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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / [LOCKED] Gone - Scifi/Horror

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Posted: 28th May 2007 01:34
Thanks OLEG, your stuff is pretty crazy too.

I have only played the demo. You must have a sick computer to be able to run it. I had to play it on my friends iMac.

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Posted: 28th May 2007 03:37
Quote: "You can already save them as .tga.

Search the forums for Convert It!. That should help you.

Also, just google tutorials on texturing metal, brick, cement, whatever you want. I don't really know any sites specifically."

yeah i know that but like when i save it as a tga i make the file 512x512 and it comes out gray and some times white =(
Shadow heart
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Posted: 28th May 2007 05:47
it probably would be a good idea for a sequel in x10, looks good and can't wait for it.

to the ones thats trapped inside of you, this is it!!
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Posted: 28th May 2007 07:03
That's what I was thinking. If not, I'll just make it in a more open engine that allows for more customization.

And I'm not sure what you're talking about Tech.

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Posted: 29th May 2007 01:55
when i put the texture that i made in photoshop on a model i made it just looks white =s
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Posted: 29th May 2007 03:16
Because you need to UV map that model...

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Posted: 29th May 2007 08:05
no that's not the issue. It's probably a simple codec problem. Google
targa tga update's, and download the file.

UV Mapping is merely where a texture is generated for the artist to paint over-it's not a coding issue.

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Posted: 29th May 2007 23:42
Yeah I know that, but I remember Bloodeath had a problem like that before and Loc showed him how to fix it by fixing the UV map.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 31st May 2007 21:10
sorry to rain on your parade but GONE is'nt that good. the only way we would know if its good is if you posted a demo instead of making excuses all the time, all gone looks from here is a game with minimal lighting and custem media but have you posted any on how Gone plays. please just post your real demo.

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Posted: 31st May 2007 22:06 Edited at: 31st May 2007 22:07
Hey Sparky (I realize that's probably not your real name, but I just use it for immature or annoying people that I am frustrated with).

I have many things to say about that last post. First of all, I hope you realize the extent of the work that is being put into this game. We have been focusing on making every last aspect just how we envisioned it, and absolutely everything is custom. I'm even looking for someone to edit the next released source to customize it for our game.

The reason we keep on making excuses is that we are working as hard as we can to release the absolute best demo we possibly can with this engine. If you have any problem with that and would rather have us release some incomplete mess of a game, by all means say so. Because if that's what you look forward to playing, you have a horrible taste in games.

And if you read any of the posts, you would realize that we have released a level made from all of the available Gone media at the time, called Enigma. It is available at my website on the Enigma > Downloads page.

And what I'm wondering is, who are you to judge? By what I can see, your game doesn't look too fantastic. In fact, I think it's pretty horrible. It's made from basic stock media, has horrible level design and lighting, and is generally bad. And I don't see anything that you have contributed to the community. Here at Inspire! Media we are currently preparing a model pack and a model pack - protection / registration software, which will all be released sometime during the mid-summer. I doubt you can say that. So before you go insulting experienced users games, take a look at what you have, and do some research. And maybe you some good grammar, maybe?

It's not like I can't accept constructional criticism, but that was a genuinely negative post. So if you have anything helpful to say about the game, please say so.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:18 Edited at: 1st Jun 2007 01:22
there is not anything good about that game, and here you are making excuses again and your lights have NO source from what i can tell. and don't you dare bring my game into this. you did the same thing with my WW2 game just because it didn't have lighting. i'm sorry that i ever picked up FPSC, i never would have touched it if i knew i would just get crits without ways to solve the problems. and learn DBpro if you want to modife the source code don't get others to do it for you. this was just mud flinging
so i don't don't care what you think about my taste in games. i don't care about what you think about me. i'm sorry if i plan to give my game away not have false hopes of selling it i try to pull my wheight around here unlike you, you just give out flames like no tomorrow and think nothing of it.

in six words
and is PERSPIRE! media a register company.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:21
Whoa Inspire cool down-NO FORGET THAT! I'm not going to defend anybody ever again on these forums. Game looks good I hope you make an X10 version for it. Allies and/or vehicles would be a nice feature if you are going to open up the source. GJ

Check it out here:
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:31
Haha, I'm not even going to deal with you bass guy.

If you look at the early screenshots, then no, there is no light source. But if you look at the actual game, every light has a source. So get over yourself.

And we would pay the guy to modify the source. I would do it myself, but my hands are full right now.

Play the game if you want, you'll see what your messing with. And don't even come back whining that it is too hard. I made it as hard as possible.

Quote: "and is PERSPIRE! media a register company."

What does that mean?

bass guy1669
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:35
what do you think inspire. and go play Darkest island and you'll see what YOUR messing with.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:41
No, Inspire! Media is just a game dev team, not a company or anything.

