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Geek Culture / [STICKY] Forum feedback and suggestions thread

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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 20:16
The Next, many, many thanks for reducing the email title however can you figure something out for [NEW POST IN] I think we all know it is a new post, I understand from a new user point of view, but I think TGC Forum should be a clue.......

Quote: "New post in: The Posting Competition"

Just say

Quote: "The Posting Competition"

Quote: "The following reply was posted by Yodaman Jer into Geek Culture to a thread you are watching:"

Just say [Also note it is subscribed now, not watching...]

Quote: "Yodaman Jer posted in Geek Culture to a thread you are subscribed to:"

I think both of the above make solid sense, however maybe people can add to this debate as per the usual
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 29th Sep 2015 22:46 Edited at: 29th Sep 2015 22:48
Quote: "A lot of the site feels too big, as a start. Excessively wasteful. Just makes for more scrolling."
I quite agree. I think the elements on the previous forum appeared quite a bit smaller (granted, it was designed back when monitor DPIs were pretty low compared to now), but that smaller feeling aired a feeling of efficiency and neatness. Now some elements are bigger and feel overwhelming (such as the boards, each thread is quite thick vertically), and as some have said, almost wasteful in a way.

Additionally, this quite bugs me:
text wraps around the edges o
f the posts on a per charac
ter, not word, basis. It's har
d to read text when it look
s like this.

I hope that's some good constructive crit!
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 00:03 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 00:05
This is just me rambling, I am have not done any CSS work in a very long time; but there are some things I think could fix some of the issues. I am probably wrong, since my 5 minute contribution is not going to be very reliable; but it's something.

Quote: "It's har
d to read text when it look
s like this. "


I think this CSS block is causing that:

.threadGroupCell {
word-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;

It is breaking all instead of just breaking words. Perhaps word-break should be the only requirement, since the documentation states that break-word will also cut down extremely long words at the end of the divider; as demonstrated here.

The next problem is the images extending beyond their parent divider; there are some instances where the images and text bleeds past the edge of the screen (which is somewhat worse than before when everything on the page did that, now only the large images and their siblings look like they are not part of the same page, so to speak) ; as shown above by Seditious's post

I have no clue why the images are extending beyond their parent, since they have 100% of their parent's size as their max-width.

My only theory is this: So the messages are stored in the DIV called "postMessage", which is the sibling of "postDetails" and "postAttachments", with the parent DIV being the one called "threadGroupRow". If the content of postMessage is set to 100%, then this will include the width of all the siblings, since the width of the DIV parent will always include the size of the children (I am sure DIVs populate themselves before resolving their bounds), unless given an absolute size setting.

I have no clue why it is so, but the solution I am seeing so far is to use width: auto instead of width: 100% for the content, and use max-width: inherit to inherit the width of the parent. The inherit option is supposed to set the width of an element to its parent, but I could be wrong, because it could perform the same thing, since the parent is still too wide to be considered as the target width.

No google search can help you as far as I can see, you'll be lucky to get it to work unless you give each sibling an appropriate proportion; thus no sibling could have 100% of the available space. (Boy do I sound like a noob)

Quote: "A lot of the site feels too big"

Quote: "with the text being far too small"

Sounds like we will need personal size settings for each account since size concern is relative to the viewer. The text size is perfect on my screen; no need to zoom in, and never has it been so comfortable to read; and yet, it looks bad on screens of the others.

thus the reason why I cannot stand web development! and any kind of multiplatform development for that matter; too many contrasting situations to attempt to perfect.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 01:14 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 01:14
The Next, I know a bit soon, but do you have an estimate or planned schedule for Board Merging, so I can plan my browser app update and release [Free App already discussed it with TGC], nothing concrete needed just say maybe 2 weeks/4 weeks from now for example...

The fact the forum now supports HTML5 Video, I will never need to implement JavaScript handling [phew] fingers crossed YouTube hops over to it... hmm I think I need to do a test...



