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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Gone - Scifi/Horror

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Posted: 2nd May 2007 14:01
One huge sprite or decal, with the spec edited. Can you edit specs of explosions? Change the shock wave?

Inspire, dude, if it was a vid it wouldn't be as cool. said big!
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Posted: 7th May 2007 00:17
Hello everyone. After a few minor touch - ups regarding menus and the like, I finally decided to upload my Gone test level. This is in no way the demo of Gone. This is actually the level I submitted to the latest level design competition and won.

Everything is not exactly the same though. I fixed some audio bugs and the pause menu.

You can download it here.

This game is protected by DarkFact's Pheonix program, since I am already a registered user. Very good program, really.

Tell me what you think of it, as it is sort of a beta of the demo. Comments, crit. You know.

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Posted: 7th May 2007 01:52
That's a beautiful level, Inspire! Though, I was dead in under 60 seconds. I forgot to peek.

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Posted: 7th May 2007 04:00
I can't play it now Inspire but I'll get around to it soon and tell you what I think.

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Posted: 7th May 2007 04:17
Quote: "That's a beautiful level, Inspire! Though, I was dead in under 60 seconds. I forgot to peek."

Thanks DarkFact! For some reason, my graphics card overheats if I make the level too large, so I made it as hard as possible to extend gameplay time. But that was unplayable, so I toned it down a little. You should have seen the original. lol

Quote: "I can't play it now Inspire but I'll get around to it soon and tell you what I think."

Thanks man, looking forward to seeing your opinion.

User Banned
Posted: 11th May 2007 22:26
When I tried to play it it didn't work. I keep having problems the program wouldn't let me play it.
People over at Demon sun had the same problems. Maybe you could release a second verson just like the creator of zombies.

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Posted: 11th May 2007 23:04
You need to upgrade to .NET Framework 2.0, make sure you have the newest DirectX updates and update your graphics card drivers.

If you did all of that, tell me, and I'll consider releasing a second version.

Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 02:21
Hey inspire, sorry i havent been able to say thanks, ive been looking into some new programs on gamemaking, none are as good as darkBASIC or DBPro, thing is, i just dont know how to program yet, i still not very good a custom media too, but ive been practicing on the freeware version of 3d canvas

god, i feel so noobish.
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 02:32
Im downloading the level now
also, when you gave me the code snippet, i thought you said you were making it in FPSC, not one of the programming languages?

because if your programming, then ill have to learn DBPro or something if i ever want to make a game as good as Gone.

by the way, your doing great, you know, i remember you saying that your cutscenes would be similar to the ones in Darkest Island, which by the way was a really fun game. But the cutscenes in it were laggy and not that great really, and 3d cutscenes would be way better, and i think some of the modeling programs have a frame by frame animation editor, you could use that to make better cutscenes. It would be a bit harder, but the results would be way cooler than Darkest Island!
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 02:35
hey, in the level demo, it says Enigma, did you change the name?
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 02:50
Its a hard game, and the lighting could use some work, or you could use a flashlight entity or something, because i end up having to fire the AK-47 randomly to light my way.

i love the idea and the level, but the final version should be tweeked a bit
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 03:08
Sorry about all the questions, i know your busy on the game, but i was wondering if Blender was free
and if you could tell me how to texture, UV map, all of it, because 3d cavas is really confusing sometimes
and if you dont feel like posting all this then can you send me links to some tutorials on other sites?
once again, im sorry for my enormous noobism
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 12th May 2007 09:55 Edited at: 12th May 2007 09:56
I cant wait any longer, how much longer until the demo is out?
Opposing force
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Posted: 12th May 2007 14:38
Dr Distracto, use the edit button, that's why it's there!

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Posted: 12th May 2007 17:08
I agree with Opposing Force, use the edit button. You posted six times in a row.

Yeah, the code snippet I gave you was part of an FPI, FPSC's programming language (if you wanna' call it that).

The reason the cutscenes were laggy in Darkest Island is because they were played while the game was running. See, many people complained about the cutscenes lagging, but they ran fine on my computer.

Yeah, it's called Enigma. It's not an official Gone demo, it's just a level I submitted into the competition using Gone media.

I purposely made it hard, because my graphics card on this machine overheats if the levels are too big. One of those piece of crap integrated motherboard deals. I wanted to extend gameplay time, so I just made it as dificult as possible. Then I realized that was too much, and toned it down a little. You played the slightly toned down version.

