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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [x9] Project Eden

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:06 Edited at: 27th Jul 2010 17:22
Project eden:

you are a soldeir in the elite S.A.S anti-terrorist unit. your mission is to track down milti-billion pound crimelord: rafiel saheed. as you hunt him you will encounter his army: Azrak rba'a
fight your way through towns and underground compounds in an attempt to bring down terrorism

1) [img][/img]

2) [img][/img]

3) [img][/img]

The S.A.S soldeir is a re-texture of the S.W.A.T dude



- Finished

- planning

- In progress

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:20
I like the retexture! Looks like a great improvement on your last project!
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:22 Edited at: 24th Jul 2010 17:23
TerrorNation thank you. it took me 5 hours getting all the lighting and entities in place and the re-texture. i think time well spent.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:24
No probs. I think you could turn down the ambience a bit so the bloom isn't so 'glaring' on the eyes though.
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:25
thank you i will

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PW Productions
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:29
The original retexture was on either fpsFREE or FPS-Files though. You just added the 'Anti-terrorist Unit' on the back, correct?

Other than that, turn down the ambience and add light sources. Also, I recommend you don't use ALL stock media.

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:31
yes i also added the S.A.S thing. cool i dont have any model packs so it may be a bit hard not to use stock

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:37
Make your own models. I would help but I am currently working on a project with a team using the unity engine.

signatures are dumb.....
idk why....
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:37
You should invest in some or download some free community packs, like Wizard of id's amazing 'Stock Media Upgrade'.
PW Productions
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:38 Edited at: 24th Jul 2010 17:42
mm, ok, so why posting no lighting pics?
stock segments?
and the retex is just a text on his back, goood work

and its not Mp1 retex
is Swat by Mako :o

For Keith
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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 17:42
Thank you for your feedback. i am now amending the mess-ups

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Posted: 24th Jul 2010 21:04
lot better then your other game syko!

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 01:49
screenie 4:


the room next to S.A.S HQ lobby

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 02:02
Quote: "it took me 5 hours getting all the lighting and entities in place and the re-texture."

so, 5 hours...

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 02:07
okay maybe a tad exadraited

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 09:59
work on the lighting since theres fire it should seem like it light in there from the fire

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 11:05

Contact me in Skype,name- nejcplan
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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 21:06
More screenies coming soon.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 21:42
Errr,why is there a floating switch in the third screen??
Other than that,are you affraid of free quality stuff laying around the forum,I mean why don't you use it??

Contact me in Skype,name- nejcplan
PW Productions
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Posted: 25th Jul 2010 22:14
Did you even see my post up there? The one with all the links??

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 13:06
i have amended the game more custom media in Level 2

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 14:43 Edited at: 27th Jul 2010 14:59
New screenies of level 2:

Story to level 2:

The police gets a call from one of the neighbors telling them that there is a major drug deal going on in the house next door. the Police respond by dispacthing the ATU. soon the street is flooded with pocie cars and armed units ready to strike the house

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 15:04
Err...where's the rest of the city?

Contact me in Skype,name- nejcplan
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 15:27
got blown up....

signatures are dumb.....
idk why....
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 15:28
That's one strange house.One question.What exactly do you mean by "Terrorist activity"?A smuggling ring?And how can a neighbor just see it.I thought terrorists were smarter than that lol.Since when did terrorists blend in.Maybe I have a strange way of interpreting it , but it looks very illogical to me.

Also something is troubling me.How can you gain "their" trust if you killed 10-15 of their people before.Disguise?Think about it.

Also what Zay said.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 16:10
The cars are eather gigantic or the people are midgets... And the rest of the city puzzles me too...

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 17:18
OMG I didn't even notice the monster trucks and/or midgets

Contact me in Skype,name- nejcplan
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 20:03
look here i cant help the custom media being like that so why dont you just gimme a break and stop pointing out faults when it is W.I.P there is a reason why they call it WORK IN PROGRESS it means incomplete work i WILL add a city skybox and add a street i just have not got round to it

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 20:09
well in the .fpe file in the entitybank you could change the size of the entity.

Metal Devil123
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 20:24
I know why it's called Work in Progress. It means it's incomplete, you work on it, others give critisism on where to inprove and so on, on your game. There is a good police car in the TGC Store for a very cheap price, under name TGC.

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 20:25 Edited at: 26th Jul 2010 20:26
Now you look here.First of all you can resize the models from their .fpe file like bman said(scale=100 is the default change it to 65 for example).Second of all even though it's WIP if it's so empty don't post screens at all.Why are you rushing to post a screenshot so much.You don't see Zay for example posting screenshots with empty rooms and a lot of unfinished stuff on the map.

Nobody's atacking you , just giving you advice.If you post something you're working on that isn't even half finished what do you expect to hear from us?

Now take a chill pill and stop overeacting

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 20:37
okay i am truly sorry for snapping

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 21:50
It's ok,just don't be so full of your self.

Contact me in Skype,name- nejcplan
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 23:17
Think about the quality off your screenshots not the quanity of how many you post.

signatures are dumb.....
idk why....
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 23:20
okay OutdoorGamer. i will take that into consideration

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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 23:22
I think soon you will start creating some great games.

signatures are dumb.....
idk why....
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Posted: 26th Jul 2010 23:31
thank you.

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