Once again, nice work and thanks!
Dark Java Dude 64
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 03:33
Quote: "Sounds like we will need personal size settings for each account since size concern is relative to the viewer. The text size is perfect on my screen;"
Ep, not quite the text size; that seems to be fine. It's just everything else around it that seems to be way too big. I just feel like things could really be streamlined by slimming some stuff down.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 08:56
Maybe I am being a dummy, but where is the search forum feature?
It is probably the thing I use most on the site and it is nice and convenient to have it at the bottom(or the top) of the thread page or menu.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 08:58
Short body text plus a sig is hard to pick out.
I have fixed in my sig with a line, maybe it should be aligned to bottom?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 09:04 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 09:06
Geez, you work fast, The Next! The forum is much improved already! I now feel like we may end up with an excellent new forum (even if I will always like the old one better).

Good things:

- Loving the smaller, more silvery buttons on posts! So much neater than those great big blue things.
- The text size and font is, as far as I can tell, identical to the old forum. Thank goodness!
- The blue theme is a thousand times easier on the eyes than that horrible orange theme. Very glad you changed it!
- The posts themselves are, in general, very good, and aren't wanting much work. Well done; you managed to maintain the look and feel of the old forum in this area!
- Embedded YouTube videos finally embed in their correct aspect ratio!!
- Superscript nice and subscript nice!

Bad things (many are minor):

- I'm not getting email notifications for threads any more. I got ONE, but then they stopped. There seems to be no mailback option. Also I'm a bit worried that people may now post in threads I created and I'll never know because my mailback has all reset :/
- When viewing a board, the board's name is a link that goes right across the screen but does nothing. A bit weird. Worse, though, there's no way that I can see to get back to the list of boards.
- The list of threads is still too big. I.e. each thread is too tall. It's hard on the eyes and difficult to see what you're scrolling down to. Comparison image below. Notice also that the font used on the names of the threads is too thin and light. It's hard to read. Try bolding the font and making it a few points smaller. Also, the division of the thread information is very lacking. The old forum had great visual dividers.

- "Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:14 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 10:14" Err.... "Edited at"?? Why at? Looks weird is all.
- The G and P on the name of this thread (scroll to the top) are cut off. Looks weird.
- The font used for "developer forums" is very plain. Nitpicky I know, but worth mentioning.
- I REALLY like the old code boxes better! I never liked forums that forced line numbers on codeboxes. They're often used to hide text rather than as real code boxes and it annoying when that text is modified. The new ones also look too much like quotes Oh, we have options... well give us an option for plain text with no code numbers please!
- Clicking the Link button (in new posts) and then hitting cancel still puts "[href]null[/href]" in the post. Always annoyed me that cancel doesn't actually cancel. You just need to check for "null" as the return value.
- Badges are too big and are stretched. They look yuck. Plus you can no longer click on the tiny versions of the badges to go to the "what badges are available" page.
- I REALLY don't like the forced italic in signatures! I want my tiny, neat text with underlined hyperlinks back! Compare:

That's all I have for now. Tea time (dinner time for non-Australians) as well so gtg.

ALSO editing a post takes you back to the first page!! BAAD.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 09:21
On Win7 Pro and IE10 it looks like crap
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The Next
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 09:38
@Chris Tate
The word wrapping should be fixed. As for the images I will work on fixing those ASAP, do you have an example of a thread where it is broken?

Quote: "The Next, I know a bit soon, but do you have an estimate or planned schedule for Board Merging"

Next week sometime

Quote: "Maybe I am being a dummy, but where is the search forum feature?"

I have put the button back at the top, the forum search is WIP and doesn't allow filtering by board at the moment but that will return.

Quote: "Geez, you work fast, The Next! The forum is much improved already! I now feel like we may end up with an excellent new forum (even if I will always like the old one better). "

Thanks, I can't give the forum 100% of my attention as I have jobs for other TGC sites coming in all over the place, but any spare time I get I will improve things people report. I wanted to get it back to a usable state as quick as possible though. I think it is pretty solid now.

Quote: "I'm not getting email notifications for threads any more. I got ONE, but then they stopped. There seems to be no mailback option. Also I'm a bit worried that people may now post in threads I created and I'll never know because my mailback has all reset :/"

You should be getting email notifications they are working for me, if some of the data hasn't transferred and you are missing mailbacks you can now enable them at the top of the thread by clicking the "subscribe" button. If the button says "unsubscribe" you already have mailback enabled.

