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Geek Culture / Religion (Satanism for me) *NO PRERSONAL ATTACKS HERE*

Lord Ozzum
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 08:24
Ok, I started this in the Farenheit 9/11 thread (
This was Mouse's idea, he's the genius behind it
This is a discussion on religion.

First off, I'm a Satanist, which is just like Aethism pretty much.
We worship no God (I'll get to this in a moment), we don't make sacrifices (that's what idiots who claim to be Satanists do, the idea was originally thought out by the Spanish Inquisition, get to that a little later), we use magick, etc. Why did we choose the name Satanist then?

Many reasons:
We chose the name as a counter to Christianity.
We chose it because we practise all sins, for each one leads to gratification.
The bible says if you live for yourself, you life for Satan. We live for ourselves, so, by the bible, we are Satanists.
We practise all magickal forms if we so desire,which has been commonly associated with Satanism.

So, why are there rumors of us making Virgin Sacrifices and all of the bs?

Quote: "The popular concept of the black mass is thus: a defrocked priest stands before an altar consisting of a nude woman, her legs spread-eagled and vagina thrust open, each of her outstretched fists grasping a black candle made from the fat of unbaptized babies, and a chalice containing the urine of a prostitute (or blood) reposing on her belly. An inverted cross hangs above the altar, and triangular hosts of ergot-laden bread or black-stained turnip are methodically blessed as the priest dutifully slips them in and out of the altar-lady's labia. Then, we are told, an invocation to Satan and various demons is followed by an array of prayers and psalms chanted backwards or interspersed with obscenities . - . all performed within the confines of a "protective" pentagram drawn on the floor. If the Devil appears he is invariably in the form of a rather eager man wearing the head of a black goat upon his shoulders. Then follows a potpourri of flagellation, prayer-book burning, cunnilingus, fellatio, and general hindquarters kissing all done to a background of ribald recitations from the Holy Bible, and audible expectorations on the cross! If a baby can be slaughtered during the ritual, so much the better; for as every-one knows, this is the favorite sport of the Satanist!
If this sounds repugnant, then the success of the reports of the black mass, in keeping the devout in church, is easy to understand. No "decent" person could fail to side with the inquisitors when told of these blasphemies. The propagandists of the church did their job well, informing the public at one time or another of the heresies and heinous acts of the Pagans, Cathars, Bogomils, Templars and others who, because of their dualistic philosophies and sometimes Satanic logic, had to be eradicated.
The stories of unbaptized babies being stolen by Satanists for use in the mass were not only effective propaganda measures, but also provided a constant source of revenue for the Church, in the form of baptism fees. No Christian mother would, upon hearing of these diabolical kidnappings, refrain from getting her child properly baptized, post haste.
Another facet of man's nature was apparent in the fact that the writer or artist with lewd thoughts could exercise his most obscene predilections in the portrayal of the activities of heretics, The censor who views all pornography so that he will know what to warn others of is the modern equivalent of the medieval chronicler of the obscene deeds of the Satanists (and, of course, their modern journalistic counterparts). It is believed that the most complete library of pornography in the world is owned by the Vatican!

---The Satanic Bible

Worshippers of the devil are not Satanists. They have probably never read the Satanic Bible~_~If so, they apparently missed the parts explaining Satanism. I prefere calling them devil worshippers or Lucifereans.

Most authors claiming to have once been Satanists claim that they have attended dark rituals that you could only get into if you were invited by the high priestess. Sadly, they failed to mention our High Priest (Who has as much power, we're not sexist, we don't belive in male or female supperiority) or Antone LaVey, dubbed the Black Pope. He was the owner of the Satanic Church, but he died in 1998.

Our religion has its very own site too.

If you want some more info, add me on msn or yahoo, not on yahoo much:
If you want a copy of our bible, you can find it in any major bookstore, usually under occult or new age
If you have any questions, feel free to ask

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:01
Hmph... People worshipping something when they don't understand even what Satan is;

I would love to you to sit down an explain to me the entire given situation with Satan is?
Although I've never had a chance to checkout this particular form of the anti-christian society, from what I can gather; there is a reason why devil worshipers/lucifarians don't like you guys much.

Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:06
I have my own religion called Pinchoism, and it says that Earth is a test ground for Heaven, and that God is a word used in Heaven meaning Guardians Of Destiny. The guardians are the law, and they send you to Earth if you are bad. You are given a new identity on Earth, and this identity has to pass the test to get back into Heaven. If your new identity fails the test, then you are reborn on Earth again until you get back into Heaven with an acceptable personality.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:20
I don't believe in "god" per se, but I do believe in the "possibility" of a god. I guess by the same logic I don't believe in Satan per se, but in the possibility of a satan.

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Manticore Night
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:30
I'm an aethist. But, when I was younger me and buddy made a mock religion for a play. It was Fuffy Bunnyism. We worshiped the great Fluffy Bunny(God of all that was cute and cuddly(and who promoted drugs(for our special "needs"))). We sacrificed many a carrots at the alter, protected by a protective circle of Dog sh!t(noone would come near us).

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:30
Quote: "We chose it because we practise all sins, for each one leads to gratification."

So you pretty much kill, steal, steal other peoples' wifes and other evil deeds. Nice to know that.

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Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:43
Society has a name for people who steal and kill. They're called CRIMINALS!!! But I better leave. Since I'm Christian, and this is pretty much an anti Cristian thread. Just like Preston said, we don't want these forums to become a religious war. So, I'll keep my comments to myself if you will do the same.


(I just said cheers because everyone else does)

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 09:45
Cattlerustler I think you will find you are what is known as an Agnostic.

Quote: "I'm a Satanist, which is just like Aethism pretty much."

No it's not they are totally different. Satanists worship satan (/devils) and therefore you also have to believe in 'God' or an equivelant also just as christions believe in devils/Satan.
Atheists deny the existance of all gods.

You post is also full of contradictions regarding what you supposedly do/don't do (not that I really care).


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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:09
I'm scientific, therefore, I do not believe in god. But if somehow he does exist, I hope he doesn't banish me to live with the satan(CRAZY)ists...

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:13
Quote: "No it's not they are totally different. Satanists worship satan (/devils) and therefore you also have to believe in 'God' or an equivelant also just as christions believe in devils/Satan."

The Devil and Satan are two seperate entities. Although you can forgive most people for the general misconception;
Devil was the name given to Lucifa when he was stripped of his place in heaven and cast into hell.
Although technically Catholics invented hell, there is a pergatory place where the 'Devil' was cast to pay for his sins.

The bible iself does not speak of what Lucifa actually did, infact the *only* mention of him by name was when he was cast out. The Devil pseudonim however apparently has done many many terrible things.

The question really is *how* since he has been incarserated in Hell for the past 20 millenia (or there abouts). Ceberus guards the gates of hell and it is Satan's job to keep the in-mates all inline.
While I believe that the Fallen could escape, I don't believe that Lucifa would as it would be like someone escaping a deathrow cell; it is just too heavily guarded.

Satan is described as being a Half-Human, Half-Goat being whom glows Red from the blood of those who he has slain.
The only being who has been known throughout ALL religions to create cross-bred beasts is God, he even has 2 that sit in his court-room.
(Pheonix and Griffin)

(There are scrolls that have been found in europe which do follow on from the story of Lucifa's outcasting and the quash of the 'Rebellion' in heavan)

Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:13 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 10:15
@Zero B. : rofflmfao

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Ian T
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:24
Quote: "I'm scientific, therefore, I do not believe in god."

You might be interested to know that there is no scientific evidence which refutes a god, and there never will be-- similarly, all scientific evidence that there is a god simply depends on where you're standing. If you think that god specializes in bad movies, for example, there's a lot of evidence that he's becoming supreme these days

Woah, lotta personal attacks in this thread. Some people seriously need to chill out and accept that other people can have different views than they do (Raven, Epo). Remember guys, you don't convince anybody by attacking them...