And I played Darkest Island. The entire thing. Good job to Luke for all the work he did on the cutscenes and story and screens and whatnot, but it wasn't that great that people go about worshiping it. I mean it's good, but he didn't create much of the media.

But I'm not going to bring his game into this. Luke, if you read the above comments about your game, sorry if you get angry

By the way, thanks Slayer222.

Anyways, I'm not going to compete with Darkest Island, or any of the better game developers on this forum. I don't see why you are so aggressive with bringing down my game.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:51
(Sorry for the double post)

Bass guy:

If you are really that angered about my game and / or my attitude, please settle this through email. I'm sick of having you spam my thread.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 01:56
i don't consider this spam its my opinion and this game is not that new or ground breaking i'm not saying that mine is new or ground breaking. and here you said
then why respond to my posts why not go and work on the demo you promising us but never give.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:00
Well where did he say he was competing with darkest island or any of tho-NO STOP IT SLAYER! OK never mind that too,

Check it out here:
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:02
I don't know what brought this on bass guy, but just end this rant.

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:07
@bass guy1669 - can you just keep your thoughts to yourself? You probably haven't been using FPSC as long as Inspire, you don't understand proper lighting that well, get angry at constructive criticism then spam a good thread.

Quote: "i don't consider this spam its my opinion"

Yes in your opinion you don't, in everyone elses it is, so just fix your game's lighting and get over yourself (in the truthful words of Inspire), I have no respect for people that act like you.
bass guy1669
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:20
how do you know vorconan? for all you know i could have been using FPSC for as long as it has been out. and yes i do understand lighting. thats ONE screen shot. all of you just keep brown nosing and make him feel like a god among men. i don't care anymore

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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:22
Quote: "for all you know i could have been using FPSC for as long as it has been out."

i said probably and have you? You only joined the forums in march, id like to end this now really
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:24
Same here. Please stop posting in this thread bass guy, unless you have something constructive to say.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 1st Jun 2007 02:25 Edited at: 1st Jun 2007 04:27
just because i joined in march doesn't mean i haven't been useing FPSC for longer. and yes i would like to see this end.
inspire: you can't make me stop
edit: i'm sorry i messeed this page up, i'm sorry inspire for spamming and i'm sorry for being arrogant.

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 04:14
Thank you bass guy.

Right now, I'm horribly angry. I just lost an entire days work on alleyway entities and textures due to a computer crash. I am so mad right now, I just want to smash something.

Progress will be pretty slow in the next week or so because I do not feel motivated at all to UV map and texture these models again. But here goes nothing.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 08:58
sorry 'bout that that has happened to me to

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Posted: 2nd Jun 2007 13:11
I feel like that with DBPro source code, like you do a massive project, one editor eats all the code half-way through, and a projetc you were set on finishing suddenly becomes a "pointless assualt" on something thats "gone"...
sorry bout that, erm yeh I hate it... I would have lost all my GCSE projects to a hard drive crash, if I didnt have a back-up!

bass guy1669
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 00:01
um... bozzy i have no idea what you just said

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 00:56
Basically sometimes in DBPro you're really far through a project, and then suddenly the editor like ruins your source code... Its a bit like having a hard drive crash... a bit lol
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 02:24
Well, I'm happy all of that above crap got settled, considering I'm with Inspire! Media as an art director, bass guy's attitude really did get me p'd off. Just for the future bass guy,
We are all a group of game designers who work together, taking ideas from eachother, to one day reach a commercial game. People like you are like a bad apple that spoils the entire basket. A constructive, common sense criticism is often a great thing, letting the person know what's wrong, and what they should fix, and what not. We do not need people like you coming into our forums-our forums-ranting on about our games. For crying out loud, you probably don't even know how to get around in a graphic design program.

So there, something to spark your appetite. I am happy you apologized, but the grudge has not left. We still have a subconcious dislike of you. So please do not represent that kind of attitude again.


bass guy1669
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 02:41 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2007 02:42
@bozzy: that has never happened to me
@AaronG: you know that post could respark that grudge, and
Quote: "our forums"
is just as much yours as it is mine. but i hope that the spat between us will fade into nothing.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 02:45
yeah man, it's all cool now. But, I was giving you a kinder, extra warning. I meant our forums as in our forums-or, both of us.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 02:47
oh okay, next that happens just go like this *slaps bass guy1669* and i'll stop.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 03:21
Quote: "is just as much yours as it is mine. but i hope that the spat between us will fade into nothing."

Haha, I'm pretty sure Aaron meant our thread, not our forums. We're not the TGC for crying out loud!

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 18:57 Edited at: 3rd Jun 2007 19:11
Some small news. I just finished the Gone Demo Build 0.5.6. We're more than halfway there!


