mod is what made that possible, so props to knxrb

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:35
You're still going to realize that everyone looks the same
If i had those characters I would do the re-textures for you, but alas I do not and we're not supposed to pass the files around

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:38
I need to get that mod! I'm using fenix mod so far. That damn Ekipshi! Posted a second before me!

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:42
Quote: "You're still going to realize that everyone looks the same
If i had those characters I would do the re-textures for you, but alas I do not and we're not supposed to pass the files around

Oh, I know you're right it's just something I'm going to have to live with. Plenty of games use repeating characters, that's how i'm going to justify it. In all seriousness, when I started mucking about with FPSC it was to create an accurate recreation of a fort and I couldn't populate it at all until bond1 released those models. Before I saw the barbarian set, which doubles for Indians in this game, I figured I'd have to use invisible entities sniping the player to represent Indians hidden in the brush - so I am just relieved there are any characters here.

Quote: "I need to get that mod! I'm using fenix mod so far. That damn Ekipshi! Posted a second before me!

I think he did that again! Horror Mod is good with lots of cool features though I barely use a fraction of them at the moment.

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:45
Quote: "That damn Ekipshi! Posted a second before me!"
Who and the what now?

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Posted: 29th Aug 2009 23:48
Quote: "Quote: "That damn Ekipshi! Posted a second before me!"
Who and the what now?"

I think you're in a race of some kind?

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 30th Aug 2009 14:02
I posted my post on the post where was your screenshot, that post up there. But, no! I wansn't the first one to post a reply on that post, becouse of Ekishis post! Yeah! You are one damn fast poster! Yeah! You just post your post to other posts to tell in your post what you think of someone else's post!

LoL. Kidding. It was just a joke!

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 14:01
Great news - I've finally finished the first episode of Pioneering!!! I've put alot of work into polishing the game up from its original form, taking on board all of the kind words and criticisms given to it over the past weeks. I've included a download for the new demo and I'm just compiling a cool new trailer now:

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 14:18
And here is the trailer:

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 15:33
I will download! I will watch the trailer too after writing! And after this music video and song ends (Nightwish rocks!)

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 17:17
Looks great! You've done a nice job on this so far, I will download the demo now

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 18:20
Quote: "I will download! I will watch the trailer too after writing! And after this music video and song ends (Nightwish rocks!)"

Quote: "Looks great! You've done a nice job on this so far, I will download the demo now "

Thanks guys, your support is greatly appreciated Hopefully I'll be able to add some kick ass Redcoats into the next ep though - looking forward to that!!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 18:48 Edited at: 8th Sep 2009 18:49
Well It was pretty fun
Kept me entertained until the end, leaving me wanting to play the rest

Bug Reports!
(Hey if this is going commercial you gotta get all the bugs out )
-I killed the guy right outside the mine , and he still talks to me lol.
-You can glitch outside of the boundaries by climbing the rock walls.
-Circular shadows left where you deleted characters (Probably can't fix that, just make sure they're deleted in less conspicous loctaions )
-There's grass and wooden wall that's phasing through the rock straight ahead from the mine exit.

All I can think of for now
Good luck with making the rest of the game!

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 19:50
Quote: "Well It was pretty fun
Kept me entertained until the end, leaving me wanting to play the rest "

Excellent - it's done it's job as a demo!

Quote: "Bug Reports!
(Hey if this is going commercial you gotta get all the bugs out )"

By all means - these reports do really help - they've made the main level (which is locked in the demo) much, much more robust!

Quote: "-I killed the guy right outside the mine , and he still talks to me lol.
-You can glitch outside of the boundaries by climbing the rock walls.
-Circular shadows left where you deleted characters (Probably can't fix that, just make sure they're deleted in less conspicous loctaions )
-There's grass and wooden wall that's phasing through the rock straight ahead from the mine exit."

I knew someone would try and go GTA on my poor settlers! Actually thought I had made most of them invinsible but obviously not - an oversigt on my part! I'll look into the other issues - many thanks! And, for your info the music isn't "weird" - it's Appalachian hehe

Pioneering - Website:
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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 20:10
Wow looks very nice,definately have to play it.

"Im British you muppet!"-Psycho
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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 21:04
Quote: "I knew someone would try and go GTA on my poor settlers!"

Actually I was hoping his head would come off due to Horror mod

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 22:04
Quote: "Actually I was hoping his head would come off due to Horror mod "

There's always one

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Posted: 8th Sep 2009 22:05
Quote: "There's always one"

I'm sold if I can punch someone's head off in game

No but really, I may have to consider buying this, it was pretty cool exploring everything

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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 18:16
OK, finally got round to putting Pioneering: Explore the Early American Frontier up for sale on my website. My site will (hopefully) not be my main distribution channel but I think it is nice to be able to sell it from my own backyard, as it were! Anyways, for anyone interested in seeing where I am taking the game in the future or interested in getting the demo, etc, here is the link:

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Metal Devil123
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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 21:12
Cool site! I hope you get some sails! How did yuo make it look such professional? What host you use!?

PS: -.- ,,|,
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Posted: 17th Sep 2009 21:46 Edited at: 19th Sep 2009 12:54
Quote: "Cool site! I hope you get some sails! How did yuo make it look such professional? What host you use!?

Well, I'm not convinced it looks that great - but I tend to find a site that does something vaguely similar and then use that as my...inspirtation

EDIT: I meant to put "I'm not convinced" - not "I'm convinced" - sorry if I came across as being waaaay arrogant

Pioneering: Explore the Early American West - Website:
General Jackson
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 04:35
Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Well, I will stop now.
All i can say is that this is TOO amazing to be true.
Great work, Chidem, if i can pile some money together I will buy it.
Great work!

(O.o )
(> < ) Bunny is now in my sig. Why? because bunnys da best and ya cant argue with that!
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 19th Sep 2009 10:00
I will buy too, if I can get some money! I need this and horror mod. And some other stuff! I hope I can win mind trix!

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Posted: 14th Oct 2009 23:38
Quick update on this project I've spent the last two days revisiting an old peoject of mine (a recreation of a frontier fort) and created a mini-epsiode in my Pioneering series that emphasises exploration and education. This mini-installment in the series came about after I started thinking about some specific aspects of game marketing (if you haven't already you can check out the group discussion on monetizing FPSC games here: and a desire to put out a title that didn't rely on shooting, etc. Anyways, here are the screenies:

Pioneering: Explore the Early American West - Website:
Metal Devil123
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Posted: 15th Oct 2009 20:04
The screens and the covers look very good! I hope you get some sails! This looks very good. I will tell about this game to my friends. I'll be sure to say that.

Can you survive from the horrors of the hidden land Occulo?

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