About the lighting, people are complaining that it's too dark. I could see absolutely fine. I mean, yeah, there's parts that are pitch black, but that's not where you're supposed to go. Those are pretty much corners, etc. If you could post a screenshot showing how dark it is on your computer, that would be great, because I'm thinking that you are just used to brighter levels. By the way, there's no way to use flashlights in FPSC. I saw a thread a long time ago about it, but I never tried it, and I doubt it works.

Blender is free, but I won't teach you anything with it. You would have better luck with a tutorial. Just Google "Blender Tutorials", and a lot of links should pop up. As for texturing, just use Photoshop if you have it or download the GIMP.

The demo won't be out until late July or early August. I know that for a fact, so don't get your hopes up. But the demo will be the best dang demo you've ever seen, because by then eight months of work will have gone into this game. lol

Why am I so generous? I really don't know. Really, next time use the edit button, Dr. Distracto.

Also, I got 11 downloads and only three comments. If you played it, tell me how it was!

Dr Distracto
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Posted: 13th May 2007 00:11 Edited at: 13th May 2007 00:31
in darkest island there is a flashlight that works fine, acctually its in one of the model packs i think

(besides beyond life, but nothing can beat wehtam in that game) but other than that i think its publish worthy material, sure a few tweeks with lighting, an entity here or there and BAM, you've got yourself a horror game of the year!

What i love most was the retexturing you used. i also liked the health and ammo displayer and, simple yet elegant! the graphics in the game were just so realistic 10/10 for graphics

but you know what, something I have never seen even pro designers do is go for the ultra realism and remove the ammo counter, because i dout that soldiers could really tell how many rounds exactly they have, and for even more realism and a harder game (more game time for ya!) you could remove the crosshairs!

the music and sound effects, where did they go? besides you should make some sound zones to play creepy squeeks, cracks, rusty nails dropping, it would add to the horror and to the atmoshere (abandoned factory, right?) but i didnt hear what i wanted to 6/10 for sound

Gameplay, i mean great! its really good, but the controls could use some work, you should make "F" open doors and use things like in darkest island, because its to hard to move with arrow key and peek when "Q" and "E" are on oposite sides, meaning you have to reach over to press enter, and you dont know, someone (or something) could be chasing you. but i give gameplay a 9/10

Same with sounds, i need more storyline, you could at least post a story on the forum because im dying to know what its really all about. story, there was hardly any, i give it a 5/10

Overall, i think this game has a lot of potential, and i would be willing to buy it (but i would much rather have it for free or a small price of course, who wouldn't?) overall i give the game a 9/10
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Posted: 13th May 2007 00:19
No, it's just a HUD that looks like a flashlight, but it doesn't really illuminate anything.

Dr Distracto
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Posted: 13th May 2007 00:32 Edited at: 13th May 2007 02:23
yes it does illuminate, have you ever used it in dark places, it works fine

by the way, you guys should make a website, i suggest

how can you afford photoshop, its so expensive, is there anything cheaper, if so send a link please
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Posted: 13th May 2007 05:25
So how do I upgrade to .Net Framework 2.0 I've never had to do this before.

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Posted: 13th May 2007 06:33
I'll test it out next time I'm on my other computer, Dr. Distracto.

Quote: "by the way, you guys should make a website, i suggest"

Um...I'm not sure what you're talkin' about. We have a website, if you click the website link right under my posts.

Just get the GIMP, it's absolutely free.

Dr. Distracto, please keep your posts on topic about Gone / Enigma, because I am getting pretty annoyed answering all of your questions. You can find answers to these questions just by searching. Also, what makes you think you can tell me how to get a website? You don't even have one. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I've been going out of my way to answer all of your questions, and they just keep on getting more and more off topic.

To Rilejarom:

The download link is here.

Dr Distracto
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Posted: 13th May 2007 07:22
Hey, sorry about getting off track

but could you tell us a bit of the story... a prolouge maybe
also, do you plan to have a sequel?
Sorry, but i just need more information on the game before i download anymore or buy it when its released

once again, i know i have been EXTREMELY noobish and hope for forgivness
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Posted: 15th May 2007 22:06 Edited at: 16th May 2007 22:51
Yeah I did that and for some reason it still didn't work and I didn't try to rip any media either.
I kept trying and trying but it wouldn't let me play. I had nothing open and I even stopped my firewall and virus protection.
I just can't play it.
Shadow heart
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Posted: 19th May 2007 07:51
the game looks really good. And I want a demo! Can't wait!

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
Dr Distracto
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Posted: 19th May 2007 13:38
Off topic

I read in another thread that you were going to make a menu creator, when will that be released?
Johny English
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Posted: 19th May 2007 14:44
I want also the Menu Creator, because I tried to make credits button and screen credits, but it didn't function.

