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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / [STICKY] U77 Public Release Candidate

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Posted: 13th Jan 2011 23:15 Edited at: 14th Apr 2011 19:31
Hi Guys,

This is the first time we've released U77 before U76, but I could not wait to release the very latest version. U76 is simply a small patch on U75 which allows it to understand the new Blitzwerks Terrain module. U77 is the version with the internal changes and tweaks. As the update has already been tested, we have skipped directly to the release candidate version(s). We just want to make sure it does everything U75 did for you, with hopefully some more stability and predictability in the background:

The change log is here:

Upgrade 7.7

Major Fix
Microsoft's latest Windows 7 SP1 all-in-one update package introduces a new security 'feature' which completely disables all DBP applications from running. Not the best move in the world, but don't let this lunacy stop you creating great applications. RC3 includes the fix which solves this problem.

Rebuilt all DLLs after resolving DBO size problem (moved clipplane handle to meshradius handle)

New parameters for SET SPRITE RESIZE autosize, global X offset, global X scale (0.0-1.0)

Added new function PERFFREQ by request.
Updated PERFTIMER function
ARRAY COUNT of undefined array now returns -1 instead of 0 (which would be identical to an array with a single item)

Small tweak to input system (Touch Gesture, but not used)
Fixed touch code so it does not mess up regular click code
Additional flag added to CHANGE MOUSE Pointer Index, Touch Friendly (1-allow touch to persist 250ms)

You can now open an existing imageblock to continue writing to it. Delete the imageblock file to start again

Fixed issue with OGG sounds not detecting end of loop or end of sound (sound playing()=0)
When pausing and then unpausing a looped sound, the sound would stop playing at the end - this has been corrected
Further tweaked OGG file end detection to handle more OGG types

Major reorganisation of the Music plug-in - separation of the 3 different music player types into classes

Reserve vector/matrix 0 for library use, in line with other libraries - currently protect unavailable id's from update
Re-engineer structures of the vector classes - now safely polymorphic, and no larger than before

Gradient box now restores AA setting when done

Replace CData class with std::map within the Light libraries
Cache pointer to last light found
Minor code cleanup within light library

Tweaks to the sprite code

Extra info in SET DIR error

Now clip the end of an OBJECT animation
Fixed bug causing ray cast material artitary value to reset too late (inside loop)
Added parameter to SET OBJECT EFFECT called Force CPU Animation - ideal for bone detection

Fixed Delete Terrain crash

Fixed bug causing ODE to force the player borble hack (65534) down when a reasonable character controller should only push back and up

Internal Work
Replace CData class with std::map
Replaced dual containers with a single container and a class structure
Pretty much rewrote every command
Accidentally missed committing the Bitmap/Bitmap.vcproj file:
Replace CData class with std::map
Clean-up and reorganisation of code
Replace CData class with std::map
Clean-up and reorganisation of code
Replace CData class with std::map
Clean-up and reorganisation of code
Replace CData class with std::map
Clean-up and reorganisation of code
Warning free compile in both Plug-in and GDK compile modes
Fixed stack corruption when some runtime errors are flagged
Removed redundant copies of CError.cpp - only needed in one .lib file
Added various missing function declarations to header files
Corrected link errors that occurred with some functions
Simplified fog colour in Light.cpp and corrected storing of colour in one of the functions
Added safety code to Basic3D and Particles to ensure that rendering settings are reset every time when rendering is complete
Reinstated fog colour restore in Particles for the GDK

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Posted: 13th Jan 2011 23:42 Edited at: 13th Jan 2011 23:42
!!!!!!!!!A W E S O M E!!!!!!!!!


Have i expressed my happiness enough?
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 10:49
Very exciting to see some of the new AppGameKit items being thrown in.......