- Bank Layout
- Bank Models
- Bank Area
- Alleyway Layout
- Alleyway Models
- Warehouse Layout
- General Story

To Do:

- Texture Alleyway Models
- Finish Alleyway Area
- Make Warehouse Models
- Texture Warehouse Models
- Finish Warehouse Area
- Make Street Layout
- Make Street Models
- Texture Street Models
- Finish Street Area
- Make Office Building Layout
- Make Office Building Models
- Texture Office Building Models
- Finish Office Building Area
- Create normal maps for everything
- Create shaders for needed objects
- Make Singleplayer Menu System
- Make Multiplayer Menu System
- Bug Test
- Recompile .EXE to remove all FPSC branding
- Run it through Pheonix
- Put all of it together, create .EXE

It doesn't look like we're halfway there. Actually, now that I look at it, it REALLY doesn't. But we're close. We're already almost finished with the whole Alleyway section, and the Warehouse section isn't all that large. The main area that we're going to have to focus on is the Office Building.

We currently are waiting for someone to upgrade his so that he can join our team, which will speed up the development process significantly.

As soon as all of the modeling, texturing, and level design is complete, I will have one of the other team members normal map everything and create shaders for other select objects, so that I can focus on creating the menu systems. These will most likely be created in DBPro because I have already made some good progress on them, but if I find that DarkBasic is too limiting I will create it in VB.

EDIT: You can find the demo progress on the first page now.

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 19:19
@ Bassguy1669,

Howsabout you stop spamming everyone's thread? You think you're so tough, yeah, well, I've got news for you: those 3 Castle Segments thread you posted in Models and Media is NOT YOURS! You are a bad person, who has no place here right now. So leave just well enough alone, and then talk to a MOD about it. Either shape up, or get out.

@ Inspire: I had to put up with Bassguy, so I know what it's like.
The game still looks good.

This is Mad-Man. Copy Mad-Man into your sig so he can rule the FPSC boards. How to do it? }+:+)+the message after the smiley=domination!
bass guy1669
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 19:38
@aremerican infantry: please stop bringing up old news, and you seem to forget that i always apologize for my actions. never bring this up again please

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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 19:38
Just chill out, like bassguy take his course. He will pudder out soon enough.

I like my sig.
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Posted: 3rd Jun 2007 22:05
Thank you AI for the compliment, but cool off about American Infantry. Thanks for the support and all, but we already have it all figured out.

User Banned
Posted: 9th Jun 2007 15:30
Wow, Lookin Commercial Inspire! On release, I'll defiently be a customer! I know you probably dont, but If you need anymore people modeling, Just say.

I dont know why but people are getting worse on this forum everyday, more and more people with bad attitude.

Over and out,

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Dr Distracto
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Posted: 10th Jun 2007 00:13
Inspire, i havent been on this thread in a while, and to be honest. Your game is going GREAT, i dont know what to say, you have really set the mark.
bass guy1669
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Posted: 10th Jun 2007 05:02
yeah, I'm again very sorry for my behavior your game looks very good compared to mine. i'm trying to cut down on my smart remarks, I hope we can get along better in the near future.

Bass guy1669

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Posted: 10th Jun 2007 07:32
It's in the past, let's forget about it. I made some bad remarks to Locrian when I first joined these forums.

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Posted: 10th Jun 2007 19:35
Updated the Demo Progress chart on the first post.

I got a fair amount of work done this weekend. I created a parking lot segment, sidewalk, a grungy orange cone, and began working on the street area of the demo. I am worried that I might have to shorten the demo's length, because the level has become too big, and my own graphics card can't handle it. I talked to Locrian about this in a different thread, and he said that it might be because I have an integrated motherboard GPU. It's okay though, I am upgrading my computer soon to make it Vista - ready, so I can port Gone to X10. My main concern is that other computers won't be able to run the demo.

Also a little hint to anybody that reads this:

I am working on a SciFi side project, which probably won't get finished, but is still some nice eye candy. Look for a new thread in the Showcase sometime in the next week or so.

bass guy1669
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Posted: 12th Jun 2007 05:15
good to see updates

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Posted: 16th Jun 2007 09:01
Here are some early W.I.P. screenshots for you to feast your eyes on. I wasn't satisfied with how the Warehouse Area turned out, so I revisited it. This area will eventually be really dark, scary, and have a multi-tiered ceiling, with small pipes, etc. It's going to look sweet. Expect more updates this weekend, because indiepunc and I are planning on getting a lot done. Anyways, here's the small W.I.P. shot.

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Posted: 16th Jun 2007 11:28
looks nice and clean
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Posted: 16th Jun 2007 18:48
Don't worry, it's going to get grunged up a ton before it's finished.

Roger Wilco
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Posted: 17th Jun 2007 01:35
Quote: "Don't worry, it's going to get grunged up a ton before it's finished."

Nice work, man. I like it.

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bass guy1669
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Posted: 18th Jun 2007 01:15
yeah it looks pretty good(can't wait to see final build)

come see night shift at see you there

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