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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / [STICKY] U77 Public Release Candidate

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 12:18
Here's the "tin":

Would you mind telling me which part it doesn't do? DBPro is a competitively priced, easy to learn software development tool that is incredibly flexible and easy to turn to your needs. If you want to focus on content then why not join a team or get a drag and drop game maker.

The forums here provide a place for anyone who wants to do anything at all to do with game creation.

I understand that you are frustrated that AppGameKit is getting the focus but did you notice it's been placed under DBPro in the forum listing? Lee Bamber and other TGC reps have said that DBPro is NOT being shelved, just that currently the focus is on AGK. Just have a little patience and calm down, I have yet to be let down by TGC personally.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 12:37 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 12:41
I put this thought forward

getting the money back for every thing payed is one thought

but considering the learning curve for the other programing languages, I would stick with DBP

I would consider paying say $20 to $40 more if they would just fix things up so that there are no problems

I know it takes time to find and get rid of bugs even adding new features

I've spent thousands of hours collecting code running it and tweaking what I can understand

I just want the few peaces I need to be there and that would fit me just fine.

I've bought a few additions user from the DBP community have made to help speed up the creation process

I figure I am about 94 percent to ware I need to be

all every one wants it the gaps to be filled in

I'm not interested in any other programing system THC want to sell DBP is my only interested

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 13:28
Quote: "The code on google code IS complete and contains among other things renderer code too."

Quote: "extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_Begin; // begin scene ( for compiler only )
extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_End; // end scene ( for compiler only )
extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_Render; // render finished scene ( for compiler only )

Which would mean that those functions are external, another source file or maybe dll. If you say the code IS complete, maybe you can help me find access to them ?

Quote: "Am I the only person here missing the big picture? I BOUGHT DB because I wanted something that allowed me to focus on content, and not have to learn C++ etc. All respect to the creators, but we bought the product - I fail to see AT ALL why it should be left to the users to fix their bugs. Lets face it - if Skyrim (as an example) had been launched and couldn't be completed or features just didn't work, Bethesda wouldn't get away with saying "oh, someone from the modding community can fix it, we'll just publish the source files" - we'd all want a full refund. Maybe that's what we should all start doing - after all, under the trades descriptions, DBPro is not doing exactly what it says on the tin.


I think the problem here is that we have a small company with a number of products and not enough people to work on more than one at a time. Like I said, the same thing happened when TGC was working on FPSC X10. Of course TGC has to make money. So what could one do ? You could either move on, to another engine or take things in your own hands.
Personally I'm waiting for an engine that combines the ease of game creation in Unity3D and the graphics quality of UDK/ Cry3

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 14:25 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 14:27
Quote: "Which would mean that those functions are external, another source file or maybe dll. If you say the code IS complete, maybe you can help me find access to them ?"

you are looking at something that has nothing to do with rendering.

open this project in VS: darkbasicpro --username LeeBamberTGC\DarkGDK\Code\Compiler - Visual Studio 9\Basic3D

In solution explorer open "Objects" folder, there you have "CObjectManagerC.cpp" file ->open it

find line 3118:bool CObjectManager:: DrawObject ( sObject* pObject )
That is the method for rendering individual object

Allmost all of the code in that file is somehow related to rendering

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 15:00
Quote: "extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_Begin; // begin scene ( for compiler only )
extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_End; // end scene ( for compiler only )
extern GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN g_GFX_Render; // render finished scene ( for compiler only )"

Seeing as GFX_RetVoidParamVoidPFN is a function pointer variable(defined as receiving no arguments and returning nothing), I'd hazard that they point to the functions that control the overriding graphics update functions.

Here they are set to the functions:

g_Glob.g_GFX refers to the graphics dll, probably the Display DLL.

As it turns out, those functions are defined in the Setup DLL(CGfxC.h):

Does that help you Irradic?

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 16:27
Quote: "Does that help you Irradic?"

Indeed it does, thanks a lot Dar13

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 17:21 Edited at: 21st Dec 2011 17:24
Baxslash Says :
Quote: "Here's the "tin":

Would you mind telling me which part it doesn't do? DBPro is a competitively priced, easy to learn software development tool that is incredibly flexible and easy to turn to your needs. If you want to focus on content then why not join a team or get a drag and drop game maker.

The forums here provide a place for anyone who wants to do anything at all to do with game creation.

