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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Just an idea.

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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 03:36
I have been lurking here and have been following this for a while. I must say, the basic concept, plot and general idea of the project really has me looking forward to what you folks will come up with.

The concept screenshots and video are all pretty good. I know that this project is still in its early stages, but I can't wait to see the end result.

Keep up the good work, folks! And best of luck to you.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 11:20
Thank Xplosys. An "open" font may be best? I tried another using just white with a black outline, a little better.
The text is more clearer now.
Also, discovered a little problem using this method. FPSC only allows for 2 smoke decals (smoke1 & smoke2)
So if you like this effect we're stuck with just two overlays, but it works great!
I tried using the "muzzelflash" but it rotates while shooting, not good.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 11:32

Is deluxe. I really like this effect.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2017 16:01
Quote: "Let me know what you think, it's just a decal. Attaches to any weapon with a "smoke" bone

That is exactly what i want!!!!!!! Great job ncmako. I agree that the font needs tweaking, but perfect. This will add such style to the game.
Can this be done with the enemy pawn weapons too? The 4 weapons i chose for the game are the Uzi, mossberg, commando, colt 45. flash light.(if needed). Do these guns have smoke bones?
Can something like this be done for a door squeak or if a pile of cars tip over?

Also, did you get that model i e-mailed you?

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 04:09
I also agree.

The decal for the gun is pretty cool and very nifty thinking. nice work!

I will start working on some city designs and pass them back for thoughts.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 12:57
@Pain Thanks
@ seppgirty
Quote: "Can this be done with the enemy pawn weapons too? "

Yes, been working on them. Here's a quick video using Vweap text overlay.
Notice how smaller weapons show better than the latter Heavy weapon. Also, note
with the sin-city effect the players eye-hud (hurt hud) is way too red now. Can be easily reduced
in the "setuplevel"

Quote: "Do these guns have smoke bones?"

No, Vweap don't have bones per say, they don't have any animation.
The muzzleflash/text is set in the characters .fpe file. You can have a different one
for each character.

Also, had a thought with characters "blood" decal when being hit or punched?
I know you wanted a comic book like effect. Also, You can have as many different
decals for this effect also...

Quote: "Also, did you get that model i e-mailed you?"

Yes, working on it right now

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 13:58
@ pain
great, i look foward to seeing your work. remember that dark city is dirty and run down.

@ ncmako
the punching decals are great. have to see if we can get those animations on to the default hands.

hopefuly by the end of the month we can set up a thread in the work in progress section.

great job everyone!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 15:33

Some Creative Stuff! I love how you think outside of the box. Nice work again. I will keep saying this also lol

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 15:44 Edited at: 13th Feb 2017 16:37
@ seppgirty Think I fix those files? Emailed them back to you. Check them.
Let me know if they work for you.

Quote: "the punching decals are great. have to see if we can get those animations on to the default hands"

No animations required. It's in the characters .fpe file.

Or do you mean the actual dual fist animations? If so I bought those from Errant AI website.

I did check on Errant AI's media license agreement, this is what it says about Team Game development...

So does that mean I can share my files if it's for this project?
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 16:44

Email Errant AI and double check with him.

If not I can purchase a couple if needed for the team.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 21:39
Great to see You Guys working so hard! Cant You post any screenshots on Your work, It wourld be nice to see what You Guys are working on...
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 22:08
I imagine, that if the protagonist is a detective, he'll have a game research system. I am working on several research systems to contribute. For which course do you plan to bring this game?
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 23:28
Quote: "Or do you mean the actual dual fist animations? If so I bought those from Errant AI website."

I have those also, but we wanted to stick with the stock hands. (Bare hands... No gloves.) We don't want the player hands changing in game.

Quote: "@ seppgirty Think I fix those files? Emailed them back to you. Check them.
Let me know if they work for you. "

I did get them. I forgot to thank you in my e-mail.... so.... thank you.

Quote: "Great to see You Guys working so hard! Cant You post any screenshots on Your work, It wourld be nice to see what You Guys are working on..."

Hope to have some at the end of the month.

Quote: "I imagine, that if the protagonist is a detective, he'll have a game research system. I am working on several research systems to contribute. For which course do you plan to bring this game?

Sorry, not sure what you mean.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 23:32
Yeah, we just keep getting wow'd by you, ncmako.
I'm struggling with the lighting for this shader. If I use red lights I get nothing. With white lights I get red but it's not consistent. I'm not sure what it's supposed to look like but it doesn't look good to me no matter what I do. Do I need to use more and smaller lights to make certain things pop?
Also, how do we make the player press F12 to see it or have we found a way around that?
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!


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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 23:42
Quote: " Do I need to use more and smaller lights to make certain things pop?"