Quote: "When viewing a board, the board's name is a link that goes right across the screen but does nothing. A bit weird. Worse, though, there's no way that I can see to get back to the list of boards."

A CSS issue I will correct this.

Quote: "The list of threads is still too big. I.e. each thread is too tall. It's hard on the eyes and difficult to see what you're scrolling down to. Comparison image below. Notice also that the font used on the names of the threads is too thin and light. It's hard to read. Try bolding the font and making it a few points smaller. Also, the division of the thread information is very lacking. The old forum had great visual dividers."

This is my next area to work on when I get time, I have some other urgent TGC work to do today and a team call so may not make it today.

Quote: "The G and P on the name of this thread (scroll to the top) are cut off. Looks weird."

CSS issue will fix

Quote: "I REALLY like the old code boxes better! I never liked forums that forced line numbers on codeboxes. They're often used to hide text rather than as real code boxes and it annoying when that text is modified. The new ones also look too much like quotes Oh, we have options... well give us an option for plain text with no code numbers please!"

Will add this as an option, but this is low priority as other things are much more pressing

Quote: "I REALLY don't like the forced italic in signatures! I want my tiny, neat text with underlined hyperlinks back! "

Again CSS styles brought over from when the forum was ported, I will alter when I get a moment.

That doesn't look like IE10 to me, looks more like an IE9 rendering of the page. I don't have that issue on my IE10. I suggest you clear your cache to see if that fixes or update your browser to IE11
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:19
@The Next: Cache cleared, same result. It definitely is IE10. Update not possible as it is a coorporate PC. Np, I use Firefox then.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:22
Thanks 'The Next'!

That really was quick!

Much appreciated.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:33
@The Next:

Sounds great! Take as long as you need; I'm sure we all understand you have a tonne of work to do and the forum is the not the be-all and end-all. I'm just super happy that you've done as well as you have so far and have acknowledged most of my major gripes!

Also I got the feeling you hadn't really done much/anything with the thread lists. They look very much stock, so that's fine, it'll be better when you get time to edit it somewhat.

I hope TGC is paying you for all this!

Quote: "I think it is pretty solid now."

It wasn't last night, but it's pretty good now The only real bug I've found so far is the fact that editing a post takes you back to the first page of the thread if the thread has more than one page
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:34
Gee wizz you move fast! You've already removed the italics from signatures! Thanks a billion!
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 10:53
More good things:

- Yeah man! We finally get a full list of all threads we've created! Woo!
- The more I use it, the more I love how much the posts look like the old forum, but without feeling old or out of place!
- The new URL format is much nicer and easier to understand

More bad things:

- If you open a thread where the first page is more than 90 days old, we see the Locked message down the bottom and can't post. However, when you go to the last page, if it's NOT more than 90 days old you can post. Bit weird. Example thread:
- The small red Download button no longer appears on posts. The link in the post itself still works though. Example thread:
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 11:48
The Next wrote: "Next week sometime"

Super nice!

I cannot express how happy I am about HTML5 Video playback

I recall the BETA forum having Message Previews... is this still planned?

CODE block does not yet support DBPro :/ [Take Your Time!, No Rush!], can you please add C# support too [Again No Rush...]

I can totally understand having a multitude of projects thrown at you, I am in the same boat right now!
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 13:57
Site looking better still having a few issues that need fixing.

Attachments not working just browse any fpsc thread where there once was an attachment and there isn't any.

here a link to show you the attachment not there :-

Also noticed that code snippets isn't working as well.

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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 16:22 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 16:23
Quote: "Attachments not working just browse any fpsc thread where there once was an attachment and there isn't any."

Stupid me, that is what happens when you write code after having only 4 hours sleep

I was showing the attachments for the last post on each page for every post. I have fixed thanks for helping me spot that one.

Quote: "Also noticed that code snippets isn't working as well."

Again do you have an example, maybe a screenshot? I can see them just fine.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 16:23 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 16:24
Quote: "@Chris Tate
The word wrapping should be fixed. As for the images I will work on fixing those ASAP, do you have an example of a thread where it is broken?"

After a quick test it seems to only occur in Firefox. I am using version 40.0.3. It works fine in IE11 and Chrome on my Windows 8.1 machine.