I understand that you are frustrated that AppGameKit is getting the focus but did you notice it's been placed under DBPro in the forum listing? Lee Bamber and other TGC reps have said that DBPro is NOT being shelved, just that currently the focus is on AGK. Just have a little patience and calm down, I have yet to be let down by TGC personally.

Could you do me a favor bro, and show me where it says they are not shelving it ? Because I personally have not read that anywhere. And no this does NOT do what we need it to do since we all are working with Shadows and other areas of DarkBasic Pro and several of the bugs are still not fixed even after years of complaining from what I have read. I do believe "years" is a LONG enough patient time. I am NOT paying for another plugin just to get around THEIR buggy software. They NEED to fix this. And I understand the frustrations here on this thread. We wanted to program in BASIC not C++. Its why the product exists in the first place.

Now I have moved on to C++ and OpenGL, because I am forced too, but people who come here and buy DarkBasic Pro are going to be VERY disappointed, as are some of us here.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 17:43
Quote: "Could you do me a favor bro, and show me where it says they are not shelving it ? Because I personally have not read that anywhere."

I have seen several posts / tweets from various people and no, I'm not going to go looking for them right now I have better things to do. You don't have to trust me, that's up to you. I'm just telling you what I've seen and heard in an attempt to reassure you.

I'm not saying people have no right to be frustrated with the current list of bugs. I know very well what it's like to have a bug in the way of a project. What I'm saying is that to the best of my knowledge DBPro is not shelved and worth every penny I spent on it (in my opinion)

Personally I've been able to produce anything I wanted by being persistent in finding a workaround to the bugs I've found. There are free workarounds to the shadows problem (for example). I've found TGC tend to fix a lot more bugs than they ignore and have a pretty good go at all of them.

If anyone here wants their money back then go ahead and ask for it, you have that right too...

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 17:49
No problem Irradic.

I don't think TGC will shelve DBPro, at least until they come out with a new professional level engine/language, because even though AppGameKit is impressive, it just can't compete with the performance and visuals afforded by DBPro. The hardware it has to support doesn't allow it.

Personally I think TGC should have a group of volunteers and employees work towards making DBPro bug-free, while another group works on DBPro v2 or something similar.

As with baxslash, I have gotten more than my money's worth out of DBPro and its plugins.

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 17:52
Quote: "Personally I think TGC should have a group of volunteers and employees work towards making DBPro bug-free, while another group works on DBPro v2 or something similar."

The one thing you can guarantee is that the community here is prolific and skilled enough to do a good job of anything they are allowed to be involved in!

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Posted: 21st Dec 2011 22:28
Quote: "If anyone here wants their money back then go ahead and ask for it, you have that right too..."

Bro, I'm not asking for money back, I just want the current bugs fixed. That's all I am getting at. DBPro is actually VERY good program idea, except the current bugs that stop me from using it. I had to revert back to an earlier version of DBPro to get the shadows to come up right. I have TWO threads on this issue. And I mentioned it here on this thread. NO RESPONSE from any of the TGC team about this. So again I had to go back to an earlier version. The problem with that was that the bugs that were fixed with the u77, are NOT fixed with the earlier version. So I'm screwed no matter what I do.

Again, I'm not asking for the money back, I just want it fixed. You don't even need more features.. we just want the current version fixed.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 01:41
Amen to that JackDawson. A few people seem to have misunderstood the tone of my message - I wasn;t ranting, I was making a point. Again, you wouldn't buy a car and expect to have to fit the engine yourself. Nor, buy a house with four walls but have to do the roof yourself. I bought DBPro as I previously used DB and with the new features of DBPro it seemed great...but as it currently stands, we have three choices - either have no Win 7 compatibility with SP1, have no shadows, or find another shader that can be used to replace the default one. It looks like that's actually what I'm going to be aiming at doing in the end, but that loops me to my original point - we shouldn't have to. Well done to fixing the Win 7 prob fairly quickly as it stopped the prgrams created working...but for most, like me, so does the shader issue right away. ANd it also wreaks of little or no testing of the new changes either.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 01:48
I've been running DBP 7.61 in windows xp
and I finally got every thing worked out enough
that i can live with it

when windows 8 because standard then I know there will be more
odd's and ends to be gotten around

I've only had one free dll not work correctly
and I found free dll's additions to replace the pay one's
that I bought some time ago

DBP got TGC started and once things settle into place with the new things
they will come back and tweak as needed

even with making programs though DBP i know bugs creep in
and some one some ware finds a fix for it

it's all a matter of time

it you look at all the free dll additions that have been made
people have put in quite a bit of effort to make it better

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 01:55
I get ya there Santman. We paid for a working program, not part of one.