That's what seems to work the best on my end. Have to see what the other guys think. Having some red in the models texture works well to. Just add a simple res box and see what i mean.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 23:58
Instead of lights I'm now thinking fire barrels, which should work well with the run-down theme, which can be placed more strategically. The isn't alot of red in my junkyard, but I'll see what I can do.
Right now, I have multiple lightmapper errors and glitches and the screenshot key (F11) is no longer working. I hope I don't have to reinstall.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 01:01
Hey guys. I just uploaded a character model to the over all models folder on google drive. It's called LPthug. This will be the main enemy because it is so low poly that we can put tons on the screen. Could you guys test it to see if it works correctly. It don't work right on my computer but works fine on ncmako's. Let me know if it works for you.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 01:08
@ seppgirty
Quote: " wanted to stick with the stock hands. (Bare hands... No gloves.)"

Absolutely! It's just a matter of switching textures, or getting permission to use the animation.
I email ErrantAI and asked about using his dual hands for this project. Wait and see.
But I agree, same hands through out the game

@ Xplosys Thanks, but thank the members whom worked out these effects long ago.
Quote: "Also, how do we make the player press F12"

Yeah, I've been thinking about this also. Is there any script command we could use the auto activate ReShader?
Quote: " the screenshot key (F11) is no longer working"

Are you using BlackIce V10 or 10.1? I'm using V10.1 and seems to be ok?
Sent to a PM concerning the shader...
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 03:24
@seppgirty What do you think about using the MP6 hands?
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 13:52
@ mriganka
I think for now we should stick with stock hands and weapons.
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Posted: 14th Feb 2017 22:19
@ seppgrity
Quote: "I think for now we should stick with stock hands and weapons"

I thought MP6 was part of stock stuff? Then just the weapons in "generic, scifi & ww2" are stock?
I know the "Mossberg,Uzi & Commando" are under generic folder. But when you said "jack will use dual weapons"
I thought of MP6, it has a lot of dual weapons. Do you want me to rig "dual" colt 45's ???

Also, If needed only, I did get a response back from ErrantAI, he's ok with using his stuff
for this project. Only if we need too....that's all.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 03:06
if you guys want to use mp6 hands, i'm fine with that.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 04:53 Edited at: 15th Feb 2017 05:46
@seppgirty Since in the story the mayor is corrupt, could you edit the 1st cutscene to have a part where the police commissioner tells Eddie that he would be given an award for his outstanding achievements? Also, what are the motivations of Eddie to turn the city into a warzone?

Also, since the sounds and shoot animations are short the MP6 guns have a nice gameplay (although no iron sights). And, will the DarkAI used in the game be custom?

Edit -

What music are you planning on using?

I have added a document linkung to media that can be used for the game.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 13:28
I read the story and I am not getting the transition from the prison to the city. How does the player end up out of the prison and into the city? Right now I am thinking a side door or emergency exit.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 14:00
Quote: "I read the story and I am not getting the transition from the prison to the city. How does the player end up out of the prison and into the city? "

The prison is located in the down town(Business district) of dark city. So as the inmates escape out the main gate. They end up in the city.

Quote: " Right now I am thinking a side door or emergency exit. "

Main gate, side door. It's up to the level designer.

Quote: "@seppgirty Since in the story the mayor is corrupt, could you edit the 1st cutscene to have a part where the police commissioner tells Eddie that he would be given an award for his outstanding achievements?"

Not sure why that is needed but i guess that could be done.

Quote: " Also, what are the motivations of Eddie to turn the city into a warzone?"

Because Eddie is crazy. He also wants to show how much power he has Just because he was arrested.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 15:18
I have a doubt people. I know that right now they are focusing on levels, graphics, characters and the main player.
But, they have focused on which side will go the game mechanic? Or is it just going to be a shooting game? I do not see a debate on that subject.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 18:15
Quote: "Or is it just going to be a shooting game?"

Yes, seppgirty decided it would be a simple run-and-gun. We are trying to keep this as simple as possible, since it will be the first time we try to create a game this way. It's hard enough to do long distance and in parts. If it comes together, we can go again with something more complex.
Characters. You build them a world and what do they do? They moonwalk, get stuck in the walls and fall through the floors!
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 20:24
I get it. I was thrilled with the fact that it is possible to make a more complex game on this platform, since at the moment there is no such game in fpsc x9. The pocibilities of making a more complex game exist. Even more with black ice mod.
With the little time I've been in this forum, I've seen each of you do amazing things. I myself over the years have done things that I have not seen anywhere else. I know a lot about script development, but, I do not know anything about modeling, animation or shaders.
I do not see the meaning of my contribution in this project. I'm going out.
Thank you very much for including me. Good luck to everyone with the project.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 20:58
Please stick around and keep an eye out. If we complete this one, we can try to go tot the next level and do something more complex.

Also, I really liked the work you have done already. I am sad to see you step away from the project.

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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 23:56 Edited at: 16th Feb 2017 00:04
Quote: "I do not see the meaning of my contribution in this project. I'm going out.
Thank you very much for including me. Good luck to everyone with the project."

I'm sorry to hear that but i understand. I hope you continue to follow this project. We may need your help from time to time.