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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 11:00
Great to see a DBP update at all =) Just shows that the love for the software is still there =) Great work.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 11:24
I was hoping this one may have contained a fix for the system dmem available() command. Sadly not tho

Anyhow, testing RC1 now, will let you know if anything has broken/doesn't work as expected

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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 13:27 Edited at: 14th Jan 2011 13:29
I was hoping this one may have contained a fix for the HTTP REQUEST DATA command. Sadly not tho

I'm not affected by the updates as mentioned, so will probably not update my U75 until this has been released for real (maybe not even then - may wait for U78)...

btw, I'm also glad to see that DBP is still being worked on

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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 15:56 Edited at: 10th Nov 2011 13:22
We always look forward to a Patch!!!


WindowsXP SP3,Vista,Windows 7 SP1, DBpro v7.7RC7
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 17:24
Progress is always a good thing.

Thanks Lee!!

Todd Riggins
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Posted: 14th Jan 2011 23:29 Edited at: 14th Jan 2011 23:30
Thanks for adding PERFFREQ

looks like the docs/keyword didn't make it. You can still use it though.

Here's an example of use:

I have a html doc for it attached
The PERFFREQ.htm file can go in directory:

Assuming keywords107.ini(???) is the correct editor keyword file, ADD:
PERFFREQ=commands\core\PERFFREQ.htm=*no parameters*
to get PERFFREQ highlighted.

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Marco A G Pinto
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Posted: 15th Jan 2011 00:47
What about support for 256x256 icons (Win Vista and Win 7)?

Will it be done?


Kind regards,
>Marco A.G.Pinto
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Posted: 15th Jan 2011 01:33 Edited at: 15th Jan 2011 01:35
which updates are needed to install for darkgame studio? i was buy it at 2009...when i get an answer i'll post some bugs...
Green Gandalf
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Posted: 15th Jan 2011 12:22
Just tested some of my old demos - no obvious problems yet. Looks good.
Jeff Miller
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Posted: 15th Jan 2011 19:26
Is the value of PERFFREQ() expected to change after it is read the first time? I thought it was a machine dependent thing. Todd's sample code calls it every loop.
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Posted: 15th Jan 2011 19:33 Edited at: 15th Jan 2011 19:34
No, it doesn't change.

From MSDN:
Quote: "Retrieves the frequency of the high-resolution performance counter, if one exists. The frequency cannot change while the system is running."

EDIT- Sorry, won't link.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2011 12:51
Quote: "No, it doesn't change."

Are you quite sure about this? I thought it could vary between cores, and if the DBPro thread was switched to another core, it could then be different? I may be wrong though.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2011 13:58
I don't know of any system where the core frequency differs between cores or chips on the same motherboard.

The only place I know that the actual core frequency can/does change is when speedstep is involved, and from experiment I know that the hi-performance timers are not affected by that, and as that matches what MS has on their site, I'd say it's true.

If you want to worry about anything, worry about the actual counter - See the remarks on the MSDN page:

Serge Adjo
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Posted: 16th Jan 2011 14:18
Hi everyone, there is an indentation problem with the new editor for darkbasic pro (EditorNew.exe [Dark Basic Professional Online\Editor\EditorNew.exe]):
-the lines of the programs are not correctly indented : I use "TAB" to indent my lines but the editor replace every tabulations with a "space".
-Also, it's not possible to select the text and indent it by pressing "TAB": doing this will simply erase the text instead of indent it.
-Also, if you press "TAB" to indent and then press "BACKSPACE" to delete the indentation, it will not delete the indentation: it will only go one "SPACE" back.

hope you understand, try it yourself if you don't... these indentation problems are annoying because my program is not indented anymore: a single "space" replaced every tabulation. The editor I used to write my program was "SYNERGY" and all worked fine, but now it don't work anymore with "EditorNew.exe".
note that when I open my program with another editor than "EditorNew.exe", the "TAB" are there (everything is indented correctly).

please, I ask you to update "EditorNew.exe" or to correct this indentation problem so I can use it the same way I use "SYNERGY".

PS: I'm a french guy, so my english is not so good, sorry for that but it's hard for me to write and translate what I have to say. hope you understand.

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Posted: 17th Jan 2011 09:12 Edited at: 17th Jan 2011 09:14
Brilliant! Updates are always welcome!

