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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Gone - Scifi/Horror

creator of zombies
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Posted: 8th Feb 2007 14:55
Looks good Inspire. I especialy like the multiplayer screen. Try adding some more entities though

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Posted: 8th Feb 2007 18:57
Inspire I love the menusystem! Is qua-lit-eeeeeee! And also the game looks funk-eeeeeeeeeeee! I like it!

-Liking Phlumetoid

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Posted: 8th Feb 2007 21:47
Thank you guys.

You are right, creator of zombies. The thing is is that I ran out of inspiration for this level (haha, Inspire). Luckily they are finished, but I'm planning on adding more once more models get done.

Thank you Phlum. I like it.

Hopefully more soon. I am wrapping up the menu system, and am already starting to draw out the next level (which will be in an office - type setting). In this level the scary stuff really starts happening. Man, I have some good ideas for this. The demo will be out soon!

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Posted: 8th Feb 2007 22:04
Dude, nice menu.

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Posted: 8th Feb 2007 22:08
Thank you AaronG.

More soon!

saudi princess
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Posted: 10th Feb 2007 13:13
This looks very good, can't wait to play it.
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Posted: 10th Feb 2007 21:14
i want an uber PC - i want to get an nvidia 8800 GTX/GTS and dual core!

Looks good - reading the posts i will probably give up on my zombie game now lol - let me think of a new storyline...

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wizard of id
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Posted: 11th Feb 2007 14:21
The lightmapping needs work and your ambience level needs to be adjusted or you needs to add more ligths....
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Posted: 11th Feb 2007 17:00 Edited at: 11th Feb 2007 17:00
You are right about the lightmapping needing work, wizard of id. I am still adjusting those, and putting light entities near the light sources and the like. I am not adjusting the ambience level though, because:

a. This game is a horror game, and it's not supposed to be necessarily bright. I'm not saying that it's going to be pitch black. It is going to be realistically dark for an abandoned facility.

b. This level is staged in the lower floors of the facility, underground (like a basement). There are no windows for ambient light to get in. On the later levels there will be multiple windows, allowing for a brighter level.

Thanks for the comments guys.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2007 18:11
You need a load of carnage in your game! If it's a red alert then something serious must have hapend. you could keep up the suspense with the map being battle scared.
Looks good.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 02:26
If you read farther down you would know that I completely changed the story of the game. lol

It is not anywhere in space anymore. Not even in the future. It's in an abandoned chemical testing facility in an unspecified city (I'm thinking Detroit, anybody have any thoughts?). After you escape the facility there will be some outdoor levels before the end of the game.

And thank you Rilejarom.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 03:49
Duh..... I got the stories mixed up. lol And abut your comment about the scare factor in my game, I've pretty much got it covered. Spawn points is basicly the only way I'll get it done aside darkness and scary sounds. The story you got now sounds good... now only if my showcase forum would be visited and become a hot thread. lol

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 21:48
Haha, thank you Rilejarom.

The story isn't fully finished yet. I will be making cutscenes similarly to the way in Darkest Island (great game).

I haven't really had time to work on this game recently. I assure you guys that the demo will be outside some time relatively soon (the time I have spent on it I have been adjusting lightmaps, bug testing, not much fun stuff). I am also waiting to finish some final entities to put in the levels (single and multiplayer). Workin' hard on the textures.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2007 22:14
Darkest island had cutscenes?

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Posted: 14th Feb 2007 21:36 Edited at: 14th Feb 2007 21:45
Well about your post, I do have custom media but the only thing is that some things have bugs in them. The arms was gonna be covered with sleeves of a labcoat and there would be no gloves. Also about asking help, yeah I know but it is not because I'm not capable, it's because I just want some ideas from other people.
You also said that my game might not be to promising or looks bad or is not original, don't take this personal but your screenies look a little bland and yet you have all these people looking at yours. Is it my story or something? Is it cause I'm an American? Come on, your like my only loyal fan, and I love British people lol. Anyways that's a cool story and I'll sure play it.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2007 23:25
I'm not going to start work on my character models yet, so for now I will be using SAS Troopers, somewhat retextured (check the Models and Media thread). This isn't a screenshot of gameplay, I just assigned default.fpi for this shot just so they would stand still. Tell me if you think I should post the texture or if you think that it's not edited enough.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 04:36
What are those symbols on their arms?
(Those guys remind me of the Columbine off Half Life 2)

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 15th Feb 2007 08:57
The demo better be out by Friday night, because i'm going on holiday next week and was expecting to be able to test it while i'm there.