@ nc mako
the screen shot of your level looks good. We'll have to get you some shipping container models for that. The boats look great in the harbor.
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Posted: 16th Feb 2017 01:44
Thanks for understanding guys Of course, if they need models or whatever, I'm here to help. Of course I will follow the post. regards
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Posted: 16th Feb 2017 05:37

MP3 has shipping containers. Are those what you are looking for?
Maybe retexture them to save time or use the stock ones in mp3?
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Posted: 16th Feb 2017 10:47
Quote: "We'll have to get you some shipping container models for that"

Yep, as Pain said there are some in MP3, just have to retexture some to get some diversity.
There are some more, but they are from the "Warlock" MP and others?
Also, for now I'll just stick with the stock weapons you mentioned
Did some test runs with your "low poly thugs" they work great. Had quite a few running
around chasing me. Anyone have anymore problems with them?
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Posted: 16th Feb 2017 23:33
Quote: "Did some test runs with your "low poly thugs" they work great. Had quite a few running
around chasing me. Anyone have anymore problems with them?"

Yes, please everyone, test the LPthug and tell me if they work.

Since they are a "FILLER" model i want them to have a low health value. Like 50 so they die easy. That way the player gets the thrill of a quick blood bath. The bikers, convicts, skin heads will have a higher health.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2017 14:29
Hey guys this weekend I will be posting some images of the city.

How is everyone else's progress?

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Posted: 17th Feb 2017 14:47
@ seppgirty I just realized, since we're using the sin-city shader I really don't need to re-texture my "containers"...
So I'll use the ones from MP#3, they are good to go. (maybe just not the red ones?)

@Pain Doing good, just have to work out the "start" to my level. Kind of "blend" it in from previous level #3.
Also since the last level #5 in set at night & rain, I figured I can slowly reduce my ambience through out till dark?

@all I've noticed also that there is a small "glitch"? with screen shots "F11" key. Seems some textures are not captured.
I am having better results with just using the "Print Screen" key.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2017 16:10
@ncmako You could try saturating the container with some being red as in Black and White the various colours have different Blackness when desaturated.
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Posted: 17th Feb 2017 22:48
Quote: "How is everyone else's progress? "

I think I found my issue. It's a screen capture program called Bandicam. How it's able to turn off the screen capture of FPSC, I don't know, but it did. It also caused multiple lock-ups and errors, especially on shutdown. I,m reloaded (not a good word around here) and getting started, but I work weekends so there's another delay. Other than that.... Great!

On a related note, I re-watched Sin City last night to refresh my memory of what the appearance should be. Please explain the procedure to get the proper shader effect, because what I'm seeing is not right. In the movie, most of the scene is black and white with an occasional red item, like a woman's lipstick, dress, etc. Is that the effect we're going for and how do I get it.

When I use white or even reddish lights, I get random areas of red. I assume I need to make certain items red in color and use... what color and intensity of light?
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Posted: 19th Feb 2017 17:15
O.K. guys, You will see in the LEVELS FOLDER i added a doc called COMMENTS FROM SEPP. I will add comments that concern that level. So check this often. Please use the LPthugFPSC model for the filler enemy. I cut his strength down to 40 so he will die faster. creating that action movie blood bath feel.

Would be nice if you guys added some screen shots in your level folder for me to see.

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Posted: 19th Feb 2017 20:27
Quote: ". I will add comments that concern that level. So check this often"

Quote: "Would be nice if you guys added some screen shots in your level folder for me to see"

yes, will do both. Working out some small bugs here and there with level so far. Every time I test run
I want to change something else I didn't noticed before. But getting there.
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Posted: 21st Feb 2017 04:57
Update on my end:

Networks went down this weekend and spent the weekend putting humpty dumpty back together again. which equals little progress before passing out infront of the screen and waking up to keyboard keys imprinted across my forehead.

I will try to make some more time tomorrow night in about 18 hours.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2017 13:56
Don't you hate when real life happens.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2017 10:59
@all I'm having some problems with the vehicles from Dark City? It seems the textures are incorrect.
Anyone else having problems with them?
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2017 13:52
@ ncmako
some times they work and sometimes they don't.I think it's because of their odd size. What we'll have to do is paste them onto a 1024 by 1024 and realign the uv's. If that's what you are talking about.

@ all
Should we take off the memory so the game runs faster on 64 bit machines?
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2017 22:32
Quote: "I think it's because of their odd size"

Yes, I saw that. It's really a weird size?
Quote: "Should we take off the memory "

Already have been.
I've been posting more pic's of my level and added some comments
for you sepp.
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2017 23:42
@ ncmako
posted in the comments doc. You're doing a great job. keep it up.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2017 16:59
Hey gents,
I am not going to have enough time to put together the City Level.

Will someone else have more time to do this? I just keep passing out/falling asleep each time I sit down and try to work on it. Too many hours at work right now.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2017 17:35
Quote: "Hey gents,
I am not going to have enough time to put together the City Level.

I understand. Also looks like mrignaka is MIA. Not sure if xplosy has been doing much lately either. Only progress i see is from ncmako. Maybe some others would like to join in? This is a community project and ALL are welcome to join in.
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Posted: 26th Feb 2017 20:11
Just added a couple of audio files to the prison level folder
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Posted: 27th Feb 2017 10:49
@ seppgirty I'm sure xplosys will show up. Also, could you make some voice sounds for me also?
I need some like "there's that dirty cop" "let him have it!" "kill him!"...ect
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