Quick and dirty request for the editor: Intellisense On, but Auto-fill off.

EDIT: I too get frustrated with the tabbing in the New Editor too. Space and Tab are different, yet the editor treats tab as if it were 4 spaces.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2011 20:14 Edited at: 18th Jan 2011 23:49
Posted something to bug reports - when I try and compile AND run any of the DKShop or DKAVM demo projects I get "Matrix4 is Illegal at line x"- on a line that doesnt contain a DKShop or DKAVM command...?

gives also Runtime Error 7804?


here's weird - it doesnt happen when I re-install at U76?????


see also this bug report thread:-

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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 13:43 Edited at: 19th Jan 2011 13:43
Let me ask my very old question/request: what about saving images from "set camera to image" function? I can paste it, but can not save it

Green Gandalf
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Posted: 19th Jan 2011 16:34
Works fine for me. Have you posted sample code on the Bug Reports board?
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Posted: 25th Jan 2011 11:33 Edited at: 25th Jan 2011 11:34
I've had no problems either.

Lee, while you're looking at updating, would it be possible to update the SET TEXT FONT to allow for a font path as well as allowing access to a preinstalled font? As it stands it's pretty much useless unless I've completely misunderstood it's function. Possibly adding a third option to specify if it's a path or not.


SET TEXT FONT "myfont",ispath,charset value.

I hope that's clear.

Many thanks for the update
Green Gandalf
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Posted: 25th Jan 2011 12:22
Yes, I can never get SET TEXT FONT to do anything useful either.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2011 08:42
any news on DKShop / DKAVM compatability and/or facility to pick an object limb from 2d screen coords?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 4th Feb 2011 07:49
Some export names were changed between 7.4 and 7.5. You may want to take a look at this:

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 06:54
Tried to update to U77 Now it looks like DBP is the Free verision now. Is there a quick fix like in FSPC or do I have to reinstall everything.

Thanks Dennis W

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 09:38 Edited at: 5th Feb 2011 09:39
Set Text Font works for me. One is limited to the number of fonts they can use. Only MS Fonts that come with Windows OS will work. However, if you create a font and install it properly and then distribute it with you game, you will be able to use such a customized font. I use this as a command in RPG Mod for FPSC. Setting it to various fonts will work as long as the player has it installed on their machine. A couple of fonts that can normally be used and in which I have used all of them at one time or another:

Verdana (default)
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 19:39
@ Lee,

Will u7.7 ultimately be compatible with DKShop / DKAVM plugins?

If not, can you introduce a pick limb command, equivalent to DK Pick LImb?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2011 21:09 Edited at: 5th Feb 2011 21:17
I'm having an odd problem. If I create another camera and have more than one object textured the application gives me an unexpected error in Windows 7. It has to be two separate models with their own textures too. If you load the same model twice there isn't a problem. With the camera only the default one created will work. If you create another using the Make Camera command it'll crash shortly after. I've tried several different models from FPSC model packs with no luck.

I'll find some code someone else has made and try it to test this out some more.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2011 12:05
@ Lee - is the latest rc of 7.7 ok with DKAVM/DKShop?

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 13th Feb 2011 02:41 Edited at: 13th Feb 2011 02:49
I think I've found a bug, although not necessarily caused by this upgrade - when mousex() and mousey() are used with position mouse, they seem to report the incorrect coordinates. Here's an example:

EDIT: It seems that it reports the x and y position in relation to the entire desktop, and not the window as it normally does.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2011 02:41 Edited at: 13th Feb 2011 02:42
Edit: Gil Galvanti, you beat me to it

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Posted: 13th Feb 2011 03:09 Edited at: 13th Feb 2011 03:11
position mouse bugged here under 7.5
see gil's thread for more confirmation/dialogue.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2011 03:00 Edited at: 14th Feb 2011 03:02
Quote: "Hi everyone, there is an indentation problem with the new editor for darkbasic pro"

There is also the problem of obtaining the final executable file when you import many png files.
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Posted: 18th Feb 2011 23:17
any news on DKAVM/DKShop plugin compatability with latest rc of 7.7?

a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...
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Posted: 20th Feb 2011 01:57
One constant issue that I'm having with the U1.075 IDE is the function folding. It semi-works, then breaks, then works. I'm constantly having to return/delete my ENDFUNCTION commands to re-trigger the folding.