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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 16:28
@Chris Tate

That looks like an issue to do with the image, I will look at fixing it for you.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 17:21 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 17:22
@The Next: Not sure if you missed what I said or not since you didn't respond:
Quote: "Bug: Editing a message sends you back to the first post in the thread rather than sending you to the post you just edited."

The same is true for posting new messages.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 17:23
TheComet, we have raised this point already...
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 19:13 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 19:14
Wow, this looks really cool! I will probably miss the old look and feel that I've grown accustomed to over this past decade, but it looks really professional and it's fast! Good job!

Thought I was demoted for about 10 minutes because all my mod stuff was gone, until I realized I had to log out then log in (thanks to those who pointed that out!)


The proper copyright needs to be put in at the bottom
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 22:46
Quote: "I just tried editing the CSS to change the 2px border to 1px and I think that a 1px border looks much better than the current 2px border.


@The Next I posted this on the previous page, I didn't see a response to it (maybe I looked over it). What do you think about 1px instead of 2px?

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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 22:48 Edited at: 30th Sep 2015 22:49
The post edit issue seems to be fixed now. It also seems that the now posts show up in a much more timely manner, which is nice.

So it seems that on the boards, each thread was 32 pixels high on the old forum, but 40 pixels high on this forum. Is it possible to bring that back down to 32? I feel that would make the boards look a lot better.

Quote: "@The Next I posted this on the previous page, I didn't see a response to it (maybe I looked over it). What do you think about 1px instead of 2px?"
I second this! I guess I am all about shrinking stuff.
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Posted: 30th Sep 2015 23:45
Hey The Next,

new forums are looking great and it will probably take a while to get it running smooth.
Good to see a working PM system which actually tells you when you have a message.

One thing I have noticed is when you first send a PM it is hard to see what you are writing because the font is black and the background is very dark grey/charcoal colour.

Also is there a way that an attachment system could be implemented onto the PM system so you could also send a file as well as a message?

Cheers and good work.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 00:17
I love than we can see posts in their entirety with images in our emails, so useful! should reduce load from the main server a little...
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 00:30 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 01:34
I also notice that badges look a bit blurry (the user's currently displayed badge). It looks as if they are being scaled up pass their normal resolution.

Edit: The also don't seem to have a transparent backdrop. So when a post is marked as new (and it's blue) I can see a white backdrop behind the badge.

Edit: I also think that the Author's name should be vertically centered in its container. Adding "vertical-align: middle;" and "margin: auto;" to ".boardGroup .boardGroupRow .boardGroupCell.thread-author" seems to do the trick

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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 02:59
Quote: "1. Words often get split between two lines - makes reading awkward at times and looks unprofessional. ["

That was one of the first things that I noticed.
Line breaks should occur in spaces, not in the middle of words.

Thanks for getting my name fixed.

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Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 03:04
The amount of work that has gone into this massive undertaking is noticed and super appreciated! The Next, you are awesome!

Apologies if I came off as rude the other day, I was running on two days of almost no sleep and and wasn't thinking about how words might read over the internet, as opposed to how I actually intended them to sound in person.

I am stunned at how each and every day there's improvements all over the place, you really are doing an excellent job. If I lived in England, and was fairly close by, I seriously would buy you some beers!

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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 03:39 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 03:46
Another thing: the arrangement of various elements at the top of board and thread pages seems a little jumbled and unbalanced to me. I have made a quick little picture here to propose a new, neater, more balanced arrangement:

Hmm, the image isn't showing up full size (could just be photobucket). The red button for the attachments was gone too; not sure if that's supposed to be back yet.

But hopefully it's still visible like that how I have rearranged the elements. This arrangement is also nice in that it saves vertical space, fitting more threads/posts on the page without scrolling. Especially handy on the board pages!
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 07:03 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 07:05
We no longer have post numbers for the PComp...

Also... Last page on the page number listing... unless the last page remains, I have not tested... EDIT last two and first two remain, NICE!

Another thing aside from still missing a colour update, Edit Reply, might be more fitting to say Update Reply... just a self preference...
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 07:18
If you are not properly logged in, the [Last Page] link brings you to the welcome screen. Kind of odd ...

In the list of posts in a forum, the double spaced lines are completely unnecessary and don't look good -- way too much unused space for the post titles.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 08:31 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 08:35
Quote: "way too much unused space for the post titles."