SIXOFT - This is not just a game, this is a SIXOFT game.
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Posted: 19th May 2007 22:23
Quote: "Yeah I did that and for some reason it still didn't work and I didn't try to rip any media either.
I kept trying and trying but it wouldn't let me play. I had nothing open and I even stopped my firewall and virus protection.
I just can't play it."

Hmm...I'll look into that.

Quote: "the game looks really good. And I want a demo! Can't wait!"

Thank you Shadow heart.

Quote: "I read in another thread that you were going to make a menu creator, when will that be released?"

I made some good progress with it, but I'm going to wait until I get X10 and Vista to continue it so I can make it compatible with both versions. I don't know how much different X10's menus will be, so I'll work on the DX9 version now, but not much.

Dr Distracto
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Posted: 20th May 2007 00:03 Edited at: 20th May 2007 00:14
Quote: "but I'm going to wait until I get X10 and Vista"

You also said in that other thread you hated microsoft products, and you were going to switch to Mac after x amount of time

sorry about off topic

*ON topic*

How many levels have you made in gone yet, and please post us a story!

PS: great idea with the menu creator

EDIT: I really do need a menu maker, i dont even know how to make a menu in the first place!

I said this to Wehtam, and I'll say it to you, YOU DESERVE A REAL COMPANY, and I mean real-deal, with patents, professional logo's and everything!

Sorry to ramble on, but i dont want to double post again
Have you heard of ZAKU in these forums, ZAKU got a real game PUBLISHED by a company called alten 8, and they used complete stock media, and you bust your ass to make this awsome game that will probably cost ten bucks, and he gets $20 a copy for a game that TGC basicly made themselves!!!

It sickens me!!!

(What i mean by posting this is that you should get the game published by some bigtime company, and put it in stores, by the way, if you didnt know, which you probably did, the game is called Sturmgart, stupid name to!)
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Posted: 20th May 2007 00:35
Quote: "You also said in that other thread you hated microsoft products, and you were going to switch to Mac after x amount of time"

I really do hate Microsoft products. The only reason I would be getting Vista is for the menu maker. This will be when I get my new computer somewhere in late July. After Gone, I will be completely switching to Mac.

Quote: "
How many levels have you made in gone yet, and please post us a story!"

Two half - levels so far, which will eventually be put together to be the demo. I will also be adding an outdoor area into the demo.

No details on the story yet.

Quote: "
I said this to Wehtam, and I'll say it to you, YOU DESERVE A REAL COMPANY, and I mean real-deal, with patents, professional logo's and everything!

Sorry to ramble on, but i dont want to double post again
Have you heard of ZAKU in these forums, ZAKU got a real game PUBLISHED by a company called alten 8, and they used complete stock media, and you bust your ass to make this awsome game that will probably cost ten bucks, and he gets $20 a copy for a game that TGC basicly made themselves!!!

It sickens me!!!

(What i mean by posting this is that you should get the game published by some bigtime company, and put it in stores, by the way, if you didnt know, which you probably did, the game is called Sturmgart, stupid name to!)"

Yes, I have heard of ZAKU. Good for him. He went through all the trouble of getting a publisher and making game art and everything. Did you see the cover for Sturmgart? See, he did do some work.

No bigtime company would ever publish an FPSC game. Maybe a small publishing company that looks to indie developers, but no bigtime company. If you wanted the game to be put on store shelves, it would have to be rated by the ESRB, meaning the publisher must be a member.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:11
Quote: "No bigtime company would ever publish an FPSC game."

I thought so once, too, but now I know I was wrong

"Anderson" will be published by JoWooD Productions and sold by well-known distributors in the different territories.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:16
JoWood Productions?

I Googled them and went to their site. They're publishing Gothic 3! Dang. How did you arrange for this little deal?

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:20 Edited at: 20th May 2007 22:25
I`m head of their community management departement and also involved in other depts of the company. And I went to the CEO and told him that a group of Lovecraft fans could create a pretty nice game around the myth with some specials like the filmed cutscenes and so on and asked him to support them. In other words, I begged for some money for the creative minds working on that game and took over the role of a producer.

JoWooD has always had an open mind for unusual projects and interesting stuff, I guess no other publisher would have taken on the risk of a "medieval life, economy, combat & intrigues simulation" like THe Guild & The Guild 2.

However, the success proofes them right.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:25
I think Ertlov has enough money.

Not to mention the fact that he joined only this year.

