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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Just an idea.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 22:08
If we want to do a more simple run and gun story it could be a cop story. The 5 crime families in Dark City ( A shout out to Cosmic.) Decide to attack all at once. You are the greatest cop in the city and you have to hunt down and arrest ( or kill.) the bosses.

For Example.

Level 1 ------ the prison.

level 2 ------ docks

level 3------ warehouse.

level 4 ----- junk yard

level 5 ----- city streets.

You can battle

bikers, skin heads, mobsters, street gangs.

I like having the comic book look and doing the motion comics for the cut scenes.With a story like this we already have a ton of media to choose from.

If we get a small game done people might want to join in if another community game is made.

Just my thoughts.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 22:18
@ Xplosys
Quote: "Oh crap. He's in a Mach 1"

Lol, where did that come from?
Quote: "Perhaps as progress is made more people will come forward"

That's what I'm thinking also. I was up late not so long ago ( about 2-3am )
and there were over 200 members here logged in at the GameCreators forums.
Now that's a lot.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 22:35 Edited at: 18th Jan 2017 22:37
Quote: "Lol, where did that come from?"

Mriganka posted...
Quote: "we need to decide which way we have to proceed fast (probably before John Wick 2 hits theaters)"

So I looked up the preview for John Wick 2. At one point he's driving what looks like a 1969 Mach 1.
That said, I don't think we should worry about others games or movies or even ideas, so long as we're not just copying them. There's always going to be another story like ours, no matter what it is, and we're just not competing on that level anyway. This is just for fun. (painful as it may be )

I'm glad to see a third story idea, seppgirty. We still have 3 days.
Quote: "I ask again if this will be done with black ice mod"

I was thinking Riker 9.

Quote: "there were over 200 members here logged in at the GameCreators forums"

I guess that has to do with time differences, but I wonder how many were in the FPSC section. Two?
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 23:10
Quote: "I was thinking Riker 9"

I actually took the time to search this reference. Couldn't figure it out.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 10:25
Quote: "I was thinking Riker 9"
LMAO... I almost fell out of my chair. Thanks for the memory
@ seppgiry It was an on going "April fool" joke back in 2005....
Quote: "Quote: "Let the name of "Riker 9" be stricken from every book and tablet. Stricken from every webpage and forum of TGC. Let the name of "Riker 9" be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of man, for all time.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2017 15:04 Edited at: 20th Jan 2017 15:09
By stating John Wick I meant that we would be having a barrage of movies from February onwards that may as well steal a lot of our time (well, for me atleast). Another reason I stated the movie is because of how good the pacing of this movie is.

Also I stumbled upon a few things that be could looked at. The first one is a Fallout 4 mod called Revolted. Since I don't have Fallout 4 so I could only watch the videos. Perhaps someone can test the mod to see how we can derive some ideas from it. And the second one is a stand alone game on the Doom 2 engine called Urban Brawl. It is a very fun game (and also really cheesy).

Also, we should discuss about the features that we want to put into the game. like the mechanics that we would use, the universal scripts that determine gameplay (health and hitback?) and the basic AI and types of enemies. And I really like seppgirty's idea/s (and yes - make it as cheesy as hell can be).

Also, I posted this thread on the Facebook page once and got Pain onboard (I think). I'm going to share it again and see if we get any more people.

Peace out.
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2017 11:48
I wourld advice You Guys, not to use the Black Ice Mod... It dosnt support the screenres 1920x1080.. You can play it on lower resolution, but it just dosnt look good on a 1920x1080screen, that is the most sold resolution screen...

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2017 19:15
Quote: " And I really like seppgirty's idea/s (and yes - make it as cheesy as hell can be)."

I actually have a bit more of an outline written for the cop "run and gun" story. If you guys are really interested in it i can post what i have so far. If not then this will be the next game i work on for myself. Kind of don't want to post the story line if no body is interested.

Quote: "I wourld advice You Guys, not to use the Black Ice Mod... It dosnt support the screenres 1920x1080.."

That's funny, i thought it did. Maybe nomad soul can look into this.