@ Resourceful, its cool that there are 3rd party DLLs to work AROUND the bugs, but that's the problem.. we should NOT need to add MORE files to make it work. More 3rd party DLLs that I DO NOT want to add to my projects every time I make something. The software on that link that baxslash pointed out shows us "what comes with DBP" but yet doesn't work. We are being deceived into thinking that the program when we buy it has all this wonderful stuff and only to find out you have to either use free plugins or buy other plugins to get it to work. Wrong. This is plain and simply wrong.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 02:06

ya I understand 3rd party plug-ins to replace what should working
or is missing but thats how thing are for me

I have to work with what I can get access too
if at a latter date it gets fixed then fine

but for now whats available will do

some one is working on updating Dark Physics and it is quicker

the plug-in's I am looking for are better liquids with a choice of colors
and to be able to put holes in objects or deform them to show damage
there has been code I found that will get me closer

so all I have to do is come up with a plan and put such in place

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 03:51
Quote: "We are being deceived into thinking that the program when we buy it has all this wonderful stuff and only to find out you have to either use free plugins or buy other plugins to get it to work. Wrong. This is plain and simply wrong."

You're lucky you have support after purchase. Some other engines have no support at all after purchase, or have to pay for major upgrades. Any support is better than no support.

By the way, which bugs do you have to buy a plugin so you can work around them?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 07:27
The plug-ins are not work arounds, they were created to extend the basic functionality of DBPro. Yes, some of the plug-ins extend on present commands, may it be through added parameters or something else. But they aren't just mere bug fixes, they offer a lot more functionality. But I got your point, you shouldnt have to buy them just to work around an existing issue in DBPro.
Regarding the shadows, I would take a look at Evolveds shadow solutions, which are significantly better than the build-in feature. Even if it wouldn't be broken.

The idea about a group working on the source, making fixes and additions, sounds nice. But the source has been available since 2010 and hasn't spawned any projects. My guess is that a lot of people aren't even aware that the source is available. Taking a look at the google source page only shows 3-4 people that were active, including Lee. Maybe a source sub forum on the tgc forums might get something rolling.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 09:41
Quote: "I'm not asking for money back, I just want the current bugs fixed."

...and I'm not saying they shouldn't be fixed. I'm not saying DBPro is perfect and should be left exactly as it is I am simply saying two things:

1-DBPro has not been shelved and TGC would be crazy to do so therefore these bugs will get fixed in time. I have no doubt this will happen. In the meantime there are workarounds for people willing and able to look for them for 99% of the bugs that exist.

2-DBPro is worth what you pay for it.

It's not like you have to pay for it anyway unless you start selling games!

Quote: "We paid for a working program, not part of one."

This is true but you also paid for something that is being constantly improved which is why it has bugs! If TGC just fixed every bug and then left the software alone it would be two things:

1-A great tool that does everything it's supposed to


You can't have software that is free from bugs and constantly updated. I don't know a single program that is both.

Quote: "The idea about a group working on the source, making fixes and additions, sounds nice. But the source has been available since 2010 and hasn't spawned any projects. My guess is that a lot of people aren't even aware that the source is available. Taking a look at the google source page only shows 3-4 people that were active, including Lee. Maybe a source sub forum on the tgc forums might get something rolling."


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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 14:30

umm ware in the forum is

"Evolveds shadow solutions"

whats the link to it ?

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 14:43

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 15:01

thanks but it seems "avg" will not find or let me get to that page

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 15:11
Strange, looks like Evolved has removed his site...

I may have a version of advanced lighting somewhere but not 'just' the shadow shaders.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 16:06
I have all his downloadable shaders too if needed.
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 16:20
The site has been down for almost a week now. Unfortunately I only have his advanced lighting shaders. Someone should create a thread with all his available shaders and get it stickied.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 21:12
Sorry for my griping about this subject. My frustration can get the better of me sometimes. And thank you all for your understanding and in the attempt in resolving this.

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2011 21:18 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2011 21:41
Hi there
Hi bro !! .Don't give up !!...we make this as a hobby. I love your examples.