---On Topic-ish---

Whenever you get that custom character for Gone ready, send him on over in a .3ds and I'll rig him.
I don't know about dual weilding though. I may drop butters an e-mail, lol.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:27
I don`t have enough money, my whole family is depending on my income, and a little daughter can be nearly as expensive as a wife who discovered the joys of onlinme shopping

But what I have, are connections and friends within the gaming business.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:32
well, wish I had some of these connections.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 22:51

Do you think that we should get our game published, when it's finished? Or do you think we would stand a chance self-publishing it? Because I know that we don't have sufficient funds. Also, do you think that we could publish it online, and still do somewhat well compared to actually publishing it with a publisher?


Okay. I don't know what's going on with indiepunc, so I'll get back to you.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 23:06
Quote: "Also, do you think that we could publish it online, and still do somewhat well compared to actually publishing it with a publisher?"

Yes, that`s surely possible, we (JoWooD) are going to publish the Season 1 Boxes of "Sam & Max" at an international level, while the episodes are available for download.

I think you should publish your game, but take care of two points:

1. Shooter genre is the one which depends most on eye-candy and graphics. And that`s the problem of the FPSC - you can`t make something like FarCry or Stalker with it. On the other hand, take a look at the 3D Horror Adventure game "Penumbra" - such a game could be done with FPSC, if you`ve got really good textures, you could do even a little bit better. And then you`ll have a good chance to sell quite good numbers.

2. You need marketing, marketing, marketing. I don`t talk about paid ads, but you`ll need to send copies to all major online gaming magazines, give them a really good demo version for hosting and featuring it, convince them that your game is worth their attention. Only if the word is pread, you can get enough people to download and pay for the game. You can`t rely on the sales within the community here to make a commercial success. (I`d buy it, some dozens more here, too, but that`s not enough)

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Posted: 20th May 2007 23:15
Thanks. By the way, Sam and Max looks pretty fun. lol

Thank you for the advice. What do you think so far? Did you play the demo? If so, what do you think our chances are of selling it, getting a publisher? What do you think we should work on?

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Posted: 20th May 2007 23:26
I just tried to play the demo and it crashed on start ^^

I`ll try again next week and give you detailled feedback

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Posted: 21st May 2007 00:36
Okay, thank you very much Ertlov.

If it still doesn't work, I'll send you an unprotected version under the terms that all of the media is mine, etc. I trust you, but just wanna' let everyone know.

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Posted: 25th May 2007 03:06
Quick update:

New alleyway segment. The screenshot is a bit dark, but I'm short on time so i'll just put it up.

This segment will be used in the demo. No entities to go along with it yet, but they are on the way.

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Posted: 25th May 2007 06:06
nice man, nice.
Get on AIM, I've got something to show you.
A new texturing tip, anyway.

Yeah that brick looks real-is that from a photo?

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Posted: 25th May 2007 22:54
I'm on AIM, you just randomly signed off.

No, I made it completely in Photoshop.

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Posted: 26th May 2007 01:47 Edited at: 26th May 2007 01:59
I just played a demo of 'Penumbra-overture,episode1' which was way too short.Was kind of interesting tho'
I think this game has every chance of being just as good.

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Posted: 26th May 2007 01:55
Thank you rolfy. Your game looks wonderful!

Penumbra is fantastic and is an amazing indie game.

I am planning on making a lot of progress on this game tonight. Planning on finishing the entire first (second? not sure yet) level tonight.

When the level is finished, more details on the story will be revealed.

Stay tuned!

Shadow heart
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Posted: 26th May 2007 02:15
yeah dude, you have a big chance of going commercial. you should.

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
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Posted: 26th May 2007 02:20
We are planning on it when we finish the game. Whenever that may be. We are also opening the story up so there is the possibility of a sequel. Possibly in X10...

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Posted: 26th May 2007 02:20
Sorry, I wanted the 200th post.

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Posted: 28th May 2007 00:31
looks good Inspire =) keep up the good work

do you know any websites to learn how to make textures in photoshop

and saving them as .dds and .tga?
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Posted: 28th May 2007 00:42
You can already save them as .tga.

Search the forums for Convert It!. That should help you.

Also, just google tutorials on texturing metal, brick, cement, whatever you want. I don't really know any sites specifically.

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Posted: 28th May 2007 00:58 Edited at: 28th May 2007 00:59
Looking fantastic ! i see you have done a lot of hard work.
Hope to see more stuff of you.
Best , oleg

offtopic : i have buyed the version of penubra episode 1...The game is really spoky but i'm stuck at the freaking generator

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