Quote: "Ceberus guards the gates of hell and it is Satan's job to keep the in-mates all inline."

That's not in the Bible is it? Ceberus was invented by Greek mythology, he was guardian of the underworld, Hades' domain.

@ Lord Ozzum. Athiests think magic is bollocks, so you're very different from them. You sound far more like pagans/wiccans to me, except with all the 'satanist' stuff thrown in (no offense). What kind of magic do you practice? Why do you? What do you strive to accomplish with it? I'm fairly curious to see how this correlates to other "magic-practicing" religions .

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Lord Ozzum
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:46 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 10:48
Wiccans and pagans believe in gods, but I'm saying that we're similiar to Aethists enough that there's a link to the AA on our site
No, we do not worship Satan.
Spells are used to better my life. There is no difference between black and white magick, it's just that some people want an excuse. If you cast a spell to rid someone of a cold and end up giving them cancer, but no cold, that's black magick as well as white.

I cast spells to mostly benefit me and friends. I have broken Satanic code before and helped a friend (you're suppossed to let people get what they deserve, but Tiff is a great person). I occasionally cast spells to change people's minds (mostly to get girls to like me...which actually works, but not in the way that I want it too)

We condone no form of worship, as we worship nothing, so, unlike Wiccans, our forms of worship don't include orgiesNot saying all wiccans do that.
Pagans and wiccans worship gods, so we're different.

I'll explain some more when I get back home, but for now, I've gotta go out to play some pool.

Ian T
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:47
Quote: "unlike Wiccans, our forms of worship don't include orgiesNot saying all wiccans do that, but pagans and wiccans worship gods."

Woah, what's that logic-- Theists = Orgies? I wish !

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Lord Ozzum
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:49
Also, we don't use drugs. Wiccans think that you may if you want. We don't think it's good to get screwed up on drugs.

Ian T
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 10:54
Quote: "Wiccans think that you may if you want."

I'm afraid you really haven't done your research here, there's no part in any of the major wiccan 'canons' that states this and no competent practicing wiccan will tell you that there is.

I'll also note that up until, oh, the 70s, wiccan used to be synonomous with pagan. Now it's different because basically a branch of paganism has taken the word and used it to refer to their particular religion. Infact, the true origins of the world are the same as that of paganism. The big difference is, 'wiccans' in the common sense of the world generally believe that all deities are aspects of the goddess, or only worship the goddess, whereas pagans are actually polytheists (ala Hinduism).

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:01 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 11:02
Quote: "You might be interested to know that there is no scientific evidence which refutes a god, and there never will be"

The theory of human evolution count as "proof" that the bible isn't real (Well sort of, theres no proof humans evolved from monkeys. only a theory) as it denies the alleged creation of Adam and Eve.

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Dave J
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:03
Quote: "So you pretty much kill, steal, steal other peoples' wifes and other evil deeds. Nice to know that."

I was just about to point that out as well.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:04
there are lots and lots of proof that rips the bible to shreds...

But scientifically, we cannot Prove or DisProve the existance of a higher entity.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:06
Imagine there's no heaven -
It's easy if you try -
No hell below us -
Above us only sky -

Imagine all the people....

What no religion???


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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:12
Quote: "The theory of human evolution count as "proof" that the bible isn't real (Well sort of, theres no proof humans evolved from monkeys. only a theory) as it denies the alleged creation of Adam and Eve."

Yes but the bible has nothing to do with if god exists.

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Dave J
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:12
Quote: "I cast spells to mostly benefit me and friends. I have broken Satanic code before and helped a friend (you're suppossed to let people get what they deserve, but Tiff is a great person). I occasionally cast spells to change people's minds (mostly to get girls to like me...which actually works, but not in the way that I want it too)"

Yes, I just felt like quoting that.

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The Lynx
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:35
But we can disprove for the bible. You've met some big religious guys that think the human species suddenly appeared, no? They also think the Earth is only 6000 years old. I personally think religion is all bullocks (not aiming anything at anyone) and was invented by the Romans to keep their people in line. Why would god create a whole world of people to worship him and give them the mind to think for themselves and prove that all of it is not possible, and when they do he throws them into hell? What kind of sick lab experiment are we?