Quote: "Strange, looks like Evolved has removed his site"

I'v got nearly all Evolved shaders .I know that is not the fault of TGC but I just realize now, that most of Evoved shaders don`t work with last update U77 but all of them works fine with U74. If I had to update all shaders to work with new version, problably I will get rid of it I try to enter in Evolved site and the explorer can not show the page

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 01:56
@Santman or @Irradic

if you could E-mail me
"advanced lighting shaders"

if you new the name of the download-able file
there is a chance I might have them in the files
that I have collected over time


think of it this way
even if you buy the program to make the game you want
you still have to pay a fee to the original company
not one buy for every copy of the game you released

with DBP This is not the case
you buy the program and what ever you created the money is all yours

please give that a think

the bugs with DBP are small and there are fixes for them
ya it means a few more lines of code but you get much closer
and quicker than using c++ .. I know there are people
who make games with it like right off the top of there head
in my case not sooo much but what I got now gives me a much
better chance with than with out

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 02:12
Here's the last avancedlight Octover 2011



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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 02:21


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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 02:25
Ok no problem.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2011 15:21
there is one thing I wish DBP did have
in quick basic there was a window below the programing window
in that if you wanted to find out what a variable had
you could put in the name and get the data that it held

that's is the only major improvement I would want to see

they have covered every option that I need

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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 02:27 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 02:31
@Resourceful: Their current AppGameKit licensing is so minimalist and broad that it's costing them significant sales. I'd be surprised if they don't redo it within the next year.

It does look like DBP is dead though, I'll buy AppGameKit if/when it's licensed intelligently. Fore example exemption of PC profit and better stability on actual devices instead of just emulators.

AppInventor also works fine on the google emulator, but I speak from professional experience when I say even the base elements of it's builds tend to break on devices but not on Google emulator; this has cost me money before which is why I use SDK directly these days and test on hardware before turning anything over to a employer.

Also AppGameKit lacks networking interfaces that are needed for most types of Games and Projects.

EDIT: Even though I paid what little money I had for DBP+Plugins years ago, I'd still like to see it 7.7 final and discontinued. Consolidating into AppGameKit with better licensing is the smart thing to do for both the company and license holders(more platforms and active development for us, also more feature prospects).
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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 08:17 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 08:19
Unfortunately AppGameKit is just not an option for some of us here. If I'm correct AppGameKit lacks of any 3D features. It just seems to be completely targeted towards mobile game development. Even though it supports Windows, though with Netbooks in mind.
The App Game Kit might be great for people who would like to create 2D games for those platforms. But what about us others who want to make use of the power a desktop PC offers ?

For us AppGameKit is not a replacement for DBPro.
You may be correct that DBPro is in his last breaths. But TGC shouldn't stop at 7.7, unless the have fixed the core and basic features.

For a long time I was hoping for a new Darkbasic product.
But now I doubt that TGC will develop a true Darkbasic Pro successor. And that's probably the fault of Unity3D,UDK and the CryEngine3. Hence TGC went over to multi platform mobile game development, because that's where the money is.


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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 14:13
Its sad that I am now using Ogre 3D to make my games. I loved how quickly I could make an awesome terrain in DB Pro. But since its dead, I am now using C++ and Ogre 3D ( Utilizing OpenGL ).

I will say this though, If it was not for DBP, I would not have gotten as far as I have with C++. RESPECT.

R.I.P. D.B.P.

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Posted: 24th Dec 2011 15:31 Edited at: 24th Dec 2011 15:32
I still believe DBPro still has a bit more time to go before it becomes heavily outdated and I think this would happen when DX9 is completely phased out and DX10/DX11 and OpenGL 2.x/3 becomes the basic standard for Games. And sadly we have already started to enter such transition since last year.

Edit: typo fixed
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Posted: 26th Dec 2011 04:38 Edited at: 26th Dec 2011 04:42
Put a 3D subset in the PC part of AGK..DBP=replaced

DBP IMO is just an easy wrapper for DX9 API, it has 0-scalability, I even went with purebasic on the one project I did with DBP. I just use it for screensavers now. If they put it in AppGameKit it can only lead to good things for everyone..