I am struggling to understand this one... not the first time this has been mentioned, but does anybody ever look to the right side of the screen?


If you look at Clonkex' screenshots of the old and new, there is near enough no difference, just that in the old one the text was central vertically


Perhaps the text can be made larger, as on 1080p it is slightly smallish, old forum I think was BOLD text...
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 11:24 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 11:49
Quote: "Perhaps the text can be made larger"

I have to disagree with that. I think the text size is perfect. If you want your text to be larger then press CTRL+

Forum signature banners The option not to display them has been removed from the profile page. Could we please have it back?

Mobile version When you viewed the old forum on a mobile device it simply showed the web version and we had to zoom/pan to view it. I was OK with that but I can understand why you would want a mobile specific version of the forum. However, there are some opportunities for improvement with it:

1. There is too much screen space devoted to the user name panel - almost exactly half of the screen by the looks of it - leaving very little for the actual content.

Possible suggestion:

2. Image scaling doesn't work on the mobile version

3. A lot of the info about posts is missing. No Icon for "Normal post", "Hot" or "Sticky" nor any info regarding "stats", "Author", "Latest". I can understand the reason to remove them - mobile screens are very limited but I do feel it is important to know where the sticky posts stop and the 'real' posts begin. Even if that just means different background colour for stickies?

Possible suggestion:

4. The text doesn't always fit on screen - see above screenie

Page selection drop down Finally, it's already been mentioned but I would very much welcome the return of the page selection drop down.It's quite frustrating have to click back to the main forum and then choose a page, especially with a slow connection.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 11:42 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 11:44
Quote: "The amount of work that has gone into this massive undertaking is noticed and super appreciated! The Next, you are awesome!"

+1000! You've managed to make me feel comfortable and happy with the new forum despite my being exceedingly sentimental and anti-change, so fantastic work!

Quote: "Another thing: the arrangement of various elements at the top of board and thread pages seems a little jumbled and unbalanced to me. I have made a quick little picture here to propose a new, neater, more balanced arrangement:"

I totally agree, and I very much like your suggested layout. A similar change needs to occur when you're in a thread as well. I definitely prefer the page numbers closer to the middle of the screen.

Quote: "Hmm, the image isn't showing up full size (could just be photobucket)."

No, it appears The Next has limited the size of images to... well, very small. If you're going to do that, The Next, we need to at least be able to click on images to view them at original size. From most preferred to least, here's how I vote it be done:

1) Clicking the image makes it bigger inside the webpage. I.e. it moves text out of the way and displays it exactly how it would have appeared on the old forum. [Most preferred method]
2) Clicking the image opens the image in a new tab. [Probably simplest to achieve]
3) Clicking the image opens a "full-size-view" JavaScript overlay thing on the page. [Least preferred method by far - hate these things]

Quote: "Perhaps the text can be made larger, as on 1080p it is slightly smallish, old forum I think was BOLD text..."

Yes I somewhat agree. The font should be a bit heavier, IMHO, to aid readability. Don't make it larger, just thicker.

Quote: "I am struggling to understand this one... not the first time this has been mentioned, but does anybody ever look to the right side of the screen?"

I meant vertically, not horizontally. I think tiresius did also.


I worked out one reason I still find the thread lists to be worse than before is that the stickies don't feel separated from the main threads. In the old forum, the thread images were quite distinct and unique, but the new ones are sort of soft and nondescript. This in itself isn't necessarily a problem, but the stickies definitely need to feel like their own section. Also, I believe one reason the old thread list felt easier to read was the fact that the information on the right side of the screen was visually well separated from the thread titles.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 11:45
Scraggle your image links seem to be a link to the page, not the image. Is this a quirk with Photobucket or the Forums?
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 11:50
My bad - I've fixed them now
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 11:55 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 11:56
EDIT: Post removed - redundancy

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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 13:36 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 13:40
I feel like the Mod Team badges need to be gold again. Personally I really liked the original badges (and maybe you plan on reinstating them), but even if you don't want the badges to be as flashy as they used to be I still think they'd look better in gold. Just my opinion, of course. And I have lots of those.