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Posted: 22nd Jan 2017 21:23
Yeah so we made the decision to go for 1280x720 as the default for Black Ice due to concerns with performance tradeoffs at full 1920x1080.

Having said that, graphics cards are getting more powerful all the time and looking at the latest Steam survey, there are 38.21% people using 1920x1080 as their primary resolution compared with 1.61% using 1280x720 so Mr Love has a point.

We can do a build which supports 1920x1080 for your project and I will look at adding this for the next official release.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2017 16:17 Edited at: 23rd Jan 2017 21:22
Wasnt You Guys going start Your project like yesterday??? Cant You decide what story to use or what is wrong? Just start working with xplosys idea and stop waiting for nothing!
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2017 22:15
Hi guys

Here is a full HD (1920x1080) build of Black Ice Mod (v10.1) if you want to use this for the project.

Alternative download here:
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2017 22:53
That was fast work Nomad. You're the best guys.

@ Mr.Love
I think xplosy and ncmaco already started.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2017 23:52
No, we haven't started. Stories were supposed to be in by the 21st and then we vote here on the 25th? I think. Ask Pain.
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Posted: 24th Jan 2017 00:14
@ Nomad Soul Thanks, that was fast
What xplosys said, I believe that's correct.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 00:20
Quote: "No, we haven't started. Stories were supposed to be in by the 21st and then we vote here on the 25th? I think. Ask Pain."

LOL i guess i got confused. I already voted for xplosy's story anyway.
Just for the heck of it, i'll post my story here. just without the ending.

Opening cut scene:

Jack Logan, Homicide detective, is at the Dark City maximum security state prison grilling the newly captured Eddie "The Octopus" Malone. (they call him the "Octopus" because he has a hand in everything.Numbers, drugs, prostitution....ect
Jack is gloating how he finally caught him and he will die in this jail. When all of a sudden there is a loud explosion that shakes the room. The 2 security officers turn their guns on Jack. ( It's a prision break and some of the prision guards are on the payroll) Jack is shot in the chest and left for dead while Eddie escapes. Luckily Jack is wearing his vest.Jack stumbles out of the room in pursuit of Eddie. When Jack makes it out onto a main area he realises that he is now in the middle of a full blown prision riot.

Level 1: It was supposed to be a good day

Jack must escape from the prison while battling inmates and some prison guards. Some gauad are still clean and will help him to escape.

Level 2: Bright lights and the big city.

Jack makes it out into the city streets where he is met by Eddies men for a gun battle to end all battles. Jack knows he must make it to a ware house that is Eddie's Headquarters

Level 3: There's more than just rats here.

Jack makes it to the ware house and has to make it across the yard to gain entrance into the ware house. Battles his way through just to find a note in Eddie's office that says he is not here but at his loading docks and that he has kiddnapped the mayor and his wife. "Are you the hero that you think you are? Then come and get it."

Level 4: Precious cargo.

Jack must battle his way through the shipping docks and make it to Eddie's Small office building where the mayor and his wife are being held hostige.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 01:39
I like it. I vote for...

seppgirty's story.

Is it cold in the Pitts?
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 05:17
God evening from MI, US

Just checking in on the vote count. I see we have three stories to chose from.

seppgirty's story with what appears to be two votes?

xplosys story with 1-2?

Mriganka with what I can see 1 vote?

Please verify this.

I am down for the easy achievement. I like Mriganka's game flow ideas which will be our next topic.
I like all three stories, but realistically we should shot for the simplest with FPSC and a smaller team.

Could we get a post out to the Game Guru forums to see if anyone is interested? I would love to see some other old members join this last effort.

Thank you guys! Happy 25th!


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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 05:19
Sorry about the delay here. Two 60 hour weeks in the IT field really takes a toll. I will be free for several weeks here with Projects at work wrapping up.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 06:23
If we make a game with a simplistic story than I would vote for seppgirty's story. It has a kind of flow like the movie Dredd (the latest one). If the team could be larger I would vote for mine. If somewhere in between I would vote for xplosys. So, I think we should post in the GameGuru forum to get opinions and take a poll on whose story they would choose (wrt the amount of people working on the game) and if anyone else would like to contribute in this project.