EDIT: Also people here and other easy-game-kit communities are ignorant when it comes to 3D..3D content like you see of software packages here will either cost you thousands or years..hence why you seen no decent 3D titles, or any at all under most of these kits..I won't even go into how there are only hacky methods and tools for animating models when you do produce some..and only under a few formats..
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Posted: 26th Dec 2011 04:53
well if DX9 Becomes outdated

then so be it

as long as I can get the equipment to run windows xp
then I can make my own games instead of buying them

but as long as DBP still work's with windows crap what ever
that's all that matters to me

windows 8 being the latest ms joke

too bad Linux took so long to get's it's act together
then it would have been the leader of computer operating system

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Posted: 26th Dec 2011 19:23
What about DBPro Open sources for good members of the forum ? so that still get updated, to take it alive ?

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Posted: 6th Jan 2012 22:51
Quote: "DarkBASIC Professional is still strong in the PC games arena, and for anyone wanting to unleash the force of DirectX to it's fullest it is still the language of choice. We have seen some fantastic games released this year, with Malevolence fighting in the Indie Awards, MPL 3D opening up the universe to everyone and Jesse Redman showing how it is used for prototyping the next generation of technology. Alongside, the heavy duty coders are using DarkGDK to complement the command set with the power of C++"

I read this from the TGC Newsletter for January. I am very curious where they get their info since we "That same community" have been wanting DBP fixed. This is really frustrating because it says "unleash the force of DirectX to its full potential". IT CAN'T because its not updated to use DirectX 11. And DirectX 9 is outdated and slowly being phased out. So where did they get the info to post such a newsletter ? All my current games I have been playing lately all use either DirectX 11 or they use OpenGL 3.x and higher.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 03:05
I think I jumped the gun. It looks like U77 must be revised. After two weeks time, I finally decided to unistall U77 and went back to old 1.074 that works fine. That's why I never like those tacky updates.


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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 03:18
I've been running DBP 7.61 and other than the few pay and one free add on
every thing runs fine

there are lot of free additions that work like the pay stuff
a few will not work with the pay but the rest enhance what is possible

now if directx 11 and OpenGL 3 were added in
especially for windows xp which is ware my hard ware is stuck at
there was a directx 10 some one built but it locked out one 3d place
I poked into so I had to revert things back , I was it as a simple fix

I know one day I will have to replace all my hard ware and move up to windows
what ever not to say that will be a plseant move since I will more than likely
have to find fixes for my other program or keep an old computer around
so I can use the software

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 03:30
Quote: "I read this from the TGC Newsletter for January. I am very curious where they get their info since we "That same community" have been wanting DBP fixed. This is really frustrating because it says "unleash the force of DirectX to its full potential". IT CAN'T because its not updated to use DirectX 11. And DirectX 9 is outdated and slowly being phased out. So where did they get the info to post such a newsletter ? All my current games I have been playing lately all use either DirectX 11 or they use OpenGL 3.x and higher."

Skyrim uses DirectX 9.0c, as does Mass Effect 2. Yes DirectX 9 is outdated, but is very powerful still and very very widely distributed and usable compared to DirectX 10 or 11(both of which require a modern graphics card to run at all).

If DirectX 10/11 or OpenGL 3.x was added to the language, it would be just as buggy if not more and quite possibly more complex due to the radical design changes from DX9 to DX10/11(no fixed rendering pipeline for one, aka no built-in DX shadows).

It is open-sourced.
Just search for darkbasicpro on Google Code, and you can get the entire DBPro and DarkGDK source code.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 03:41
windows what ever crap has been buggy right after windows 3.1
so why should they stop now ? lol

complex is what games are made of , even in making a game is a game
how much can be added before even the fastest computer says nooo and crashes

DBP at least give most people a starting point and later
if they can crack the brains out , they can move onto the next headache
for making a game with but at least they can use the files and the tricks
they learned

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 04:38 Edited at: 7th Jan 2012 04:39
Dar13 Says ...
Quote: "If DirectX 10/11 or OpenGL 3.x was added to the language, it would be just as buggy if not more and quite possibly more complex due to the radical design changes from DX9 to DX10/11(no fixed rendering pipeline for one, aka no built-in DX shadows)."

You dont need to with the newest features that have come out for DX11 and OpenGL 4.x. They use Tessellation and other functions that I have personally played with using C++ and even seen in games like Crysis 2. Which by the way is an amazing game if you have a true DirectX 11 video card.