Oh hey, that's something I didn't think of 'til now: what are the mod tools like with the new software? As powerful, more powerful? Just curious

EDIT: Feels like smileys sit sort of below the line of text now. At least, they're lower than they used to be. Not a problem as such, just a bit weird
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 13:42
Agreed on the gold mod badges. And thanks for the complement on my layout, Clonkex! Has anyone else seen my proposed layout of elements?

Quote: "Feels like smileys sit sort of below the line of text now. At least, they're lower than they used to be. Not a problem as such, just a bit weird"
Ridin' low they be.
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 14:01 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 14:02
Quote: "I am struggling to understand this one... not the first time this has been mentioned, but does anybody ever look to the right side of the screen?"

I figured the columns on the right could be split up onto a single line. But now that you mention it I guess the old forums were similar height just centered.
Perhaps just centering the post title vertically will be enough to make it look normal again?
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 14:26 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 14:27

Thanks for all the positive comments and the great feedback so far. This was always going to be a big job, this has been a home for some people for well over a decade so it had to be done right and so far it appears to have gone well.

I am out driving all over the place today so anything I say however small won't be done for a while.

Quote: "@The Next I posted this on the previous page, I didn't see a response to it (maybe I looked over it). What do you think about 1px instead of 2px?"

I had missed that post, I will change the border and see how it looks.

Quote: "The post edit issue seems to be fixed now."

Yeh I hoped it was, good that you are also seeing that.

Quote: "Is it possible to bring that back down to 32? I feel that would make the boards look a lot better."

Will do my best

Quote: "One thing I have noticed is when you first send a PM it is hard to see what you are writing because the font is black and the background is very dark grey/charcoal colour."

Added to my list, thanks for pointing out.

Quote: "Also is there a way that an attachment system could be implemented onto the PM system so you could also send a file as well as a message?"

This is planned in the future but I have other TGC work to do before I can do that I am afraid.

Quote: "I also notice that badges look a bit blurry (the user's currently displayed badge). It looks as if they are being scaled up pass their normal resolution."

They are I will be scaling them back down again, for the GameGuru forums we support much larger images for thumbnails so it isn't too much of an issue but this forum has years of smaller badges and as such I will reduce to keep those looking nice.

Quote: " The also don't seem to have a transparent backdrop. So when a post is marked as new (and it's blue) I can see a white backdrop behind the badge."

The badges were never made with transparency I don't actually have versions without the background, if anyone does I am happy to take those as replacements, but they will need to be nice a crisp.

Quote: "Apologies if I came off as rude the other day, I was running on two days of almost no sleep and and wasn't thinking about how words might read over the internet, as opposed to how I actually intended them to sound in person. "

Nah that is fine, I know the feeling. I was bound to touch a few nerves when I start messing with the TGC forums.

Quote: "Another thing: the arrangement of various elements at the top of board and thread pages seems a little jumbled and unbalanced to me. I have made a quick little picture here to propose a new, neater, more balanced arrangement:"

The current layout isn't the desired layout it was actually just slapped together and I haven't done any CSS for that section yet. Your layout image is actually what it looks like in my head when done.

Quote: "If you are not properly logged in, the [Last Page] link brings you to the welcome screen. Kind of odd ..."

Never had that happen to me before. What browser?

Quote: "There is too much screen space devoted to the user name panel - almost exactly half of the screen by the looks of it - leaving very little for the actual content."

I know, it isn't the final layout

Quote: "2. Image scaling doesn't work on the mobile version"

I know, already on my list

Quote: "No, it appears The Next has limited the size of images to... well, very small. If you're going to do that, The Next, we need to at least be able to click on images to view them at original size. From most preferred to least, here's how I vote it be done:"

I have done this to stop the layout breaking on FireFox, it is a temp fix until I workout a fix for FireFox being different than every other browser with how it handles max-width

Quote: "Yes I somewhat agree. The font should be a bit heavier, IMHO, to aid readability. Don't make it larger, just thicker."

New font is coming

Quote: "I feel like the Mod Team badges need to be gold again. Personally I really liked the original badges (and maybe you plan on reinstating them), but even if you don't want the badges to be as flashy as they used to be I still think they'd look better in gold. Just my opinion, of course. And I have lots of those."