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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 10:11
I like seppgirty's story, but I am going to stick with the one from Xplosys.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 14:00
Oh, I know it's cold in Michigan. So glad I got out of New England.

Obviously , I like my story the best, but...

I completely agree with Mriganka. Considering the small team we have and that with seppgirty's story we pretty much already have all the media we need, it seems the best way to go and actually complete a game. As for posting in the GameGuru forum, (thinking back over my years here) I would rather that those of us here would contact one or two prospects individually about helping out, but that's just my jaded experience talking. I leave it to the majority.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 14:04
The voting is getting a little out of the window I guess. So, I vote for seppgirty's story.

Peace out.
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Posted: 25th Jan 2017 18:47
Alright so reading the above I see that we have all agreed on seppgirty's story line. I like it.

I will be posting our next Goal for Milestone 1 tonight. (In about 6-8 hours)

Things to think of until then: FPSC Version and or Mod/Mod version we will be using. (Thank you Nomad Soul)

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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 00:49 Edited at: 26th Jan 2017 00:53
Quote: "Is it cold in the Pitts?"

No actually, We've been having a very worm January. Upper 40's and rain. That means February is going to hit like a hammer.

If you guy's would like to use my story as a test drive for a community game i could work on the story some more this weekend. I'll post it on Pains google drive.
Quote: "Things to think of until then: FPSC Version and or Mod/Mod version we will be using. (Thank you Nomad Soul) "

I vote to use Black ice mod. Use the cartoon or black and white shader. And do the motion comic for the cut scenes. (very excited for the motion comic.)

I don't know if it would be possible to use word bubbles during game play. Like when a guard say's " Hey, come this way." Also, when a gun fires the words "TAT,TAT,TAT or BANG, BANG appears. Argh!!!!! when someone is shot.

Also, I have an account for this music site here if we want to use music in the game or cut scenes.

Just thinking out loud here.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 05:58 Edited at: 26th Jan 2017 13:45

How about a black and white shader with a cel-shader?

Fyi - Have you seen the 2012 movie Dredd? It has an excellent momentum to it. It also has a very simple story. And I really think you should keep the story simple if you decide to expand it. For example you could keep the whole setting of the event in a prison island like in Saints Row 2 intro or Batman Arkham Asylum, that would have you not create much of lore for the city. What do you say?

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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 10:16
Black Ice Mod.
A black and white shader, now that sounds interesting.

Quote: "if it would be possible to use word bubbles "

Yes, think of a spawned decal. Face player, loop once or use
a timer.
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 17:30 Edited at: 26th Jan 2017 17:33
Quote: "if it would be possible to use word bubbles"

You could also do it like the original Batman TV show?

Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 23:03
So it appears we are looking towards the FPSC Black Ice Mod. Which would resolve Goal 2: FPSC Version or Mod/Mod Version.

Our next goal is getting the feel that the player will experience through out the game and providing the correct settings that we will all agree on.

Goal 3: Project Name
What will we name the project, this could also be the Title Name but does not need to be and can be changed.

Goal 4: Finding the right game play
Things that need to be achieved in this goal:

Global Settings
Player Abilities (any special abilities)
Over all feel in the game
Things we will use to build the game that will be used for the overall game.
AI Scripts (Dark AI or other?)
Light Mapping (could be considered Global Settings)
Level Size Limit (traditionally there was issues with FPSC after it hit a size limit and would crash, not sure if this is still an issue in the BIM black ice mod)
Cut Screen types (Video, Pictures..) The way the story will be delivered to the player
Music Style/feel

Am I missing anything, I am sure I am, but I think you all get the idea of Goal 4.


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Posted: 26th Jan 2017 23:08
Added to Goal 4:
Time Length target per level
Player weapon types
Time line of the Media we are shooting for (What year is it in the story so we can keep accurate media)
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 00:14
Quote: " you could keep the whole setting of the event in a prison island like in Saints Row 2 intro or Batman Arkham Asylum, that would have you not create much of lore for the city. What do you say?"

I like the idea But.... Since different people (not me ) will be doing levels it might be hard to match lighting and design and stuff. You guys let me know.

