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3 Dimensional Chat / [STICKY] TGC Comp Archive

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 25th Jun 2008 02:33 Edited at: 20th Apr 2009 04:18
Hey guys:

I thought it might be a cool idea to have an Archive of the 3D modelling comps we've had here - I was meaning to do one of these before, but never did.

Unfortunately I don't think I can find all of them - the early ones were disorganised and threads were a little random.

It might be a laugh to see how far some people have progressed:

[MikeS adds] "New TGC 3d competition threads"

August 2005 (The First):
Film Characters

September 2005: Exploration:

October 2005: Halloween

November 2005: Futuristic Vehicle

December 2005: Face of Beauty

January 2006: Improvement

February 2006: Low Polygon Spaceship

Feb/March 2006: Computer Case

March 2006: Pirate!

April 2006: Monster

April (2) 2006: Mech

May 2006: Hero and Weapon

June 2006: Dragons!

June/July 2006: Favourite Game Charater

August 2006: Big Bosses

September 2006 (this one didn't go well): Urban

September/November 2006: Theme Park

January 2007: Wii Game Modelling

January 2007 (2): 100 Poly Challenge

February 2007: Pirates! (Again)

March 2007: Steam Powered

April 2007 (when Moondog took over): Monkey Ball Level

May 2007: Steel Rivets

June 2007: Tim Burton Creation

July 2007 (MikeS takes over): Futuristic Handheld Devices

July/August 2007: Futuristic Vehicle

August 2007: Winning Devices

September 2007: Creature with a Saddle

October 2007: Weapon From Household Object

November 2007: Halloween and Blood

December 2007: Holiday Theme

January 2008: Abstract

March 2008: Steam Punk

April 2008: Species

June 2008: Sci Fi Spaceship

July 2008: Architect

August 2008: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Character

Surprisingly, I found them all! Though let me know if there are any issues with the links about - I'll attempt to keep this up to date, so we have a continuous archive of the TGC 3D Contests and all of the entries (well ones with working links - some images no longer exist)

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Posted: 25th Jun 2008 08:54
This really should be stickied

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Posted: 25th Jun 2008 19:37

I've been meaning to gather these for quite some time and add them to the rules page, but Sepp took care of it. Thanks a ton!

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 25th Jun 2008 20:57
No problem and thanks for stickying it.

"Experience never provides its judgments with true or strict universality; but only (through induction) with assumed and comparative universality." - Immanuel Kant
Insanity Complex
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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 02:55
january/february 06 and january 07 are brokeded, you needs an edit ^.^

But great archive sepp.

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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 03:21
They work fine for me.

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Insanity Complex
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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 03:23
The ones I mentioned look like

to me. without the closing

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Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 27th Jun 2008 13:08 Edited at: 27th Jun 2008 13:12
Quote: "anuary/february 06 and january 07 are brokeded, you needs an edit ^.^

Fixed them, cheers They were missing the href=, so it was just [http://....]

"Experience never provides its judgments with true or strict universality; but only (through induction) with assumed and comparative universality." - Immanuel Kant

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