The old badges will be coming back but I need to recreate them with transparent backgrounds and don't have the time.


Sorry if I missed anyone, I have got to run out again now so can't reply to any more at the moment
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 21:17 Edited at: 1st Oct 2015 21:25
A few things that I don't see mentioned:
1. On my mobile I can't even use the forums (using Dolphin browse on Android)

2. After reading the newest post in a thread and using back button, the thread still displays as though it has unread posts.

3. The alignment of the "back to top"

4. All the boxes on profile page exceed bounds on Chrome
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Posted: 1st Oct 2015 23:26
Quote: "1. On my mobile I can't even use the forums (using Dolphin browse on Android)"

Not in the slightest pleased with how that image is handled, can it at least be something like 640px wide or something? way too tiny and I HATE going to external sites, too much crap on those sites...

Also, I don't think any effort to support a sub 0.1% browser is worth any effort... Why? just look at it and compare other browsers....... the fault is not with the website, but the browser...

I really hope image handling can improve as even after zooming in on that image it is TINY... perhaps enable an expand or force expand small images...

grr think that pic and the linking annoyed me
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 04:01
Quote: "3. The alignment of the "back to top""

Don't worry about that, The Next just said the layout of buttons like the page numbers is not final.

Quote: "Not in the slightest pleased with how that image is handled, can it at least be something like 640px wide or something? way too tiny and I HATE going to external sites, too much crap on those sites..."

Hey, The Next just said it's a temporary fix. Don't panic about it.

Quote: "The badges were never made with transparency I don't actually have versions without the background, if anyone does I am happy to take those as replacements, but they will need to be nice a crisp."

Quote: "The old badges will be coming back but I need to recreate them with transparent backgrounds and don't have the time."

I can do that for you if you like. Won't take me long and they'll look perfect Will do it later on today.

Quote: "I have done this to stop the layout breaking on FireFox, it is a temp fix until I workout a fix for FireFox being different than every other browser with how it handles max-width"

Don't you just hate that? Normally it's something you'd be hearing about IE, not FireFox...
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 15:10
Quote: "Don't you just hate that? Normally it's something you'd be hearing about IE, not FireFox... "


I think we need a list of things to fix and things fixed in the first post of this thread. It's already getting difficult to see whether something has already been reported. Cases in point noticed today:

1. The file upload process doesn't make it clear that you have to click Upload as well Browse to a file. I've already had to edit a post because of that. Why would you Browse to a file and select it without wanting to Upload it? Surely we should only have to click once when we've selected the file?

2. The Newest Post marker takes me straight to the first post in the thread and highlights every post in the thread - a bit weird when you can see one's own posts in the thread.

I'm using IE in case that's relevant.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 16:10
Quote: "1. The file upload process doesn't make it clear that you have to click Upload as well Browse to a file. I've already had to edit a post because of that. Why would you Browse to a file and select it without wanting to Upload it? Surely we should only have to click once when we've selected the file?"

In the old forums, the file was uploaded when you posted (+1). Then if it was an image you wanted to display, you had to copy the "Download" button link URL (-1), edit post (-1) and insert the image. That's an overall -1

With the new forum, you upload before you post as a separate process (-1). You can upload multiple files on one post (+1). You can also get the link and insert the image into your post without the multiple edit saga (+1). Overall, it's a +1
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Green Gandalf
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 20:17
Quote: "In the old forums, the file was uploaded when you posted (+1). Then if it was an image you wanted to display, you had to copy the "Download" button link URL (-1), edit post (-1) and insert the image. That's an overall -1

With the new forum, you upload before you post as a separate process (-1). You can upload multiple files on one post (+1). You can also get the link and insert the image into your post without the multiple edit saga (+1). Overall, it's a +1"

If you include your valuable explanation (+1) that's a very commendable +2 overall.

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2015 22:23 Edited at: 2nd Oct 2015 22:25
Not sure if it has already been mentioned, but I think there is an error with who made the latest post. For example, the AppGameKit Product Chat forum currently says Woodster made the latest post to the AppGameKit 2 Official Development Blog, but when you go into that thread, the latest post was by CJB. See:

(to see images at full size, right click and select "View Image"... can this be fixed too - shrink them down if you must, but make them click to fullsize?)

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