I'm not going to write to much story for the levels. I want the level designers to have all the freedom they want.. I will work on the opening cut scene dialog for now. I also have to come up with an ending for the story.

Quote: "Yes, think of a spawned decal. Face player, loop once or use
a timer."

I knew you would have a way ncmako.

Quote: "You could also do it like the original Batman TV show?

If you are serious about that I think that would be really cool.

Quote: "Cut Screen types (Video, Pictures..) The way the story will be delivered to the player"

I really like the motion comic idea.
Quote: "Over all feel in the game"

Fast pace run and gun.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 00:27
You could also do it like the original Batman TV show?
Quote: "If you are serious about that I think that would be really cool."

Why not. Let's have fun. I can see this done as an over the top, wise guy style story with quirky, mobster dialog and text splashed on the screen. I can see opportunities for humor, easter eggs and maybe even a few cross-over references thrown in. We can make the run-and-gun excel in place that FPSC can't.

But that's just my take. It's your story and up to you.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 00:51
Be creative and lets have some fun. The challenge has been accepted.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 01:16
Quote: " I can see this done as an over the top, wise guy style story with quirky , mobster dialog and text splashed on the screen"

Yeah. I really like this idea And for the "Batman" style word bubbles, a single script could control
all of the needed hud's. A fast pop-up hud with a quick fadeout. Maybe even a silly sound to go with it?
Quote: "I really like the motion comic idea"

So do I, would like to keep this option if possible?

@ Pain
Global Settings
Player Abilities (any special abilities) - almost god like, invincible?
Over all feel in the game - comic and quirky.

For the rest I would like to wait and see
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 03:10
over the top and campy is the way we'll go then. motion comic cut scenes. black ice mod, and see what it looks like in black and white.

i just came up with the out line for the game. if anyone has an idea, feel free to share. this is a cumminity game and we should have fun with it.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 10:13
Quote: "see what it looks like in black and white"

You have some options with this, Reshade has a "sin city" style that looks good?
Are you thinking game play black & white and the cut scenes in color..or?
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 13:47
@ ncmako
could you do a short video with the sin city shader so we can see what it looks like?

i would like everything to have that film noir look. deep black shadows with the blown out lights. An over the top pulp fiction. A modern day Dick Tracey.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 16:45
If You want a film noir look, You shourld use black&white + noise...
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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 17:14
Hey guys!

Goal 3 - Project Name (Don't want to decide now)

Goal 4 - Finding the right gameplay

I have this link for a script that greatly enhances the gameplay in FPSC. For the feel I have also attached a music track that I found somewhere on the forum. This track may be specifically for a level that I have in my mind, but I am having a hard time tracking down the thread from where I downloaded it. Also for the look of the setting I would like a mix of steam and cyber punk. And yes, we shouldn't go full on grunge. Also it would be nice if someone could tweak a fullscreen shader with cartoon shading, bloom, a vignette effect and another one with an additional low health effect like the one in BIMod. Also, we should remove flaks used in grenades and settle for flak used in projectile weapons like grenade launchers.

Global settings -

We could make an effect foe a halo like armor where the player will get mortally wounded if his armor depletes. But it also regenerates over time. But to increase the health we would have to include a health pack. Also, I wouldn't suggest an inventory system unless that inventory was only for health satchels and kits and grenades (optional).

Game feel - Varies with levels a/c to the designer. And we should decide on the UI very soon for the consistency throughout the game.

The enemies should be divided into melee, melee crobar, melee knife or talon, pistols, shotguns, SMGs and some armored bosses.

Things that will be used for the overall game - I think we should make the levels seperately and provide the .fpm files and the resources to a central person who will package the game.

Scripts for AI - We should make enemies which converge towards the player (melee), open pistolers, pistolers who use cover and so on.

Light mapping - i would recommend 1024 with quality at max if possible to process.

Level size limit - no idea.

Cut scene type - If possible we could make panels where each panel is animated.

Sounds - a complete re-over-haul to make the sound of the game good, And yes, I mean everything. Also, is 3D sounds supported in FPSC?