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Posted: 22nd Feb 2011 00:54 Edited at: 1st Mar 2011 12:26

Either U7.6 or U7.7 has broken fog and shadows. The followng simple demo provided by Mr Bigger works fine with U7.5beta16 but not with U7.7RC3 or U7.7RC6.

The latest version seems to use the fog colour as the shadow colour. See screenshots below:


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Posted: 22nd Feb 2011 03:29
Enabling fog also makes BlitzTerrain disappear, but I don't know if that's a BlitzTerrain issue or DBPro...

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Posted: 26th Feb 2011 04:09
Could we have some kind of directory handling commands in the FTP command set?
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Posted: 26th Feb 2011 12:51 Edited at: 26th Feb 2011 13:20
can someone check a demo in the 2008 compo for physx , water demo and see if it shows the background, all I get is the water and crates and no background.

Plus what ever this code does the text is miss as well. The physx stuff is going fine, it just does not show whats going on like it used to.
edit 2
Example #1702 : Terrain Functionality
it should show a blue sky as in the sample picture, when run all I get is a black one.

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Posted: 27th Feb 2011 03:47
I get a black sky also in the physx demo
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Posted: 27th Feb 2011 08:47
HowDo I get what your showing in the picture ;o(

DBP 7.7 I think r6

a few more bugs for them to fix ;oP

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Posted: 27th Feb 2011 16:22
I usually go mad and try every demo when there a new update, because most of the demos have been around since the being of the updates (1.05) so there a point of reference.

best one that test most of all the code is road terrain, but the sky worked in that, but I think the sky looks diffrent than before.

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Marco A G Pinto
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Posted: 27th Feb 2011 20:11
File version for the executable still doesn't work.

I have been working on V3.0 of a game and when I compile, the executable always shows in the properties V1.0.0.0 .

I have tried to change in the editor and in the .BDPRO by hand and it doesn't work.


Kind regards,
Rich Dersheimer
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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 22:39
Could whoever made this thread extra wide pretty please edit their post so we don't have to horizontal scroll to read all the other posts?

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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 00:35 Edited at: 1st Mar 2011 00:36
umm there are 13 post
that would have to be fixed

when I post a message I make shire that it fits with in this box
other are just trying to get there message posted

layout formatting is some thing people have to keep in mind

Rich Dersheimer check your layout of the text compared to mine

page 2 layout is much better for now

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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 06:30
It is Green Gandalf's image making it wide.

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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 12:07 Edited at: 1st Mar 2011 12:27
Quote: "It is Green Gandalf's image making it wide."

So it is, sorry.

I didn't notice all the white space accidentally included in the image. I'll fix that ASAP.

Edit Fixed, I hope.
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Posted: 6th Mar 2011 20:41 Edited at: 6th Mar 2011 20:48

I downloaded the set of C++ files from

I then tried compiling the sound.lib for use in Dark GDK, but got an error about there not being an overloaded function for CsoundManager that coped with LoadOggVorbis having two parameters.

I tracked this down to the declaration in dsutil.cpp which said

LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER* CSoundManager::LoadOggVorbis ( char* dwFileName )

I modified that to
LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER* CSoundManager::LoadOggVorbis ( char* dwFileName, DWORD* pdwSizeOfSound )

It now compiles OK and so far, all the ogg sounds I've thrown at it at handled correctly. Yay!

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Posted: 9th Mar 2011 09:38
For IDE feature enhancements, could we see some added functionality to the "Solutions Explorer", such as sorting, filtering, and maybe even subfolders?

I've also noticed a few bugs when loading or adding DBA files to projects via using the solutions explorer.

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