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Posted: 16th Feb 2007 03:24 Edited at: 16th Feb 2007 21:03
I'm sorry AE, but I'm going on cruise to Cozumel tomorrow (Friday), but I guarantee the demo will be finished the week I return. I'm sorry for the delays, but I've been working on retexturing and scripting so I can get this game just perfect.

Rilejarom: Actually, their shirts are ripped. It actually looks quite good.

EDIT: Does anybody know what happened to my thread on the Models and Media board? I think it got deleted . Oops. If it was, sorry about that mods.

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Posted: 17th Feb 2007 19:33
Wow1 I made the seventiest (?) post! Looks nice, Inspire. Sorry to hear you're leaving for a while, but you'll be back.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2007 18:01
I'm back.

I am taking some time right now to make a health system similar to Butter's Visual Damage system, except when your health gets critical it plays some sort of gloomy death music.

I am also planning on trying to see if I can script the ammo HUD to fade out when the player isn't shooting. This one is a little iffy, so it might not work. Screenshots of the damage HUDs coming soon.

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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 03:30
ooooooooo please let me test im kinda new at FPC but im in production of a game right now and it would be awsome to play the work of some 1
thats a PRO PLEASE LET ME TEST!!!!!!!!

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lllstrikesmember 2
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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 03:38
oooooooooooo you are really good CANT WAIT TO TRY

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Posted: 24th Feb 2007 19:32
Here's a quick screenshot showing some custom media. Notice the partially open file cabinet:


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Posted: 25th Feb 2007 21:10
Another screenie.

Any comments, crit?

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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 07:25
Looks cool. You mean those walls and paper, aren't you?

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Cosmic Apple
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 12:24
I've been looking at the screenies and I have to just say, WOW. I can't believe how much detail FPSC can go into. You've definitely inspired me to become as good as you^^

I don't explode cats. It's way too difficult to coax them into the microwave... ><
Cosmic Apple
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 12:26
Incredible, thats all I can say. I never realised how much detail that FPSC can go into. I can proudly say you've given me the urge to become as good as you^^lol

I don't explode cats. It's way too difficult to coax them into the microwave... ><
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Posted: 26th Feb 2007 21:37
Thank you, GaMer13 and Cosmic Apple.

Quote: "Looks cool. You mean those walls and paper, aren't you?"

No, the file cabinet and light are mine too. That's not my table in the first screenshot. It's just a retextured version of the one from School Daze. This will only be temporary. I want to model a replacement, but I've been to busy UV mapping and texturing. I will get around to it sometime though. Also, the trash can is also from School Daze (I'm not that good at alpha texturing yet).

Everything is custom in the second screeny. If you could see the desk without the darkness, you would realize that is very detailed . I'm proud.

I will try to post more ingame screenies by tonight.

When I release this game, I am going to sell all of the custom media with it. So far I have 3 different kinds of books (2 big, 1 small, 1 open), two desks (one with the drawer open, one with it shut), a desk lamp (like the Pixar one if you know what I'm talking about), 4 file cabinets (one big, one small, each with one open variation), 3 shelves (one normal, two falling apart), and a large standing lamp.

Right now I am modeling the hands for an awesome submachine gun I made, which will also be included.

Here's a screenie of the gun. It's not textured (duh) and the hands are in progress.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2007 02:29
Stealing my fire a bit, Inspire?

All the custom models in those shots were made by me.

Inspire and I are both a part of Inspire Media, developing Gone and Calypso. New Website soon.

<img src="">
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Posted: 1st Mar 2007 00:27
Haha. You gave me permission . lol

All the textures and overlays are made by me. UV Maps too. More soon.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2007 11:43
Dude, the screenies look kool, but they are pretty dull. Try adding carnage and more messiness. Also, lighting could be done a bit better. I've done a bit of reasearch on fear, and your going to be calm in soft lights like white and blue. Your going to be intense, and on edge with sharp colours, like flashing red lights etc.

Apart from that, it loooks pretty awesome.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2007 13:18
when would the demo come?

