I'm currently using 3.3.92. If an .fpi file has a $ or % symbol inside of it, and you attempt to highlight it (using the inbuilt feature) and error will appear saying something along the lines of:
"Runtime eror '9':
Subscript out of range"
The program then immediatly closes, meaning there is no time to save any work. I've included a motion blur script below where it happens if you need to test it.
:state=0:setvar=blurAmnt -0.8,state=1
::setvar=blurx $MMX,mulvar=blurx %blurAmnt,setvar=blury $MMY,mulvar=blury %blurAmnt
:varequal=aftermath 1:addvar=plrbx -0.1,addvar=plrby -0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1,random=10:addvar=plrbx -0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1,random=10:addvar=plrby -0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1,random=10:addvar=plrbx 0.1,addvar=plrby 0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1,random=10:addvar=plrbx 0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1,random=10:addvar=plrby 0.1
:varequal=aftermath 1:setvar=plrbx 0,setvar=plrby 0
:vargreater=plrbx 1:setvar=plrbx 1
:varless=plrbx -1:setvar=plrbx -1
:vargreater=plrby 1:setvar=plrby 1
:varless=plrby -1:setvar=plrby -1
::addvar=blurx %plrbx,addvar=blury %plrby
Also, when setting Auto Syntax Check to off, would it be possible to flag that in a settings file so the change is made permanently? I use Project Blue for scripting, so I have to turn it off every time I use FPI Editpad otherwise I get about 100 messages saying:
"Action command is invalid in selected line. Please revise"
FPSC MIGRATION: http://bit.ly/5I8LYO
FPSC NUCLEAR EXPLOSION: http://bit.ly/67v8GI