Why does religion bother me so much, then? Because none of it makes any sense. Nearly all of the worlds problems can be blamed on religion. You grow up having people that don't know sh*t tell you how to run your life. When you're religious, you say everyone else is wrong and you are right. Where's your proof? Some old book that wasn't written down until hundreds of years after it all happened?

I guess I'm a nihilist. Not entirely though. I believe in some things. Like umm dinosaurs and umm... the moon... (the sun isn't real though. It's a conspiracy!!)

Let's have a quick review on religion.

1. God suddenly appeared.
2. He makes stuff.
3. He makes people along with stuff.
4. He gives them free will and a mind to think for themselves.
5. When they don't believe he isn't possible, he gives them enternal hell and torture. Nice guy.
6. He has sex with Mary.
7. His son Jesus is a good guy.
8. He can walk on water and make wine, but that's pretty much it. You would expect more from the son of God, wouldn't you?
9. Instead of appearing on Earth and explaining to all the people what everything is really about, he sends his son to die on a cross.
10. Jesus is killed, and everyone goes, "Sup Jesus!" (origin of 'what's up'?)
11. A few hundred years later, God possesses some guy, and makes him write a book. This is another part that stiffs me, why didn't he use all his powers and have the book written magically?
12. Everyone takes the book seriously.
13. The book is named the "bible" a few years later.
14. Everyone that dislikes the writing style or format of the bible gets eternal hell and damnation.
15. Everyone else who doesn't believe in God is fine though, or so you would think.
16. Wars are fought and millions of people die because of religion.
17. Here we are now.
18. I end up questioning everything, in a manner close to this: "Wtf? If God has all the power in the universe why didn't he just make all the people understand, or just let people live their lives instead of screwing them over?"

God must be crazy. Again, none of this was directed at any individual, but religion as a whole. Have a nice day.
*prepares for flamnation*

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:39
Lol @ Zen I recognise that song

It's wierd because also remember hearing somewhere that according to the genome project that it worked out that there were originally 6 (think it was 6) women from which we are all descended (can't remember how long ago). All women & no men, guess that will keep the alien believers happy


The coder formerly known as Twynklet.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:53
John Lennon's song made me think too

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 11:55 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 11:59
@ The Lynx:
Nothing you have said is in the Bible. you should try reading it...

EDIT: Attitude wise, that is.

The Lynx
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:17
Yeah Jerbil, you're right. Who knows, it's almost as if I was trying to be as sarcastic and wrong as I was on purpose.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:20
Quote: "Cattlerustler I think you will find you are what is known as an Agnostic"

Yes, I knew that, but thanks.

What is the Lynx on about?

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The Lynx
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:22
I don't know

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:29
I'm pretty much in the same boat as CattleRustler. Anything is possible but nothing is 100% certain in my mind though some things get pretty close to around 99% though.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:30
you say you practise magik, have you ever succesfully cast a spell?

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 12:58
I was Christian and gave up the religion (cuz it sounded some kinda ridiculous to me)
i know you shouldn't take every word of the bible just as given... there's some interpretation needed.
But i just didn't believe in it - and i was kinda angry when i heard of the inquisition and what Christians did there.

i was for some years a pure atheist then, but 1 year ago i started Kung Fu (Shaolin) and i was very impressed in the Eastern religion.
i don't know much of it but who knows maybe i'll become a Buddhist or whatever.
I mean everything my Kung Fu master tells me sounds reliable to me and if i see what he has reached in his life (he's the happiest and both mentally and physically healthiest person i've ever met in my life), i have to say this is the right thing for me.

Well those were my 2 cents

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 13:20 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 13:26
Quote: ""I'm scientific, therefore, I do not believe in god.""

Erm, the two are not mutualy exclusive. I'm a biochemist (or soon to be once I finish my degree) and the more I learn about nature the more absurd the idea that life could come about by random chance becomes.