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2007 13:38
Nice work

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2007 16:57 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2007 16:57
Quote: "Try adding carnage and more messiness."

I'm revising it everyday, adding more and more destroyed things and such.

Quote: "your going to be calm in soft lights like white and blue."

White light comes from a white light . What color light would you recommend coming from a white light? Because I don't think people typically use flashing red lights as a source of illumination.

Seerzack: I know I've been promising to get the demo out, but what I had just isn't the quality that I want, and the gameplay wasn't what I wanted either, so I am redoing the demo level to fit my standards (scarier gameplay, more custom media, etc).

Thank you GaMeR13.

Gone: Coming soon! Check it out in the showcase!
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2007 20:00
One new screenie showing a book I made, and a dead floor tile (look down the hallway for it).

Gone: Coming soon! Check it out in the showcase!
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Posted: 4th Mar 2007 05:01
Here are some screenshots of some models I whipped up for the first level which is staged in Iraq. These will also be released in the same pack or a Desert Storm pack. If we get this level finished in time I will enter it in the level design comp. Both of the following models need to be textured.

An Arabic - like jar.

And a trash can.

Gone: Coming soon! Check it out in the showcase!
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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 02:09
Were did you get that tile texture from man? I want it!

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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 02:33
Nice as usual.

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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 02:52
Quote: "Were did you get that tile texture from man?"

It's mine, as all are all the textures you have seen (besides the first three shots on the first page, but those were from long ago).

Quote: "I want it!"

Wait for the demo to be released, and then wait for me to get Paypal. This will be part of a pack.

More items added to the model list: 3 Laptops (one open, one closed, and one with a blue screen of death), a couple boxes, piles of rubble, a wall socket, a desktop computer, a monitor, and a wall - mounted TV. All of these items will be displayed in this current level.

I am going for a realistic amount of detail in this game. I've been taking looks at photographs and videos of abandoned buildings for inspiration, and let me tell you, it looks great in game.

The next thing I will be designing are two Iraq levels, which will be fought in the streets. Another model pack will come out, showcasing this media too, but that is a long ways off.

And thank you American Infantry.

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Posted: 10th Mar 2007 23:54
Quote: "one with a blue screen of death"
Ah yes the loved by all blue screen of death. Can't wait for the pack.

-----FPSC nerd-----
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Posted: 12th Mar 2007 23:27
that game is magnific?

tell me, do you need to require a web server to make that multiplayer game works?

it's because in my game i tried to make a multiplayer game but when i test it it asks me what character i wanna play and when i choose i start the game and i'm alone... the other characters are gone... i'm kinda new in this stuff

please help me
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Posted: 12th Mar 2007 23:27
that game is magnific

tell me, do you need to require a web server to make that multiplayer game works?

it's because in my game i tried to make a multiplayer game but when i test it it asks me what character i wanna play and when i choose i start the game and i'm alone... the other characters are gone... i'm kinda new in this stuff

please help me
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Posted: 16th Mar 2007 22:52
I got a couple more rooms almost finished, no screenies yet.

I was also bored today, so I modeled a flying drone for a possible sci-fi model pack. Render screenie:

I will have more updates on the demo soon (it will showcase the full 5th level).

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 16th Mar 2007 23:00
Too high-poly for FPSC, i think


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Posted: 16th Mar 2007 23:04
Hmm.... I haven't tried it out yet because I'm not finished with it. I don't think it's that high poly. And sorry the demo is taking so long AE, but before it didn't have the quality I was looking for and now my new goal is to have everything be custom.

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Posted: 17th Mar 2007 00:01
Lots of work then dude,but will be worth it in the long run,from your screenshots this is improving by leaps and bounds.
Your main problem is the same as all projects like this one,by the end of it all you'll want to go back to the start and redo this bit and that bit,and so the cycle goes on and on and on.Happens to me all the time...LOL
Still nice work.
best rolfy.
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Posted: 17th Mar 2007 12:17
Thanks rolfy.

I'm probably on my third cycle of going back and redoing it again rolfy, but I will finish this game! lol

Thanks for the comments everyone.

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Posted: 19th Mar 2007 03:07
I tried to play the latest beta but got a runtime error, am I missing something?

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Posted: 19th Mar 2007 03:17
Not quite sure what you're talking about, the beta is still in development. lol

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