But as "Resourceful" just said, windows has been glitchy but its also been improving too. DirectX features and OpenGL features have also been improving for better quality games. And "Resourceful" is also correct in that DBP helps you gain a footing on game creation and if it could embrace the newest graphics APIs, then we wouldn't be complaining so much. I love the new features. But at this rate, I would be just happy if DBP would work without the current bugs that stop me from making a nice virtual world. As some have stated on a previous page, they have had to revert back to earlier versions like I did when I made my Active Terrain demo. But I am stuck because certain other functions are fixed only in the latest updates but breaks some of the other fixes. Which anyone reading this thread would know about.

So in the end, we are stuck with a peace of software we paid for but nothing to show for it unless its a cheezy 2D game. At that point you might as well use AGK. The whole purpose I wanted DBP was its ease of use to make 3D not 2D.

Some of the others on this forum whom are on my gtalk contact list also agree that once they are done with their small projects, they are leaving the TGC community because DBP is dead. There is no proof of this being wrong except that newsletter which doesn't show proof of it still being alive either.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 05:09
I have already left. I'm still watching a few choice forum threads and the newsletter just in case, but I've lost faith in TGC.
They were on the brink of success. Microsoft links directly to their website... They were building brand recognition and had a loyal customer base that was growing fast.
When their software began to fall behind tech and the customers wanted DX10/11, TGC experimented with DX10 for a while. There is an unfinished DX10 version of DBP made for FPSC. I think they decided it was more work than they were willing to do. They released this one last (Half finished) update, and began work on AGK.
That was the worst move they could have made. If they are unable or unwilling to keep their software updated, AppGameKit will have the same problem in 2 or 3 years and TGC will lose those new customers too. Without a loyal fan base, they will never be truly successful.
Somehow, their competitors have managed to keep their software updated. I'm fairly sure they all use either DX9 or DX11 now.
Although I'd prefer to stay with TGC(Hence keeping my newsletter subscription), I've moved on to their competitors pending a proper update to DBP. I know a lot of others have too because it's occasionally mentioned in the competitors boards.
It makes me sad to think that TGC can't/won't stay loyal to their loyal fan base, but I can't deny what I see happening. I don't believe that AppGameKit will have more than a brief success and then they'll try to make something else new. It will be the end of TGC and DBP will never see DX11.
I hope that I'm wrong about all of that.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 10:46
to be honest BRL has opened up the backend of the renderer allowing the community to write opengl and dx11 engines to keep the platform upto date.

Purebasic i havent had much look at ever since the 15Mb file requirement before even a line of code.

I would look at DBPro if it was cross platform, windows only is so 2000 things have moved on now theres linux and OSX taking a foothold so languages need to keep this in mind its a lesson TGC is only now learning at a heavy price.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 10:57
I must admit to getting a little annoyed with some of this whining and complaining that seems to be being generated by this thread.

It's hardly been a year since the last update, why does this mean DBP is dead?

So what if progress has slowed? It's only to be expected what with the whole crew involved in DBP also being involved in the creation of AGK.

It's quite apparent to anyone who even glimpses at AppGameKit that it's not a replacement for DBP, but a companion or perhaps a smaller sibling.

I'm sure once AppGameKit has settled down then DBP will be updated again.

Please everyone, stop with all this naysaying and just be a little more patient.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 13:46
i do agree that an update within a year is some support but dx9 isnt cutting edge anymore, if they want to move forward they should go opengl and then they have at least a base for cross platform compatibility.

As programmers we have to work around the limitations of the language but if the language isnt suitable for a purpose then fine one that is. I personally use c++ quite a lot and i dont use dbpro much these days because of its windows only limitation. Even i have the basics for a cross platform 3d engine using opengl 1.1 so its not that hard

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 15:30
=PRoF= Says ...
Quote: "I must admit to getting a little annoyed with some of this whining and complaining that seems to be being generated by this thread."

I get what your saying, but if we don't complain, they would never know. The problem is, their last update was about a year ago, but all that update did was break earlier updates. So a lot of us are complaining because we are being forced to go back to an earlier version that even it itself needs to be fixed. So technically this is over 2 years of waiting patiently. We HAVE been patient.

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Posted: 7th Jan 2012 18:08

what is "BRL" ?

I've not no interst in learning any other Programing Language
at this point or making apps for the over priced and high cost per use
iflop phone

I want to make the games I've never seen and the one's that are doo
for a major update

the connect device for the Playstation 3 gives me idea's about games
I could create for the pc that would give people more options for
bringing up the brain power that was once there but seams to be dwindeling
with people spending thousends of hours on there phones and getting
into car accidents because they do not think

to move side ways - is to move forward
Since a Strait line gets thin fast

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