So... here is a new screen taken from the level 2.
Here are some detailed description:
1st puzzle (Completed) - Screenshot aboove
2d puzzle (Completed) - Player has to use keyboard to solve this game
3d puzzle (Completed) - Player has to use keyboard to solve this game
4th puzzle (completed)- Player has to use keyboard to solve this game
5th puzzle (In progress)- Player has to use keyboard & Mouse to solve this game
Still programming the way the camera has to move between each block.
Find that the command "set camera to follow" works fine only when coordinates are far from the "cible"...
I've to find a way to obtain the same result also when camera is near the next point.
- Have to fix the fading effect on objects when they disappear.
- Have to create the player interface
- Animation on Enigma 5 have to be rendered again.
- Text writing for the 5 enigmas
There is now 12 musics mp3 availiable for the game & 5 are used for the firts 2 levels!!!