The theory of evolution is just that, a theory. Scientists feel they have to have an explaination for everything. Just because the theory is full of holes, has virtualy nothing but speculation backing it up and violates several LAWS of science doesn't stop them. Its all they've got so they go with it, and that's some pretty shaky ground to base your belief system on.

My favorite argument is the "So do you have something better to propose?" As if a crap theory should be believed because no one has come up with something better. Very unscientific.

As for the bible being able to be ripped to shreds, not really. Everyone says its full of holes but few people really look into anything. Most all of the supposed contradictions are either not condradictions at all, or are caused by the tranlation to english.

Also, the Bible has been ridiculously more acurate in prophesies than anything Nostrodamus ever said, but a lot more people flock to believe in the stuff he spouted off. Why? Because people want to live how they want to live. The truth is offenive in this case, it usualy is isn't it?

Believe what you want about christianity or any religion for that matter, but evolution is nothing more than a fantasy that intelligent people force themselves to believe because they want to think they have no accountability for their actions. The science doesn't back it up. Common sense doesn't back it up.

Dave J
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 13:55 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 13:56
But the 'Laws of Science' are just theories themselves, so that makes your argument void.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 13:57
So your saying some big all powerful thing made the universe and that it got horny and screwed mary? And also that the son of this all powerful guy got killed by people who used lead in their pipes? Think about it: God vs The Romans?!?!

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 13:58 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 13:59
Kain- I assume you are saying that the absence of science theories are proof for your bible 'meanings'. Does that mean the bible is based on nothing?

Edit: Lmao at manticore

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:03
I heard some losers tried to worship Microsoft, but the police declared them terrorists and George Bush invaded their house.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:13
Quote: "Kain- I assume you are saying that the absence of science theories are proof for your bible 'meanings'. Does that mean the bible is based on nothing?"

No I am not saying that at all. If you noticed, I separated my personal christian believes from my comments about evolution. I am not saying disproving evolution proves christianity.

Quote: "So your saying some big all powerful thing made the universe and that it got horny and screwed mary? And also that the son of this all powerful guy got killed by people who used lead in their pipes? Think about it: God vs The Romans?!?!"

This is the kind of argument I mentioned in my post. Disproving or mocking christianity in no way validates evolution.

Quote: "But the 'Laws of Science' are just theories themselves, so that makes your argument void."

Umm...I don't know what they are teaching in schools these days but laws are not just your regular theories. They are statements that have no known violations within their given context and which remain proven after years of scrutiny. One of the laws I am refering to is the fact that things naturaly progress from order to chaos. Also, the fact that you can't get something from nothing (which is more to do with the big bang theory than evolution I suppose)

I said "Believe what you want about christianity or any religion for that matter" for a reason. Apperently people are still having trouble separating my discussion about evolution from my personal alternative to it.

If christianity was someohow without a doubt disproven tomorrow I would still not believe in evolution because, as I said, it is a severely flawed theory. Evolution within species, of course, but not between. And even if you somehow buy that evolution is possible, that still leaves the question of where the first cell came from. That is really where the whole thing breaks down. If you like I can go into why even the most basic "proto cell" would be impossible to create by random chance...tomorrow...I'm going to bed today

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:18
Quote: "This is the kind of argument I mentioned in my post. Disproving or mocking christianity in no way validates evolution."
But I'm not trying to validate evolution, I'm trying to flame christianity. I believe that nobody is right, we're all just too stupid.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:20
I am Roman Catholic and you can not learn every thing from a bible. The Bible is just a bunch of stories from the religen of its past. Like a history book is the book that teaches the past.

Because its religen does'nt mean that it will not agree with every thing scientist says. The religen does agree with a lot of the things science says, which I Learn from ccd.

Scientist Predict the earth and uniforce was made from the big bane. but how was the big bane made. What made it happen.
They said the uniforce and planet was and life was made in 7 days, but what is a day consider for a God. There was no human days back then.