Music style/feel - see (hear) attached.

As for the level I have in mind I want to introduce a cyber-punk (you read that right). He was a hacker who was forced to do bad stuff by bad people for the good of his family. But as a cover-up he was betrayed and his family was killed. So he went crazy in jail. So in that level, props will be covered by stuff like UV tattoos and and 'neon' like things (yes, imagine it with the attached music track).

We should also introduce a female sub-villain in one of the levels - a slooty li'l girl if you know what I mean.

Peace out.


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Posted: 27th Jan 2017 23:44
Hi, these days I was doing new scripts to innovate a little in mechanics. These are tests to see which can be used in teamwork.
In this sample I add new scripts and sounds. Let's see what you think.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 00:00
Awesome!!!, though the footfalls could be a little softer.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 11:00
Quote: "short video with the sin city shader so we can see what it looks like?"

Sure thing, I'll do a couple with split screen so you can see difference.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 12:38 Edited at: 28th Jan 2017 12:57
Quote: "Sure thing, I'll do a couple with split screen so you can see difference."

Great, thanks. I don't know how to use the new shaders at all. I just know to hit F 12.

@ all
just to clear things up for me are we using my second draft of the story? That is where there is only one crime boss and will have 5 locations. This story takes place in a modern city in modern times. Just want to know wich one i'm going to work on.

Also, does everybody own model pack 4? I would like to use the police and inmates from this pack. I believe we all have to own a copy for legal reasons.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 17:01 Edited at: 28th Jan 2017 17:04

The story is up to you I think. My level was just something I had in mind by playing too much Arkham Asylum (the Trickster Trophies) and also maybe watching Bladerunner lol. Also, I don't have MP 4.

Peace out.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 17:15
Quote: "Level Size Limit (traditionally there was issues with FPSC after it hit a size limit and would crash, not sure if this is still an issue in the BIM black ice mod)"

There is still a memory cap in black ice mod but you can go over this by changing systemmemorycapoff=0 to 1 in the setup.ini. It also means your customers will need x64bit Windows to avoid crashes.
The main benefit with the mod is you can lightmap much larger levels with higher quality without crashing during build which is very useful. Standard FPSC didn't come close to lightmapping the showcase level we made recently.

It will be great to see the sin city shader being put to use but in case you guys need it, I've attached a black and white cell shader as you can't combine post effects in FPSC. Something else to have a play with!


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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 20:00
@ Nomad Soul
Quote: " I've attached a black and white cell shader"

Nice, thank you. I remember this one. Nice addition.
Been playing with Black Ice V10.1, ran into a small problem. Will post on Black ice thread.

@seppgirty Here's a quick video ( about 3 mins) of different Reshader Fx effects.
Split screen with Reshader Fx on LEFT and Original texture on the RIGHT side.
Bear with it, text was off a little on screen the "colorhue" fx is a little better
than the "sin city" effect (smoother colors) my favorite is "vibrance fx" one can adjust
which color to "pop out"....

And yes, I have MP-#4.
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Mr Love
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 22:08
Real cel shading dosnt look like that. Here is an example:


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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 22:55
Quote: "seppgirty Here's a quick video"

Thanks ncmako. I agree about the vibrance with cell shade with thin line. I think that looks good. If it's not too much of a bother could you do a video with that effect. No split screen. Thanks.

Quote: "The story is up to you I think. My level was just something I had in mind by playing too much Arkham Asylum (the Trickster Trophies) and also maybe watching Bladerunner lol."

No problem. i just wanted to make sure i was on the same page as you guys.

@ nomadsoul.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2017 23:27
Quote: "do a video with that effect. No split screen"

Ok, I can make the cell shade line a bit thinner if needed?
Also, are there any colors you want to "pop out" ??? Like red or
blue ?
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Posted: 29th Jan 2017 00:32
Quote: ", are there any colors you want to "pop out" ??? Like red or
blue ?"

I don't know. that might be something we look at when we have some maps done? I guess blue for now.
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Posted: 29th Jan 2017 11:26
Some great stuff in that shader demonstration. I think sin city and cartoon will work nicely.

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