Other things that Hollywood mixes in with heaven and hell is Fire.
Hell does not have fire. It's just a place away from God and Heaven thats all. Not like you going to be torture lol.
Heaven-Perdatory-Hell are all of them not just Heaven and Hell.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:20
Oh I should also add, if you really want to know whether your believe in evolution is well grounded you should read a great book by an expert in the field: Darwin's Black Box. Its a bit science jargon heavy but it pretty much blows the theory out of the water. I've read pleanty of books on evolution and pleanty disproving it and I find the latter to be more based on scientific knowledge and the former on pure speculation.

There are pleanty of atheists that don't buy into evolution. Just because you don't want to believe in god doesn't mean you have to believe in evolution. Otherwise evolution itself is becomes just another religion. One you are forced to adopt by process of elimination.

Dave J
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:26 Edited at: 11th Jul 2004 14:27
Quote: "Umm...I don't know what they are teaching in schools these days but laws are not just your regular theories. They are statements that have no known violations within their given context and which remain proven after years of scrutiny. One of the laws I am refering to is the fact that things naturaly progress from order to chaos. Also, the fact that you can't get something from nothing (which is more to do with the big bang theory than evolution I suppose)"

Yes, they are just your regular theories, just because they haven't been disproven *yet* does not mean they're correct. Laws are just models that we go by because they're theories that have been created and seem to fit what we witness in real life. Classic example, Aristotle came up with the theory that an objects mass affects the rate at which it falls, people believed this and it was made a 'Law of Physics'. However, 1800 years later Galileo came along and proved his law wrong.

Imagine that, after 1800 years, we found out he was completely wrong. Yet people are still stuck in the mindset that we have better technology now and we can't be wrong because we're 'smarter' now. Ha. Laws of Science don't mean a thing.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:38
I am not taking either side but....
Quote: "Also, the fact that you can't get something from nothing "
If this is a "law" of science then it kinda disproves alot of things including there even being a universe. Where did it come from? It couldn't have come from nothing. And also where did the first something to make other things out of come from? I will just say in closing that we are all not intellegent enough to understand anything like this. It is at this moment in time beyond our scope of understanding and I believe this is why religions come to be. But it is this same lack of understanding that also puts the doubt of religions in us. IMO

John H
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:40
Im a Christian. Simple as that

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Guhill The friendly one
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 14:58
Quote: "But the 'Laws of Science' are just theories themselves, so that makes your argument void."

Not all of the laws are theories.

@Manticore : C'mon, don't take this as a joke. It's a serious issue just like Abortion, the death penalty, and homosexuality.

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Dave J
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 15:00
Yes they are, nothing can be 'ultimately proven'.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 15:03
Newton's laws of gravity.

this is what you look like right now. Speechless.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 15:03
Personaly I don't see why so many people have to get so big on attacking/defending their religion. I mean does it really matter? What if we are all wrong and infact very very off and all are just going to h3ll or worse there is nothing out there and all and there is basicly no point to life as it just will become nothingness in the end anyways.

I beleave there is a creator out there though if he is still exists is another question but I am forced to hope it does. Science has yet to disprove a creator and infact several times in the past has helped disprove parts of the christain bible and also help prove it. They are now fairly certain that there was a giant flood that covered atleast most of the world. And a bunch of other stuff I'm not going to waste time on typing all about.

I don't particulary like the christain religion but I think they are on the right ball in several ways. If I was catigorize my religion it would have to be simular to that of Agnostic. Though I really dont care because when it comes down to it, we wont know till we die or whatever your religion says is gonna "happen".

Just as a side note I beleave evelotion and belief if a creator can go hand in hand as to who is to say they didn't want but to watch use evolve into something better? Or what not. (Though I don't beleave in the whole monkey thing...)

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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 15:05
@Guhill The Anti Hate

Ever watched the matrix? lol

Manticore Night
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Posted: 11th Jul 2004 15:07
Come one, it IS a joke. Life's a joke, Abortion is nasty but the women make funny noises, The death penalty is an americain thing and they're pretty weird and it fun to laugh at them, homosexuality is like joke motherload, fags are the ultimate thing to make fun of.

PS. Guhill, go back to spam land.

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